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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 252 Chapter 251, Nandotonghe Armed Detective Agency

The yellow-haired bad guy touched the back of his head: “Oh…then what kind of company are we going to open? Let’s agree first, boss, I’m not a showman.”

…What are you selling? ?

Is there something wrong with my own understanding, or is this guy so poorly read that he even uses this incorrectly?

The corners of Sano’s eyes twitched, and while thinking about how to keep this guy quiet when taking him out in the future to avoid embarrassment, he replied: “It’s for express delivery within the city.”


The yellow-haired bad guy was even more confused: “What do you mean?”

“It’s takeout, express delivery, and errand delivery. This kind of delivery service focuses on low prices and fast delivery. Of course, as long as the salary is in place, the mission will be reached anywhere in the world.”

Sano instinctively cheered, then remembered that he was talking about business, and coughed again: “Don’t you just like to wander around all day long? Then why not pick up and drop off some things along the way? You can even drop off people. , Mo, do you understand?”

“This way you are not forced to do boring work, but you can also make some extra money. Not to mention getting rich, but it will definitely be enough to eat, drink and have fun, isn’t it?”

…In fact, Sano originally wanted to name this company Dongfeng Express.

But then I thought that I wanted these tools to be used for more than express delivery, so I changed the name.

Accessible everywhere, well, it suits Sano’s needs very well.

Listening to Sano’s description, the yellow-haired bad guy nodded thoughtfully, and then raised another doubt: “But boss, let’s not talk about express delivery. There are already many companies doing it. We It’s hard to get meat when you join the industry late. For takeout, other fast food restaurants have their own delivery people. Do we need to open another fast food restaurant to provide order quantity?”

“If you want to stand out, you have to have strengths. If you want to get quick results, you have to take the wrong approach.”

Sano’s voice suddenly stopped, and he gave the yellow-haired delinquent’s head another slap with his backhand: “Didn’t I write everything clearly in the plan? Why don’t you ask me about the plan? It was written in vain.”

The yellow-haired bad guy touched the back of his head aggrievedly and didn’t dare to say anything again.


Sano looked at one of the other members of the special attack team: “I will give you a few hundred million later. You will be responsible for handling this plan, including publicity, personnel scheduling, and snacks. If the general direction is correct, just You just need to pay attention to some details, it’s not difficult.”


The bad boy whom Sano called mistress nodded in agreement.

Sano would call this person a mistress, not because he is ranked third in the Black Death or because he has three in his name, nor because… well, he is really that kind of mistress, but because he is the captain of the third Black Death team. .

…Although it’s a bit secondary, the number of members of the Black Death is quite large after all, so for the convenience of management, it is understandable that they are divided into different divisions according to regions.

Sano didn’t take care of this. After all, he had just regarded the Black Death as a bunch of cannon fodder and tool men. As long as these guys didn’t destroy themselves and didn’t cause trouble for themselves, he allowed them to grow wildly.

Love can be as high as you like.

“Also, set up a detective agency for me.”

Since Sano had already named his company “Everywhere Access”, it was natural that it couldn’t really just be a delivery service, so he issued a new order.

“I am mainly responsible for accepting intelligence collection commissions such as finding cats and dogs, investigating and tracking, etc. You have to take care of this yourself. As for the name…”

“Just call the Armed Detective Agency.”

“Privately, please spread the news to me, saying that we can accept any kind of commissions. As long as the money is in place, we can even reach for the stars. Do you understand?”

It is not unreasonable for Sano to let this mistress be responsible for executing the plan.

The other party understood Sano’s thinking almost immediately and nodded in agreement, but at the same time he also discovered the problem with this instruction and asked hesitantly.

“Then boss, if someone issues some commission…that is contrary to the purpose of our organization, will that be done?”

Sano glanced at the mistress. What the other party meant was that if someone commissioned a murder, or commissioned some “bad things”, then should he accept it?

Previously, in order to ensure that the tools were obedient, and… well, in order not to spend money or get into unnecessary trouble, Sano gave the members of the Black Death a wave of chicken soup.

And after that, the second-in-command, the yellow-haired delinquent, also continued to implement his beliefs as a leader and continued brainwashing with chicken soup, so that the members of the Black Death unanimously believed that he was the embodiment of justice.

So if now, because of Sano’s order, the Black Death has become an existence that is even more extreme than the Yakuza and almost a killer organization, then even if it cannot be said that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, at least the advantages and disadvantages coexist.

There will inevitably be a large loss of members by then.

…Sano is not a fool, so how could he not be clear about this issue? Since he raised it, he naturally has his own ideas.

Of course, Sano doesn’t really want the Black Death to transform into a completely opposite existence from before.

“Idiot, I have already said that the key point is whether the money is available. For that kind of thing, it also depends on whether his net worth is enough. If it is not enough, who can be blamed for being rejected?”

Hearing Sano’s answer, Xiaosan was stunned for a moment, and then nodded in realization: “I understand, I’ll deal with it later.”


After everything was arranged, Sano waved his hand and left: “If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.”

After handling the two tasks assigned to him by Ginjiu, the task of completing organizational tasks has also been completed.

Sano seemed to have nothing to do for a while, and stayed at home for two days.

Sleeping from morning to night, sleeping from night to morning, I don’t even bother to go out to take out the garbage. Anyway, the weather is not hot now, so there will be no smell and no insects if left there.

…No, I can’t let myself sink like this anymore.

But…what should we do?

Sano stared at the pile of books that he had read only a few times after borrowing them from the library, and then looked at the pile of books that he had bought earlier with the intention of exercising, but they had not been used except for the first day, and they were even old. Gray equipment.

…Finally, I slowly hit a few points.

Forget it, let’s watch TV.

When I turned on the TV, there happened to be a TV news report being broadcast.

“It is reported that Congressman Sotaro Goji was found guilty of accepting bribes and has now resigned from office. Reliable sources say that many years ago, Sotaro Goji killed a driving school instructor due to negligence. Unfortunately, the legal prosecution period has passed…”

Councilor, Sotaro Goji, sounds a bit familiar…

Sano rubbed his chin and thought for a long time, and finally remembered that the police officer named Sakata had mentioned this name in his previous self-confession.

This guy was one of the culprits who killed Sakata’s father and led Sakata to the point of no return. He should have died at Sakata’s hands.

But due to Sano’s intervention, he could not die.

…After Sakata was taken away without a word that day, Sano actually heard that the policeman who seemed to be Toyama Kazuha’s father and was also Sakata’s boss mentioned to him that he would help him…well, deal with the rest. thing.

Is this how it was originally handled?

After losing his hat and being plagued by public opinion, I think this guy is indeed useless for the time being.

Although Sano said it was still not cruel enough, for a…just policeman, to be able to do this is probably that he has tried his best.

Then a few minutes later.

After washing, Sano went out carrying a garbage bag.

…This is of course not that Sano has figured it out and is preparing for a heart-cleansing revolution, but simply has a mission.

And it’s not a task at the end of the organization, it’s a system task.

Although the reward is not high, it can even be said to be pitifully small, only twenty points, but mosquito legs are also meat, not to mention the difficulty is very low.

It’s the kind that has been triggered in the past, just go to a designated place and stay for a designated period of time.

Very relaxed.

Especially now it’s different from the past.

Missions of this type in the past meant that Sano would inevitably encounter Conan, and there was a high probability that Conan would still have the Plague God’s aura in effect. Dead people, cases, etc. were all the basis.

Under such conditions, even if Sano didn’t want to get involved, he would probably be affected and have to get involved.

But now, Sano stood up.

Perhaps appearing as a real person or even a vest will be affected by various factors.

But what if it’s just a cat?

Due to its small size, it is not easy to be discovered, and even if it is discovered, it will not be noticed.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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