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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 281 280, Sano: Forced to be bullheaded

Sano thought that this guy didn’t understand the current situation and wanted to ask him. He was just about to send him to ask the mistress, but he didn’t expect that the other party actually gave a thumbs up with a smile and said: “You are so handsome.” !”

“…Nonsense, you still have to say it?”

Sano rolled his eyes at Huang Mao, thinking that now that the matter had been resolved, he should leave.

As a result, Huang Mao approached Sano again, but this time the other party was not talking nonsense, but asking… It can be regarded as serious business for the time being.

“Boss, you went to the Suzuki family’s ship to cause trouble yesterday. Why didn’t you take us with you? This is too unjust. If I were here, I would definitely not let you get shot. Speaking of which, boss, are you injured? What’s going on, are you in the way?”

…As for Huang Mao’s question, Sano was of course speechless.

Let’s not talk about how Sano can bring such a group of people onto the ship quietly. Even if they really get on board, what big role can they play?

Although after this period of strengthening, the strength of the members of the special attack team has indeed been greatly improved, the killer gangs themselves are not bad either.

Not to mention that there is still a gap in weapons between the two sides. If there is a fight, without Sano’s intervention, it will be a 50-50 split at best.

Even under the worst conditions, if the special attack team failed to close the distance and faced each other head-on, they might even be able to defeat the opponent without taking any damage.

It won’t help, but it may cause casualties. Isn’t this a bad idea?

A tool man must have the consciousness of a tool man, manage the Black Death obediently, and collect intelligence for Sano. What kind of battlefield must he go to?

However, Huang Mao was caring about Sano anyway, so it was not easy for him to attack him, so he just said a few perfunctory words.

…As for the injuries on the Black Death Vest, of course it is impossible to heal.

After all, it had only been a day, and the wound was still a gunshot wound. How could it possibly heal so quickly?

Especially since Sano wasn’t ready to ask the Black Death Vest to find a doctor.

It was completely handled by Sano’s little self-taught medical processing ability because he had anticipated it.

…That is to say, the physical attributes of the special attack suit are high enough, otherwise Sano would probably have to grin just by moving.

Just talking about the special attack server, Zuo Ye couldn’t help but feel a little depressed.

Because of the bullet that hit Sano’s arm, there was an extra hole in the special attack suit.

Sano didn’t know what the material of the special attack suit was. Perhaps it was because of the reinforcement, but it could be considered very strong. Even when he was hit by a car earlier and rubbed several meters on the ground, he didn’t see any breaks. It was transparent.

Therefore, this is also the first time that Sano has been damaged except for the special attack suit.

Sano didn’t care at first, but it wasn’t until he came back that he began to wonder whether such “damage” on the special attack suit would prevent its effect from being used.

Just thinking about the blessing that still existed on his body after being shot, Sano felt that such a small hole should not be considered “damaged”.

Just sew it and it’ll probably be fine.

Unexpectedly, when Sano put on the special attack suit again, he unexpectedly discovered that he could not receive any effective blessing.

…Even if Sano took it upon himself to sew the hole, it was still useless.

This is so fucking outrageous.

Helpless, Sano could only use the repair function.

It’s not expensive, but you can earn it back just by going to school for the last class.

But it seems that no matter how damaged this thing is, the repair price is the same.

To put it bluntly, whether it is torn into rags or just has a hole, it will cost the same to repair.

This made Sano feel inexplicably drained of blood.

…After leaving the factory, Sano entered the black cat form again on the way home and came to an alley.

In the alley, the thin dog Xiaohei was licking the fur of the puppet.

Tsk, this piece of shit couldn’t understand anything when I was asked to search for it before. But I didn’t ask him to search for it, so he found it quite quickly.

Sano lay on the wall with some depression, looking at the cat and dog below.

…After tying Xiao Hei home with a backpack during the day and conducting some experiments, Sano planned to start his dog training plan.

But who knows, this licking dog is really a stubborn breed.

Sano beat him, coaxed him, coaxed him, tried to coerce him, but this guy refused to give in. He wanted to leave, probably because he wanted to find the puppet. The door of his house was almost blocked. This piece of shit is broken into pieces.

Forcibly tie it up, and let it howl non-stop. That guy is like a perpetual motion machine, howling all the way into the night. Not to mention Sano can’t bear it, even the neighbors and even the people downstairs, Everyone came and knocked on the door to complain.

Sano originally thought that this was like a child crying for a toy. If you delay it for a while, everything will pass, but the intensity is too high.

Sano really couldn’t bear it anymore.

Although taking back the backpack can temporarily solve it…strictly speaking, it avoids this problem, but Sano will still have to face the problem in the future.

Sano simply chose another solution that wasn’t too good.

That is to let this guy go directly.

Anyway, this guy has been wandering outside before, so now he just treats it as a free range, saving Sano the trouble of bathing, feeding, and shoveling poop for it.

In addition, with the attribute improvement due to the contract effect, Xiao Hei’s combat effectiveness has also improved a lot. Although it is not as good as the Roaring Sky Dog, he can still be regarded as the king of dogs, so he should not be in any danger.

What Sano has to do is to find it based on its positioning and train it when he has time.

What’s more, Sano spends a lot of time away from home. He can’t keep Xiaohei in his backpack all the time. It’s inconvenient to carry him around and he feels uneasy if he stays at home.

It’s just a trivial matter to find something after running away. Sano is afraid that this guy will just remove all the doors for him, which will cost money… In terms of the opponent’s attributes, calling him “Captain of the House Demolition Brigade”, It’s totally fine.

In the end, Sano felt that there was not much difference between training at home and training outside.

It’s all about dog training anyway, no matter where you train, it’s not training.

After Sano shook his tail, he picked up a piece of ham that had been prepared in his mouth, jumped off the wall, and slowly walked towards the puppet.

…Although Sano no longer needs to take Xiao Hei home, and there is no need to take the puppet home, this does not mean that he does not need to take care of the cat at all.

Whether it is for Blackie to be able to train better now, or to prepare for bringing Blackie home in the future, Sano should try his best to have a good relationship with his…goddess.

Gee, I have never heard of a pet owner who would please another animal for the sake of his pet.

I have also been alive for a long time.

However, what happened next was extremely beyond Sano’s expectation. The puppet didn’t show any hostility or vigilance after seeing him.

Instead…he took the initiative to post it.

After sniffing Sano, he started to rub his neck with his head.

…Wait a minute, this situation is possible! ?

Sano turned his gaze to Xiao Hei, and sure enough he saw that the other person had entered a state of “vigilance”.

Originally, Sano specially entered the black cat form to get closer. He just thought that being of the same species might make it easier to get closer. He had absolutely no other ideas.

…Sano shouldn’t have any ideas either, let alone have any ideas.

As for Sano’s appearance in black cat form…it’s hard to say whether it’s high or low in a cat’s eyes, but according to human aesthetic standards, it’s indeed very good-looking.

But it’s not like this puppet just fell in love with me at first sight! ?

Or in front of this licking dog, his own pet?

Sano put himself in Xiao Hei’s perspective and imagined that the goddess he had been licking for a long time actually took the initiative to stick to a guy he met for the first time.

Whether it’s a blow or not… Let’s not talk about dogs. Isn’t this too tauren?

I am a pure love warrior, how can I be forced to be a bull…er, a cat?

If Sano wasn’t in black cat form, his face would probably be green by now.

By the way, I will buy another cuckold for Xiao Hei.

This is so outrageous.

Although Sano really wants to get closer to this puppet now, it’s not this kind of relationship he wants to get closer to!

At this moment, Xiao Hei also approached Sano and started to sniff him.

…Unlike the previous puppets, Sano felt that Xiao Hei’s move had the meaning of testing and wanting to attack.

No, no, Xiao Hei himself can barely be considered a large dog, and now his attributes have doubled. Sano in the black cat form is simply impossible to beat and will only be crushed.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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