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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 245 244, Mao Lilan’s foundation was dug

So much so that even if it only enters the peripheral vision, people can’t help but move their eyes involuntarily.

“It looks quite similar to Heipi.”

After Sano squinted his eyes, he picked up the doll and compared it with Hattori Heiji, which immediately made Hattori Heiji’s already dark face darker.

“First, my name is not Heipi!”

“Second, how does this thing look like me!?”

Sano ignored the frustrated cry of a certain black man and asked the boss with interest: “How do you sell this thing?”

“Aha, guest, you have really good taste.”

The boss spoke like an old salesman. He rubbed his palms and said with an attentive smile: “This thing is a psychic thing. Its full name is called a cursed doll. It is said that as long as you put someone you hate on it, If you put a name on it, it will have an invisible connection with other people’s souls, and as long as you do anything to this doll, the same situation will occur to the person whose name is attached.”

…Isn’t this just stabbing a villain?

Sano glanced at Mao Lilan, whose face suddenly turned pale, and curled his lips: “Okay, stop talking nonsense, just tell me how much it will cost.”


Seeing Sano being so disrespectful, the boss coughed in embarrassment: “Well, I think our customers are very discerning, and meeting each other is fate, so I will make an exception and give you a friendship discount… 10,000 yuan!”

Ten thousand?

It’s so expensive. I’m afraid you have to be a fool to buy it, right?

Hearing this price, Hattori Heiji, Maori Ran and others had similar thoughts in their minds.

“Wannima is so big.”

However, just when several others thought Sano would give up, he directly took a photo of a hundred-yuan coin: “One hundred yuan, sell it or not, or I will leave.”

“One hundred!? How can anyone bargain the price like you did!?”

The boss’s eyes instantly widened, and even Hattori Heiji and others next to him took a deep breath.


Broken bones are not that severe, right?

“I said I’m in a hurry, you still have a chance to say a word, whether to sell or not.”

“Oh, it’s not easy for us to do business…”

Seeing that the boss was still trying to make things worse, Sano stopped talking nonsense and was about to take back the 100 yuan and leave.

Seeing how the boss could hold back, he immediately became anxious and grabbed Sano’s money-taking hand: “Hey, hey, sell it, can’t I sell it? I didn’t say not to sell it!”

It actually sold! ?

Hattori Heiji and others had their eyes widened with disbelief on their faces. They still didn’t come to their senses until Sano paid the money and took away the doll.

…Buying a doll for 100 yuan is nothing unusual.

But there is always a contrast in everything.

The price of 10,000 yuan comes first, and the price of 100 yuan follows. The difference is really too big.

…Should I say that this guy is really stingy?

“Boss, please go slowly.”

After the stall owner watched Sano and his party leave, the remaining pain on his face disappeared instantly, and he took out a new black doll from under the stool on his buttocks and placed it on it.

“What a pity, I only made fifty yuan.”

Sano didn’t know what his boss was saying after he left, and he wouldn’t care if he knew.

A price of tens of dollars doesn’t make Sano care that much. After all, when people go out to do business, they can’t earn a penny from you. What’s more, he is too lazy to waste time for a few dozen dollars. Time is money.

Rather than spending this little money here and finishing early to go back and improve performance, wouldn’t the gangster come faster than this?

After stuffing the black doll into his arms, Hattori Heiji took Sano and his group to eat pancakes.

…Although Sano still doesn’t quite understand what the operation of combining pancakes with rice is.

“I’m going to call my mother. You guys eat first.”

Hattori Heiji left in a hurry.

Sano looked at the absent-minded Mao Lilan. This girl seemed to be a little embarrassed from time to time since she came to Osaka, and she didn’t seem to be embarrassed.

“What’s wrong with you.”

Sano always spoke directly when he had something to say, so he asked directly.

“Ah…it’s nothing, I just feel like someone is staring at me.”

Mao Lilan said hesitantly.

Someone is watching Mao Lilan?

Sano glanced around thoughtfully. He didn’t doubt Mao Lilan’s intuition, but he didn’t know that the guy who was staring at Mao Lilan, the case mentioned before by Numabuchi Kiichiro and Hattori Heiji, was If not, it doesn’t matter.

However, before Sano could notice that something was wrong with anyone around him, a girl who was obviously coming with bad intentions quickly walked up to him and sat down.

“Um, I’m sorry, miss, this seat belongs to our friend and is already occupied. Look…”

Before Mao Lilan finished speaking, the girl snorted and said, “You’re the one, Kudo, right?”


Except for Mouri Kogoro, the four Sano people raised their eyebrows after hearing this.

“Since Heiji came back from Tokyo last time, he has always mentioned you to me.”

The girl sneered and turned around, looking in Sano’s direction… Based on what she just said, she should be staring at Conan.

As expected, Conan’s expression began to look strange.

Is it possible that Hattori guy actually told unrelated people about his affairs? ?

“… Kudo, you mean Shinichi?”

Mao Lilan asked instinctively, but the girl suddenly pounced forward, forcing Sano in the middle to subconsciously lean back to avoid, and Conan also leaned back.

…Although there is something wrong with the way this pervert is looking up.

“Stop pretending to be false to me. Heiji has already told me everything.”

Conan hurriedly tried to cover the other person’s mouth, but unfortunately the other party had already shouted angrily: “You are the woman who met Heiji in Tokyo and was called Kudo by him all the time, right!?”


Haibara Ai, who was also shocked by the previous development, took a sip of water with an expressionless face: “That black skin, how many times does Kudo talk about it every day?”

Sano sat on the chair in an almost lying position, glanced at Haihara Ai standing next to him, and took a sip of water: “Maybe this is… the friendship between men.”

Although this friendship seems a bit too much.

Is that guy Hattori Heiji also a gay?


Why do you say it?

The current situation is very clear, that is, this girl is interested in Hattori Heiji, but Hattori Heiji keeps talking about Kudo, so she thinks that she has been poached and is jealous, and she also thinks that Mao Lilan is the so-called Kudo. .

Well, I just don’t know if Mao Lilan, the innocent victim, will be worse off – in fact, maybe she is the one being poached?

Mao Lilan smiled awkwardly: “Miss, you seem to have misunderstood…”


The girl chuckled lightly and stood up in a demonstration: “Let me tell you, Hattori and I are good friends who have been tied together by chains!”

“He Ye?”

At the same moment, Hattori Heiji finally returned.


After a while, the girl named Toyama Kazuye finally realized that she had made an mistake.

As for this girl, Sano and his party also have some understanding.

…It’s nothing more than childhood sweethearts, the so-called good friend relationship with an iron chain. The two of them were accidentally handcuffed to each other when they were children, so that they lived a life like conjoined twins.

Toyama and Ye even used the key of the handcuffs to make an amulet.

Tsk, the evil childhood sweetheart is really jealous.

Sano looked at the chattering people and felt that the pancakes in his mouth had become tasteless.

Another thing is.

It seems that Toyama and Ye have been following him since Tongten Pavilion, so Mao Lilan felt that “someone was watching her secretly” before, probably because of this little girl.

“Oh, the daughter of a young detective and a police officer are really enemies.”

Mouri Kogoro said something for some reason.

“Now that the meal is finished, let’s quickly leave for the next stop.”

The group of people got into the police car again, but this time there was Toyama Kazuha in the team.

Well, it’s even more crowded.

But just when Sakata was about to start the car, the pedestrians around him began to feel uncomfortable. Everyone raised their heads and pointed upwards, as if they were looking at something.

Before Sano and the others could react, these people all screamed again and fled in all directions.


A black shadow hit the hood of the police car heavily, causing the police car under Sano’s butt to tremble.

…Conan’s plague god aura finally began to take effect.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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