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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 27 27, the kind that can kick your skull open

Wakamatsu rubbed the back of his head and smiled: “That’s for sure, because the party was originally held at that guy’s house!”

“Ah ah ah, then I want to…”

Suzuki Sonoko’s voice suddenly paused and she stared at Sano.

What should I do now? Should I abandon my senior…

Regarding the current situation, Sano himself understood. It turned out that just now, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko had no plan for the system mission tomorrow. It was only now that this plan emerged.

“Well, can you take me with you?”

Sano took the initiative to propose, and Suzuki Sonoko’s eyes lit up, and she immediately smiled and gave a thumbs up: “Of course, don’t worry, senior, there will definitely be many good girls to choose from!”

“We will go tomorrow, it’s settled Mr. Wakamatsu!”

“Okay, let’s welcome you!”

Wakamatsu and Suzuki Sonoko reached a consensus and drove away immediately, leaving Mao Lilan looking at Suzuki Sonoko with dead fish eyes: “Who allowed you to help me make decisions without permission?”


Suzuki Sonoko hugged Mao Lilan and said with a teasing smile: “It’s about time you gave up on that guy Kudo, right?”

“Why give up…”

Mao Lilan suddenly blushed and hummed: “Who would like that kind of reasoning madman!”

“In that case, let’s decide, let’s go to that Valentine’s Day party tomorrow!”

“Just go!”

Sano was squeezed between the two, silently raised his hand and asked: “Who is Kudo?”

“Ah, senior hasn’t come to school before, so he probably doesn’t know.”

Suzuki Sonoko said: “A high school detective is Xiaolan’s childhood sweetheart. He is also called the Sherlock Holmes of the Heisei era. Of course, in my eyes, he is just a stupid reasoning maniac.”

“The empty seat on Xiaolan’s left is his seat. He hasn’t come to school for a long time. He has encountered some difficult case. I have to taunt him when he comes back…”


Sano nodded, he also paid attention to the empty seat, but after all, he had only been to school for two days, so he just thought that the other party was asking for leave or something.

Sano did not continue to ask, but looked at the telephone pole across the street: “By the way, Moori-san, your child is hiding over there.”


Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko were stunned at the same time. They turned to follow Sano’s line of sight, and then saw the short figure who was desperately shrinking behind the telephone pole.


The Dog Knight, who had been hiding there and eavesdropping for some time, froze. Knowing that he could not escape, he could only stand up slowly and say hello to the three of them.

“Sister Xiaolan, sister Sonoko, brother Sano…”

“Conan, why are you here?”

Xiaolan asked doubtfully: “Isn’t it time for you to finish school a long time ago? Why haven’t you gone home yet?”

“Ah… my classmates insisted on asking me to hand out flyers. I didn’t expect that I would meet here…”

Conan replied with a dry smile.

Damn it, at first I was just worried that Sano, the stalking criminal, was deliberately getting close to Xiaolan, but then I saw someone else inviting Xiaolan on a date, and Xiaolan actually agreed…

Conan gritted his teeth secretly in his heart. If his body hadn’t become smaller, Xiaolan would have spent this Valentine’s Day with him! !

On the opposite side, Sano pointed out Conan who was eavesdropping. He knew it in his heart. He just said, how could the dog knight be frightened to the point of mental breakdown because of such a trivial matter? Judging from Mao Lilan’s experience in the previous two days, it was simply Jumping around.

Sano glanced not far away again. The classmates that Conan had just mentioned were handing out flyers, namely Ayumen Taimituhiko and the three little gangsters. He was really surprised. These three ordinary children seemed not to be affected at all.

…Tsk, as expected, no matter what era the media is from, they are all so headline-grabbing and like to exaggerate the facts.

After Sano turned his head for a moment, he had no intention of staying any longer and turned around to continue walking home. Seeing this, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko couldn’t care about anything else and could only follow quickly.

So when Conan looked up again, the three people in front of him had already disappeared.

Did you just leave without even saying hello…

The cold wind blew through, but it couldn’t cool Conan’s heart.

Damn it, I must go to that party tomorrow, and I must not let Xiao Lan fall in love with someone else! !

The next day, Valentine’s Day, Sano, who put on a special attack outfit and a black coat, was waiting downstairs early.

Don’t ask why you have to wear a special attack outfit to attend a party.

This is just in case something happens.

After all, Sano already felt something was wrong.

On the night of Sano’s time travel, he met the dog knight who went to challenge the kidnapper. The next day when he was taken to Okino Yoko’s house for following him, that guy was also present.

Then on the third day of the maple leaf gold coin mission, the dog rider was still present. Although Sano did not have a mission on the fourth and fifth day, judging from the exchange with Mao Lilan yesterday, the Shinkansen the dog rider was riding also encountered a big explosion. The best person in the world who goes on a trip is also a dead person.

Although there was no evidence, Sano still had reason to suspect that the dog knight was a big trouble.

Although this time was just a party, in short, for the safety of his own life, Sano felt that he had the obligation and need to make more preparations.

Anyway, it’s just to wear more clothes under the coat, put an extra mask, an extra bottle of hairspray, a softener bottle, and a hammer. It’s better than being stunned if something happens later.

Soon, the strong man Wakamatsu from yesterday drove up, and Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko were already in the car.

Because the two girls were sitting in the back seat, Sano could only sit in the passenger seat. The car itself was a relatively small type, and coupled with Wakamatsu’s bulging muscles, Sano, who was sitting side by side with the other girl, could only sit in the passenger seat. Stick it on the car door.

It’s really uncomfortable.

“Isn’t Conan here?”

Sano asked curiously after taking a look inside the car.

“What’s that kid doing here?”

Suzuki Sonoko looked puzzled: “This is a Valentine’s Day party, what’s the point of bringing a child?”


Sano nodded thoughtfully. Was this a miscalculation? He thought he was seen by the dog knight yesterday afternoon and would definitely encounter him today.

At the same time, in the trunk of the car, a figure raised his ears.

In the bungalow, a group of boys and girls were having a party happily.

Except for Sano and Mouriran Suzuki Sonoko, the rest are all members of the Tennis Club of Miwa Medical University. The president is the owner of this bungalow… Minagawa Katsuhiko, who can be regarded as the owner for the time being, is also Suzuki Sonoko this time. Target.

Minagawa Katsuhiko is wearing a brown-black suit and has short hair parted in the middle. He is a very handsome guy. Of course, compared to Sano, he is still a bit inferior. He seems to have a cooler style.

In addition, the strong man who invited me yesterday and came to pick me up today is Toshihide Wakamatsu.

There is also the energetic girl Sekiya Kaoru who has the same short hair as the boys, and the gloomy-faced, slightly fat man with glasses.

As for what Naomichi’s full name is, Sano doesn’t know, because in the previous self-introduction, this guy was completely silent. Sano only knew the surname Naomichi when he heard someone else call him.

Then there is Watanabe, a gentle girl who also has short hair, but is slightly longer than Suzuki Sonoko.

Finally, there is Minagawa Katsuhiko’s young mother who looks to be in her thirties and is wearing a kimono, and his younger brother, a little boy who is about the same age as Dog Rider and is called Jin.

Sano sank into the sofa, just watching this group of people talking to each other, feeling deeply bored.

It’s really noisy.

Because after Sano listened to these people’s self-introductions, the system had already reminded him that the mission was completed, so he was now considering whether to find an excuse to leave first.

At this moment, Mao Lilan, who was on Sano’s left, suddenly seemed to notice something and turned to look at the yard outside the sliding door of the living room behind him.


Hearing Mao Lilan’s surprised voice, Sano raised his eyebrows, sat up, and looked over, and then saw the dog knight running around in panic in the yard.

As if he realized that he had been discovered, the dog knight immediately stood there with an embarrassed look on his face.

“What are you doing here?”

Mao Lilan opened the sliding door, and Conan could only scratch his head and laugh: “Hahaha, I was going to go find my friends to play, but accidentally, I got lost…”

“Is this a child that Miss Xiaolan knows?”

Wakamatsu Toshihide asked.

Regarding the current situation, Mao Lilan was obviously very surprised. She could only explain with a smile: “This is the child who is temporarily staying in my house.”

Fortunately, Minagawa’s mother was not a mean person. She smiled and said, “In that case, let him in quickly. It’s so cold outside.”

“May I?”

Mao Lilan breathed a sigh of relief and immediately waved to Conan, who also happily ran in on his short legs.

“Hey, we meet again.”

Sano said hello to the dog knight, and at the same time, the hand in his pocket touched the mask of the special attack suit.

This guy is here after all.

“Hehehe, hello Sano-san.”

After Conan greeted Sano, he unceremoniously squeezed in between him and Mao Lilan and started eating.

Afterwards, Minagawa Katsuhiko seemed to have drunk a little too much. He narrowed his eyes and asked Naomito to come out and perform for everyone. When he couldn’t get a response, he cursed a few times with a bad attitude, and finally got up and went out.

“I always feel that Mr. Minagawa has a bad temper.”

Mao Lilan used polite words as much as possible.

“What do you know? This is what boys need to have personality!”

Suzuki Sonoko replied.

Sure enough, after a girl falls in love, her eyes are no different than being blind.

Sano sat aside and said nothing.


As if feeling that the time had come, Suzuki Sonoko took out the pink packaged chocolate from her bag and pumped her fist to encourage herself: “Look at me taking down Mr. Minagawa in one fell swoop!”

“Come on.”

Sano weakly supported Suzuki Sonoko, but it seemed that Suzuki Sonoko was not the only one who had thoughts about Minagawa Katsuhiko. Before her, Sekiya Kaoru had already taken the lead, took out chocolates and chased after her.

Of course, Suzuki Sonoko would not give up and followed closely behind.

While Suzuki Sonoko was going out, Toshihide Wakamatsu also approached Mao Lilan and started chatting awkwardly.

“Excuse me, what are Miss Xiaolan’s hobbies? Flower arranging or tea ceremony?”

“It’s karate.”

Conan, who was eating sushi, answered for Mao Lilan, but Wakamatsu Junxiu obviously didn’t believe it and immediately denied it: “How is this possible? How can a cute girl like Miss Xiaolan have such wild interests?”

It’s really karate, the kind that can hit ten of you with one hand and kick your skull open with one kick.

Zuo Ye said quietly.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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