Switch Mode

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 226 225, come out and reimburse the gin

Anyway, Sano took Ayumi’s position for a while. If he faced such an environment and conditions, he would probably choose to stay here and wait for the helmet man to leave.

At least the probability of survival will be much greater.

Not to mention that the man with the helmet in the wardrobe has already checked it, there will be no valuables in the child’s room, so the other party will not conduct any search.

But after all, Ayumi is just a first-grade child.

Now that she has a fever and is in danger, it is unrealistic to expect her to perform well.

Then again.

Ayumi had already taken leave and was at home, but she was still affected by Conan who was far away at school, and met a burglar.

The aura of Conan, the god of plague, is really getting stronger and stronger.

It feels like one day it will cover the whole of Tokyo, even neon.

“Ayumi, do you have something to tell me? If so, just knock once. If not, just knock twice.”

Conan’s question came from the detective badge.

Originally, when the team heard Ayumi’s alarm clock chiming, they thought she was bored and wanted to listen to them talk, but Conan was the only one who vaguely noticed something was wrong.

And because Conan also knew that Ayumi couldn’t speak, he set the communication method to him asking, and Ayumi responding yes or no to determine her situation.

In theory, this should be considered a good way to deal with it.

…But it’s only limited to theory.

Because the closet door had been opened, the detective badge in Ayumi’s hand was taken away.

Listening to Conan’s question, the helmeted man grinned, and under Ayumi’s desperate gaze, he lightly tapped the detective badge in his hand twice.

“…Look, nothing will happen.”

When Mitsuhiko’s voice came out, the helmeted man turned off the detective badge, then dragged the struggling Ayumi out and tied him up with a rope.

At this point, Ayumi successfully gave it away.

Sano, on the other hand, took advantage of the gap between the helmet and the strap to sneak out of the room and came to the living room.

Although there is still a lot of time left in the mission – it was most likely reserved for that boy Conan to save people, but Sano is no longer too lazy to wait and see.

There is no doubt that the dangerous factor is this guy in the helmet. Let’s get rid of it quickly and go get the screws. The task is heavy and time is tight, and Sano doesn’t have much free time to waste.

After releasing the black cat form, Sano immediately entered the mask form.

When the man in the helmet carried Ayumi, whose mouth was covered with tape, and walked out of the room, he found that someone else had appeared in the living room.


Sano skillfully raised his hand and said hello: “Good afternoon, Mr. Robber.”


When the helmeted man saw Sano, he suddenly became nervous: “Who are you and what do you want to do!?”


Didn’t you recognize this black mask of your own?

Sano’s brows under his helmet were raised in surprise.

But yes, although the existence of Black Mask has been a hot topic in recent days, not everyone will be staring at the newspaper.

Even if you have seen it, you may not have seen Masked Superman. Just knowing the words Black Mask, you will naturally not be able to recognize the characteristics.

Forget it, it’s a trivial matter that doesn’t affect your ability to hang the other party’s street lights.

Sano suddenly rushed out, and the helmeted man instinctively let go of Ayumi in an attempt to fight back, but…

Of course he fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

Sano glanced at Ayumi who was lying on the ground looking at him eagerly, hesitated for less than a second, chose to ignore him, and left the apartment dragging the unconscious helmeted man.

So when the other end still felt something was wrong, he dropped everything and rushed to Bumi’s house. In the meantime, he tried to call to delay the call but couldn’t get through. Conan, who was getting more and more anxious, finally arrived downstairs at Bumei’s house.

What caught Conan’s eyes was just a figure hanging on a street lamp.

……what’s the situation?

The confused Conan looked confused. After squeezing into the crowd of people gossiping and watching the show under the street lamp, he saw the black card attached to the other party.

A burglar who illegally invaded other people’s homes, damaged other people’s property, stole cash, kidnapped a young girl, and attempted murder – Black Mask.

Because Sano’s injuries have fully recovered, Gin invited him out today to do a mission together.

Well, other people’s appointments were either drinking or surfing the Internet, but Sano and the others made an appointment to do a mission.

Gin and Sano vodka, a total of three people in the team.

The purpose of Gin’s mission with Sano was not only to confirm his injury status, but also to confirm… his mental state.

“You’re going to do a mission tonight and be responsible for the reception. But there’s really nothing that requires your contribution. Just think of it as attending a banquet.”

In a bar with few customers, Sano, who had switched to a rye vest, took the document handed over by Gin, opened it and flipped through it casually.

Six o’clock, Cupido Hotel.

Memorial service?

Looking at the contents of the file, Sano narrowed his eyes. It also mentioned the code name of his teammate on this mission, which was called Pisco.

“Also, although it was just an accident, Belmode was also involved in this mission, but she will not interfere in any way out of caution.”

Hearing Gin’s reminder, Sano raised his eyebrows and asked: “Then… where is Pisco now? There’s not even a phone number on it, how can I contact him?”

“No need to contact me. Pisco doesn’t want to reveal his true identity in front of a… newcomer like you, so we say they are forming a team, but in fact they are doing their own thing.”

Gin’s answer made Sano even more confused: “Then what am I going to do?”

“It’s nothing, just treat it as a party. I will contact you again if necessary.”

Gin picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

Sano: “…”

Good guy, isn’t this mission equivalent to being given away for free?

Is it really about “brushing” performance?

Sano is not unhappy about being used as a mascot and pendant.

After all, Sano’s current needs for organizational performance are twofold.

If you have a task, you can still do it. Simply putting your name on it is equivalent to getting performance and bonuses for nothing.

Who wouldn’t want such a good thing?

But who is this Pisco, who can actually let Gin help hide his identity?

Sanoye murmured inwardly, although he also behaved similarly to this Pisco.

But even so, Sano showed up normally in front of other members. The premise of hiding his identity was that he had this ability…or it was a plug-in.

Yes, he took advantage of a loophole in the rules.

But this Pisco is completely different, it is a rule changer.

This is obviously against the rules.

Could it be that this guy is some kind of senior cadre with a special status?

…Okay, to be honest, Sano is a little mentally unbalanced right now.

Treat them differently, right?

As for the fact that Pisco didn’t want him to know his true identity, but he had to team up with him, Sano didn’t find it strange at all.

This is just like what Gin said earlier when Sano and Gin expressed that they did not want to expose their promotion to core members.

After all, we are organized people, not lone wolves, so we will inevitably encounter situations where we must form a team.

The need to form a team here does not just mean that the task is difficult and must be completed in a team. It may also be that the task is more important and two people must supervise each other to ensure that there are no problems.

Just like this mission, the reason why Sano is not required to do anything but still allows him to participate is probably because the importance of the mission is relatively high.

…Speaking of which, there was a time when all the tasks Sano received were personal actions. I don’t know if it was because the importance of the tasks was too low.

It can’t be that your trust level is too high, right?

After thinking about it, Sano asked again: “But didn’t you say you wanted me to team up with you to do the mission? Why did it become this Pisco again?”

“That’s the task for the night. Our task is to wait until the other party arrives before we start.”

Gin replied.

…Good guy, are you in such a rush?

Sano nodded, then took out a small book from his pocket and handed it to Gin: “In that case, please reimburse me first. After all, it has been delayed for so long.”

to reimburse?

Gin raised his eyebrows in surprise, then put down his glass and took Sano’s small notebook.

There is nothing good to say about the fact that all expenses incurred by the organization during the mission can be reimbursed.

Sano has been in the organization for a long time, and the number of tasks he has done so far is close to three digits, but it seems that he has never been reimbursed once.

…Gin originally thought that Sano didn’t appreciate the small amount of money and didn’t plan to repay it.

After all, it’s not like there are no members in the organization who never apply for reimbursement because they find it troublesome.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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not work with dark mode