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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 26 26, in short, go out and stand


Sano suddenly turned his attention to the sturdy male high school students wandering around at the entrance of Didan High School: “What kind of situation is this, patrolling?”


Mao Lilan nodded: “Of course, senior, don’t get me wrong. This is not just because of you. It’s because of the bad boys in Tokyo who suddenly started to gather for some unknown reason recently. The school is also worried about being affected. This is how we can nip problems in the bud.”

Delinquents gathering?

Sano frowned, shouldn’t be, he was beaten some time ago, and now he is active again?

Could it be that he couldn’t bear this tone and was ready to unite to take revenge on his own Black Death?

Tsk, forget it if it was before, but looking at it now, those guys are quite useful. It seems that I have to find time to meet those guys in the future…

“Well, Sano-senpai…”

After arriving in class and sitting down, Sano was about to ask Mao Lilan what the first class was, when a JK girl came to his desk with a blushing face and handed over a pink-packaged cube with both hands. , most likely it is chocolate.

“Please accept this!”

Sano was stunned, but he didn’t expect that Suzuki Sonoko actually got it right. As soon as he arrived at school, someone gave him chocolates.

But there’s nothing you can do about it. After all, who can’t hide his handsomeness?

Sano sighed inwardly, politely took the chocolate from the girl and thanked her.

Although this is Sano’s first neon Valentine’s Day, he still knows the rules… and has heard of them.

It’s just that on this day, girls will give chocolates to the people they like, but the chocolates seem to be divided into categories.

What is Honmei chocolate and Giri chocolate?

The former is for someone you like, and the latter is for a friend or something.

As for whether accepting the chocolate means agreeing to date or something, Sano is really not sure…

Who cares, the chocolate you got for free is not free.

However, as soon as Sano accepted the first chocolate, it was as if some magical switch was turned on. One after another, girls arrived and lined up to give chocolates to Sano.

Not to mention the girls from Sano’s own class, even girls from other classes and even other grades came over to join in the fun. The queue got longer and longer, until it reached the corridor outside the class entrance.

The traffic was immediately blocked. The teacher of Sano’s first class had to squeeze in for more than ten minutes before struggling to squeeze in. Even one of his shoes was missing…

Sano’s table belly and tabletop were already filled with chocolates, and they had no choice but to place them on the ground next to them. In the end, they grew higher and higher, surrounding him like a city wall.

This is real, drowned in chocolate…

Extremely terrifying.

Sano sat there with a numb face. He knew he was handsome, but was he so handsome? Or were all the girls in Neon so proactive?


Seeing that the class was finally restored to its original state, the math teacher immediately coughed several times to attract the attention of the whole class.

“Well, it seems that Sano-san is very popular. In that case, let me tell you the answer to yesterday’s multiple-choice question.”

Sano came to his senses and stood up subconsciously, but he could only look around blankly.


Just out of the tiger’s den and into the wolf’s den, that’s probably what it means.

Sano did not forget the existence of homework, but he originally planned to copy it when he arrived at school, but because of the non-stop chocolate, he could not take it out until class.

Looking at it this way, it would be better to let those girls wait a little longer and just send them to the end of get out of class…

The math teacher looked at the silent Sano and nodded: “You didn’t write it down, right? Just in case I ask more, is it true? Or do you just don’t know what the homework is?”

Sano turned away his eyes in vain, the answer was obvious.

“Go out and stand!”

So, for the first class today, Sano still stood at the door of the class.

However, before the second class, Sano learned his lesson and quickly borrowed the homework from Mao Lilan to complete the copy.

Of course, Mao Lilan had some resistance to lending her homework to her classmates for copying, but in the end, considering that Sano had already stood outside the door twice, she still lent her homework.

As for why not copy Suzuki Sonoko.

Sano thought this didn’t require much explanation.

However, in the second class, Sano ignored the problem that he could not endure the long-lost hypnosis due to lack of sleep. Therefore, after the chicken pecked rice for a while, he suddenly He hit the table with his head hard.

“Sano, go out and stand!”

Sano stood at the door again and listened to the class.

After school, Sano was escorted by Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko on his way home. Naturally, he wanted to continue to seduce the topic, but Sano seemed to have underestimated Suzuki Sonoko’s level of gossip, and he couldn’t get rid of the topic.

“Ah, speaking of which, senior lives in that fourth-chome.”

Suzuki Sonoko showed a mysterious smile and raised a finger: “The location of the haunted house.”

“Haunted house?”

Mao Lilan’s face seemed to tighten up all of a sudden, and even her neck shrank inward, which surprised Sano on the side.

How could such a strange woman with such incredible fighting prowess be afraid of something like that?

That’s not right. Things like time travel have happened, so it’s not impossible for some supernatural events to happen again.

If you really want to talk about it, isn’t it true that I am the A’Piao who has taken over other people’s bodies?

But having said that, as Suzuki Sonoko is a good friend who has grown up with Mao Lilan since kindergarten, it is impossible not to know that Mao Lilan is afraid of ghosts.

…Is this intentional?

“Well, it seems that five years ago, the owner of a bungalow was killed by a burglar. The murderer has not been caught yet. The wife and children left this sad place early.”

“But in the next five years, there were some movements in that house from time to time, including ghosts screaming and will-o’-the-wisps. Many people saw it with their own eyes, which led to rumors of a “haunted house” .”

Suzuki Sonoko was very affectionate and spoke in detail with all her teeth and claws, forcing Mao Lilan to even grab Sano’s arm.

“Stop talking about Yuanzi, it’s so scary!”

The scariest thing is you, you are so strong that your hand is about to break.

Sano twitched his arm expressionlessly, and when he found that he couldn’t pull it out, he gave up the struggle. After all, he didn’t wear a special attack suit, and there was this guy Suzuki Sonoko.

It was indeed intentional.

“Ha ha ha ha.”

Seeing Mao Lilan being frightened, Suzuki Sonoko burst into laughter.

“By the way, what are you two planning to do tomorrow?”

Seeing that the topic was getting more and more distorted, Sano just spoke out forcefully to bring things back on track.

Come on, tell me your Valentine’s Day plans for tomorrow and let me subtly fit in!

“What are you planning to do tomorrow…”

Suzuki Sonoko touched her chin and hesitated.

Judging from Sano’s tone, it seems that he hopes to spend Valentine’s Day with the two of them?

She doesn’t hate it at all. In the past, she would even be very happy. After all, even if a handsome guy can’t be touched, he can still be eye-catching. But now she happens to have a handsome senior whom she just met a few days ago and wants to protect. It’s different, we need a more direct goal…

I never thought that one day I would have to choose between two handsome guys.

How to choose…

If these two people were put together, would they start fighting over themselves? Oh, how embarrassing!

And just when Suzuki Sonoko was blushing and thinking wildly, a car suddenly stopped on the side of the road.

A strong man wearing tight-fitting short-sleeves that highlighted his muscles ran down with a grin.

“Ah, Miss Xiaolan, Miss Yuanzi, you really gave me a good meal!”


Sano looked at the strong man in confusion.

And at the same time that the strong man appeared, Sano could clearly feel that Mao Lilan beside him was trembling like a cat with fried hair.

what’s the situation.

Do you know anyone? Why do you feel that Mao Lilan seems a little… “afraid” of him?

“Ah, Mr. Wakamatsu.”

Suzuki Sonoko happily greeted the strong man: “What do you want from us?”

“In fact…”

Wakamatsu bowed shyly to Mao Lilan: “I would like to invite Miss Xiaolan to go on a date with me. Are you willing to attend tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day party with me?”

“A date!?”

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko were shocked at the same time, but compared to the former, the latter was obviously more excited.

“Um, will Mr. Jieke also attend the Valentine’s Day party?”

A new character has appeared…

Sano remained silent and just watched silently.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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