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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 217 216, Conan is anxious

Sano noticed something was wrong almost instantly, and when he turned around, he instinctively reached out.

At the same time, with his supernatural reaction speed and dynamic vision, Sano also saw the owner of the black hand.

Wearing a hat and mask, it was wrapped tightly, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed.

…It seems that he has learned the lesson from last time and knows how to hide his appearance.

But even though the other person was wrapped so tightly, the exposed eyes still made Sano feel a little familiar, as if he had seen them before somewhere.

Sano could have chosen to grab the black hand and carry the murderer out directly, but since Mao Lilan had been pushed, if he ignored it, he would definitely fall off the track and be crushed by the incoming tram.

Let’s not talk about the reward level between the two tasks. Let’s just say that if the murderer escapes, he can be caught again, but if Mao Lilan is dead, he really can’t be saved.

There was no need to think too much about where Sano should stretch his hand.

Sano grabbed Mao Lilan’s hand, only his eyes were still staring at the attacking guy.

And that guy obviously noticed Sano’s frightening gaze staring straight at him, and there was a little panic in his eyes unconsciously.


It was only then that Fei Yingli and Conan’s screams rang out.

Sano used his strength to pull Mao Lilan back, who was about to fall off the track.

However, due to the influence of inertia, Sano was also pulled towards the track.

Sano’s expression did not change at all. The super control brought about by the Superman effect made his balance and control reach inhuman levels.

At the moment when he was about to fall, Sano stopped himself and bounced back.

At the same moment, the tram roared past, and Mao Lilan, who was dragged back by Sano, bumped into Conan, who was about to rush to save others, while Sano himself missed the tram.

Of course, this passing by is not as easy as it sounds.

Even if the high-speed tram starts to brake and slow down when it enters the station, the impact caused by its huge mass cannot be underestimated.

So even if he just brushed… Sano instantly jumped into the air, flying several meters in mid-air, and finally knocked over a few passers-by.


Conan pushed Mao Lilan away.

If Sano and Mao Lilan were injured at the same time, maybe Conan would only visit Mao Lilan because of personal feelings.

But now Sano is the only one who is injured, and Conan also saw what happened just now.

It was Sano who saved Maori Ran who should have fallen off the track, so he was knocked away by the tram.

So now, whether from a personal or other perspective, you should care about Sano first.

Even Fei Yingli, who is Mao Lilan’s mother, has the same idea.

Even Mao Lilan, after turning her head in confusion and seeing Sano on the ground, her pupils shrank slightly, she murmured “Senior”, got up in panic and rushed over.

But before anyone could rush over to check on Sano’s condition, Sano stood up first.

It really hurts.

Feeling the shoulders that seemed to fall apart if he moved, a layer of cold sweat flowed from Sano’s head. It didn’t feel good to have brushed against the God of Death.

Even if there is resurrection armor, it is the same.

Sano’s heart was beating very fast involuntarily, making his breathing a little disordered.

Looking around, the passengers on the platform were so noisy that the original guy couldn’t be seen at all.

Tsk, do we have to keep waiting?

“Sano, are you okay!?”

Including Takagi Wataru, who finally came to his senses at the other end, Conan and the others were leaning next to Sano. They wanted to help but were afraid of hurting Sano, and if they didn’t help, they were afraid that Sano would fall down at any time.


The mobile phone in Sano’s pocket suddenly vibrated – Sano has always set the mode of his mobile phone to vibrate since Vodka heard Futo Kyosuke’s words during the last sniper mission and reported it to Gin.

Holding back the pain, Sano took out his phone and took a look. It was a text message.

This is……

Sano was stunned for a moment, and his eyes seemed to suddenly become cold and stern.

Ignoring the worries on the faces of the people around him, Sano grabbed Takagi Wataru by the collar and gave him a cold side glance: “Cheer up, if you make such a mistake again, I will kill you. understand.”

Of course, Takagi Wataru knew that what happened just now was partly due to his negligence. Now that he was glared at by Sano, he was suddenly covered in cold sweat and nodded in response.

Sano let go of Takagi Wataru, then pushed away the crowd and walked out.

“Sano, you should hurry to the hospital now. Where are you going?”

Takagi Wataru hurriedly asked, while Sano didn’t even look back: “Go to the hospital.”

“…Then let me send you there.”

Sano paused for a moment, then turned around and looked at Takagi Wataru as if he were looking at a fool: “What I just told you just went in one ear and out the other, right? You didn’t even think about it at all?”

Takagi Sheba was slightly startled, and looked at Mao Lilan aside. After realizing it, he scratched his head in embarrassment – he had to stay by Mao Lilan’s side all the time now.

Sano withdrew his gaze and continued walking out.

Mao Lilan looked at Sano’s back. In addition to worry, there was also a little confusion in his eyes.

“Mom, tell me, senior, why did he save me so recklessly? If he was just a little bit close, he would have fallen off the track.”


Fei Yingli came back to her senses and listened to her daughter’s question with hesitation on her face: “This… I’m afraid it’s not a question I can answer.”

Mao Lilan didn’t speak anymore, but still looked at the direction Sano left. Conan next to him raised his head, feeling a little lost and melancholy for no reason.

…To be honest, if Mao Lilan was faced with a crisis and Conan was asked to choose whether to trade his own life for the other’s life, he would choose yes without hesitation.

But the problem now is that Conan didn’t get the chance to choose at all.

Instead, he asked Sano to take it.

This is not to say that Sano almost lost his life trying to save Mao Lilan, and Conan still blamed others for saving him.

I just always feel…a little uncomfortable.

But having said that, this guy Sano would actually take such a risk to save others. Is it an instinctive reaction?

… Could it be that this guy is really tempted? ?

Conan’s heart tightened, and a strong sense of crisis stimulated his brain.

If this is really the case, what should I do? If there is a fight, will I have a chance of winning?

“By the way, Xiaolan, how are you feeling? Are you scared or feeling uncomfortable in any way? Do you want to go to the hospital for a checkup?”

While Conan was absent-minded, Takagi Shita and Fei Yingli next to him finally remembered that there was another patient who needed care, and asked Mao Lilan how he felt.

Conan came to his senses and stamped his feet in annoyance. He was actually one step too late!

Have to admit.

Faced with the current ambiguous situation, Conan was a little anxious.

Mihua General Hospital.

Accompanied by Kyousuke Futo, Sano took a picture and confirmed the fracture of his right shoulder, and put on a plaster and bandage.

Arrive at Futo Kyosuke’s office.

“How did you get injured? If you can’t control your behavior well and it’s easy to cause damage to yourself, I suggest you stop investigating any more cases and go back to the hospital as soon as possible.”

Seeing Kyosuke Futo giving him advice in a gentle tone, Sano lit a cigarette and said, “It’s almost time. I’ve got important clues about the murderer, and I’m just about to arrest him.”


Futo Kyosuke was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, “As expected of you.”

“By the way, I heard that Dr. Futo used to be the chief surgeon in the operating room. Because of an accident, he was transferred to the cardiology department at Miwa General Hospital, right?”

Sano’s sudden question made Futo Kyosuke’s smile stiffen, but after a moment of silence, he still nodded and admitted.


“Then which hospital did you work in before coming to Miwa General Hospital?”

“…The First Affiliated Hospital of Dongda University.”

“Oh, we are in the same hospital as Ninoho. By the way, do you know Dr. Ninoho?”


Kyosuke Futo stopped answering. He lowered his head and couldn’t see his expression clearly. It wasn’t until he was silent for a while that he raised his head and said, “If you have anything to say, you can just say it.”

Sano flicked the ashes from his cigarette and said with a smile: “If I have something to say, why don’t you say it directly?”

“I won’t talk about anything else. It’s okay to push someone secretly at the station. You don’t even dare to reveal your name when you send me a courier. You are really cowardly.”

Facing Sano’s ridicule, Fudo Kyousuke did not show any panic, but said calmly: “I don’t understand what you are talking about.”

“If you don’t understand, then say something understandable.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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