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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 24 24, I want to complain about this black guy

My name is Toru Amuro, also known as Bourbon, and even Rei Fukiya. I am a core member of a criminal organization, a police officer, and an undercover agent.

As an undercover agent, being cautious has always been a must-have in an environment where you are walking on the edge of a knife.

But just the day before yesterday, no, it should be the day before yesterday, the organization suddenly issued a task to itself.

“Invite” a bad boy to join the organization.

The task this time is very simple, so it is very unreasonable.

A transnational criminal organization sent out its core members for a delinquent boy, and there were two…counting vodka, three of them. This doesn’t sound right no matter how you think about it.

I became vigilant, because this was probably a test conducted by the organization to see if it was adulterated.

But after that, because I still needed to “back-up” the new members in advance, I collected relevant information about this bad boy.

Only then did I realize that this delinquent boy was indeed not a simple man. On the surface, he was a “little sheep” who was delicate and frail and could not even go to school. But in private, he was a very good fighter who killed nearly a thousand delinquent boys in one night. Big bad wolf”.

But that was all. Before the other party came into contact with him, he was really just an ordinary delinquent boy who had nothing to do with the organization, which made him feel a little guilty.

Especially judging from Sano’s mission this time, although the opponent doesn’t care about getting blood on his hands, at least he doesn’t want to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

I always felt that it was my own lack of contribution that caused an outstanding young man with a good heart and a bright future to completely go into darkness despite his somewhat distorted thoughts.

Maybe I have to look for opportunities later to see if I can get this boy out of the dirty organization. Well, it can’t be too obvious. Although at present, Sano’s incident does not mean to test myself, but it is better to be careful. .

I have been lurking in the organization for so long and finally climbed to my current position. I must not be exposed because of a little carelessness.

Sano sent Tohru Amuro to the place to blackmail him, and after legitimately collecting a fare of up to 100,000 yen, he went home directly.

The system tasks of Maple Leaf Gold Coins have been completed and the rewards have been distributed.

Currently, Sano’s strengthening points are eighty, which is only twenty points away from one hundred.

With any luck one mission will be enough.

It’s a pity that Sano waited and waited and couldn’t wait for the next task of the system, and the core members of the winery couldn’t rush the task, so they could only stare at it.

“When you are busy, you are busy, and when you are free, you are idle.”

Sano glanced at the clock at ten past eight and the calendar with November 6th on the wall.


Speaking of time in this world, isn’t it a bit strange?

How could so many days be skipped in just one second from eleven fifty-nine minutes and fifty-nine seconds to twelve o’clock in the middle of the night?

How many days has it been since the day Sano crossed over?

Sometimes it’s October, sometimes it’s May, sometimes it’s November, sometimes it’s August…

Sano tilted his neck and turned his attention to the two newspapers in front of him.

In this era, if you want to collect external information without leaving home, even if you buy a computer, the Internet will not play a big role, so you can only rely on newspapers.

For this reason, Sano’s already deflated wallet was almost exhausted.

Of these two newspapers, one was delivered yesterday and the other was delivered today.

The biggest headline in the former is the Italian bandit gang. After all, the matter is so big that the police are unlikely to hide anything.

The Italian bandit gangs were all wiped out, and the maple leaf gold coins were stolen. Several children at the scene were suspected of being frightened to the point of mental disorder and have received treatment from a psychologist…


Sano raised his eyebrows and couldn’t help scratching his neck. Could it be that the dog knight is also broken?

So fragile?

Looking at the latter, in addition to some gossip news, a headline like “The Shinkansen was hit by a bomb attack, but fortunately no one was injured” can make Sano more concerned.

This world is a bit dangerous, but I still feel that the money was spent a little unfairly…

Sano shook his head. Although he was very idle, he did not forget that there was another very important thing today.

Go meet the bourbon!

Sano quickly took out his special attack equipment, but he didn’t put on a mask.

Bourbon is a core member, and his strength must not be too weak. If he goes there without wearing a special attack suit, Sano will not feel safe.

But go there wearing a special attack suit. Not to mention being conspicuous, it is still easy to cause commotion in densely populated areas. The most important thing is that it will have an impact on Sano’s plan.

Just like the Maple Leaf Gold Coin mission the day before yesterday, Sano almost changed from “following” to “hunting” because of other people’s eyes. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough and quickly found a hidden place to change clothes.

In order to solve such troubles, Sano also specially prepared a plan.

That is to put on a larger coat over the special attack suit to cover the special attack suit jacket.

In this way, it will not be so conspicuous. If there is danger, you only need to wear a mask, and you can still wear the three-piece special attack suit.

Sano looked at the black coat on the bed, which he bought to cover his special attack suit.

Fortunately, today’s day is on the cold side, otherwise Sano would have really doubted whether he would suffer from heatstroke or something if he put on two coats…

After dressing up, Sano stuffed the Hammer of Justice into his left sleeve, put styling and softening spray in his arms to be prepared, and finally put on a vodka and gin-style round-brimmed hat, and then After leaving the house, he got on the electric donkey and headed to the cafe that Ginjiu mentioned.


Amid the greetings from the clerk at the door, Sano entered the cafe and calmly looked at the customers sitting in the store.

Bourbon, will he be among these people? How to find each other…

Sano sat calmly in the corner, ordered a cup of coffee, and observed the customers in the store. He sat there until noon, and then he was surprised to find out.

All the customers who came in in the morning had already left the coffee shop.

In other words, no one among them is bourbon?

No, didn’t the black guy yesterday say that Bourbon had been waiting here all day? He must have arrived here early, right?

Could it be that he let his own dove go yesterday, and today he plans to take revenge and let his own dove go?

Sano’s mouth twitched, feeling that this possibility was very high.

After all, Bourbon is his immediate boss. If he lets the other side go, the other side can still scold him. But if the other side goes too far, what can he say?


Sano’s face became darker and darker, and his dissatisfaction with Bourbon grew stronger.

But when Sano was about to leave, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

It seems that I have overlooked a very important thing.

It would be too strange for ordinary customers to sit in the store all day long. It is impossible for a “cautious” core member like Bourbon to do such a “conspicuous” thing.

Then that’s it…

Sano suddenly turned his eyes to the cafe clerks.

That’s right, Bourbon probably needs an identity to cover up the unreasonableness of his long stay here.

So, which one of them will bourbon be?

What should I do to find the other party? Use the Hammer of Justice?

However, while Sano was thinking, his eyes suddenly met the eyes of a certain clerk hiding behind the counter.

At that moment, Sano felt his heart beat faster and faster.

Well, of course it wasn’t that Sano fell in love with that person at first sight, but that the clerk was someone Sano knew.

Admittedly, it was Toru Amuro, the black-skinned man whom Sano and I met just last night.

At this moment, some details were finally corrected, and Sano’s silver teeth almost shattered him.

This Bourbon actually kept looking at him like a monkey without making a sound! ?

With a dark face, Sano stood up and walked to the counter where Amuro Tohru was sitting, and slapped the employment application form he took out of his arms on the counter.

“Well, don’t be so angry.”

Toru Amuro wiped the cup in his hand with a kind smile on his face: “After all, I will be your immediate boss from now on. It is not a good thing to have a bad attitude towards your boss.”

threaten me?

Sano remembered what he had said to Tohru Amuro last night, twitched his lips, took out a banknote and handed it over: “Have a latte.”

Toru Amuro raised his eyebrows, trying to gain a sense of superiority by using his superior’s labor to serve him. It was really a childish and childish way of revenge.

Toru Amuro gave Sano change without any concern, and finally brought a latte to Sano and politely said: “Please use it slowly.”

Sano drank the entire cup of coffee in two gulps. After staring expressionlessly at the smiling Toru Amuro for a while, he suddenly looked at another clerk aside.

“Where’s your boss? I want to file a complaint against this black guy.”

Amuro Toru’s smile stiffened.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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