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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 216 215, A threatening package for Sano (together)

Feiyingli ordered everyone to use their chopsticks, especially looking at Sano——

After all, Sano just said that he was looking forward to it.

…I have dug a hole for myself, and I want the duo to try the poison first.

Sano hesitated for two seconds.

…Fei Yingli’s words “Here comes the chicken soup” just now made Sano’s premonition even worse.

But facing Fei Yingli’s gaze, Sano finally picked up the chopsticks, took a deep breath, and took the lead in taking a bite of the rice in the bowl in front of him.

This thing is always impossible…

As soon as the rice entered his mouth, Sano spit it out again with an expressionless expression.

To be honest, Sano himself prefers to eat soft rice – the kind of soft rice in the true sense.

It’s not that Sano’s stomach is not good, it’s just that hard food always makes him feel a little hard to swallow.

Of course, if that doesn’t work, you can still eat hard food.

But Sano really couldn’t imagine how this damn rice could be cooked like Shitouzi?

It’s not like this to stuff raw food. What’s the difference between it and not cooking it? ?

However, the rice was still plump and didn’t look like it was uncooked at all.

No wonder the duo doesn’t want to eat Fei Yingli’s food so much.

This is no longer a question of whether it is difficult to eat, but a question of whether it is edible, right?

Before Fei Yingli was about to say anything, Sano instinctively picked up the soup on the side to moisten his throat and wash his mouth, and then the soup flowed out as soon as he entered his mouth.

Sano’s facial features were wrinkled together. He originally wanted to wipe it with some paper and regain some face by speaking harshly.

Unexpectedly, Sano’s stomach twitched unconsciously due to the strong taste in his mouth the next second, and then he began to retching continuously.

But because there was nothing in his stomach, all he vomited was water, and he kept vomiting, almost suffocating and fainting.

Sano’s big reaction also shocked the other four people present, that is, he forcibly stopped Mouri Kogoro from making calls.

Otherwise, I might just leave the hospital and have to go back again in the blink of an eye.

Sano’s retching lasted for nearly ten minutes, almost vomiting out his stomach. After that, he lay on the sofa to rest for more than half an hour before his complexion gradually calmed down.

… Sano could be sure that he was not suffering from food poisoning because he had never swallowed anything.

The reason why there is such a strong reaction is simply because of the… stimulation of the taste.

Sano originally thought that he had overestimated the lethality of Fei Yingli’s cooking skills as much as possible, but unexpectedly, judging from the final result, he actually underestimated it.


When it comes to dark cooking, Sano is willing to call Fei Eri the best!

Speaking of this level, if Fei Yingli doesn’t want to be a lawyer in the future, becoming a killer in her own organization might be a good way out.

With its ordinary appearance and internal ingredients without any abnormality, the enemy can eat the food without any defense, then vomit and have diarrhea and lose its combat effectiveness, and finally harvest it easily to complete the mission.

Well, that makes sense.

Sano stayed in the office all night.

At this point, the day and night passed by like nothing happened.

…Except Sano almost didn’t end up in the hospital.

However, it seemed that she was also frightened by Sano’s incident. Although Fei Yingli was a little disappointed, she didn’t insist on letting her cook anymore.

The next day, the dog knight team came to see Mao Lilan again – they claimed that they were coming to serve as personal guards, and they even had weapons such as pepper spray in their hands, which should count. It’s a weapon.

It’s just that the dog knight team didn’t know that Sano was protecting Mao Lilan around the clock, so when Zaza came to the office in a bluffing manner, he immediately transformed into an ostrich again.

In addition, Suzuki Sonoko also came to see Mao Lilan.

“Ah, senior, you are here too, have you been discharged from the hospital?”

Sano glanced at Suzuki Sonoko and joked casually: “Even these little brats knew they were going to see Xiaolan yesterday, but your best friend came quite late.”

“What are you talking about? I spent the whole night with Xiaolan in the hospital the day before yesterday.”

Suzuki Sonoko said dissatisfied: “Even the ambulance going to the hospital has mine on it.”

Hearing this, Sano raised his eyebrows and probably realized that the two best friends must have attended some kind of wedding.

That makes sense.

“Why, senior, are you blaming me for not going to the hospital to see you a few days ago?”

Suzuki Sonoko approached Sano with a smile: “Oh, I have too many banquets to attend in the past few days, so I don’t have time. Moreover, Xiaolan tells me about senior’s status every day, and I care about senior very much~ “

Listening to Suzuki Sonoko’s… Jiao Didi’s explanation, not to mention Sano, even Mao Lilan and the five members of the team, who had no memory of the two of them, shivered unconsciously and got goosebumps.

“Aren’t you just in high school? Why do you have to attend so many banquets?”

Sano asked a curious point: “Can’t you just let your sister handle it?”

Mentioning this, Suzuki Sonoko sighed and explained her family’s situation.

It turns out that Suzuki Reiko, the eldest daughter of the Suzuki family, planned to get married, and Suzuki Sonoko became the sole heir to the Suzuki Group family business.

It can almost be said to be the future pillar of the Suzuki Group.

So even though she was only in high school, Suzuki Sonoko had already started to follow her parents in various situations.

…To put it bluntly, Suzuki Sonoko is not a rich second generation at all, but the richest woman in Neon.

Although it will take a few years to transition.

As the children of the Neon First Consortium, the sisters Suzuki Sonoko and Suzuki Reiko can almost be said to have been at the top of the pyramid since they were born.

But the gifts given by God are often marked with chips.

With benefits, there are naturally responsibilities and obligations, and rights are limitations.

…Of course, this is just Suzuki Sonoko’s personal opinion. If Sano were to comment, it could only be said that… I disagree.

Perhaps what Suzuki Sonoko said is not unreasonable, but at least in terms of this price-performance ratio, Sano feels that among the billions of men, women, and children in the world, only one in 100 million people will think that this is not a piece of money.

According to Suzuki Sonoko, one of the sisters is destined to take care of the family business, and although the other one is not needed, she also has certain requirements in terms of marriage partners.

Although Suzuki Sonoko said it very cryptically, Sano still understood the meaning behind her words.

Isn’t it just a marriage?

As for the question of which of the two sisters will get married and which will continue to run the family business, it seems that the Suzukis did not intervene and let them decide on their own.

Now that it is confirmed that Suzuki Sonoko is the richest woman in the future, should I plan in advance so that I can save twenty years of hard work?

Sano touched his chin. Even if he worked hard for twenty years, he still couldn’t compare to the Suzuki Group.

Alas, the gap between workers and capitalists…

“Ding dong.”

And just when Sano was sighing secretly, someone rang the doorbell of the office. Conan ran over and took a look: “Ah, it’s an express package. It seems to be for Sano… brother.”

For yourself?

Sano raised his eyebrows when he saw Conan walking towards him with a cardboard box in his arms.

Logically speaking, regardless of who would send the express to him, even if it was sent, it should be sent to Sano’s home or the hospital.

Sano just came to the Mori Office yesterday, and there were only a few people present who knew about it, so why did he send the express delivery here?

Sano narrowed his eyes, and his intuition told him that there might be something wrong with this express delivery.

“Bring it here.”

Sano took the express and took a look. Except for the recipient, the sender’s information was completely blank.

…it looks even more problematic.

Is there a bomb inside this thing?

Sano narrowed his eyes and tore off the tape without hesitation, but what was inside was not a bomb, but… a newspaper and some photos?


Sano frowned and took out the photos and flipped through a few.

…This seems to be a crime scene. The deceased is a woman with round eyes, covered in red, and there are bloodstains everywhere in the photo.

Then there was the body of a man.

This one seemed to have been burned alive by fire, and was completely charred.

After more than a dozen photos, they were basically of these two corpses, just taken from different angles.

What does it mean?

Sano frowned, this woman seemed a bit familiar.

It seems that I have seen it somewhere.

Sano, who had no idea for a while, took out the newspaper again – the material seemed to be several years old.

The headline in the newspaper was very eye-catching – [A corporate executive killed his wife and then set himself on fire. His middle school son watched the whole process and has been sent to receive psychological treatment].

…original parents?

Seeing this…familiar title, Sano was stunned for a moment and finally came to his senses.

Isn’t that woman the original mother?

So is someone trying to intimidate me?

But why?

What’s the reason?

It just happens to be this time…

Looking further down, there is a card in the package that must have been written just now.

The scarlet font on it looks like blood that has not yet dried up – it was your cowardice that killed your parents, Shinichiro Sano, you should not continue to live! ! !

“…What’s wrong, senior?”

Seeing Sano’s frown after opening the courier, Suzuki Sonoko finally couldn’t help but ask.

After all, this is a package sent to Sano, and it is private. Of course, others cannot peek at it casually.

…If it were anyone else, Conan or the trio of real kids might still join in the fun, but facing Sano…if you don’t want to get hammered, forget it.


Sano came to his senses, threw the things in his hands back into the package, and then threw the package into the trash can.

“It’s just boring stuff, don’t worry about it.”

If he were really the original person, he might be really frightened by these things, but for Sano now.


who care?

Seeing Sano’s obviously unusual reaction, the others looked at each other, but couldn’t ask anything.

It wasn’t until night that Conan dared to sneak downstairs and dig out the packages in the trash can.

“This is……”

Seeing the newspaper and photos, Conan’s expression instantly became serious.

“Is someone threatening Sano?”

…Sano, to be precise, it was Sano’s original matter. Of course, Conan had a little knowledge of it, so he understood the intention of this package almost immediately.

As for the reason why Sano was threatened, the only reason Conan could think of was Maori Lan.

The murderer was indeed targeting Mao Lilan.

Do you think that Sano following Mao Lilan is too much of a hindrance to take action, or are you simply afraid that Sano will find out the truth and want to expel him from the matter?

Conan stood in front of the trash can and thought for a long time. Finally, he hesitated, put the photos and newspapers into his pocket, and turned to go upstairs.

However, when approaching the door of the office, Conan suddenly didn’t know how to get in.

…Of course the door is not locked without the key.

Conan just didn’t know how to face Sano.

It doesn’t matter if I didn’t know before. Now that I know what Sano will see at noon, how can Conan pretend not to know?

Anyway, Conan is now just taking the role of Sano, and such a thing is mentioned again, even put in front of him, and he is verbally threatened. Who the hell can keep calm?

…Although Sano didn’t seem to have any reaction.

But that’s just a look.

Conan has not forgotten that this girl is still ill at the moment. Will she really be fine after being stimulated by this?

Even if you think about it, it’s impossible!

Sano threw these things away without saying a word, probably because he was afraid that others would worry about them.

This guy……

Conan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. With a very heavy heart, he opened the door of the office, and then saw two guys lying on the sofa in extremely strange postures, watching the live horse racing on TV.

“Beautiful, the fast emperor successfully crossed the finish line and won the first place!!”

Along with the cheers of the commentator, Sano arrogantly kicked Mouri Kogoro, who was looking depressed at the side: “I just said that the King of Gokuai can kill explosively. If you still don’t believe it, you have to follow me. Hurry up and get 10,000 yuan.” Come!”

Conan: “…”

Fuck, why should I worry about the mental state of a guy with an abnormal brain? ?

Another night passed.

Mao Lilan’s condition seems to have returned to normal, but the memory still has not returned.

But that’s just superficial.

Not to mention the three people who are Mao Lilan’s parents and childhood sweethearts, even Sano, an outsider, can see the confusion and hesitation hidden under the surface of Mao Lilan.

Of course, the feeling of having no memory is not pleasant. Even if you face a few people who treat you well, the strange feeling will not disappear.

Therefore, in order to ease Mao Lilan’s mood, Fei Yingli said that she would take her to Ginza for shopping.

…In fact, given Mao Lilan’s current situation, running around is not the right choice.

Sano shouldn’t agree to this matter – although strictly speaking, he is not qualified to say whether he agrees or disagrees.

It’s just that two days have passed since the mission was triggered, but Mao Lilan has not been attacked in any way during this period.

This made Sano a little impatient.

There is no direction to take the initiative, maybe you can choose to lure the snake out of the hole, maybe seduce that guy out.


At the tram stop, Sano yawned, thinking this.

“What’s wrong, senior? Are you very sleepy? It’s because you didn’t sleep last night, okay?”

Mao Lilan asked.

Nonsense, who knows when that guy will suddenly attack you, if you are not careful, who can you expect to protect you.

Zuo Ye cursed: “It’s nothing, it’s just that your dad has bad sleeping habits. He snores and grinds his teeth all the time. He also talks in his sleep. He hugs me and wants to kiss me. He almost kicked me out of bed.”

Conan on the side cast a look of approval, while Mao Lilan covered her mouth and chuckled.

“But having said that, I seem to understand why the concubine’s lawyer separated from this uncle.”

As Sano’s topic was introduced, Fei Yingli, who had her hands on her chest, blinked and couldn’t help but smile: “That’s not the case. Although what you said makes sense, I’m not delicate enough to even do this. Can’t stand it.”

“What Fei Yingli means is that I am delicate.”

Sano teased something, which made Feiyingli’s eyes widen: “Hey, I didn’t say that. Don’t make me look like a big evil person.”

“Ha, just kidding, I’m just a little regretful. If Lawyer Fei left because of Detective Maori’s bad sleeping habits, then I might have a chance with my excellent sleeping habits, but it doesn’t seem like it right now.”

Sano’s words made Fei Yingli dumbfounded: “Why is your child so poor-mouthed?”

Although this girl Mao Lilan has lost her memory, her instinct as a daughter is deep in her heart. She pulled Sano nervously: “Senior, do you really have any thoughts about my… mother?”


Sano discovered that since losing her memory, this innocent girl seemed to have become more innocent, and could even be said to be close to being stupid.

How come you dare to believe anything you say?

Then why didn’t she believe him when he said it was her father?

“Okay, I haven’t talked about my partner’s thoughts yet, so relax.”

Sano said something perfunctory to Mao Lilan, and turned his eyes to Takagi Wataru a few meters away.

… In Sano’s eyes, it was inevitable that Mao Lilan would be attacked, but in the eyes of others, it was not.

Therefore, no matter how reasonable Sano’s words are, Officer Megure will not invest too much police protection in Mao Lilan.

But Sano was really depressed, why would he send two people over just for the sake of it?

If it is a twelve-hour rotation, it means that only one person can follow Mao Lilan at a time.

Sano himself doesn’t trust the abilities of these policemen very much, and now they are neither of sufficient quality nor of sufficient quantity.

As expected, you can only rely on yourself for everything.

The tram was already approaching, and the flow of people on the platform was gradually becoming crowded. Takagi Wataru happened to bump into a woman, and he subconsciously supported the woman. However, he recalled that he was holding Miwako Sato, who was covered in blood, in the bathroom. The scene, I couldn’t help but stay there.

Sano frowned slightly and tried to stand as close as possible to Mao Lilan. He didn’t know who stepped on him. He turned around and wanted to scold but couldn’t see anyone.

At this moment, a black hand from the crowd stretched out and pushed Mao Lilan on the back.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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