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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 232 231, Ah~ Gin

So everyone’s eyes subconsciously moved to Belmod, with strange and embarrassing eyes.

This brat…

The corners of Belmod’s mouth twitched, her neck started to turn red, and a vein popped out on her forehead. Ever since she was a child, no one had ever said she was… ugly!

And who’s trying to figure him out?

Although he is indeed a bit handsome, he is not so handsome that he needs to post it himself, right? ?

“…Does this big star understand Japanese?”

Officer Megure asked as he tugged at the…former suspect next to him.

“Um… I guess you don’t understand, right?”

Hearing the voices of the two people, Belmode finally remembered his personality, and finally suppressed the anger in his heart, pretending to be nonchalant.

On the other side, Sano, who was hiding in the corner, watched as Officer Mu Mu escorted the unconscious Pisco to the car, then switched back to the rye vest and returned to the room where Haibara Ai was.


Listening to the muffled roar through a door, Sano raised his eyebrows. What’s going on? Could it be that Gin has already arrived and started to torture?


There was a vibrating sound from the phone. Sano took it out and saw that it was Gin.

“I’m at the parking lot of the Aipido Hotel. Are you still at the Aipido Hotel? Have you dealt with the Pisco? If not, forget it. I’ll deal with it later.”

“…It hasn’t been processed yet. It’s gone. Pisco was taken away by the police. I’m following him.”

Sano, who had opened a little distance from the door, casually said, “It turns out that Gin hasn’t arrived yet, so what the hell is Haibara Ai talking about?”

But listening to the voice, this fake loli seems to be still in loli state and has not changed back to Miyano Shiho.

Then you have to keep waiting?

Looking at the task time limit of less than ten minutes left, Sano’s brows furrowed more and more tightly. This was a rhythm that was going to get stuck.

On the other side, Gin was a little confused when he heard Sano’s answer.

What the hell is Pisco being taken away by the police? ?

…Forget it, since Sano is following him, there will definitely be no problem in silencing him. Pisco was taken away, but the police force was lured away to avoid trouble.

Thinking of the time when Pisco contacted him and said he had caught Shirley, Gin’s pace unconsciously began to speed up, and his impatient mood made his mind less calm.

“Contact me anytime if you have any questions. I have other things to do.”

Gin hung up the phone, and Sano turned and left after thinking for a while.

Now Sano is basically 100% sure that the dangerous factor that threatens Miyano Shiho is Gin.

This is actually no different to Sano. If I have to say it… what has been laid out for so long can finally be put to use.

…It’s exciting just thinking about it, hehe.

Inside the house, Hui Yuan Ai was lying on the ground and twisted into a maggot.

After being captured by Pisco and gradually regaining consciousness, Haihara Ai quickly clarified the situation. Because the other party did not tie her up, she took the opportunity to copy the information in the other party’s computer and communicate with Conan through her glasses. .

Then under Conan’s command, Haihara Ai found a bottle of foreign wine called Lao Baigan and drank it down.

Then, Hui Yuan Ai felt a sharp pain in her body, which became stronger.

…cold and fever, coupled with Laobaigan, can actually temporarily relieve the effect of APTX4869?

Although Conan also said that he tried this method again after getting bigger for the first time, but it failed. He probably developed something like resistance…

Haibara Ai, technically speaking, Miyano Shiho touched her hot forehead. It was obvious that her situation was critical, but it seemed that she was still thinking wildly because of the fever.

Coming to the fireplace nearby, Miyano Shiho squinted his eyes. This was currently the only exit to the outside world except for the locked door.

If it was the previous body, maybe it wouldn’t work, but if it was now, it would.



Miyano Shiho suddenly turned to look at the door, and the faint sound of footsteps made her back feel cold.

It’s the smell of organization.

Is Pisco back?

Without any time to think, Miyano Shiho got into the fireplace, and then the door opened and the gin and vodka duo walked in.

“No one, brother.”

Vodka glanced down and asked doubtfully: “Didn’t Pisco say he put Shirley here?”

Gin didn’t respond, just glanced at the fireplace and sneered: “That guy can’t be trusted, so retreat first.”


Vodka couldn’t understand how Gin’s attitude towards this matter could change so quickly, but he still strictly followed Ma Zai’s basic rules, responded and followed the other person away.

Listening to the footsteps gradually disappearing and the sound of the door being closed, Miyano Shiho, who was leaning on the wall of the fireplace with his limbs, let out a sigh of relief.

I was fooled for the time being…

However, the danger has not been eliminated yet. Gin may have deliberately arranged the situation. He still cannot go through the main entrance, so he might as well climb up from the fireplace.

Miyano Shiho raised his head and unexpectedly met a pair of green eyes.


Looking at Miyano Shiho who was so frightened by him that he almost fell down, Sano couldn’t help but be speechless.

Because the current situation was too uncertain, Sano could not intervene casually, so he temporarily entered the black cat state, and based on the structure of the hotel, prepared to sneak in through the chimney of the fireplace… It should be called a chimney.

Unexpectedly, he would bump into Miyano Shiho.

But Sano also heard the movement outside the fireplace just now.

Would Gin really leave like this?

Sano took a look at the mission and saw that it probably wouldn’t be possible.

Now the end of the mission time limit is getting closer and closer. If nothing unexpected happens, when Miyano Shiho leaves the chimney, it will be the key point of the mission.

Before Miyano Shiho could react, Sano used his four claws and quickly climbed out of the chimney.

After climbing out of the chimney first, Sano’s eyes immediately locked onto the two figures at the rooftop stairs.


Gin is planning to wait here.

Oh, you can do it when you are down below, but you still insist on running up top. When did this guy become so mean-spirited?

Where did the clean and tidy way of doing things in the past go, without fear of accidents?

Sano curled up his lips. Although he was here, even if Gin was as clean as ever, accidents were inevitable.

“Dong dong dong!”

Miyano Shiho opened the lid of the chimney. The cold air and the snow falling on her skin finally made her brain become slightly clearer.

“Ha, I didn’t expect that I actually escaped alive.”

Miyano Shiho murmured, not noticing that the other end of the gun was already pointed at her.

“No way, two grown men bullying a defenseless girl, why do they need to conduct a sneak attack?”

“No way, right?”

The sudden mocking sound startled the three people on the rooftop.

Then the three of them turned their heads and looked at the source of the sound almost simultaneously.

What caught his eye was a black figure standing above the entrance to the rooftop.

Although it was already nighttime and it was impossible to see the other party clearly at first glance, but against the contrast of the falling snowflakes, the black outline looked… very distinct.

“Ah~ Gin.”

“I’m going to miss you so much.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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