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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 250 249, a fatal blow from the moral high ground

Hattori Heiji’s figure with bared teeth and claws, and his angry shouts that were likely to be silenced, gradually faded away as the train accelerated beneath him.

“Ah, I feel relieved.”

Sano smacked his lips twice, looked at the four people next to him, raised his eyebrows and asked, “What’s wrong?”


The four heads shook like rattles.

…Good guy, it turns out there is a kick waiting for you here.

He actually pretended to be nonchalant and tricked Hattori Heiji.

Hattori Heiji was probably furious. He went all the way to invite others to be his guests, and went all the way to say goodbye, but in the end he received such a… gift.

It’s simply so heartbreaking.

How vindictive is this guy?

Can’t afford to offend.

Among the four people who were sighing in their hearts, Conan’s expression was the weirdest, because he had already heard Sano mention such a thing as early as yesterday.

But because of what happened later, I forgot about it again.

…I was already feeling guilty for not being able to save Hattori Heiji yesterday, but this failed to remind me. It was really…a sin.

Well, another moment of silence for Hattori Heiji.

“Let’s go find a seat.”

Sano glanced back at the station, which was almost out of sight.

Goodbye, Osaka.

Next time you come here, this will be your own territory.

A group of people walked through the carriage, looking for an empty seat. Sano, the leader, didn’t pay attention and accidentally stepped on a young man.

“You are so damn blind, can’t you see if you step on my foot!?”

As soon as the angry curses started to sound, the four Conan people’s expressions tensed up and they looked at Sano hurriedly.

…Judging from Sano’s performance yesterday, he might very well take action directly.

Do you want to stop it? Can you stop it?

You can’t stop him. After all, this time is different from last time. Let’s not convince Heiji Heiji that he won’t do anything just because he was beaten by Sano. The key is that it was the other party who made the first move that time, but this time he just scolded him. Just one sentence.

It would be unjustifiable if Sano really took action.

However, before the four Conan men could finish their thoughts, Sano, who looked at the angry young man, suddenly showed a little panic and embarrassment on his face: “No, I’m sorry, I had a car accident when I was six years old. Although I didn’t follow My family members also lost their lives directly, but there is something wrong with my eyes, so I can’t see clearly. I’m really sorry for stepping on your foot. I didn’t mean to…”


What the hell is Sano talking about?

Having said all that, which one of these things has something to do with Sano? ?

Listening to Sano’s words, the four of them couldn’t help but have faces full of shock and questions. They couldn’t understand why Sano said that.

Then look at Sano’s face.

Although he was speaking to the young man, his eyes were motionless, and the pupils in them looked vaguely blurred, as if he was really blind.

The most important thing is that as he spoke, Sano’s eye circles even began to turn red, as if tears would fall directly in the next second.

… Could it be that his memory was confused? In fact, Sano’s parents really died in a car accident when he was six years old, and his eyes were really blind… What a ghost!

When I slapped Hattori Heiji’s face yesterday and kicked Hattori Heiji’s butt just now, wasn’t the crosshair still pretty good? How could he be blind? ?

The self-doubt that had just appeared in the quartet was corrected again in the next second.

You definitely can’t believe Sano’s words easily. The last person who believed him is probably still cursing at the station now… probably at the tracks.

This is freshly baked and still hot experience!

The air fell into a brief silence.

Except for the two parties involved, Sano, and the Conan quartet, the other passengers in the carriage were also attracted by the movement here.

Sano’s apologetic words and “fearful” expression made the onlookers cast all kinds of strange looks.

Under such gaze, the young man who was also shocked by Sano’s words suddenly began to blush.

Although there was no sound, there seemed to be invisible accusations, disgust, and criticism hidden in those eyes, which struck the young man hard like a whip.

Seeing the embarrassment that the young man couldn’t hide, Sano sneered in his heart. Of course he was pretending, just to teach the other party a lesson.

This is a fatal blow from the moral high ground.

If he is not a ruthless person like Gin who has no moral bottom line, even a being like Sano will not be able to handle it when his moral bottom line is occasionally high.

Although Sano can actually start education directly.

But I had just finished fighting with Hattori Heiji, and it felt boring to play something like this again.

“Yes, I’m sorry…”

Under Sano’s hidden joking gaze, the young man left a shaky apology, and then left in a hurry. When he arrived at the next carriage, he ran as fast as he could, as if he was afraid that if he left too late, he would be dragged back and continued to be whipped. Same.

“Come on, handsome boy, just sit here.”

A woman in her thirties stood up, and despite Sano’s attempts to push him away, she pulled him to her original seat and sat down.

“Thank you, you are such a good person, beauty.”

After thanking them, Sano secretly turned his eyes in the direction of the foursome and winked.

This scene also made the four of them stare and throw their heads back.

… Sano was just pretending, so the four of them knew it. At most, they could only sigh with emotion that the other party’s acting skills were really good.

But after Sano scared the young man away, he actually took the opportunity to win a position, which made the four of them want to complain——

Is this even possible? ?

After the trip to Osaka, Sano naturally has to start completing organizational tasks again.

But before that, there is still a problem that needs to be solved.

That’s the trouble caused by the report that “high school detective Shinichiro Sano captured the fugitive wanted criminal Numabuchi Kiichiro and solved the serial murder case.”

“Why don’t you silence Numabuchi Kiichiro?”

In the dark alley, facing Gin’s cold muzzle and equally cold eyes, Sano, who had long been accustomed to it, scratched his face indifferently: “I didn’t think about it.”

Don’t remember?

Gin’s breath was stagnant, and an old mouthful was stuck in his throat, unable to spit it out or swallow.

…Actually, Gin really didn’t think there was anything wrong with Sano’s unusual behavior.

Because almost everyone will know what the hell it means when a target that the organization requests to be arrested or silenced is given back to the police.

Gin didn’t believe that Sano wouldn’t understand such a simple question.

But Sano just did it.

The reason is still “forgot”.

Gin’s lungs were really about to explode.

After all, he is also a famous detective. How can his memory be so bad?

The most critical problem is that apart from this reason, Gin really can’t seem to find any other reason why Sano would do this.

If Sano really betrayed the organization and tried to join the officialdom, then he shouldn’t have taken the idea of ​​a guy who wasn’t even a peripheral member, right?

Not to mention that doing so would do more harm than good. Even if it is true, with Sano’s ability… or even just considering the situation of the whole thing, it should be completely possible for a layman who doesn’t know anything to do it. You can do it calmly and quietly deliver Numabuchi Kiichiro to the official.

There is no need to make such a big fuss and ask for trouble.

…In addition, Gin does not think that the things Sano has done so far for the organization or personally can be easily ignored and erased if he surrenders to the official.

Otherwise, Gin’s earlier suspicion that Sano was the Black Mask would not have been put aside so easily.

After thinking about it again and again, Gin took back the gun: “Fortunately, this time the incident is not serious, I can help you suppress it, but if this happens again, you know what will happen.”

Seeing that the situation developed as he expected, Sano naturally nodded his head in good faith.

An organization is not a family, so it naturally has its own rules.

But the corresponding organization is not a court, and the standards for handling matters will naturally not be too strict.

As the leader of the action team, his status is likely to be among the top three senior cadres in the entire organization.

The subjective element of gin often plays a role in many decisions.

Although there is also the issue of “lower limit of evidence” mentioned before.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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