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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 260 259, who brings a stereo to fight! ?

This is the first time for Suzuki Sonoko to meet Toyama Kazuha and Hattori Heiji. Naturally, it is not easy for her to interfere in their affairs, but this does not prevent her from gossiping and being infatuated.

“Hey, Xiaolan, is this the famous Kansai high school detective you mentioned before?”

“He seems pretty good-looking. Does he have a girlfriend?”

Upon hearing this, Mao Lilan coughed awkwardly, then glanced at Toyama Kazuha, who also looked a little strange, and quickly dragged Suzuki Sonoko to explain the situation.

“Hattori and Kazuha are boyfriend and girlfriend who grew up together. Although they often quarrel, they actually have a very good relationship.”

“Hey… we are actually childhood sweethearts again. It’s really enviable.”

Suzuki Sonoko pursed her lips and sighed: “It’s a pity. I don’t know why I can’t have bad thoughts about my senior. I don’t know which girl he will take advantage of in the future.”

After saying that, Suzuki Sonoko looked at Sano on the other side, noticed that Hattori Heiji next to him seemed to have something wrong with his face, and then asked: “But did something happen between Hattori and senior?”

“Ah…this is because when he came to Osaka last time, Hattori accidentally slapped senior…”

Mao Lilan, who was originally embarrassed by Suzuki Sonoko’s tough speech, began to explain the situation.

But before Mao Lilan could even finish her words, Suzuki Sonoko was already furious: “Nani, this black guy actually dares to hit my people, I can’t kill him!!”

Suzuki Sonoko had long heard about the existence of Hattori Heiji from Maori Ran, and naturally knew that in addition to being a famous high school detective, he also had a father who was a high official.

But so what?

Although in a strict sense, businessmen are not as good as officials, quantitative changes can also lead to qualitative changes. In terms of the super-scale financial resources of the Suzuki Group, let alone Hattori Heizang.

Even if the current top leader of the neon police system offends her, Suzuki Sonoko, he can refuse to give her face, let alone Hattori Heiji, who is his son?

Even Sano dares to hit him, just pretend he doesn’t exist, right? ?

After Suzuki Sonoko howled, she rushed towards Hattori Heiji with all her teeth and claws to avenge her good senior who was innocently victimized.

Of course, he was stopped by Mao Lilan who was covered in cold sweat.

“Yuan, Yuanzi, listen to me first!”

Mao Lilan whispered in Suzuki Sonoko’s ear and explained the whole incident, including Sano beating Hattori Heiji into a pig’s head and finally kicking him in the face.

Suzuki Sonoko, who was still angry at first, suddenly calmed down.

…Hiss, looking at it this way, why do I suddenly feel a little pitiful for Hattori Heiji.

Suzuki Sonoko, who understood everything, looked at Hattori Heiji, whose already dark face turned darker due to the movement just now, and looked away in embarrassment.

And seeing that Suzuki Sonoko stopped bluffing, Hattori Heiji also snorted… Of course he couldn’t pursue anything with a girl.

Although in terms of the other party’s identity, if he really made a fuss, the only one who would suffer would be Hattori Heiji himself.

Damn the second generation of rich people, it’s really enviable, especially the second generation of rich people who are so rich!

After Hattori Heiji secretly grinded his teeth, he yawned again and wiped the tears from his eyes.


This seems to be the third time Hattori Heiji has yawned since they met, right?

Conan noticed something was wrong, and after squinting his eyes, he chose to ask directly: “Hattori, did you not sleep well last night?”

“Ah…it’s not that I didn’t sleep well, it’s that I didn’t sleep much at all.”

Hattori Heiji muttered and replied: “You guys don’t know how big of an incident happened in Osaka last night.”

“What’s up?”

Conan’s curiosity was aroused: “Is there any particularly complicated case?”

“That’s not true.”

Hattori Heiji sighed: “It’s the Black Death.”

“…Black Death??”

Conan’s face was suddenly full of questions: “You mean the black god of death in Tokyo? They came to Osaka???”

“Well, just last night.”

Hattori Heiji’s memories drifted back to last night, and he began to talk about what he saw last night affectionately, causing Sano’s thoughts to drift away unconsciously.

One o’clock in the morning.

This is a magical time.

For some people, this is the most critical moment of their dreams.

For some, this is the beginning of nightlife.

On a street in Osaka, thousands of delinquent teenagers armed with sticks gathered together. Farther away, only more than a hundred police officers were watching from a distance.

“Dad, what’s going on?”

Hattori Heiji secretly followed Hattori Heiji because he noticed his father going out in a hurry in the middle of the night. He felt that he was surprised by the gathering of bad boys.

“Heiji, why are you here?”

The frowning Hattori Heizo glanced at his son: “Forget it, just stand here and don’t move.”

“…No, why don’t you tell me what’s going on?”

Hattori Heiji said a little depressed. He originally thought that some difficult case had happened, so he followed him, but it turned out to be just…a gangster fight?

Although the number of these gangsters seems a bit scary.

“Can’t you see, bad boys are fighting.”

After hearing Hattori Heizang’s answer, Hattori Heiji couldn’t help but type a line of dots.

Hattori Heiji was not blind, so he could naturally see that those gathered together were mostly teenagers about his own age. Naturally, it was impossible for some Yakuza members to gather to cause trouble.

And as the son of Hattori Heizo, Hattori Heiji also had some understanding and contact with these… secret issues by chance.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for Yakuza members to be stupid enough to openly oppose the authorities.

…The opposition here does not really mean rebellion, but violation of the rules.

The prerequisites for the legality of neon for the Yida are that one is that they will obey the authorities obediently, and the other is that they are very sensible and can handle the relationship with the people.

Even if you do bad things, you will only do them to individual individuals and go against the public, which is simply unhappiness.

Therefore, even if there is a conflict between Yakuza organizations, they will not gather so many people to cause trouble in the city center, otherwise they will be forced to disappear the next day.

As for delinquent boys, the authorities are somewhat restrained due to various factors.

But these are not important, what is important is…

“Why are there so many bad boys gathered here, and why do I feel like they have no intention of starting a fight?”

Hattori Heiji didn’t bother to complain about his father’s brief answer, so he chose to ask directly.

“Because what’s going on tonight is not an ordinary brawl between delinquents, but…”

Before Hattori Heizang finished speaking, he suddenly straightened his back slightly and looked at the other end with a solemn expression: “Here we come.”


What’s coming?

The confused Hattori Heiji followed and looked over.

Under the dim light of the night, a dozen black figures walked out, and then walked towards the Osaka delinquents gathered together.

These people all seemed to be wearing the same uniform. There were red words embroidered on the black trench coats, and the black masks had only one word on them, so they could be seen more clearly.

It’s the word [kill].

“Black Death…”

The delinquent boys in Osaka also noticed these people, and instantly put away their casual demeanor, and turned to look solemn, or cheered up with anger on their faces.

…Unlike Tokyo, Osaka is not Sano’s birthplace, there is no black death, and there is no black death, so there is no unity at all, it is completely scattered.

That is to say, they suddenly received a challenge from the Black Death. After discussion, they finally temporarily united and prepared to join forces to fight against the enemy.

Even a temporary team needs a temporary commander.

The person responsible for this position is a young man with a samurai haircut, who was also the leader of the most powerful gangster organization in Osaka.

…probably equivalent to Huang Mao, the former commander of the Black Angel and now the second-in-command of the Black Death.

The samurai head narrowed his eyes and held the baseball bat in his hand, unconsciously using more strength.

The Black Death is currently the most famous runaway organization in the Neon area. The speed and outrageousness of its fortune have made it unprecedented in the entire history of runaways, if not unprecedented.

Legend level?

No, it’s a mythical level!

Naturally, some people will be afraid of such an existence.

…There are even some who feel yearned for it and attempt to rebel and surrender to the enemy.

Of course, as an excellent delinquent boy, it is impossible to be afraid of someone like Samurai Head. Although there is some yearning, there is more anger and expectation.

The latter is because of the close contact or even fighting with such a myth, while the former is because of the other party’s arrogance.

…Actually, the fact that the Black Death came to attack Osaka is quite… particularly surprising.

There is a long distance between Tokyo and Osaka, and they are not neighbors in the apartment. They can be reached just outside the house.

Generally speaking, if you want to achieve the achievement of dominating the country, of course you have to conquer one region after another, slowly devouring and spreading like a flame.

After all, fights between large areas usually involve a large number of people. Movements of this scale cannot span very far, so it is true that the Black Death directly skipped the middle area to challenge the situation in Osaka… It’s unruly and irrational, and probably because of this, there are only a dozen or so people coming to Osaka now.

It was both unexpected and extremely arrogant.

I want to conquer Osaka with only a dozen people, and I don’t dare to be so arrogant when making a movie!

“Let’s go say hello to Shinhwa!”

The samurai gave the first order, and the bad boys behind him immediately followed.

On one side were more than a dozen black figures dressed in uniform, and on the other side were tens of thousands of people, although there was no sign of uniformity at all, the entire road was blocked at a high speed, like a tide.

The contrast is sharp and the gap is huge.

But under the leadership of Sano, the members of the special attack team did not show any timidity, but became more and more excited.

…Of course they don’t think that after a period of special training, they will be strong enough to fight one against a hundred or even a thousand.

But as long as the person in front takes the lead, they will never feel like they will lose. It feels a bit…well, a dog-fighting feeling.

On the broad street, Sano and his group walked very gracefully, their windbreakers in special attack uniforms swayed with their steps, and their “Kill” masks made their eyes even colder.

The momentum began to rise continuously.

In a daze, Sano seemed to hear the BGM playing again.

But this time it’s in English, and Sano can’t understand it…huh? ? ?

Can’t understand! ? ?

The corners of Sano’s eyes twitched unconsciously, and his footsteps paused for a moment, and then his eyes turned slightly, without leaving a trace, he looked at the big black box carried on Huang Mao’s shoulders, the explosive English song Move every time and hit every time.


…Damn it, I didn’t even notice it just now. Why did this guy bring a stereo with him when he was fighting! ?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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