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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 262 261, Heipi is jealous of Heidi

“If you want to catch such a monster without any preparation in advance, rely on hundreds of policemen with bare hands… who can only hold a baton at most.”

“Do you think this is possible? It’s obviously impossible.”

“You should know that the current police information on this black death is close to zero.”

“So even if we really catch him, if he insists that he is not a black death, then we have no way to prove that he is a black death.”

Hattori Heiji’s words may sound a bit ridiculous, but in fact they are quite the truth.

Just like Kuroba Kaito, he has committed countless crimes behind the scenes. This time, he even provoked the police from the two central districts of Neon to join forces, not to mention the unknown number of police forces before. Because of his existence alone, he has been dispatched. how many times.

I have never seen the police use real guns.

At most, it’s just a tranquilizer gun or something.

The things Sano’s Black Death Vest “committed” may sound serious, but if we really want to compare them, in a sense, they are not as serious as what Kuroba Kaito’s Kidd Vest committed. serious.

Because neon… at least the neon in this world, the severity of many cases is determined by their impact on society. Even the subsequent disposal must also take this aspect into consideration.

Whether they are messengers of justice or delinquents, both of them have “lightning points” that even the government cannot easily “touch”.

This is the origin of the so-called “rules”.

As a high school detective, Conan naturally understands the rules of this basic logical game.

It’s just that Conan lost his sense of proportion just now, so he didn’t take it into consideration. Now that he has calmed down a little under the guidance of Hattori Heiji, he will naturally not be unable to react.

Conan finally stopped yelling, but after a moment of silence, he couldn’t help but tugged on Hattori Heiji’s clothes, and whispered: “Actually, if you really catch him, I still have evidence to prove that he is a black man. dead.”

“I still have a piece of his hair on my hand.”

Hattori Heiji:”……”

Damn, you just can’t get over this dark threshold today?

Why do you talk so much?

Also, where did this guy get his black hair?

Although this does seem to be counted as evidence, and there is nothing strange about taking hair, especially for a detective.

But there’s something about keeping a man’s hair…

Or does it make people feel a little… perverted?

Hattori Heiji shuddered and said nothing.

Sano, who had been listening silently, withdrew his gaze from Hattori Heiji, bumped Conan with his knee, and reminded in a low voice: “Don’t mention Hei Si, haven’t you seen Hei Pi getting jealous?”


Conan looked confused.

Sano did not continue speaking, but there was one more thing he wanted to complain about.

Did Hattori Heiji forget that the person he was communicating with just now was an elementary school student named Conan and not the high school detective Kudo Shinichi?

The voice of the exchange was not disguised at all, so that Sano and Haibara Ai, who were walking next to them, could hear it clearly.

…Although both of them know Conan’s true identity, there will be no problem.

But Hattori Heiji didn’t know that the two of them knew Conan’s true identity, judging from this aspect.

Conan’s dark-skinned teammate is indeed unreliable.

Haiyuan Ai, who also noticed this, withdrew his gaze thoughtfully, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, the group finally arrived at the president’s room of the Suzuki Museum of Art.

Suzuki Shiro immediately stepped forward to shake hands with Mouri Kogoro and Sano.

“Hey, who are these two?”

Suzuki Shiro looked at Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuha. Unlike others, even if Suzuki Shiro had never met people before, because Suzuki Sonoko had said hello, he could at least “know” them. Only these two people were The real first “meeting”.

Upon seeing this, Suzuki Sonoko immediately stepped forward and introduced Hattori Heiji’s identity and the purpose of joining the team.

Suzuki Shiro naturally welcomed this.

“By the way, let me introduce you to you.”

Suzuki Shiro drew everyone’s attention to the four people sitting aside.

“This is the First Secretary of the Embassy of the Bear Country, Siruov Chinnikov.”

This is a very strong-looking middle-aged man… his appearance fits the feeling of the furry bear country.

“This is the art dealer I invited, Mr. Jiang Yi.”

This man should be about the same age as the guy from the embassy, ​​but he looks very old. He has an ugly mustache and a serious hunchback.

…At first glance, he doesn’t look like a good bird, he has a sinister look on his face.

“This lady is Pu Si Qinglan, a researcher on the Romanov dynasty.”

A short-haired little beauty.

…In fact, she should be regarded as a great beauty. Judging from the irritation that is about to leak out from Mouri Kogoro’s face, this is enough to prove this.

Maybe it’s because I’ve seen Sano beauties more often, so I just thought she looked so-so?

The last person introduced by Suzuki Shiro was a freelance photographer with pigtails who seemed to have applied to take pictures of treasures, Samkawa Ryu.

… To put it bluntly, he is just a photographer, he just pretends to be more artistic.

He looks carefree and arrogant, similar to the feeling of Gan Jiangyi, not like a good person.

“By the way, President Suzuki, has the value of that egg been determined?”

Mouri Kogoro asked.

Before Shiro Suzuki opened his mouth, Gan Jiangyi laughed: “Eight hundred million yuan.”

“What, 800 million!?”

Upon hearing this price, Mouri Kogoro immediately started to bluff, and even the other people next to him had different expressions.

Especially the trio of real children, they all began to discuss in low voices what 800 million could do.

The only one who didn’t know the inside story and didn’t change his face was Sano.

…It’s not that Sano is so rich that he thinks 800 million is a drop in the bucket.

But for antique collectibles and the like, this price is not surprising, especially when there are comparison objects like the Suzuki Foundation.

It seems very small.

“If Chairman Suzuki really wants to sell, then it may not be impossible to raise the price a little more on this basis.”

The go-getter said with a smile that he could add more money. He looked calm and calm, and he didn’t feel like he was short of money.

Just saying this, the secretary of the Mao Xiong Embassy next to him immediately became unhappy, saying that he couldn’t hand over the things to such a black businessman with no vision, and should give them to the Mao Xiong Art Museum for safekeeping… To put it bluntly, he just wanted to Prostitution for nothing?

Fortunately, the smell of moral kidnapping is not that strong, otherwise Sano suspected that Suzuki Shiro would probably go crazy.

Hanchuanlong on the other side also smiled sinisterly and asked Pu Siqinglan why he didn’t speak.

Pu Siqinglan sighed and said that he was too poor to pay the price, and Hanchuanlong pretended to say that he could only raise 200 million at most.

…In terms of price alone, the go-getter among the four is undoubtedly the most advantageous.

But the Suzuki Group is most indispensable for gangsters, so it is still unknown whether this so-called Egg of Memories will be sold in the end, and if so, who it will end up with.

Sano can think of this, and the four people can naturally think of it. Therefore, although the latter two seem to have given up on themselves and have no intention of pursuing the memory egg, in fact, only they can know what they are thinking in their hearts. knew.

“As for this matter, let’s talk about it another day. After all, the most important thing that day is Kaitou Kidd’s matter, isn’t it?”

Suzuki Shiro opened his mouth to put a temporary end to the matter. Naturally, the four people opposite him didn’t want to say anything more. After acknowledging, they left.

It’s just that Samchuanlong, when he passed by Nishino who happened to be carrying a small box, he reacted as if he was frightened.

… Just one doubt/clue, write it down first, maybe it will be useful.

Sano and Conan withdrew their gazes at the same time and turned to the box in Nishino’s hand.

“Okay, let’s show everyone the Egg of Memory first.”

It turned out that the priceless egg was contained inside.

…The full name is called the Egg of Memories. It was discovered in the treasure house of the Suzuki Foundation last month. It is called the secret treasure of the Tsar, the Easter Egg of the Emperor, and there are a lot of settings. Sano is not too sure. care.

After all, it’s not Sano’s personal belongings, so why study it so carefully?

“Is it really okay to take out such a valuable thing casually?”

However, as soon as Mao Lilan finished speaking, Suzuki Sonoko waved her hand and said, “Don’t worry about it, it’s not that important. I used it as a toy when I was a kid, but I threw it in the warehouse and forgot about it.”

…800 million worth of antiques and toys were thrown into the warehouse and forgotten. Well, she really deserves to be the richest woman in the future of Neon. That’s what she said.

It’s just atmospheric!

Then, Shiro Suzuki showed everyone the egg of memory.

The overall look is like an ostrich egg. Although Sano has never seen an ostrich egg, he just feels like an ostrich egg.

It has a dark green shell. When opened, there are several little gold figures inside. After opening the mechanism with the key, the little figures will turn over the books in their hands…


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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