Switch Mode

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 231 230, looks quite ugly, but thinks quite beautiful

But now that Gin has asked Sano to silence Pisco…

Then the risk factor should be other people.

Gin or Belmode?

It can’t really be Pisco.

If Sano had eliminated this risk factor before Miyano Shiho appeared, would the mission have been completed?

…Wait a minute, there seems to be something wrong with Gin’s request in the silence order for Pisco.

Can’t make too much noise before Gin arrives.

Gin, who wasn’t actually planning to come over at first, came to Abedo Hotel because Haibara Ai… It should be said that Miyano Shiho or Shirley would most likely come over as well.

But now that Councilor Tonguchi is dead, looking at it from Gin’s point of view – even if Miyano Shiho did come to Abedo Hotel, he would probably have left by now.

Then why does Gin come here?

Don’t give up, don’t want to give up a little bit of hope?

Not likely.

Not being allowed to make any noise meant that Gin came here because he had something important to do and didn’t want to be interfered with.

There was only one answer that Sano could come up with, and that was – Pisco had already reported the capture of Haibara Ai, or Shirley, to Gin.

That’s why Gin came to the Cupido Hotel under such circumstances.

And looking at it this way, the risk factor is indeed Gin.

That’s right, after all, this is the villain’s mini-boss that directly caused Conan to become smaller, and indirectly caused Haibara Ai to become smaller.

After rubbing his fingers together, Sano seemed to have sorted out his thoughts and chose to temporarily withdraw from Haibara Ai.

Anyway, Gin hasn’t arrived yet, and there is still some time left in the mission deadline. The most important thing is that Haibara Ai has not turned into Miyano Shiho, so there is no need to worry.

Go ahead and do what you can.

However, when he arrived at the door of the Cupido Hotel, Sano discovered that Pisco had been stopped by the police.

In addition to Pisco, six other people, including Belmode, were also stopped.

…Probably the work of that Conan guy.

I don’t know what clues this thing found.

But for Sano, this is both a good thing and a bad thing.

The good thing is that it saves Sano having to waste energy looking for someone.

The bad thing is that under such conditions, it is not convenient for Sano to do it.

Although Gin also said that if it is not possible, you can not silence him for the time being and handle it yourself when he arrives. But if that is the case, the achievements of this silence mission may not be attributed to Sano.

Sano thought for two seconds, switched back to his original vest, modified his clothes, took off his passerby hat, and walked towards Officer Megure.


Noticing Sano, Officer Megure was startled for a moment, then overjoyed: “Oh, brother Sano, you are actually here too. This is really great.”

“Where is the best place?”

Sano asked instinctively.


Officer Megure choked up. Fortunately, Sano’s appearance meant that he could get off work as soon as possible… Well, no, this troublesome case should be solved as soon as possible.

After all, Tunkou Shigehiko is a member of the parliament, and with the recent bribery scandal, the public is extremely concerned about it. Now that he is dead, it will naturally be a big trouble if the truth cannot be found out.

…But this statement that the police cannot solve the problem and needs to ask detectives to help is just a secret. How could it be said openly?

As a member of the police, Officer Megure still needs to be ashamed.

After coughing, Officer Megure took Sano aside to whisper.

But Sano’s peripheral vision stayed on Pisco and Belmode.

Those two people also noticed Sano.

But for some reason, after seeing Sano, Pisco actually showed an expression as if he had seen a ghost, and even Belmode’s expression looked unusually wrong.

what’s the situation.

Have these two people seen themselves?

It shouldn’t be. It seems that I have never appeared in front of Belmode with the main body armor, let alone Pisco outside.

There are no photos of Sano in any current newspaper reports related to Sano.

…Just now, Officer Megure called “Brother Sano” when he saw Sano. For those who are well-informed, it is not surprising to guess that he is Shinichiro Sano.

But there’s no need to make such a fuss just because you know your true identity, right?

Sano came back to his senses, looked at Officer Megure who was explaining the situation nonchalantly but didn’t know what he was talking about, and lit a cigarette.

“No nonsense, he was the one who killed Councilor Tunkou.”

With Sano’s unabashed voice and his finger pointing at Pisco, everyone present could not help but be stunned.

Pisco himself was dumbfounded when Sano pointed at him.

What the hell, how did you get exposed? ? ?

“The guy dyed the light chain with something with a luminous effect. It will glow when the lights are turned off. So he only needs to guide Tunkou under the light and then shoot, and he will be sure to kill Tunkou.”

Sano explained the situation before Officer Megure wanted to say anything: “If you don’t believe it, you can search his body. The pistol should not be disposed of yet.”

“Wait, wait a minute!”

Pisco was so shocked that the cigarette he was holding dropped to the ground, but he still pretended to be calm: “This is a society governed by the rule of law. I have my personal rights. How could I be searched just by this kid’s words?” This is a violation of my privacy!”


Officer Megure also looked at Sano with some embarrassment.

What Pisco said does make sense…although this truth is based on a foundation.

That is Pisco’s true identity, the president of a large company.

This is just like how the police didn’t dare to pinch all the guests’ faces on Suzuki Sonoko’s ship to find the Kaito Kid.

Officer Megure also did not dare to search the guests attending the memorial service.

Otherwise, Conan could have asked Officer Megure to search him from the beginning. Whoever has a gun on him is Pisco, so there is no way he can make a mistake.

I just ignored this…

After reacting, Sano didn’t care. He just took out his phone and opened a photo in his mailbox.

“Then this thing is finally ready.”

Officer Memu looked at it intently. In the photo, in a dim environment, Pisco was holding a pistol in one hand and aiming at the light above.

“…Brother Sano, where did you get this?”

“A reporter took a photo of it, so I asked for it.”

Sano took back his phone. He didn’t lie. This photo was indeed taken by a reporter in the hall.

…But it wasn’t Sano who discovered this on his own, but Gin told him.

It’s just that the brightness of this photo was so low that even the reporter himself couldn’t immediately spot Pisco’s figure in the corner, so he couldn’t tell the police directly.

And this is the biggest reason why Gin asked Sano to silence Pisco.

Because this guy has been exposed and cannot be kept any longer.

…Although in Sano’s view, even if it has been exposed, it is not impossible to continue to use it.

Maybe… Gin has been unhappy with the other party for a long time?

No matter what, you can do whatever the boss tells you to do. You are the only worker who has to deal with so many things.

“In that case.”

Officer Megure looked at Pisco with a serious face: “Catch him and search him!”



Although he didn’t see what Sano saw to Officer Megure, the other party’s sudden change in tough attitude didn’t make Pisco understand that there was probably irrefutable evidence for his assassination of Councilor Tonguchi?

In panic, Pisco pulled out his pistol and tried to struggle, but unfortunately, Sano was faster and caught him. He immediately disarmed him and threw him over his shoulder. With a flick of his hand, the Hammer of Justice fell into his hand and gave the opponent A click on the back of the head.

Pisco groaned, rolled his eyes, and immediately lost consciousness.

Belmode’s eyes moved slightly when he saw this, but he still did not choose to intervene.

Not to mention the same thing but different things when Pisco was arrested, just because it was likely to affect him, Belmod should have taken action.

But luckily, Pisco happened to be knocked unconscious.

This also means that Belmod’s identity will not be exposed for the time being and is safe.

Taking action now would expose his identity, and waiting until later to rescue or silence Pisco would be the most correct option.

Belmod turned his attention to Sano again.

…And this guy, he discovered Pisco’s method right away, and he didn’t even know where to find any irrefutable evidence. His ability is simply terrifying.


Noticing Belmod’s gaze, Sano also looked at him.

After looking at each other for two seconds, Sano raised his eyebrows coldly and asked: “Why, do you want your phone number? I’m sorry, you are not my type.”

Belmode: “…?”

What the hell? ?

“Okay, I’ll leave the rest to you.”

Before Belmode could react, Sano waved goodbye to Officer Megure, and when he left, he was still muttering: “Being handsome is really troublesome these days. Everyone wants to take advantage of me. I’m pretty ugly, so I guess.” It’s quite beautiful.”


…Although Sano was mumbling, his voice was not too quiet. At least the policemen and several suspects at the door could hear him clearly.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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not work with dark mode