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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 223 Chapter 222, the black mask walking in the night

[According to the self-reports of the imprisoned criminals, the black masked Superman’s eyes glowed red, he was elusive, and he was so agile that he couldn’t even hit a bullet! 】.


Countless reports include photos of criminals hanging from street lights.

And each criminal in the photo is also affixed with a card – it states the crime committed by the criminal, and the final signature is a black mask.

“That’s right, it’s that guy, the guy from the department store before.”

Conan’s face was both serious and excited: “I never found out about this guy. I thought he might have had an accident when he was working as a messenger of justice. I didn’t expect that he never stopped. I don’t know why, but my style has suddenly become so high-profile recently.”

“For five days, on average, five to ten criminals were hung on street lamps every day… Doesn’t the act of hanging street lamps have some special meaning?”

Conan touched his chin, pondered for a few seconds and then looked at Haibara Ai on the other side: “Hey, Haibara, tell me, is it possible for us to bring Black Mask over as a teammate to help us deal with that black organization? ?”

Hearing this, Haibara Ai, who was crackling at the computer, pointed his fingers, turned around, and glanced at the newspaper in front of Conan.

“I advise you not to do that.”

“Huh? Why? Black Mask is so powerful. If he is willing to help us, it will be a big help!”

Conan wondered.

“No matter how powerful he is, how many guns can he be able to defeat?”

Haiyuan Ai looked at Conan coldly: “Even if he is really like you said, he can dodge bullets and can kick the stone pillars of the building to pieces, but so what? Can he dodge machine gun bullets? Can he bomb? Can you hide?”

“Get it clear about Kudo. What we are facing is the most dangerous criminal organization in the world. Don’t involve irrelevant people. This will only harm him.”

“To be even more selfish, if this guy knows about us and accidentally leaks it, it will only increase the risk for no reason.”

Listening to Haihara Ai’s words, Conan’s expression couldn’t help but become more and more disappointed.

Because what Haihara Ai said actually makes sense.

In such a dangerous matter, if it is not a last resort, it is better not to involve others casually, especially with such personal power.

If it does not have a positive effect, it may have a negative effect.

Ah…so irritable.

Conan began to scratch his head crazily, while Haibara Ai on the side focused on a newspaper from a few days ago.

The new Tokyo Ghost Stories column.

[The cat demon under the moonlight, near Mihua General Hospital, when a girl got up in the middle of the night to water the flowers and plants, she saw a cat demon standing on the wall…].

Haibara Ai was not interested in this kind of supernatural talk, but the mention of Mihua General Hospital unconsciously reminded her of an unstable teammate.

…Of course Haibara Ai knew that Sano was forced to kill Futo Kyousuke.

For Haibara Ai personally, there is no strange barrier in his heart towards Sano because of the incident of “killing someone”.

In addition, Haibara Ai is different from others in that she does not have a deep relationship with Mao Lilan, so she will not have any special thoughts about Sano because of this.

The only thing I really care about is that Haibara Ai is a little worried that Sano’s condition will worsen because of this incident.

…Although according to Conan’s report, everything is normal in Sano.

But considering that Sano clearly had a problem earlier, but still deliberately concealed it.

Haihara Ai felt that he still needed to go over and observe it in person.

But having said that, there seemed to be quite a lot of cases related to Mihua General Hospital some time ago.

First, there was the framed murder case that almost affected Kogoro Mouri, and then there was Sano’s psychological… psychiatrist attacking the police personnel, which caused such a big fuss.

…Thanks to the fact that Sano happened to be hospitalized there, we were able to solve everything so quickly.

Should we say that Sano is the lucky star of Rice Flower General Hospital.

In addition, looking at it this way, I really have to admire that Sano’s ability is really ridiculously strong…


Hui Yuan Ai suddenly turned her head and met a pair of green eyes outside the window.

A stray cat?

Hui Yuan Ai squinted his eyes and could barely make out the black outline.

But before Haihara Ai could stand up and plan to let the stray cat in to see if it needed to be fed, he took two steps forward. The next second, the black cat quickly ran away.

…Forget it, stray cats have their own abilities, so they shouldn’t starve to death.

Sano, who entered the black cat form, shuttled through the streets and alleys, looking for tonight’s prey.

Just now, because he happened to pass by Dr. Agasa’s house, Sano planned to steal… to check the other person’s condition, so as to confirm whether what the other person told him in the hospital was just prevarication.

Unexpectedly, Dr. A Li did not see it, but instead saw the tomboy duo.

Listening to the exchange between the two just now, Conan, the troublemaker, actually has the idea of ​​​​getting his No. 3 vest to join the gang?

Hehe, you only team up with this guy if you have a brain in your head.

Among the reports in the newspapers these days, apart from Sano’s performance for the Black Mask vest, there are reports related to the “Sleeping Mouri Kogoro”.

It fully proved to Sano that even if the mission is not triggered, Conan’s plague god aura is still silently and effectively exerting its power to harm others and himself.

But since the mission has not been triggered, Sano is naturally too lazy to take care of it.

After jumping up the wall, Sano focused on two men who were following a woman furtively.

A set meal for two, lucky.

Sano swung his tail and followed quietly.

As soon as the scene turned, the woman in casual clothes had turned into the alley. The two men looked at each other, both showed lewd smiles, and quickly quickened their pace.

However, after turning into the alley, the two found that the woman had stopped and even turned around to look at them.

“You two, what’s the matter?”

“Hey, do you need to say this, little sister?”

Seeing the two people who immediately returned to their wretched looks after the accident, Asai Shimi nodded and said no more nonsense. He just took out a rabbit mask from his bag and put it on, throwing off his coat.

The white coat danced and fell, and the scalpel on his fingertips shone with cold light.

“Then, please two of you pay the price for my sins.”

Seeing Narumi Asai’s sudden change of attire, the two men were stunned for a moment, and both showed horrified looks.

“Shiro, White Death!?”

“Isn’t it possible? Isn’t this an urban legend? How could it be true!?”

Although he is not that famous because of his different ways of doing things from Sano, in the circles of these criminals, the name of Asai Narumi’s White Death is getting more and more famous.

…Although it is a bit mysterious, perhaps because of this, the deterrent effect is not small.

Therefore, after the two men recognized Asai Narumi’s identity, they almost instinctively wanted to turn around and run away.

Unfortunately, after the two turned around, they were even more horrified by the figure wearing a black tights and a motorcycle helmet.

“Hey, good evening, you three.”

Sano put one hand on his hips and waved at the three of them with the other hand.

“Black, black mask!?”

Seeing Sano, the panic on the two men’s faces suddenly became more intense.

In fact, no clear photos of either the White Death or the Black Mask have been circulated on the market.

But the characteristics of these two beings are too distinct.

The former is a scalpel in a rabbit mask in a white coat, and the latter is directly a black masked Superman.

So even people who see these two beings for the first time can tell who the other is at a glance.

Naturally, this also includes Asai Narumi.

The black mask walking in the night, a being similar to myself, unexpectedly met here…

Asai Narumi turned the scalpel, her expression and eyes could not be seen under the mask, and she did not know what she was thinking.

And Sano also didn’t expect that he would meet Naomi Asai who appeared as the White Death tonight.

…Especially the words the other party dropped after changing his clothes, it was really a bit too… secondary.

Sano was even embarrassed for Asai Narumi. Just now he almost dug out a demon castle with his toes.

Ahem, the topic is askew.

Although he had known earlier that Asai Narumi might also be doing superhero stuff behind the scenes, Sano had not thought about exploring anything.

Everyone, please atone for your sins, and I will do my job, and there won’t be any conflicts.

But tonight was a little different.

…Although there is no evidence, Sano seriously suspects that this boss is actually fishing for law enforcement, and deliberately lures these two men to the bait to… atone for himself.

And according to the past behavior style of the “White Death”, these two guys will probably get some knives on their bodies.

This conflicts with what Sano wants.

During this period of time, Sano hung criminals on street lamps like stars. It can be said that it was not only for the mission, but also to build the reputation of Black Mask.

As stated earlier.

Sano needed a flawless, superhero-like vest that he could use when needed.

Therefore, in addition to the inevitable attacks to catch criminals, any other possibility that may result in a “minor injury judgment” and cause a criminal record on the vest of Black Mask must be avoided.

So if Narimi Asai attacks these two guys now, they can no longer be used to boost Sano’s performance.

You have to let Asai Narimi let go.

“Although it’s a bit presumptuous, can you please give these two people to me?”

Sano took the initiative to ask.

Narumi Asai frowned under the mask for a few seconds, then took back the scalpel in his hand: “Okay, but accordingly, you have to owe me a favor.”

After all, Asai Shigemai is now wandering in the criminal circle, and he may encounter particularly difficult trouble at some point.

Although his life has no value in Asai Narumi’s opinion, he cannot die until his sins are redeemed.

So now that there is an opportunity to call on high-quality teammates to help temporarily at critical moments, Asai will certainly not let it go.

Be prepared.

Sano narrowed his eyes, a little surprised that Asai Narimi actually wanted to make a deal with him.

In fact, if you really want to say it, Sano does not need to make a deal with Asai Narumi.

The inquiry just now was more of a notification than a consultation.

Otherwise, if Sano wants to take these two guys away, what can Asai Narumi do?

But Sano still planned to accept the deal.

There is no other intention, just to make Asai Narumi a tool man.

This is all delivered to your door, so why don’t you want it?

As for the current situation, Sano owes the other party a favor, is there any problem?

Whether Sano will suffer a loss depends on what Kuroba Kaito thinks.

“Okay, I owe you a favor.”

Sano’s cheerful answer made Asai Narumi stunned.

Of course, the ones who were even more stunned were the two men in the middle.

What’s the matter, even though the two of them now have a white god of death in front of them and a black mask in the back, even they themselves think they are at the end of their rope.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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