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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 265 264, Kuroba Kaito: Are you a devil?

There is also an unknown killer, Shi Kaobing.

Probably because of this, Sano’s map does not have the location of these two guys… On the contrary, there is one, the location of the Egg of Memories.

So Officer Nakamori came to the president’s room and took away the Memory Egg, which showed that he was putting up a fake to attract “enemies”, and secretly moved and hid the real thing, and would not tell Sano and Mori the location of the real thing. When planning by an “outsider” like Kogoro.

Sano didn’t show anything strange.

However, Mouri Kogoro was obviously unhappy because of this, and he and Officer Nakamori began to pinch each other’s faces on the pretext of “pinch faces to confirm identity.”


Sano suddenly turned his eyes and landed on a white pigeon outside the window… To be precise, it was the white pigeon’s leg.

…It’s such an obvious eavesdropping device, no, it should be more obvious to me.

Sano calmly put down the black tea cup in his hand, and then came to the window calmly.

After the white pigeon moved a few steps to the side, and after confirming that there was no danger and relaxing his vigilance, Sano suddenly reached out and grabbed the white pigeon.

The white pigeon began to struggle wildly, but Sano still did not make a sound. Instead, he used the sound of the white pigeon’s struggle to install a transmitter under its wings.

Well, just in case.

After letting go of the white pigeon, Sano rejected Suzuki Shiro’s invitation to have dinner together.

After all, Sano still has to make an action plan for tonight depending on the situation.

But later, when he was about to leave the museum gate, Sano’s footsteps suddenly stopped again.

…Why do we only meet acquaintances today?

The blond and black man wearing work clothes and pushing a trolley also saw Sano and raised his hand to say hello: “Hey, Sano.”

“…Hey, boss, I’m working again.”

“Well, I’m a temporary worker. I’ll just work until the exhibition is over.”

Toru Amuro explained with a smile… The implication was that even if Sano did something that caused him to lose his job, he wouldn’t care?

Tsk, don’t act like you are doing nothing but causing the other party to lose his job all day long, okay?

Sanoye complained a bit, but what concerned him more was…this guy even came to Osaka from Tokyo to work part-time.

Isn’t that a little too suspicious?

Sano squinted his eyes and looked at Toru Amuro. He seriously suspected that the other party’s intentions were impure.

If you have to find a reason, it seems that it is not impossible to find one.

Black death.

Black Death showed up in Osaka yesterday, and Toru Amuro followed him today.

If that’s the case, it makes sense.

However, Sano did not explore this further.

Compared to Toru Amuro, Sano has more important things to deal with.

So after just a few words of greeting, Sano and Toru Amuro separated.

Then soon, night had fallen.

At the top of Osaka Castle Tsutenkaku, a white figure was looking lewd… looking at the buildings below with an evil smile.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the show is about to begin.”

Kuroba Kaito pressed the remote control in his hand, and dense fireworks immediately rose into the sky, exploding into brilliant colors in the night sky and attracting the attention of countless people.

…This kid doesn’t even have an audience, yet he still pretends like this… Or is it because he has no audience that he carries out such shameless behavior?

Sanochi, who had just arrived at Tsutenkaku based on the transmitter, complained, then took out his mobile phone to edit a text message and sent it to Suzuki Shiro.

Then he shook his sleeves, and the hammer of justice slipped into his palm.

Sano quietly touched behind Kuroba Kaito and hit the back of his head with a hammer.


Kuroba Kaito sensed something was wrong, and instinctively turned his head to avoid the hammer, but was still hit on the shoulder, and quickly stepped back with a grin on his face.

This familiar hammer…

When he raised his head again, his black coat was fluttering in the wind, and a familiar figure holding a hammer came into view.

“Sano Shinichiro…”

Kuroba Kaito recognized Sano immediately and read out the name with some gritted teeth.

After all, in the last and first meeting between the two parties, the other party left a deep, deep impression on Kuroba Kaito.

…So much so that just seeing that hammer now makes Kuroba Kaito feel a little cold in his crotch.

It’s just a shameful and terrible nightmare.

Kuroba Kaito shuddered slightly.

Sano also joined this joint operation, and Kuroba Kaito naturally knew about it, but because the white pigeon he sent out to eavesdrop did not return any news, he thought that the other party had not unlocked the notice letter he had left. .

…I didn’t expect it to be untied, but I just ran over without telling the police.

“As expected of you, you are really powerful, but isn’t it bad to be so arrogant and arrogant about your achievements?”

Kuroba Kaito grinned and pressed another remote control. Sano faintly heard an explosion, and then the entire Osaka Castle fell into darkness in an instant.

… Sano didn’t know what Kuroba Kaito was thinking. If he knew, he would probably roll his eyes at him.

Because the reason Sano was stuck at the last moment before arriving at Tsutenkaku Tower was because of the constantly drifting position of the transmitter, which finally stopped at Tsutenkaku Tower?

If he could have known where Kuroba Kaito would end up in advance, how could Sano come here alone? He would have laid a dragnet and wait for him to die.

After all, if we really want to compare, although Sano knows the true identity of Kaitou Kidd but does not know the true identity of Shi Kaobing, this kid’s disguise technique is really too troublesome, so if possible, it must be dealt with first.

Otherwise, Sano wouldn’t have come here specially.

“…You blew up the power station?”

Looking at the dim Osaka Castle below, Sano asked Kuroba Kaito.

“That’s right, I’ve known for a long time that the genuine Egg of Memory has been compromised, so I came up with this method to help me determine the location of the genuine egg.”

Kuroba Kaito was wary of Sano, taking out his binoculars to watch, and even explained his plan at the same time.

…The general meaning is that as long as there is a power outage, only particularly important buildings can be equipped with automatic power generation capabilities.

Such as hospitals and luxury hotels, and also… the place where all the police officers hide the genuine Egg of Memory.

“found it.”

Taking advantage of the moment when Kuroba Kaito relaxed after discovering the target location, Sano quickly approached and launched another wave of combo attacks.

Although Kuroba Kaito reacted quickly and his body was very agile, and he basically dodged all the hammers, he still looked a little embarrassed.

“Ha, useless work…”

After Kuroba Kaito opened a safe distance, he was about to taunt him and then pull out his glider and use his air superiority to escape. Unexpectedly, Sano’s words in the next second made him freeze again.

“Do you know how many people you will kill?”


Sano pointed his left hand downward: “I don’t even bother to mention the economic losses caused by the power outage.”

“A sudden blackout will definitely scare many people. If some people are engaging in dangerous behaviors, they are likely to be injured or even die. Don’t think that the upper limit of the definition of dangerous behaviors is very high, such as driving, operating, etc. Even people taking the stairs, that counts.”

“Car accidents, surgical accidents, falling in the air, and to exaggerate a little more, it is not impossible for the elderly or patients with poor heart conditions to be frightened to death…”

“Tell me now, what do you think of human life!?”

Sano’s speaking speed gradually increased, and his volume also gradually increased. After all the accusations, every word was like a sharp arrow, piercing Kuroba Kaito’s heart.

…Because Kuroba Kaito seems to have never considered this aspect.

If it is true as what the other party said, then my sin will be huge…

Kuroba Kaito’s face instantly turned pale, and his head became even more messy.

Oh, you are so young, you can take the bait.

Seeing Kuroba Kaito’s reaction, Sano couldn’t help but know that the opponent was frightened. He couldn’t help but raise the corner of his mouth slightly, and then pushed towards the opponent again.

But this time, Kuroba Kaito only reacted instinctively, dodging and blocking. Even after reacting, he began to hesitate in his heart whether he should just let Sano take him away to shoulder his responsibilities.

It wasn’t until the voice of his good teammate came from the earphones that Kuroba Kaito realized that he had been fooled.

“Master Kaito, don’t listen to that guy’s nonsense. I have already made calculations in advance before this plan started. A large number of fireworks can attract people’s attention in advance, so they will not be frightened by the power outage. The brightness is not low, and the darkness does not come instantly. Economic losses may be inevitable, but death is absolutely impossible!”

…I see, in this case, it seems that the phenomenon Sano mentioned will not happen.

So Sano just wanted to take advantage of him, so he deliberately exaggerated the facts and intimidated himself?

Kuroba Kaito gritted his teeth as Sano kept pushing him back.

Isn’t this guy a fucking devil! ?

How did you manage to say such terrifying words so easily?

Don’t you know that scary people can scare people to death? !


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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