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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 229 228, Hui Yuan Ai wants to mess up

“Hey, Pisco, I’ve already told Rye everything. He will be here later. Well, at six o’clock, there will be a memorial service at the Cupido Hotel. We need to get rid of that guy before he comes into contact with the police. It’s necessary. In this case, you can use that medicine.”

After talking nonsense on the phone for a while, Gin suddenly turned his eyes to the side, put down the phone, and pulled out a piece of hair from the middle of the car seat.

The hair is not particularly long, but it is not short either.

The most important thing is that this hair is brown.

…That fake loli really has a lot of nerves.

Zuo Ye, who was in the back row, complained.

By the way, has this guy been in contact with Conan for a long time, been infected by him, and actually followed him to seek death, and now he even dares to get in Gin’s car?


Before Vodka could ask, Gin suddenly took out another piece of… chewing gum from the other side of the car seat?

“Transmitter and bug.”

Sano narrowed his eyes and watched Gin crush the thing in one go, feeling amazed in his heart.

That Conan boy, I can only say that he is truly worthy of having the guts to install this thing on the gin car.

…But since a bug is installed, it means that that boy Conan heard what Gin just said.

Sano asked why Gin suddenly became so fond of nonsense. Could it be that under the rules of some mysterious power, he became a temporary tool to provide plot clues?

While Sano was thinking, he watched Gin throw the chewing gum out of the window, and then wiped his fingers on the vodka… Hey, I didn’t pay attention just now, maybe Gin’s hands were not all covered in Conan’s saliva.

Suddenly I felt so sick.

Sano shuddered.

“Rye, you can go to the Aido Hotel later. Vodka and I will check the car.”

When such an unexpected situation occurred, Gin immediately issued another order: “Pay attention after a while to see if Shirley is over there.”

Sano raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile: “How can you be sure that Shirley will come over? With brown hair, it doesn’t mean it must be her.”


Gin sneered: “It’s hard for others to tell, but if it’s Shirley, I can recognize it even if it turns into ashes.”

……well said.

Sano said nothing, but after Gin parked his car, he got out of the car and prepared to take a taxi to the Cupido Hotel.

At the end of the day, Gin reminded Sano to be more cautious and proceed with caution.

“Maybe that guy Shuichi Akai will show up.”

Shuichi Akai?

Sano was stunned for two seconds, and then he probably came to his senses – Haibara Ai’s way of escaping was a mystery, and Gin probably felt that someone was picking her up, and he was the most suspicious.

Of course it’s Shuichi Akai.

…but in fact it is not.

Of course, Sano wouldn’t explain anything to Gin, and he would just wave it off and leave.

Gin looked at Sano’s leaving figure. After thinking about it, he took out his cell phone and made a call.

The time came to nearly six o’clock.

Sano has arrived at the Cupido Hotel.

Considering that Conan might come over later, Sano switched to a black death vest, modified his clothes, and finally used a passerby hat to cover his appearance.

Because it was a memorial service, there were no invitations or other conditions required to enter. They were only asked to register their names and bring a handkerchief along with them.

Sano came to the corner and looked at the people in the hall casually, trying to see if he could find out the so-called Pisco and the other party’s target by intuition without any information clues.

But before these two could be found, Sano saw an… old acquaintance.

We can probably say they are old acquaintances.

Black dress, big golden waves, foreigner, exquisite facial features.

Indeed, it was the “true face” that Belmod had revealed in the previous Shenlong mission.

Although Sano is not 100% sure that it is Belmod’s true appearance, Gin also said that Belmod was accidentally involved in this mission by coincidence.

So maybe this person is really Belmod.

Of course, it is also possible that Belmode is actually someone close to this woman, so he deliberately pretends to be the other person and uses the other person as a substitute.

Sano probed a little and learned the identity of the other party.

It was America’s big star, Chrissy Wynyard. Unlike Sano, who… well, people like Sano came to commemorate spontaneously, she was invited to attend the memorial service.

The neon lights flew specially from America, making the suspicion even greater.

Why don’t you go over and test it out… huh?

Sano turned his eyes again and saw two short figures quietly entering the hall.

These two guys came as expected.

Sano breathed out secretly.

Judging from past experience, if nothing unexpected happens, that Pisco may have an accident today.

Sure enough, the next second there was another movement in the system.

[Please ensure that Miyano Shiho survives. You will receive 150 strengthening points upon completion. The remaining time of the mission is 1:29:59].

…Why is it Miyano Shiho?

Sano tilted his neck. Compared to the content of the mission, he was more surprised by the name used in the mission.

It’s understandable for Sano to ensure Haibara Ai’s survival, but Miyano Shiho…

Could it be said that Haiyuan Ai will become bigger today?

That’s right, didn’t Conan grow bigger before? Haibara Ai, as the same species, also changes in size. It doesn’t seem to be a strange thing.

However, since this task is limited to ensuring the survival of Miyano Shiho, it means that Haibara Ai must first grow bigger, and then survive until she shrinks.

This meets Sano’s mission conditions.

But Sano is still a little confused. Is Haibara Ai’s growth a fact that is bound to happen?

If it is an established fact, forget it, but if it is not, but will be affected by external factors and will inevitably happen under various conditions, then did Sano step in and distort today’s development? Will it happen again?

The system may be able to “predict the future”, but can’t the future be changed?

Sano quietly took a cocktail from the waiter passing by.

Forget it, the mission is the most important thing.

Judging from past experience, at least as long as Sano reduces his sense of existence as much as possible and does not mix anything, the “future” that will inevitably happen will most likely not change.

So now Sano just needs to wait until the conditions are met, and then directly end it, everything will be over.

When the waiter was bringing wine to the guests, but unexpectedly found that the wine on the tray was gone and was confused, Sano’s eyes were locked on Haibara Ai.

Conan was “wandering around” in the hall with Haihara Ai, but his purpose was to find Pisco and his target.

Although Conan was unable to conduct remote tracking because the installed bugs and transmitters were destroyed, the intelligence clues he heard before that could not be faked.

If you can’t catch gin rye, it would be nice to catch pisco.

The guests in this hall were all wearing black formal clothes because of the memorial service, so they couldn’t tell anything at all.

Conan frowned, not noticing that Haihara Ai behind him almost sat down on the ground in fright just because he bumped into a waitress.

The atmosphere of organization is so strong…

With this level of feeling, there may be more than one organization member in the hall.

But there are so many people here that I can’t tell which one I feel…

Haihara Ai ignored the waitress’ concern. After tightening her clothes, she followed Conan, pulling him to leave.

When Conan saw this, he immediately asked the other party in confusion what was going on.

Hui Yuan Ai pursed her lips and told her current thoughts.

It turns out that in the past few days, Haibara Ai often had dreams about being caught by gin and rye, especially in every dream, it would be a snowy day like today.

Therefore, Haihara Ai is very worried that something will happen today.

Even because the nerves were tense for a long time, Haihara Ai’s mentality began to collapse.

Human beings themselves are complex and contradictory creatures.

It’s like Haihara Ai herself wants to continue to live even though she no longer feels the meaning of survival and it is impossible to successfully revenge against the organization.

Even now it is clear that Haibara Ai can continue to linger day by day, but looking at Dr. Ali and the team members who she gets along with every day, she feels in her heart that she is dragging down innocent people.

“If I had known this, I might as well have died at the hands of the organization.”

Haiyuan sighed.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Hui Yuan Ai just wants to be ruined and doesn’t want to live anymore.

Looking at the negative Haibara Ai, Conan felt that he needed to calm down his teammates. After thinking for two seconds, he thoughtfully took off his glasses and put them on for the other party.

“Well, if you do this, they won’t be able to recognize you.”

Hui Yuan Ai touched the glasses and couldn’t help laughing angrily: “Do you think these are Superman’s glasses? No one will be able to recognize them when you put them on?”

“Almost, I’m like Superman.”

Conan pretended to be relaxed and said, then clapped his hands again: “By the way, why don’t we call Sano and ask him to come over and help.”

…This guy can actually think of looking for his teammates?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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