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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 258 257, Osaka Castle is not in Osaka but in Tokyo?

It’s just that some things need to be continued to be experimented to facilitate refined operations in the future and ensure that no mistakes are made.

At night, Sano had just left the abandoned factory where the Black Death gathered.

Along the way, you can see many places with advertisements for the Anywhere Access and Armed Detective Agency.

Even in the trash cans, there were flyers handed out by Black Death members.

…wait a minute, trash can? ?

Was this thrown by a passer-by who received the flyers, or was it thrown by the guy responsible for distributing flyers lazily?

Sano stared at the flyer for a long time, and finally realized that no matter what the situation was, his flesh hurt a little.

After all, they were all printed with their own money!

Those ones are not leaflets, but gangsters!

…Forget it, the goal has been achieved anyway, I can’t bear to let the child trap the wolf.

Sano shook his head and continued moving forward.

The everywhere-access plan and the armed detective agency plan tailor-made for the Black Death have already begun and are progressing hand in hand.

It’s just that the detective agency’s processing procedures are simpler and the way to make money is faster. The most important thing is that the reputation of the Black Death has already been established.

Therefore, the main source of income for Black Death, who has gradually gained income so far, is the detective agency.

The mistress was very clever, and even followed Sano’s suggestion of “mainly taking care of pets” and visited the doors of all detective agencies in Tokyo in a few days.

… Of course, it is not to kill our peers and then establish a monopoly, but to prepare to cooperate with our peers.

Because of the “low price” mentioned by Sano, the mistress negotiated with the detectives to outsource the task of finding pets. If they found the pet, they would only charge half of the commission fee. No money will be collected.

To put it bluntly, it is to give the other party a chance to earn half of the commission fee.

To put it bluntly, it is to give the members of Black Death an opportunity to make extra money by earning half of the commission fee.

Mutual benefit, no one suffers, and finding pets is just a matter of convenience.

In addition to the commission to find pets, there is also the commission to help track and investigate affair information. This can be regarded as one of the three major sources of commissions for the “Armed Detective Agency”.

That’s right, three big heads.

Another big head, more unexpected.

The main clients are basically students. They are all being bullied and blackmailed by gangsters. They either think it is cheaper to do this, or they simply want to vent their anger.

The members of Black Death have received many commissions to build momentum in high schools, junior high schools, and even elementary schools.

…You don’t even need to do anything, you just put on the skin of the black god of death and stand behind the client. Those little gangsters who are not even delinquents apologized and begged for mercy without even daring to give a shit. .

As for universal access, although progress is a bit slow, at least there is progress.

The path of food delivery is the same as entrusting pets, or even more exaggerated. Basically, we can only rely on outsourcing. We go to stores with delivery services one by one every day, negotiate with the boss, and keep talking.

Express delivery is slightly better. It can not only contract small express delivery within Tokyo from the current express delivery companies, but also independently promote intra-city delivery.

We can only rely on publicity for running errands and motorcycles, but because of the other express delivery and detective agency publicity, we can do it together, so it’s not a burden.

In addition to the above, Sano also proposed another way for Xiaosan today.

That is the takeaway service. In addition to delivery, you can also pick up and drop off.

Just ask the customer to call, and then the Black Death members here will come to pick up the meal, and then deliver it to the door… In fact, it is similar to an errand service.

But because most fast food restaurants have a minimum consumption limit for their delivery services, otherwise the delivery fee will be very expensive, but they can still gain some advantages through price.

…And if the other party dares to lower the price, the delivery driver’s salary will inevitably be affected. In the end, he will have no choice but to resign, or he will have to outsource it to Md.com.

No matter which side it is, Black Death will never lose.

This approach seems a bit unethical, and may even be suspected of disrupting the market.

But after all, shopping malls are like battlefields, and kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

Although this is not as convenient as the food delivery software Sano used in his previous life, it is still pretty good.

…It would be nice to earn a little more.

Who would complain that the money is too little? If you want money, you have to have customers. What Sano wants is to be a one-stop shop in all aspects.

Otherwise, even if the two routes of intra-city express delivery and detective agency are based on the premise that there are many people in the Black Death, and the branch roads and main roads are intertwined, they can be easily done together, and they will still lose money and make small profits because of the low prices. To sell more means to sell more.

Finally, one thing I have to mention is that Xiaosan went to see an official a few days ago.

…After all, it is different from the past when I was free and uninhibited. Now that I have planned to enter the business world, I will inevitably have to deal with the official.

Although the Black Death is not going to join the Yakuza, it is all serious business that is legal and compliant. Even if there are official people who want to do something, they probably won’t be able to find a place to do it, but if they are really stumbling upon something, they will It’s still quite troublesome.

So the mistress, on behalf of Sano… to be precise, Black Death, sat down and talked with the official people who came to see him last time, and finally successfully completed the transaction and reached a cooperation.

In general, the official will never give the Black Death any obstacles, and will even provide as much help as possible within reasonable limits. However, correspondingly, large-scale conflict actions led by the Black Death, like the previous two times, It will not be allowed to appear again.

Unless there is a special situation, or even if there is a special situation, you must first find the official, resolve it peacefully if you can, and maintain the rules of the Yakuza.

Of course, all I can say about the transactions, cooperation, etc. that I have had with Sano is…

I understand everything, hey.

Sano·squinting smile.jpg.



Sano, who was in the black cat form, twitched his ears and turned his eyes to the two police cars speeding down the street.

What’s going on? Are you chasing the criminal?

I feel that the cases I encounter will not be so simple and ordinary cases. Could it be that Conan wants a double-yolked egg today?

Sano shook his tail, then raised his head to look at the helicopter in the sky and the figure that looked like a white dove gliding in the night sky, and paused.

It turned out to be this kid.

Did you steal someone’s belongings again?

Sano stood there for a few seconds, unable to wait for any movement, then turned around and continued walking home.

But after Sano returned home, the noise started again.

…Although it was just a call from Officer Megure.

The general meaning is that Kaitou Kidd has issued a notice letter and plans to steal the Suzuki family’s… or something?

To this end, the police planned to hold a combat meeting, and the Suzuki Group also specifically said that it would invite Sano to attend.

“…do you have money?”

After listening to Officer Megure talk a lot, Sano chose to directly ask the key core question.

The last time Kuroba Kaito set his sights on that so-and-so star, Sano took a box of monai from Suzuki’s house.

The description of the egg this time was so exaggerated, and even the official attention seemed to have increased a lot. I guess the commission fee should be more, right?

However, to Sano’s surprise, after he said these words, Officer Megure suddenly fell silent.

“…No way, not a penny!?”

Sano issued an incredible soul question.

“Ahem, I don’t know about this either. The Suzuki family didn’t mention it to us either. Oh, Brother Sano, just think of it as a help. Didn’t I help you with your temporary job before? You can’t do this. You’re not loyal!”

After Officer Megure complained, he added: “Besides, Brother Sano is on temporary duty after all. If you don’t actively respond to the call, maybe you will…”


Sano raised his eyebrows and his face turned cold: “Are you threatening me?”

“I’m the only one threatening you. It’s not up to me to decide these things…”

Officer Megure’s voice seemed a little aggrieved.

…How could such a strong old man act like a little girl acting coquettishly?

Sano curled his lips and suddenly asked: “You just said, where will the egg be displayed?”

“Osaka Castle.”

“…Osaka Castle, is it in Osaka?”

“…Osaka Castle is not in Osaka, is it in Tokyo??”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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