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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 22 22. This gangster is extremely cautious.

“Because they deserve to die.”

Sano muttered back casually from under his mask, then raised his head to look for maple leaf gold coins on the roof.

“Are you kidding? Even if they deserve to die, they should be punished by the law. Why do you use personal force to execute them!?”

Conan was obviously dissatisfied with Sano’s “answer” and kept shouting that he was wrong, that he shouldn’t have done this, and that he should surrender as soon as possible to seek leniency.

It’s a pity that Sano didn’t pay attention to Conan anymore.

When arguing with a child about right and wrong, it’s not like he has a brain problem.

found it.

Sano raised his gun and fired two shots at the ceiling. Even though the environment was dark, he still accurately broke the rope above, causing two bags containing maple leaf gold coins to fall to the ground.

Mission accomplished, call it a day and leave!

Sano put the touched pistol into his arms, picked up two bags of maple leaf gold coins, and prepared to evacuate.

However, Conan behind him was still shouting: “Hey, you bastard, murderer, are your goals the maple leaf gold coins? Why are you hiding? If you can, don’t run away. Untie me.” …”

“Bang bang bang bang!”

Sano suddenly turned back and raised his gun and fired continuously until all the remaining bullets in the gun were empty. Then he blew the gun smoke from the muzzle and turned around to leave.

Of course, Sano would not kill Conan casually just because he thought he was too noisy. He was just scaring him.

The few bullets just now all hit Conan’s side and hit the wall. This level of shooting can be called the strongest human body tracing master.

It’s good to have improved physical attributes. Even in his previous life, Sano couldn’t guarantee that his marksmanship would be so accurate. Well… there’s a high probability that half of it would hit Conan.

Sano’s threats also achieved remarkable results. At least Conan stopped yelling. Mitsuhiko, the only one among the other three children who did not faint, finally fainted and joined the other two children. In the team.

Well, good company is about tidy things up.

What Sano didn’t notice was that just as he stepped out of the door on this floor, due to the neon light outside the window, the two big characters “Invincible” on the back of his special attack suit were vaguely reflected. Conan’s eyes.

This is! ?

Conan came back to his senses in an instant, his brain began to work rapidly, and almost instantly he remembered the bad boy who kicked his childhood sweetheart the night before.

It’s him! ?

Sano quickly walked to the outside of the ghost building, picked up the backpack he had hidden earlier, changed clothes and went to the place where the electric donkey was parked before. After wandering around, he finally returned home.

“It’s best to throw away the shoes.”

After tidying up his tail and making sure that his butt was clean enough, Sano began to wait boredly for Gin to call.

By the way, if Gin doesn’t call for ten days, shouldn’t he have to wait for ten days until the final task expires? Both of his current tasks are linked to the organization.

Asking you how sad you can be is like waiting for Gin to not call…

Sano sighed, took out the “Job Application Form” that Gin had given him, and started working on it.

Wait a moment.

Sano suddenly raised his head again. If he deliberately didn’t answer Gin’s phone call, would he possibly arrange for that Bourbon to come over again and take the opportunity to squat on him to avenge him?

Sano shook his head, feeling that this idea was too far-fetched and finally gave up.

Anyway, Bourbon is there and won’t run away. There will be plenty of opportunities for revenge in the future.

The next day.

“Ding Lingling!”

Sano opened his eyes suddenly, crawled from the bed and ran to the phone, and answered the call.


“it’s me.”

On the other end of the phone, it was Gin’s voice, which made Sano feel a little happy. He just met last night and called the next morning. He was lucky.

“Your employment application will be sent to you later…”

Ginjiu Balala mentioned a store name, which probably meant that he would not go to Sano specifically to get the job application form. Sano could only quickly get to the point, for fear that Ginjiu would hang up the phone the next second. .

“I got the maple leaf gold coin. Should you come and get it or should I send it to you?”


On the other end of the phone, Gin was obviously silent for a while, and then asked: “Where are you.”

“Same place?”

Sano and Gin had only met twice, so they didn’t come from the same place.

But since it didn’t say it was home, it could only be another place the two of them had met, that is.

The gate of Mihua Park.

“In the evening, at twelve o’clock, go over and wait for me.”


Sano hung up the phone happily, and then remembered the address where Gin had told him to submit the employment application form before. But since they had already confirmed that they would meet in the evening, there was no need to make another trip, right?

Sano went back to bed to catch up on his sleep, not knowing at all that an unknown person named Bo Namoto would have to wait in the coffee shop all day because of him.

Then, at twelve o’clock that night.

Sano, who had put on his special attack uniform early and waited at the gate of Mihua Park, finally saw the familiar car arriving.


The car door opened, but this time, not only Gin and his guy with sunglasses got out, but also a young man with blond hair and dark skin, wearing…café work clothes.

Sano just glanced at the new face and didn’t ask any questions. He just handed two bags of maple leaf gold coins to Gin.

Gin did not move, but Vodka took the bag, opened it and took a look, then nodded to Gin and said, “No problem, brother.”


Gin nodded, looked at Sano, and praised: “Well done.”

Sano raised his eyebrows, shrugged and said, “Wonderful.”

“I heard that the three robbers were all silenced. You were more cautious than I thought. This saved your life, but what about the other brats?”

Sano glanced at Gin’s hand that had already reached into his pocket, and couldn’t help complaining in his heart. Isn’t this guy too cautious? Is he planning to silence him?

“Don’t worry, that building is very dark. No one has seen me except those three guys.”

Gin changed the question: “The three robbers were shot, right? Did you use their guns?”


“Did you take the gun with you?”

“Has been thrown into the sea with the shoes.”

“When you went and left, did you change your clothes? Did you pay attention to the cameras?”

“Change, pay attention…”

Sano scratched his head helplessly: “Don’t worry, Gin, sir, my butt is wiped clean, there will be no problem.”

Gin snorted softly: “Originally, I thought you could only provide me with some clues about the gang of robbers. Who knew you were brave enough to deal with them alone, a rookie with no experience and no veterans to follow? You let me How can I rest assured so easily?”

Seeing that Ginjiu said something rare, Sano also got a rough idea of ​​what kind of person the other person was.

The complete opposite of Dog Rider.

This ruthless bandit is extremely cautious.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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