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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 272 271, Sano is the one who is crazy about Lu, what does it have to do with me?

After all, unlike other people, everything can only be seen for fun or on the surface.

As a veteran with rich actual combat experience, Toru Amuro knew very well how amazing Sano… or should be said to be Black Mask’s combat performance when the last wave of killers attacked.

There were several bullets that were supposed to hit the opponent, but they were dodged by the opponent without accident. There were even a few bullets that were supposed to hit Kaitou Kid, but they were dodged with the help of the opponent, or simply used on him. The suit of clothing that was suspected of being bulletproof blocked it.

This person is undoubtedly the main force in the next action.

If the other party can open up the situation, it is not impossible to solve these killers with their own skills and cooperation.

“Don’t act rashly.”

However, beyond Toru Amuro’s expectation, the Black Mask, who he thought would be the key to the operation, actually rejected his proposal.

“We will only become more and more dangerous if we wait any longer. Police support cannot arrive so quickly.”

Facing Toru Amuro, who looked serious, Sano shook his head: “Listen to me, don’t move.”

“I need a reason.”

Sano stopped making any sound, making Toru Amuro feel a little out of breath for a moment.

The other party is unwilling to contribute, and Toru Amuro cannot force the other party to contribute.

But if the other party doesn’t contribute, Toru Amuro has no chance of success.

…What the hell, the action was just stuck before it even started?

At the same time, on the other side, Conan and others were still running wildly.

It’s just that the people fleeing here no longer run together. Due to various factors, they have formed a situation of fleeing separately.

One piece for Conan Mouri Ran, another piece for Mouri Kogoro Suzuki Sonoko, and finally the three real children, Haibara Ai and Sano’s true form.

… Sano had already given up his options and stopped running away when he was in the middle.

After all, without the blessing of the Masked Superman pendant, long-distance running is really a problem for Sano.

Although after the experience of his earliest long-distance running, Sano has been deliberately controlling the pace and allocating his energy reasonably, but if it doesn’t work, it just won’t work.

It’s impossible that just because Sano is in control, his physical strength will increase.

So Sano randomly found a place to hide in the middle of the journey.

It was only at this time that Sano realized that the trio of Haibara Ai and Zhenzi were following him.

“…Are you addicted to following me? Are you still following me at this time?”

Sano panted and looked at Haibara Ai.

Although Haibara Ai was also out of breath, she was much better than Sano and even had the strength to observe her surroundings.

“Do you think I want to follow you? I’m as tired as a dog after running for two steps. That’s why I told you not to sleep at home all the time or wander around with nothing to do. If you exercise more, it won’t be in vain. In this way, following you might not be as safe as following that uncle.”

…This fake loli is such a mother-in-law. Why is she still in the mood to talk nonsense at this time?

Sano curled his lips speechlessly, but he also knew that the reason why these children were following him now was both accidental and inevitable.

Because among the people on the run, these are the ones with the weakest physical strength, and their speed is about the same… After all, after Sano’s physical strength declines, his speed will drop a lot.

It’s normal for them to run together. Otherwise, the trio of real children would probably not be happy to follow Sano anyway.

Later, Sano received the mission prompt and began to think about the next response plan.

Unexpectedly, in a moment of distraction, two figures with guns came into view.

…After initially being surrounded by this group of killers from both sides, they completed their rendezvous in the hall at the entrance and exit of the deck.

It’s just that this group of people obviously knew where to focus their firepower. The killers at one end divided a part of them and worked with the other end to suppress the Sano clone’s side with firepower.

The remaining people came to hunt down Sano’s main body.

When the troops are divided into three groups, two or three people are responsible for each group.

…The two men also discovered Sano and the others, and raised their guns to shoot without any hesitation. The first person to bear the brunt was Sano, who was standing closest to them.

Sano’s pupils shrank. Before the two of them fired, several emergency response strategies had already appeared in his mind. However, before he instinctively wanted to act, several black shadows hit him first.


“Brother Sano, be careful!”

It is true that it is the trio of Haibara Ai and Zhenzi.

The four children screamed and knocked Sano into the corner and fell to the ground.

Because of this, Sano was not shot.

However, the situation of these four children does not seem to be that good.

If there was nothing wrong with Sano’s nose, he did smell blood.

Gee, a child actually “sacrificed himself for others”, it’s really…

Thanks to the four little ones, Sano’s instinctive reaction was interrupted, and what came to his mind was a relatively normal coping strategy.

Black mist rose from his body. Sano stood up quickly and shook his sleeves, with the Hammer of Justice in his hand.

Ghost hits the wall × Justice flying hammer!

Just as the two killers rushed over to kill him, one of them was penetrated by the evil spirit and entered the ghost wall state. The other was hit in the head by the hammer of justice thrown by Sano and fell to the ground screaming.

Sano, who had taken the first two control shots, rushed forward, grabbed the submachine gun on the ground, and rewarded both of them with a few peanuts.

At the same moment, the rescue mission of Haibara Ai and the real child trio was completed.

Sano then turned his attention to the four little ones behind him: “Don’t move around, let me take a look.”

After half a minute of inspection, Sano confirmed that… the three of them had failed.

Haihara Ai was shot in the shoulder.

Genta, the little fat guy… couldn’t be considered shot. The bullet grazed his butt, but for a child, it shouldn’t be considered too light. Ayumi, a real lolita, had her knees scraped on the ground. A layer of skin.

The only one who was intact was Mitsuhiko.

“…Idiots, who asked you to act without authorization? It’s just good luck. If it’s a little bit worse, it’s not impossible to exchange three for one, four for one or even the team is wiped out. Do you still need someone to teach you such a simple calculation problem? “

Looking at Genta and Ayumi, who had tears in their eyes and wanted to cry but didn’t dare, Sano frowned and said.

“…You guys, who can think so much at that moment? Will you die if you say thank you or something?”

Hui Yuan Ai couldn’t help but reply.

Sano said no more nonsense, just carried one in one hand to a room not far away.

“You four, stay here for me. You are not allowed to go anywhere, and you are not allowed to make any noise. Lock the door. I will come find you in half an hour.”

Sano tore open the trousers of the most seriously injured Haibara Ai, bandaged his shoulders briefly, and did the minimum work to stop the bleeding. As for the other two.

The bleeding probably stopped on its own before going to the hospital, so there was no need to waste time.

“……Where are you going?”

After all, Haibara Ai was not a real child and had been shot before, so he was still calm.

“No one can escape until the guys on the boat are dealt with.”

Sano didn’t talk nonsense, just closed the door, and the footsteps gradually faded away.

…In order to deal with those two unlucky guys just now, Sano rarely used the effect of the ghost coat that he had not used for a long time. Logically speaking, he should have entered the [lost] state now and became a super road addict.

But in fact, there is a bug that can get stuck in this state.

It was Sano who entered the [Lost] state. What does it have to do with his vest?

The vest effect was activated, and Sano instantly switched to Heidi’s body and put on the special attack suit.

In this way, Sano will not fail to know the way.

…Although the clone of Sano on the other end is wearing a black mask, Sano’s figure disappears here, and the black death appears again, and the environmental conditions are still like this, which may cause unnecessary trouble.

But it’s not a big problem, Sano has a plug-in anyway.

What, the details that were agreed upon?

Sano twitched the corner of his mouth, his eyes were cold and stern, just let him eat shit.

On the third floor of the Suzuki family ship, Conan is fleeing with Mao Lilan.

It’s just that Conan has a child’s body after all, and he can no longer hold on after running continuously.

So after thinking about it, Conan decided not to run away blindly, but to fight back.

There are three killers chasing Conan and the two.

After knocking one out with an anesthesia needle with his backhand, Conan twisted his strength-enhancing shoes and knocked another one out with an object.

“There’s only one left now. Sister Xiaolan, hide, wait for this guy to catch up and knock him out with a sneak attack!”


Conan’s idea was wonderful, and Mao Lilan agreed happily.

But plans can never keep up with changes.

When Mao Lilan had just made a sneak attack and knocked out the third killer who was chasing Conan, two more killers suddenly appeared at the other end.

The dark muzzle of the gun, like the entrance to hell, was pointed at Mao Lilan.


Conan jumped at Mao Lilan with astonishment.

New, one…

The moment she saw Conan rushing toward him, Mao Lilan seemed to see Kudo Shinichi’s figure.

And seeing it gradually blocking the two muzzles made Mao Lilan feel a stab of pain in his heart.

No, we can’t just give up!

Mao Lilan’s pupils shrank suddenly, her heartbeat began to accelerate, and there seemed to be airflow rising from her body.

If you are fast enough, if you can get rid of those two guys before they shoot…

The fear disappeared, and the strength of Mao Lilan’s right foot gradually increased, intending to sprint and give it a try.

However, at this moment, the glass of the corridor window suddenly burst.

A black figure with two red streams of light flew in from the window like a sharp arrow.

Sano volleyed a heavy punch and directly smashed one of the two killers into the wall.


Before the other killer could turn his gun, Sano had already stepped on the ground with one foot and kicked the gun in his hand into pieces with a roundhouse kick, turning it into a pile of parts.

The killer plopped down on the ground, looking up at the scarlet eyes looking down at him, and his legs began to tremble uncontrollably.


As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Sano had already punched him again, sending this killer and the other killer away to keep him company.

… Sano’s fists were all aimed at the vital points. They were absolute killing moves, enough to kill someone. After all, not everyone could withstand a blow like the president of one of the three major Yakuza organizations in Tokyo earlier.

At this time, the rescue mission was completed. All that was left was the bomb and the small trouble in the lobby on the first floor.

Sano let out a breath, he really almost missed it just now.

Originally, Sano felt a little strange when he went to rescue Suzuki Sonoko and Mouri Kogoro and found that there was only one killer near these two people.

Unexpectedly, after finding Conan and Mao Lilan based on their positions, they discovered that the three killers they were originally chasing had been eliminated.

It’s a pity that the two of them didn’t expect that two killers would run up.

Otherwise, it would be pretty awesome if this wave of counter-attacks could succeed.

After staying for a while, Mao Lilan and Conan finally realized that they had been saved, and at the same time they recognized who the figure with the word “Invincible” embroidered on the back was.

Black death…

Why is this guy here?

Conan never expected that the person he wanted to see in his dreams would actually appear in this place at this time.

This is unreasonable.

Having said that, I was saved by the other party again, and I had to add Mao Lilan behind me.

The debts are getting bigger and bigger…

Sano did not look back at Mao Lilan and the two of them. He still had a task to prevent the explosion. He was short of time and had no time to waste here.

This made Mao Lilan, who wanted to say thank you after coming back to her senses, swallow her words again.

Conan, on the other hand, became eager.

“Wait a minute, Black Death!”

Conan stopped Sano: “Are you… a good person or a bad person?”

…This kid stopped himself just to ask such a boring question?

Sano curled his lips somewhat speechlessly, but it was indeed Conan’s style.

“I am who I am, a different kind of fireworks.”

After leaving these words, Sano quickened his pace and left quickly, leaving Conan and Mao Lilan confused.

And while Sano was busy rescuing everywhere, he was at the corner of the corridor where his clone, Toru Amuro and others were.

Due to the resistance of Sano, the main force, the group failed to make any reaction and just sat behind the corner in a daze.

At first, a few people were still anxious and discussing, but later they found that nothing could be done, and even if they did nothing, nothing seemed to happen for the time being, so they gradually entered a state of resignation.

…As the saying goes, life is like that. If you can’t resist, you can only enjoy it.

“Damn, how much trouble did you get into.”

Kuroba Kaito couldn’t help but bury his grievances to Pu Si Qinglan.

“…It’s none of her business, this is just for you.”

Sano didn’t hold back, spoke uprightly, and clearly distinguished between right and wrong.

However, these words made Kuroba Kaito confused: “What the hell, are these guys coming for me??”

“Or what do you think?”

Sano said lazily: “I just told you that after solving her problem, the rest is your problem.”

Only then did Kuroba Kaito remember that when the other party asked him to help in the last wave, he seemed to have said such a strange thing…

I didn’t notice it at the time, but that’s what it meant.

And this moment also caused several other people present to turn their attention to Kuroba Kaito.

…It turns out that he was harmed by this guy.

Although no one spoke, Kuroba Kaito clearly understood the meaning behind the eyes of several people, especially Pu Si Qinglan, whose disdain almost spread to his face.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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