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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 25 25, is this a holiday or a tribulation?

Then ten minutes later.

Sano was sent off by Toru Amuro, who had been criticized, and the cafe owner, who had criticized Toru Amuro, and left the cafe refreshed.

I can’t cure you, why can’t I find someone to cure you, little guy?

Thinking of the forced smile on Amuro Toru’s face just now, and the secret gnashing of teeth, Sasuke felt even more happy.

As for whether complaining to one’s immediate boss will result in him being slapped with a shoe or something.

Oh, let’s talk about the future later. Is it possible that if you endure this tone today, you won’t have to endure it anymore in the future?

Sano clasped his hands behind his back and strode back home. But after walking a few dozen meters, he felt something was wrong, so he could only turn around and ride on his small electric donkey parked at the door of the coffee shop.

I am too happy. This is…

After meeting Bourbon, Toru Amuro, Sano did not go home immediately.

There is nothing to do when I go home anyway.

Sano didn’t forget that he still had reinforcements to conduct experiments on.

Sano has fully experienced the effects of the special attack suit. The next thing that needs to be tested is naturally the Hammer of Justice and the Eye of the Beast.

The experiment on the small electric donkey is more troublesome, because after turning on the rampage mode, the speed per second has even exceeded the terrifying three digits. Sano does not dare to conduct the experiment in the urban area, for fear that the donkey will fly within two seconds of driving, and then the donkey will destroy everyone. .

But if you want to go outside Tokyo, the distance is not a problem. Once the runaway mode is turned on, the battery will be cleared directly. How to get back then is a matter of course, unless you find a small truck to carry it.

…Well, actually, Sano is simply procrastinating.

And to be honest, Sano didn’t think he would be able to use this thing one day. It was simply useless. Instead of wasting time experimenting with that thing, he might as well experiment with the Hammer of Justice and the Eye of the Beast.

At least these two are not as effective as the special attack suit, but they are still effective.

But that being said, the experiment with these two reinforcers is also very cumbersome.

The first is the Hammer of Justice. The experimental materials Sano needs are criminals who have committed different crimes to test how they will behave when they are hit by hammers with different strengths and in different positions.

Then there is the Eye of the Beast. The experimental materials Sano needs are people with different values ​​of momentum and will attributes, to test how much their physical abilities will be affected after seeing the Eye of the Beast…

Both experimental materials are difficult to find, especially the test data of the latter is even more vague, because Sano cannot determine what the properties of the experimental materials are.


Sano scratched his head irritably, but as a gamer, if he couldn’t figure out how to use the equipment, he would be remiss in his duty.

So no matter how much Sanye wanted to be lazy, he still managed to endure it and started looking for experimental materials along the way home.

But to Sano’s surprise, there are really not many criminals in Tokyo.

Not to mention the big ones, there were stalking offenders, molesters, thieves, and robbers. Sano encountered nearly ten in one afternoon, and the result was naturally…

When you see an injustice on the road, you roar, and you hit someone when it’s time to hit them.

Then, under Sano’s torture, all the nearly ten criminals were knocked unconscious by the hammer.


I discovered a new way to use the Hammer of Justice. It is not only a soft control, but after stacking too many times, it can even achieve a hard control effect – coma.

Of course, it’s not because of Sano’s “power” that makes them comatose. It’s probably because the pain is too severe, which triggers a coma effect such as a self-protection mechanism?

In an alley, Sano looked thoughtfully at a robber who was knocked unconscious by a hammer, and touched his chin. He didn’t quite understand this aspect. Do he still need to read medical books?

Tsk, we need more materials.

Practice the truth.

So today, the criminals in Tokyo, especially in Yoneka Town, inexplicably ushered in a bloodbath.

Sano feels that if he is determined to continue this experiment, the crime rate in Tokyo may be effectively reduced in less than half a month.

So should I get a job at the Tokyo Police Department? After all, I have made such a big contribution, and it would be unreasonable not to pay myself a salary.

Sano thought about Gin’s gun and thought it would be better not to do something that could easily get him killed.

“Bang bang bang!”

Early the next morning, there was another knock on the door of Sano’s house.

I was looking for material yesterday and found Sano in the middle of the night with his chicken coop on his head. When he opened the door and took a look, he found that it was Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko.

“Good morning, senior.”

Sano looked at the two neatly dressed people and was stunned: “What are you doing here?”

Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan looked at each other, but still did not say anything about “escorting you to school”. They just smiled and said: “We go to school together with our classmates.”


Sano scratched his head and finally realized that the previous two days were students’ holidays, and today is a school day.

After sighing, Sano said helplessly: “I won’t go to school today.”

“Hey? Why? Are you feeling unwell?”

Sano rubbed his eyes, but still didn’t say “I don’t want to go to school and don’t need to go to school.” After all, this might reach the ears of the class teacher.

Just go with what the other person says.

However, just when Sano was about to speak, the system’s mission prompt suddenly came.

“Hey, the system task has been triggered. Please participate in Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko’s Valentine’s Day party plan tomorrow. You can get 40 strengthening points after completing it. The remaining time of the task is – 35:59:59.”

Sano’s breath was stagnant, and he quickly changed his tone: “I’ll go, I’ll be there soon, you guys wait a moment.”

After saying that, Sano quickly closed the door and went back to the house to clean up, leaving the two people outside the door staring at each other.

After a while, Sano followed the two of them as they walked to Teidan High School.

Suzuki Sonoko asked with a teasing smile: “Alas, senior didn’t actually ride a bike to school. Is this because he chose to walk specifically for me? It’s really touching~”

In response, Sano could only smile politely.

Nonsense, if it wasn’t for the purpose of sneaking into their Valentine’s Day plans, he would have gone to school so hard.

But having said that, before going out, Sano had seen that today’s date is February 8th, which is still a few days away from Valentine’s Day on February 14th, but the system task said that tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day plan……

This also means that tonight will span five days at once.

Sano’s thoughts changed slightly and he cleverly brought the topic to Valentine’s Day: “By the way, speaking of which, Valentine’s Day seems to be coming soon.”

“Oh yeah, oh yeah?”

Suzuki Sonoko ran from Sano’s left to right, and then from right to left with a face full of surprise: “It’s really strange. I thought Sano-senpai would be someone who didn’t care about this kind of thing at all, but I didn’t expect that… “

“Is it possible that Senior has someone he likes?”

This eighth wife…

Sano pushed away Suzuki Sonoko, who was about to put her face in front of her, and took a deep breath to prevent herself from losing strength.

“I’m just a little curious. After all, the peers around me are all talking about this.”


Suzuki Sonoko continued to smile and said: “But senior, don’t worry, after all, you are so handsome. Although tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, since tomorrow is a holiday, there should be many girls sending you chocolates and love letters today.”


On the surface, Sano was perfunctory with Suzuki Sonoko, but in his heart he was thinking.

There are still six days until Valentine’s Day, but in the eyes of others, has it become a rule that tomorrow is Valentine’s Day? No one notices the irrationality at all…

Why does this situation feel strangely familiar?

During the chat, the trio arrived at Didan High School. At the same time, Sano was a little surprised to know that Mao Lilan had another unusual adventure the day before yesterday.

“So, the Shinkansen your family took was hit by a big explosion the day before yesterday?”


Mao Lilan sighed: “Thankfully Conan discovered something was wrong, otherwise, I’m afraid we might not be able to see him today.”

Dog Rider again…

Sano narrowed his eyes, recalling where the familiar feeling of rationalizing an irrational situation came from.

It seems that I will have to observe this kid more if I have the opportunity in the future.

“Yesterday, what did you do yesterday?”

Mao Lilan rubbed the back of his head: “Yesterday, our family went to the No. 1 Festival in the World, and we encountered a murder case.”

The corner of Sano’s mouth twitched, good guy, this is not a holiday, is this a tribulation?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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