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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 283 282, Stepping on toes, a child’s trick

“What the hell…”

Just as Hui Yuan Ai was about to get angry, he was brought back to attention by the pitiful eyes of the trio of real children on the side. He could only try his best to suppress the anger surging in his heart.

“I’m looking for you to talk about business, Sano.”


Seeing that he was so provocative, Haihara Ai could still remain calm, and Sano also became a little interested: “Then let’s talk about something serious.”

Then, Haihara Ai explained the situation to Sano… In fact, it was still John’s case.

Not only did Conan and Mao Lilan get to know John, other members of the team also often played with this smart German shepherd on the way to school.

So after learning from Conan that John was likely to be medicated, the trio of real kids immediately became anxious.

Then the three of them decided that the most powerful person in their impression…the most powerful person in every sense of the word, was Sano.

But the three of them didn’t dare to trouble Sano for fear of being beaten, so they went to instigate Haibara Ai again, and then it became what it is now.

Let yourself help investigate the truth?

Sano touched his chin thoughtfully. Under normal circumstances, he would most likely refuse such a troublesome matter, but this time it happened to be his mission, and he was originally thinking about how to intervene in this matter. case……

“Okay, I understand, I will contact Officer Megure.”

Sano decided to accept this favor. After all, even if it was just a unnecessary move, he was indeed “rescued” by these four guys. If he didn’t agree, who knows if Haibara Ai’s fake loli would use it to cause yin and yang in the future? .

After hanging up the phone call from Haibara Ai, Sano called Officer Megure again. After a chat of nonsense, he successfully learned about the current situation.

Itaguchi has returned home from Izu and has already discussed it with Officer Megure and Moori Kogoro.

During this period, one of the “clues” mentioned by Officer Megure, which Sano did not know before, and which surprised him, was that Itaguchi is actually a lawyer who specializes in defending teenagers.

Bankou’s son hanged himself when he was in junior high school because he was bullied at school.

The person who bullied Itakou’s son was none other than the deceased, Tsuyoshi Maehara.

It is said that at the funeral of Itakou’s son, Maehara acted very guilty and cried bitterly, as if he wished he could pay for it with his life, so Itakou became very heartbroken and chose to forgive the other party and even defend the other party.

…Edi Niang, I have seen the Holy Mother, but I have never seen such a Holy Mother.

This is the true Holy Mother. The world is so big and full of wonders.

Zuo Ye complained endlessly.

However, Sano didn’t feel that he was being harsh, because this is a true Holy Mother, not a false Holy Mother. She is selfless and dedicated to others. Even if she doesn’t agree with her, she shouldn’t be slandered.

Apart from this, the kind of Holy Mother who does good deeds by herself and asks others to do good deeds as well is more annoying.

There are even some guys who only ask others to do good things, but find all kinds of excuses to shirk when it is their turn. They are strict with others but lenient with themselves. They are called holy bitches.

That’s the real deal.

On the phone, Officer Megure continued to explain.

After that, Maehara moved out of Tokyo because of his father’s work and never appeared again. Until recently, he suddenly moved next door to Itakou.

According to another neighbor of Bankou, Bankou seemed very shocked at the time, but the two parties have been getting along very harmoniously since then. Bankou even often invited Maehara Go to his house for dinner. It was because of this that he would When I was on a business trip, I asked the other party to help take care of John.

…With such a clue, basically everyone can figure out who the real culprit in this case is, right?

It seems that the key to this case is to find out Bankou’s murder method.

Speaking of which, that Maehara Tsuyoshi is really cruel. People have been kind enough to spare you once, but you still stupidly forced yourself in front of them. Aren’t you just looking for death?

“Ah, by the way, Brother Sano, Brother Maori just called and said that he has found a way to prove who the real culprit in this case is. I am planning to lead a team there. Do you want to go and have a look too? “

Maori Kogoro?

Sano raised his eyebrows. The confused detective was probably going to make some outrageous reasoning again… This was not because he looked down on people. After all, they were on a mission. Logically speaking, it was impossible for the truth to be revealed before the mission time limit. That’s right.

Moreover, the task time limit is still so long, whether there will be effective progress in a short period of time is a big question.

“Okay, I understand, see you later.”

After the communication was completed, Sano immediately set off for Itaguchi’s house.

By the time Sano got there, everyone who was supposed to be there was already there.

Officer Megure and several police officers, Mori’s family of three, Nakajima Sukezo, Itaguchi and his dog John, and Haibara Ai and the trio of real children.

“…Are you discharged from the hospital?”

Seeing the fake loli, Sano couldn’t help but asked in surprise.

“It was just a shot in the shoulder. Why did you stay in the hospital for so long?”

Haihara Ai glanced at Sano lightly: “It’s a certain person who caused me to be shot and hospitalized, but he didn’t even look at him, haha.”

…Are you talking about yourself?

Sano imitated Haibara Ai’s tone and said: “I was just shot in the shoulder, and I can’t die. What’s there to see? It’s a waste of time.”

Huihara Ai: “…you guy.”

Sano suddenly took half a step back with his right foot, avoiding Haibara Ai’s stampede. He lowered his head slightly and raised the corners of his mouth, showing a disdainful smile.

“Stepping on your toes is a trick only children play. It’s quite childish.”

Haiyuan Ai’s face darkened, and he stepped on the second foot. Of course, Sano Sano dodged it again.

Then the two started a crazy “you step on me and hide” battle in the yard, leaving Officer Memu and others speechless for a while.

Please, this is a crime scene, not for you to play games!

In the end, Mao Lilan took the initiative to act as peacemaker.

“Okay, Xiao Ai, your injury hasn’t healed yet. Don’t play such violent… games, otherwise the wound will bleed. Same goes for you, senior. Why are you so serious with a child?”

…After the interlude, the main drama begins.

Mouri Kogoro’s reasoning is very simple, that is, Itakou deliberately trained John on signals for fighting, that is, when a signal is given, the dog will give corresponding instructions.

This surprised Sano… because he thought so too. After all, before the case, he was still thinking about the training plan for Xiao Hei.

It is normal to think of this aspect from this, but since Kogoro Mori has now proposed this concept, doesn’t it mean that this path is wrong?

Sano regained his scattered attention. Under the command of Mouri Kogoro, Itaguchi had already begun to send a “signal” to John according to his speculation.

Takagi Wataru first played a bell sound on a tape recorder, and then Bankou greeted John: “How are you John, how are you John?”

Under the tense gaze of everyone, John remained motionless.

“What, how could this happen?”

Mouri Kogoro was dumbfounded.

“Are you sure this is what Mr. Banguchi said on the phone?”

Sano asked Officer Megure.

“Well, we have already asked Miss Sugita. Because the deceased turned on the loudspeaker at the time, the content of the call can be heard. This is consistent.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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