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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 213 212, The angel in white saves lives and heals the wounded, punishes evil and rapes the w

“I’m afraid I’m going to disappoint you. This guy seems to be the most troublesome problem.”


Conan, who was about to speak out about his dog’s head being rubbed, was immediately confused after hearing this, unable to understand what Sano meant.

… In addition to pain and fear, Mitsuo Shirai’s eyes on the ground also contained a little bit of madness and hatred.

Yes, this is Mitsuo Shirai’s plan, the final revenge.

As an old doctor who has worked at Mihua General Hospital for more than ten years, Mitsuo Shirai certainly knows that a once-all-powerful murderer is still imprisoned in the psychiatric department.

If this guy is released, many people will undoubtedly die tonight.

Even if you let the opponent out, you will probably be killed.

But so what?

As long as this guy can be released, both that annoying mental illness and the troublesome Asai Narumi will definitely die!

There was no hope for him anyway, so he might as well die together.

Everyone dies together and perishes together, and no one can survive!

That little bitch, Asai Narumi, even “saved” herself just now?

Hey, don’t pretend to be generous here!

Fake mercy!

Just wait to die!

At the same time, before Conan could question Sano’s words in detail, the short-haired man had already changed his target to Asai Narumi who interrupted him.

The distance of more than twenty meters seemed to have been spanned by just one word, and the bloodshot eyes made people afraid to look directly.

Asai Narumi took the initiative to meet him and fought with the man for two rounds.

Then he was kicked horizontally on the blocking arm, and instantly took off and came into close contact with the wall.

…This picture seems a bit familiar.

Sano tilted his neck and replaced Asai Shigemi.

It was just that the two hammers thrown by Sano were easily dodged by the short-haired man. Instead, he was stabbed backhand by the opponent, cutting open the hospital gown on the chest.

Taking two steps back, Sano tugged at the gap in the hospital gown, a vein popped out on his forehead, and threw the Hammer of Justice to Conan: “Malgobi, you have to pay for this thing if it breaks, what the hell are you doing? Do you have money?”

How could the short-haired man communicate normally with others? He immediately rushed up to her without saying a word.

Sano’s eyes turned cold and he followed.

Leaning his body to the left to avoid the downward slash of the short knife, Sano raised his foot and stepped on the left knee of the short-haired man who was about to throw it out, forcibly stopping the opponent’s attack. At the same time, he thrust out his left fist and hit the opponent’s face.

But an attack of this level would not have much effect at all, and the short-haired man quickly followed up with the second wave of attacks.

And Sano still uses the same style of play. Even if he is crazy to block the opponent every time, he still has it engraved in his bones before the starting movement, to first resist the opponent’s key power-generating parts, so that the opponent cannot use it at all. force.

It can be regarded as completely restraining the opponent.

This style of fighting was taught to Sano by Gin.

Generally, it can only be fought when the distance between the two parties is extremely close and one of the parties has a great advantage in… flexibility.

What matters is the timing.

Of course, for veterans with rich melee combat experience, it is common for them to adopt such a fighting strategy to fight each other, but it is difficult to achieve such exaggerated effects as Sano.

Of course, Sano is just relying on cheats.

Moreover, this short-haired man is not clear-headed now. Many of his attacks are purely based on instinct, with no rules at all, and he doesn’t know how to deal with Sano’s style of play, so the effect seems particularly obvious.

Under Narumi Asai, who finally got up, and Conan’s slightly dull eyes, Sano and the short-haired man were “sticky” for nearly a minute.

During this period, all attacks from the short-haired man were either dodged or forcibly stopped.

As for why not block.

Sano is so stupid. Judging from the explosive attributes this guy showed just now, if he dares to try to block it, he will be hung on the wall in the next second like Asai Narumi before.

In addition to this, Sano also kept attacking men.

Although the distance between the two sides is too close, and Sano has too many areas to focus on, most of the attacks cannot be used at full strength, but as long as the attacks are aimed at the vital points, once the number is accumulated, there is no fear that the short-haired man will not fall.

After an uppercut followed by an elbow, the short-haired man took two steps back, his head dizzy. Sano pressed forward step by step, without giving the opponent any chance to distance himself or breathe.

It wasn’t until he beat the opponent all the way to the corner that Sano kicked the opponent to the ground, picked up the short knife on the ground, and moved back a little bit out of breath.

This guy is quite capable of carrying it.

Sano picked up the Hammer of Justice from Conan’s hand, wiped the sweat from his head, raised his chin slightly and looked down at the short-haired man: “Do you think you are good at hitting?”

Before the man could speak – even though it was impossible for him to speak – Sano continued to talk: “You know how to beat me, you are good at it. You rely on your background and power to get around!”

As he said that, Sano hit the wall next to him with a hammer: “You are here to work for me!”

Under the trembling Conan and Asai Narumi’s somewhat creepy gazes, the ward doors on both sides of the corridor creaked open, and mentally ill patients wearing hospital uniforms walked out of the dim room one after another.

“Be careful with your actions, don’t kill people.”


Dozens of mentally ill patients blocked the corridor with black clouds. After they all responded, they rushed towards the short-haired man and Mitsuo Shirai in the corner.

… Mitsuo Shirai’s current combat effectiveness is almost zero, and the man with a short head was strong, but he was beaten randomly by Sano, and he didn’t have a knife in his hand, so his combat effectiveness was naturally impossible to match that of dozens of people.

The two people were swallowed up almost instantly.

Watching this scene, Narumi Asai on the side couldn’t help but hesitated to speak, and hesitated to speak.

Asai Narimi wanted to say that in the current state of the short-haired man, he could win the battle on his own, so there was no need to make such a big fuss.

But thinking that Sano still had physical strength just now, but still chose to stop and call for help, Asai Shigemi felt that there was no need for him to do so.

…As for Conan.

It’s already numb.

There are too many elements in what happened tonight, and Conan simply doesn’t know where to start complaining.

For example, how Sano sensed something was wrong and ran out, why Asai Narimi was here, and whether Mitsuo Shirai’s injuries were caused by Asai Narimi, and how Sano’s fighting power became so strong with his bare hands, etc. wait.

Of course, the most intuitive thing is the scene in front of you.

For some reason, this image always reminds Conan of Black Death with the Black Death Gods.

…By the way, Sano seems to have only been here a few days, so why has he become the head of the psychiatric department? ?

Can’t understand.

Can’t understand.

Conan stood there in confusion.

It wasn’t until half a minute later that shouts came from behind Sano and the three of them. They turned around and saw that it was Officer Megure who had led the team there, and then they stopped.

“So tonight, brother Sano sensed something was wrong first and went out to do justice. Then Dr. Asai met him halfway and acted bravely again, but still let Mitsuo Shirai run away and even let the guy out. In the end, these patients… …Come out and do something brave?”


Seeing Sano nodding, Officer Megure silently glanced at the people sitting in the corridor, as well as the two people in the corner with bruises and swollen faces that almost didn’t send them to the hospital.

…No, this is the hospital, there is no need to send her there at all.

It’s still wrong. What’s the use of thinking about these messy things now?

Officer Megure shook his head and looked at Sano worriedly: “Brother Sano, it’s not that I’m making things difficult for you. Today’s matter was based on your confession from beginning to end.”

“We have also investigated the murder scene. Although many details are exactly the same as what you said, except for Mitsuo Shirai’s suspicion, there is no evidence to prove that he is the murderer…”

Officer Megure’s voice was not loud, but not too quiet. At least Asai Narumi, Mouri Kogoro, and Conan on both sides of Sano could hear it.

And the three of them actually understood the meaning behind Officer Megure’s words——

Sano is… mentally ill, and it is difficult for his confession to be established in court. It is also difficult for everything based on his confession to be effective.

In other words, it is difficult to convict Mitsuo Shirai, but it is possible to drag Sano, and even Asai Narumi and those mental patients into trouble.

Although the three of them, and even Officer Megure, are willing to believe Sano, the law will not change based on personal feelings and opinions. If it works, it works, and if it doesn’t, it doesn’t work.

Now, I’m afraid I’m going to be in trouble…

However, facing Officer Megure’s words, Sano looked left and right, and finally couldn’t help showing an expression of disgust.

“No, I said, although I am indeed considered mentally ill at the moment, this is not a brain disease.”

“To say the least, a madman is not a fool.”

“Since no conclusive evidence was found at that time, how could I not have known to keep evidence for myself?”

Looking at Sano’s disdainful eyes, the four people, including Officer Megure, all had bewildered eyes at the same time.


“So you left evidence???”

The four people asked in shock, making Sano’s face darken unconsciously.

Good guy, it turns out that in the eyes of these guys, I am really a fool? ?

After exhaling, Sano sent a text message to Officer Megure expressionlessly, then waved and returned to his ward.

“In addition to the bonus, don’t forget to help me apply for the money for this hospital gown. I am acting bravely for justice. You can’t let the messengers of justice feel cold.”

Several people glanced at Sano’s back, then looked at each other again, and tacitly moved closer to Officer Megure who took out his mobile phone.

Opening the message, there was a video inside. In the video, it was Eto Seungri who fell on the ground, and Shirai Mitsuo who was pulling up Eto Seungri’s body and making a stabbing gesture.

Sano actually recorded it, he was really… calm enough.

…But in this case, it can indeed be used as ironclad evidence.

Is this the time…?

Mouri Kogoro suddenly grabbed the phone, and then watched Mitsuo Shirai hiding behind the door with a wooden stick, and then “himself” also hid in the corner, and his real self limped over and entered the room…

The video ends abruptly, just right.

“What the hell, this kid actually watched me step into the murderer’s trap and get knocked unconscious!?”

Mouri Kogoro’s facial features almost twisted together and he yelled through gritted teeth.

Cold sweat broke out on Asai Narumi’s head: “Perhaps… Sano saw that Shirai Mitsuo wanted to put the blame on you, and he would definitely not kill him, so he didn’t intervene in advance.”

…Well, in fact, Asai Narimi himself doesn’t believe this.

After all, tonight’s matter could have ended immediately when Asai Naomi took action, and it was Sano who had to mess around a lot before causing the trouble later.

In this regard, Asai Narumi can only comment——

Living in Sano’s hospital is really a blessing…

“You fart, what if something happens and Mitsuo Shirai is killed? If it really happens like this, this kid just made a mistake, and I will lose my life!!”

“Besides, even if everything goes as he expected, then why do I have to take this stick if I am such a good person? If something goes wrong with my detective’s head, can this guy be responsible!?”

“I want to challenge him to a duel. I have to kill him today!!”

The outraged Mouri Kogoro even gave up on the “beautiful girl” Asai Narumi, and kept clamoring for a duel with Sano.

That is to say, Mouri Kogoro only has… well, one leg to stop Conan. Otherwise, if he really lets him run over, with the fighting power of Sano he saw tonight, I’m afraid he will have to lose his other leg. .


Conan used his peripheral vision to observe the mentally ill patients who already looked a little bad, and his head was covered with cold sweat unconsciously.

You’re absolutely sure that Sano will challenge you to a duel! ?

Except for a few people, not many people knew about Sano’s illness and hospitalization. Mainly reporters and newspapers did not dare to report it even if they got the news.

But the two cases that Sano solved after being admitted to hospital were mentioned in the newspapers.

Therefore, after Shirai Mitsuo’s incident was published in the newspapers the next day, Gin called Sano again.

…It’s not that there’s any doubt this time.

Gin just reminded Sano in a friendly way that his current situation was not good and he should keep a low profile and not do anything risky.

To put it bluntly, he dislikes Sano. Once again, he can’t help the organization, but he can do these insignificant “little things”.

It’s obvious that Toru Amuro knows more things than he does, so why do he only talk about himself?

Sano responded perfunctorily while pouting in his mind. He was so bored that he chatted with Gin for a while, and was finally hung up on by the impatient Gin after ten minutes.

As the saying goes, don’t worry about scarcity but inequality.

Gin’s treatment like this is undoubtedly unfair. Sano feels that it is necessary to regain the situation on his own, so if he meets Toru Amuro next time, he should continue to complain.

…Sano wasn’t worried about not meeting each other. For some reason, he always felt that he and Toru Amuro had a wonderful fate, and they would often meet each other when… well, they were working.

However, it was already Sano’s sixth day in the psychiatric ward, and there were only less than thirty hours left before the seven-day mission limit.

It seems like it’s time to think about discharge from the hospital.

“It’s time to take your medicine!”

On the seventh day, Sano only had about ten hours left for his hospitalization mission.

Because dinner time had passed, several nurses immediately organized the mentally ill patients to start taking medicine.

Under the supervision of the nurse, Sano stuffed the medicine into his mouth, drank some saliva, and then opened his mouth after swallowing to let the nurse know that he had actually taken the medicine.

The nurse nodded with satisfaction, then patted Sano’s head like a kindergarten teacher treating a kindergarten child, praised “Not bad, you are so obedient”, and then turned and left.

Sano looked at the nurse’s back expressionlessly, took out the capsule from his sleeve with his backhand, and threw it to Ito Taka aside.

…Nonsense, of course Sano can’t take medicine.

Putting aside whether the mental illness is real or not, even if it is real, Sano feels that there is nothing wrong with his current thinking and there is no need to mess around.

After all, it is medicine with three parts poison. Who knows if all this tormenting will end up causing some serious illness in the end.

Ito Taka caught the capsule and stuffed it into his pocket – Sano actually didn’t take medicine normally, he naturally knew about it, and even these medicines were handled by him.

Rice Flower General Hospital has a very strict attitude towards this group of mental patients, especially in terms of “treatment”.

There are prescribed times for eating, drinking and playing every day, three balanced meals a day, and even requirements for exercise. Of course, these are auxiliary treatments, and the most important thing is medicine.

Therefore, whenever it is time to take medicine, the nurse must watch the patient take medicine.

Although Sano was able to use some tricks to avoid it, if the medicine was seen randomly thrown away, it would be easy to find it by following the clues.

If that were the case, I’m afraid Sano would be pinched in the mouth and given medicine in the future.

But apart from that, the hospital also tries its best to give patients the greatest degree of freedom.

At least there is no surveillance installed to keep an eye on it 24 hours a day, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

“Master, I heard some gossip recently. Are you interested in knowing about it?”

Sano, who was thinking about how to leave here, glanced at Ito Taka absently: “Huh?”

“I heard that since some time ago, there has been a guy wearing a white coat and a rabbit mask who often does chivalry at night and has killed a lot of criminals. However, although these guys have been stabbed with many knives, they are all Not too heavy.”

Ito Taka sat cross-legged next to Sano, and his thoughts in his words were clear.

“She looks very similar to the female doctor last night.”

The timing is right, although the ability is not particularly strong, it is not bad either, especially the characteristics are right, and the motivation is needless to say.

…This is probably the method of atonement that Asai Narumi chose.

Of course, apart from Asai Narumi himself, Sano may be the only one who knows about this deeper thing.

“what do you want to say.”

Looking at Sano who didn’t show any surprise, Ito Takashi smiled: “It’s nothing, it just feels quite strange. A female doctor is actually a messenger of justice behind her back, and she also got the nickname White Death.”

Hearing this, Sano finally showed a little surprise on his face… and was speechless.

What the hell is this?

White Death? ? ?

Which idiot gave this a nickname?

Forget about the second grade, but you still have such a confrontation. Could it be that some delinquent boy got it, deliberately conflicting with his number one vest?

But let’s talk about it.

Asai Narimari is now an angel in white who saves lives and heals the wounded during the day, and punishes evil and rapes the white god of death at night.

It seems to be quite consistent.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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