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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 28 28. Bourbon was fired?

“Karate, indeed.”

However, Mao Lilan directly affirmed Conan’s answer, which immediately made Wakamatsu Junxiu look embarrassed: “That’s really hard to tell, hahaha.”

Mao Lilan laughed awkwardly: “Hehehe…”

Is this a social party? I would call it a toe cutout contest!

Sano on the side couldn’t help but curled up his lips, but for a while he didn’t want to leave so much. It’s quite interesting, isn’t it?

But after Sano glanced at the sushi and beer drinks on the table, he still had no desire to eat.

Forget it, just call and order a pizza delivered.

Sano got up and borrowed the phone to order takeout. After a while, Suzuki Sonoko, who had gone out full of fighting spirit before, came back with a sad face. She tore open the packaging on the chocolate in her hand, then threw the chocolate into her mouth and crunched it. Chew randomly.

It seems like I got off to a bad start…

Sano just held his chin up, as if he didn’t exist, watching the collisions between people in the room.


After the grief and anger, Suzuki Sonoko finally returned to normal, and also noticed Sano who rarely communicated loudly and didn’t even eat.

“Senior, what’s wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?”

Sano shook his head and said that there was nothing wrong with him, but now that he has been noticed, if he is not active enough next time, he will probably be nagged about.

Sure enough, I can’t stay here anymore, but I can’t waste that takeout. Let’s just take it home and eat it when it arrives.

At this moment, Toshihide Wakamatsu on the other side seemed to want to be more proactive, but in the end, he mistook Conan next to him for Maori Ran, and had a “face-to-face” communication, which almost made Sano laugh out loud.

“You guy, don’t get in the way!”

Wakamatsu Junxiu threw Conan out, and then wanted to grab Mao Lilan’s hand and express his love directly, but the next second Conan jumped back and responded with a headbutt.

“Don’t even think about touching Xiaolan!”

The two sides were going back and forth, as if they were about to start a war.

But before that, an episode interrupted the “battle” between the two.

“Ajin, didn’t I tell you that sweets are not allowed!?”

Minagawa’s mother was holding a piece of chocolate that had been bitten in her hand, and she was angry at the tearful Minagawa brother.

Sano glanced at it and then withdrew his attention. It was just an ordinary education for children, what was there to see?

While Sano was waiting for the takeout to be delivered, most of the people in the room had eaten and drank enough, and then started playing games.

At this time, the party game is obviously not that fancy, it is just a showdown between Toshihide Wakamatsu and Katsuhiko Minagawa.

It’s just that no matter how handsome Minagawa Katsuhiko is, how could he possibly be able to defeat a muscular man like Toshihide Wakamatsu? He was killed instantly without any suspense.

“Oh, there’s nothing we can do about it. After all, people always have to be good at something.”

Minagawa Katsuhiko chuckled: “If you are liked by a guy with strong limbs and a simple mind like you, I think Ms. Maorilan will also feel a headache.”

“What did you say!?”

Wakamatsu Junxiu, who was originally happy, suddenly became furious: “You kid, you want to fight, don’t you!?”

“Okay, okay, don’t make any noise. Dessert is coming after dinner.”

Minagawa’s mother quickly came to the rescue and changed the topic.

The so-called dessert after the meal was actually cake and coffee, but everyone was quite happy eating it.

“Sister, what does the coffee taste like?”

Brother Minagawa curiously approached Mao Lilan, and Mao Lilan immediately smiled: “You can have a taste.”

Brother Minagawa took a sip of coffee, his face immediately turned bitter, and he kept sticking out his tongue.

“Ajin, who asked you to drink sister’s coffee?”

Minagawa’s mother followed over again, picked up a piece of cake and stuffed it into Minagawa’s brother’s mouth: “It won’t be so painful if you eat some cake.”

Not far away, Sano raised his eyebrows and muttered in his heart. He said before that sweets were not allowed, but now he stuffed cakes into the children’s mouths. No one else could do this for his mother.

Looking across the way, Minagawa Katsuhiko finished his coffee and immediately took out a cigarette. Watanabe Komi on the side also started to dissuade him: “Katsuhiko, you’d better smoke less.”

“It’s so noisy. What’s going on with each of you? You’re trying to lecture me!”

Minagawa Katsuhiko said impatiently.

This guy really has a bad temper, and he also has a bad mouth.

As a guest, Sano naturally couldn’t make irresponsible remarks to Minagawa Katsuhiko, the owner. Furthermore, he had no idea of ​​​​teaching the other party a lesson or anything. After all, he didn’t provoke himself.

Just keep your distance from now on.

Minagawa Katsuhiko shook the cigarette box, but found that there was no cigarette in it, and he couldn’t help but clicked his tongue.


At this time, Naomichi gave his cigarette to Minagawa Katsuhiko, which made the other party stunned for a moment.

Minagawa Katsuhiko took the cigarette and just snorted coldly. Without even a word of thanks, he ran to the yard to smoke. Then Watanabe Komi chased after him with chocolates in his arms.

Sano still sat there motionless, but his eyes kept scanning everyone in the room. Originally, he was a little strange, how could anyone like Minagawa Katsuhiko be willing to play with him.

Now Sano roughly understands.

Among the members of the Tennis Club of Miwa Medical University who were present, both women liked Minagawa Katsuhiko, but the gloomy Naomi seemed to like Sekiya Kaoru, and had peeked at him from time to time before.

As for Wakamatsu Toshihide, this man with a brain full of muscles will not think of other things at all, and he will most likely answer when others ask him to come, without any special reason.

The age of looking at faces.

Sano touched his face. Fortunately, his face was handsome enough and he would not suffer any disadvantage.

“Hey, Mr. Minagawa’s cake seems to be untouched.”

Suzuki Sonoko looked curiously at the cake where Minagawa Katsuhiko was.

“Ah, Katsuhiko doesn’t like sweets.”

Guan Guxiang explained with a smile.

At this moment, a scream suddenly came from the yard, instantly causing everyone in the room to change their expressions.

“What a nice view!?”

Minagawa Katsuhiko is dead.

Died in the yard.

The police arrived quickly and investigated the scene, and at the same time, there was that guy… who annoyed Sano a little.

Maori Kogoro.

“Why are you here?”

The police team was led by the same officer Megure who was at Okino Yoko’s house last time.

“Hey, my famous detective, Mouri Kogoro, received a request for help from my little daughter. Of course, I should rush over immediately!”

Mouri Kogoro smiled and saluted Officer Megure, then noticed Sano in the corner of the crowd, and his expression immediately changed: “Why are you, a stalking criminal, here!?”


Sano’s eyes twitched. He had already shrunk so far back, so he couldn’t ignore him?

“Stalking criminal?”

People who didn’t know it quickly turned their eyes to Sano, especially Suzuki Sonoko, whose faces were filled with astonishment.

“Are you kidding? What’s the following crime? Who is the following crime?”

“It’s this guy, this guy!”

Mouri Kogoro stepped forward and pulled out the expressionless Sano: “He stepped forward and was almost taken for questioning as a murderer because he followed Miss Okino Yoko!”

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned and looked at Mao Lilan: “Is what your father said true?”

Mao Lilan looked at Sano and then at Suzuki Sonoko, with a face full of embarrassment, not knowing whether or what to say.

Sano sighed and could only take the initiative to say: “Yes, yes, I am a trailing offender, but I have scolded those who deserve to be scolded and beaten those who deserve to be beaten. Shouldn’t you pay more attention to this matter now?” On the murder case?”

Officer Megure also came to Sano’s rescue: “Yes, brother Maori, the investigation is the most important thing!”

“Oh oh ok.”

Seeing everyone’s attention turn away from him, Sano breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, that Miwako Sato didn’t come with Officer Megure this time, otherwise, the scene would probably have been even more chaotic.

“Since it has been confirmed that the cause of death of the deceased was pesticide poisoning, and it has been confirmed that the deceased suddenly fell to the ground after eating the chocolate given by Miss Watanabe, then there is no doubt about the truth!”

Mouri Kogoro pointed with his big hand: “The murderer is you, Miss Watanabe!”

“I think the motive should be very simple. It’s nothing more than an emotional dispute, a love entanglement or something like that. As long as the chocolate in the deceased’s hand is tested, you will soon find out whether it is poisonous.”

Facing Maori Kogoro’s vow, Sano was speechless in his heart.

Because as early as the last time he visited Okino Yoko’s house, Sano had already discovered that this uncle’s head was not normal.

If Minagawa Katsuhiko’s death was really caused by Watanabe Komi’s poison, then what is she still pretending to do now? Which murderer who attempts to kill someone and then remove himself would use such a cruel method?

How did this detective manage to keep the firm open until now?

“Hello, your takeaway has arrived…”

At this moment, a red figure entered the scene and immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

“Takeout? Who orders takeout at this time?”

Officer Megure frowned: “Isn’t this too disrespectful of the case?”

“Sorry, I ordered it before the incident.”

Sano raised his hand in response, pushed past the people in front of him and walked towards the delivery man, but the next second his steps stopped and he froze there.

Although the clothes are different, from the cafe work clothes to the delivery staff work clothes, Sano will not mistake the blond hair, the dark skin, and the familiar smile.


That’s right, the one who came to deliver the pizza was Toru Amuro.

Why is this guy delivering takeout again? Could it be that… he was fired from the cafe because of his previous complaint, so he moved to a new place to continue hiding his identity?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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