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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 264 263, Gotham and Los Santos

“…Where’s Sano?”

Conan first glanced resentfully at the two culprits who had caused him… an education, and then realized that Sano was missing from the team, and couldn’t help but ask with some confusion.

“I don’t know. He said he had other things to do and left alone.”

Hattori Heiji replied… He actually seriously suspected that Sano had already discovered something, but he just didn’t want him and Conan to know, so he found an excuse to sneak away alone.

Then again, in the last incident, Sano happened to go to the mountain where Numabuchi Kiichiro was imprisoned by Sakata to see the scenery, and he happened to go to the wooden house and found out that the other party’s statement was really credible. ?

…But considering the conditions and clues of the last case, it’s impossible for Sano to see the problem at a glance and directly determine the whereabouts of Kiichiro Numabuchi, right?

Hattori Heiji nervously touched his chin.

Conan, on the other hand, turned his gaze to Haihara Ai, who seemed a little depressed: “…What’s wrong with you?”

Haiyuan Ai snorted and ignored Conan… In fact, she lost Sano again.

…What is the condition of that guy? Why did he turn a corner and no one could even see him? He looked like a ghost.

“Okay, now that everyone is here, I know a shrine is very famous. Let’s go and visit it together. We can also draw lots.”

Seeing that Hattori Heiji didn’t express any reaction, Toyama Kazuha, a local, could only temporarily assume the role of tour guide.

At the same time, Sano came to an alley in a remote area after many twists and turns, and finally pulled out a black doll, a set of clothes and a mask from under a pile of boxes.

Exactly the replica doll and special attack suit set.

…The Black Death that Hattori Heiji said he saw last night was actually a clone made by Sano using a clone doll.

It’s just that there’s another layer of special attack suit skin on the outside.

As for Sano himself, after sending the replica doll and creating a replica, he immediately returned to Tokyo.

Precisely because it is a clone that can only exist for a maximum of three hours, Sano will call the members of the special attack team a day in advance and ask them to come over early to arrange everything.

In this way, the clone only needs to come out to brush the face at the moment the battle starts, and it will not time out.

Although Sano could have chosen to attack with his body in a vest, and there was no need to follow the large army here today, but since everyone already has the clone technique, why not use it.

…Well, Sano definitely doesn’t just want to practice the use of his new equipment. After all, as the old saying goes, success or failure is determined by the details.

Anyway, Sano has decided that all future actions of the vest will be completed by the clone.

The main body just watched quietly, feeling beautiful alone.

Putting all the dolls and special attack suits back into his backpack, Sano slowly walked back.

…Although Sano didn’t know where that boy Kuroba Kaito would appear from, but since the opponent’s target was the egg of memories, he would definitely not go wrong if he just stayed by the side.

But when the familiar figure appeared in front of him and greeted him, Sano was still surprised.

“Hey, Master, long time no see.”

…Taka Ito.

Why is this guy here?

Looking at the smiling guy in front of him, Sano narrowed his eyes and kept walking. He didn’t ask when he was discharged from the hospital. He just asked: “Why did you come to Osaka?”

Ito Taka followed Sano and while looking at the surrounding pedestrian shops, he replied casually: “Nothing, I just heard from my friend that Master, you were specially invited to join this joint operation against Kaitou Kidd, so… Just come and take a look.”

…It’s that friend again who I don’t know what to call.

Since Ito Taka chose to be perfunctory, Sano didn’t ask any more questions and just stopped communicating.

After Ito Taka endured it for a while, he still couldn’t hold it back and said again: “Master, aren’t you curious about why I came to Osaka to see you?”

“Not curious.”

Sano said without turning around.

Ito Takashi: “…”

Damn it!

Ito Taka endured it for a while, but in the end he couldn’t hold it back anymore and chose to confess: “…I lose, Master. I came here specifically to remind you.”

remind him?

Sano raised his eyebrows, glanced at Ito Taka, and motioned for the other party to continue.

“The first thing I want to say is that there is another guy besides Kaitou Kidd who is eyeing the Egg of Memory.”

“Shi Kaobing, this is the code name of the other party. It should be a transliteration. The real meaning is probably… poisonous scorpion. This guy is a killer… he can also be called a robber, although I think he should be called a treasure hunter. His gender is unknown. All I know is that he has been collecting cultural relics and treasures from the Romanov dynasty all over the world, and he is very good at shooting, and he especially likes to shoot people’s right eyes.”

Ito Taka said a lot eloquently, and then paused: “Of course, although this Shi Kaobing is indeed dangerous, he is only one person after all. The real trouble is the other two groups of killers who also come from the world.”

“One is targeting Kaitou Kidd’s head, and the other is targeting Shi Kaobing’s head. Although these two people are the only ones being targeted, these two people are after all mixed with the Egg of Memory. At the same time, Master, you must be careful not to be affected.”

…Why did so many killers appear at once?

Sano blinked and stared at the Egg of Memory, then at Kaito Kid, and then at the Egg of Memory… By the way, Kaito Kid… that kid Kuroba Kaito was also focused on, wasn’t he? Egg of memories?

So there are mantises hunting cicadas on both sides, and the oriole is behind?

If what Ito Taka said is true, then there are so many dangerous people in Osaka now. It feels like the environment is even worse than in Tokyo… No, accidents happen every day in Tokyo, and the frequency is much higher than this, and at least There’s also a winery that’s completely safe. It’s no less dangerous than Osaka, or even more dangerous.

Both places are full of talented people.

…Is it really just Gotham and Los Santos?

By the way, Neon’s officials are just for the taking. Forget about the local snakes, even the international dragons can be let in so easily. It’s really…

Wait a minute, since Taka Ito knows about this, then the official should also…

“Did you hear all this information from the friend in the police that you mentioned before?”

Sano asked.

Ito Taka shook his head first, and then nodded: “Although I did hear it from a friend, it was not the friend from the police, but an international friend.”

…A new friend?

“Then the authorities still don’t know about this?”

“Of course I don’t know. Otherwise, why would I come all the way to remind Master?”

…So, even a mental patient can find out the information, but the official has not received any information at all?

Do you want to be such a waste?

Although this mental patient seems to be more than just an ordinary mental patient.

Sano twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly, and then asked: “Then why don’t you just go and tell the officials?”

Ito Takashi shrugged: “Who would believe a mental patient’s words? I can’t confess my friend.”

“…Okay, I understand.”

After Sano sighed, he waved his hand and left. After Ito Takashi looked at the other person’s back for a while, another person appeared beside him at some point.

“He doesn’t seem to take your words to heart.”

Ito Takashi smiled: “No, he will know it well.”

“Do you think so highly of him?”

“It’s okay…but he is my master after all. If he is not awesome, it cannot be justified.”

“…Then why did you ask us to come over?”

“Just in case something unexpected happens, just in case something unexpected happens, hahaha.”

After a brief meeting with Ito Taka, Sano wandered around the street casually until dusk, then returned to the president’s room of the art museum.

…First of all, Sano didn’t think that Kaitou Kidd’s guess that he would arrive at three o’clock was correct, so the time for action could be between dark and dawn.

Secondly, Sano received a mission.

[Please ensure that the Egg of Memories is not stolen within the mission time limit. You will receive one hundred strengthening points upon completion. The remaining time of the mission is – 03:59:59].

… Judging from the time limit of this mission, the time when Kuroba Kaito started his attack was indeed impossible to be three o’clock, and it would have been less than eight o’clock.

As for the mission content, it is almost the same as the last time on the ship.

But compared with last time, Sano’s opponents this time were except Kuroba Kaito.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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