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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 239 238, Gin’s face-changing speed

It saves me the effort of wiping Sano’s butt again.

But apart from this, another problem that troubled Amuro Tohru was still unresolved.

This is the guy who called himself Black Death and brought Black Death to cause trouble last night. Who is he?

Although Sano said that he had abandoned the Black Death’s group of tool men, he did not know who the second-generation Black Death who inherited his name was.

The leader of an organization that brings together all the bad boys in Tokyo is troublesome or troublesome, depending on the other party.

Compared with Sano, the original first-generation Black Death, the second-generation Black Death is obviously not inferior in strength.

…Even judging from last night’s performance, it may be even stronger.

Moreover, the second-generation Black Death is more dangerous and radical than Sano in terms of thoughts and behavior, otherwise he would not have caused such a big thing as soon as he took office.

The most critical thing is that Toru Amuro doesn’t know the identity of the other party.

Originally, when Sano was still a Black Death, if any problems arose from the Black Death, Toru Amuro could correct and control the situation in time.

But now…

That won’t work.

It’s really troublesome.

After letting out a long sigh in his heart, Toru Amuro looked at Sano again, pretending to be unintentional and asked: “By the way, your illness…is it okay to be discharged from the hospital?”

Sano raised his eyebrows: “What’s the problem?”

“…Don’t you have any problems with yourself? Do you feel uncomfortable or uncomfortable?”

As if feeling that what he just said might be a bit ambiguous, Toru Amuro went into more detail.

In fact, apart from Sano himself, Toru Amuro was also a little worried that the other party would endanger the safety of others.

But of course it’s hard to say this kind of thing. For Sano now, if others treat him as a special being, they might think that they are discriminating against him.

“I feel uncomfortable…”

Sano scratched his face, thought for a while, and then his eyes fell on the cup of instant noodles in front of Amuro Toru: “I feel quite uncomfortable when I see you coming over to eat my instant noodles today. Doesn’t this count?”

Toru Amuro: “…”

No, brother, are you so picky with a cup of instant noodles?

…Because he happened to come here with a meal, Toru Amuro took a bucket of Sano’s instant noodles by the way, but he didn’t expect that the other party would even bother with him.

“I just pay.”

Toru Amuro took a photo of a thousand-yen bill.

Then I started to feel that worrying about Sano was really a wrong decision.

After all, even in the last chance encounter at the Rice Flower General Hospital, Sano seemed to be enjoying himself and had no problems at all. Later, Toru Amuro even received…well, a complaint notice from the Volunteer Association.

as always.

…At that time, Toru Amuro didn’t feel anything else. On the contrary, he felt nostalgic for some reason. Let’s look at it now.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

Forget it, since there is no need to worry about the three worrying issues, let’s withdraw first.

“By the way, the injury on your arm hasn’t fully healed yet. Please stop running around recently and take good care of yourself at home.”

Thinking of the fact that Sano walked on the verge of life and death twice in order to save people and solve the case during the Futo Kyosuke incident, Amuro Toru’s mood improved again.

…Well, the reason for this improvement in mood does not mean any schadenfreude, it is just that I am simply happy for the other party’s actions.

While staying at Miwa General Hospital, Sano solved many crimes.

It could be as small as a doctor being found out after blaming Mouri Kogoro, or as big as the robbers being pinpointed among tens of thousands of people in the arena, and even yesterday they went to Acupido Hotel and solved a case involving a member of parliament.

As a detective who works part-time, Sano is undoubtedly very dedicated and has made considerable contributions to public security.

After all, Toru Amuro is a member of the police, and he has paid special attention to Sano. If he wants to get such information, he will naturally have it at his fingertips.

Just mentioning the case involving Representative Tonkou yesterday, Toru Amuro started to have a headache again.

Because you don’t know if you don’t see it, and you will be shocked when you see it.

There are really too many elements in this case.

If nothing else, just follow the method of the captured murderer being silenced midway, and the sense of instantaneity is too strong.

Toru Amuro can almost say with certainty that it was Rye’s handiwork.

…Looking at it this way, it’s not so much that Sano is highly motivated to solve crimes, but rather that wherever this guy goes, the crime rate is too high?

I know Sano is a bit unlucky, but is this too much?

Ahem, the topic is askew.

Since the murderer of Councilor Tunkou was silenced by Rye.

Then could it be that the organization arranged for people to do this?

There was also an unexpected explosion on the rooftop of the old Aido Hotel…

Last night, what happened in the Abeido Hotel, and how many people were involved?

With many doubts, Toru Amuro left Sano’s house and began to continue collecting intelligence clues.

“After you silenced Pisco yesterday, why did you come back to the Abeido Hotel?”

On the night when Toru Amuro was sent away, Gin made an appointment with Sano to team up for a mission in the suburbs.

During this period, Gin asked about what happened last night as if making small talk.

…Could it be that Gin wanted to pursue the matter of being molested by him?

“I wanted to say hello to Belmode, but I didn’t meet him.”

While looking at the desolate scenery in front of him, Sano muttered to himself and said something casually.

In response to Sano’s answer, Gin nodded.

Sano would say this, which means that he discovered Belmod’s true identity, probably during the last billion gold mission, but that guy probably wouldn’t confess his identity so easily.

All I can say is that he truly deserves to be Sano.

After sighing secretly, Gin took out a pistol from his pocket and pointed it at Sano: “Shirley showed up at the Abedo Hotel yesterday. Why didn’t you notice it?”

Is this girl’s… attitude going to change so quickly?

Sano glanced at the gun in Gin’s hand and replied calmly: “Did Shirley show up at the Abeido Hotel? I don’t know. There was no trace of her.”

“Pisco caught her with his own hands and locked her in a wine cellar. Although Pisco was later taken away by the police because of you, I did see Shirley after I arrived there.”

Gin looked at Sano coldly: “Although it seems far-fetched to say this, even Pisco can notice something. Why didn’t you notice it? I have reason to suspect that you deliberately concealed it after discovering Shirley. .”

“…If that’s the case, then why don’t you just ask Shirley if I have any questions.”

Sano chose to skip some nonsense. The meaning behind Ginjiu’s words was that he suspected that Haibara Ai’s successful escape had something to do with him.

Of course this has nothing to do with Sano.

…At most, it can be regarded as… well, the extent of knowing but not reporting.

So even if Ginjiu really went to ask Haihara Ai, there would be no problem.

Although it is impossible to ask.

…But after hearing Gin’s question at this moment, Sano had some reaction. At the end of the phone call that day, why did the other party sound hesitant to speak?

It turns out that it was at that time that I was doubting myself.

Should Sano be proud of Gin’s overestimation of him?

After Sano said this, Gin immediately fell silent: “…let her run away.”


Seeing Gin’s self-shame that he couldn’t hide, Sano couldn’t help but let out a mocking chuckle, which made Gin become even more silent.

“Hmph, it was the guy named Black Mask who rescued Shirley.”

Gin collected his thoughts and brought the topic back to business: “That guy has good skills. The most important thing is… he can dodge bullets.”

“…No, so now you suspect that I am the Black Mask?”

After Sano realized the meaning behind Gin’s words, he laughed angrily in disbelief.

Gin, this guy, is really paranoid and persecutory delusional, right? How the hell can he doubt himself?

Isn’t it too unfounded?

…Of course Gin himself knew that his statement sounded a little…well, unreasonable.

But Gin was really suspicious that Sano was Black Mask.

No reason, just intuition.

But actually speaking, the Sano dodging bullets that Gin had seen before, and the Black Mask dodging his bullets last night, the two gave people completely different impressions, and could even be said to be completely opposite. Feel.

The movements of the former are clean and neat, just like being as quiet as a virgin and moving like a stray rabbit.

Although the latter’s movements are very smooth like Sano’s, they give people a sense of elegance and are particularly flexible.

And if it was Sano, he shouldn’t be unable to dodge his three bullets…but it’s not impossible that Sano was deliberately pretending.

After all, if Sano is really the Black Mask, with his caution, he will naturally make intentional divisions if he wants to play another person, and in terms of multiple identities, Sano is already an experienced veteran. .

In addition, he has the secret of disguise.

So the possibility of Sano being Black Mask is not low.

…Although in addition to this, the high-tech bulletproof vest on the black mask made Gin seriously suspect that there was a big force behind the other party, and this was still the case.

Faced with Gin’s acquiescence, Sano first sighed, and then gave up his defense with an indifferent expression: “Then just shoot.”

Gin snorted coldly and took back the gun: “You know I can’t shoot.”

That’s right, Gin can’t shoot.

Because Sano is the codename member of the organization, even Gin cannot kill him at will. Even if he suspects that there is something wrong with Sano, he still has to provide evidence.

It’s just that the lower limit of this evidence is much lower than the evidence required in the cases that Sano usually encounters?

But what Gin currently has is just a little bit of doubt based on intuition.

The reason why Gin drew his gun just now and talked so much nonsense was just to deceive Sano. If his suspicion was true, it might be able to shake the opponent’s mentality and expose Sano himself.

…Of course, although Sano was not deceived into anything, Gin still maintained his suspicion.

Caution is the way to go.

As a detective on the surface, Sano should also understand what he is thinking now.

After all, although Sano is not the first suspect at present, he is also the only… relatively clear suspect.

Except for Sano, the only ones left were the millions of people in Tokyo.

It was impossible for Gin to leave a suspect so close to him who needed to be “interrogated” as a priority and act like a fool looking for a needle in a haystack.

Just as Gin thought, Sano could naturally understand his actions.

But this didn’t stop Sao Ye from complaining.

If you don’t know how to open a gun, you still have to pretend to do it. It’s a day without taking out a gun and aiming at someone, which makes your hands itch, right?

“Don’t forget, before you arrived at the Cupido Hotel, I had already followed Pisco.”

Sano spoke up again to “defend”.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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