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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 288 287, Takagi: What are you talking about?

But after knowing that Sano would also come, these five little devils were thrown directly to him.

Of course, Sano didn’t actually need to do anything. He just went to the place to make sure that the five little devils were neatly dressed and that no one was missing an arm or a leg.

Otherwise, Sano would not bother to pay attention to them if he really needed to waste any energy.

“Hello, Brother Sano!”

The trio of real kids bowed and said hello to Sano. After what happened on the Suzuki family ship and John’s case, although the trio and Sano couldn’t be said to have a good relationship, at least they did get closer. of.

Sano no longer just treats these three naughty kids as naughty kids.

And these three naughty kids also understood that Sano was not a cold-faced “killer” who couldn’t communicate at all… but that was all.

As for how kind and approachable Sano is, the trio would definitely not approve of him.

As for the threesome… to be precise, it should be the fivesome. Sano also didn’t accept how cute and obedient they were, but in front of him, they were just so-so.


After nodding, Sano said nothing and led the team directly into the Metropolitan Police Department, and then ran into Takagi Wataru who came out to greet them.

“…Originally, Officer Megure said he would receive you personally, but because there was a robbery at Toto Bank last night, the kidnappers even took Officer Megure’s wife as a hostage, so he has been leading the team to do that case.”

Before taking notes, Takagi Wataru explained the situation in a nonchalant manner.

…why another bank robbery?

Zuo Ye secretly murmured that he seemed to be related to this kind of case… although in terms of quantity, there seemed to be more murder cases.

“Okay, let’s make a confession quickly. I have an appointment at five o’clock tonight, so I have to hurry up.”

After hearing this, Sano, who came back to his senses, couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows and said: “Oh, I can’t tell, it turns out you have a girlfriend, Officer Takagi.”

Takagi Wataru blushed: “What are you talking about, Sano? It’s too disrespectful… although I do not have a girlfriend.”

Sano: “…It turns out you don’t have a girlfriend, so why do you want to go on a date?”

“What are you talking about? Who said you have to go on a date with your girlfriend?”

“Oh, is that a date with your boyfriend?”

“My sexual orientation is normal!!”

“Please, for a date, it doesn’t have to be a boyfriend other than a girlfriend. It can also be…a sweetheart or something.”

Takagi Shita’s face changed several times in just a few seconds. First it turned dark, then green, and finally turned red again.

Sano was amazed to see it.

This face-changing technique can even compete with Kuroba Kaito’s.

But then again, can you date your “sweetheart”? Isn’t dating a term that should only exist between male and female friends?

Sano touched his chin and fell into deep thought. This aspect involved a bit of a blind spot in his knowledge…

“…Hey, it turns out that Officer Takagi has a sweetheart. Seeing how slovenly he was dressed, I thought he was the type who is desperate for love.”

Three real kids gathered together and muttered.

“Huh? Sano, you’re here.”

At this moment, Miwako Sato also walked in and said hello when she saw Sano.

Takagi Wataru, who was blushing at first, was immediately startled when he heard Sato Miwako’s voice, and his cheeks became even redder: “Sa, Officer Sato, why are you back? Didn’t you go to handle the case with Officer Megure? Yet?”

“Ah, because the person in charge of Dongdu Bank called me last night and told me that he remembered something, so he asked me to meet here today. He said that he and his wife would come together at two o’clock.”

Miwako Sato said this.


Sano, who was originally planning to tease Takagi Wataru for some fun, immediately frowned when he heard this.

Is this the Dongdu bank robbery case again?

In bank robberies, the amount of money robbed is usually quite high, and the robbers have at least weapons starting from pistols, so the police cannot pay too much attention to them.

This case must have been reported, although Sano did not see it.

Of course, the more important thing is that this case was mentioned twice in front of Sano… to be more precise, it was in front of Conan, the god of plague.

Who would believe that if there is nothing else behind it?

As expected, Takagi Shita immediately said in surprise: “What, but the wife of the person in charge made a similar call to me last night, saying that she would come alone at five o’clock, as if she had some important clues. Just like you told me.”

Of the couple, one said they would come together at two o’clock, and the other said they would come alone at five o’clock.

The smell is getting stronger and stronger.

However, Miwako Sato responded without any surprise: “Oh… I forgot to mention it. The person in charge had already mentioned this on the phone, saying that he was worried that the gangster might be harmful to his wife. So let’s come together and deal with it while it’s still dark.”

“I see.”

As soon as Takagi Wataru nodded in understanding, Conan began to ask curious questions: “Officer Takagi, why might the wife of the person in charge be disadvantaged by the gangster? Does she have important clues that can prove the gangster’s identity?”

“Well, I can only say it’s possible.”

Takagi Wataru replied: “Because she happened to go to Dongdu Bank at that time, and was held hostage by the robbers who put a gun to her head. Later, it was Officer Megure’s wife who took the initiative to exchange with her, so she was not injured at all.”

“That’s it…”

“Officer Sato, the person in charge of Toto Bank is here!”

The group of people quickly turned their attention to the fat middle-aged man brought by a young police officer at the door.

“Mr. Masao.”

Takagi Wataru nodded to Masuo, and after saying hello, he asked with some confusion: “Well, where is Mrs. Masuo? Didn’t she come with you?”

“Well, she said she was going to the bank to do something, and she made an appointment to meet here. Why, she hasn’t arrived yet. This is really strange.”

Masuo also looked at his watch with some confusion, and then pointed to the phone on the desk beside him: “Can I use this to contact my wife?”


Sano watched Masao press a series of numbers and then looked at his watch.

“The third time.”

Hui Yuan Ai narrowed his eyes, causing Ayumi beside him to ask doubtfully: “What third time?”

“Just how many times he looked at his watch.”

Conan answered the question for Haibara Ai, and he obviously noticed something was wrong with Masuo.

It’s just that unlike Sano, it’s difficult for these two people to make any bad assumptions about a stranger they just met in the first place.

…The different opinions seem to be conflicting, but in fact they are logical. That is, the latter statement overrides the former.

But in fact, the latter statement did not come true. Masuo only arrived alone, and his wife did not show up.

Sano felt that he had every reason to suspect that this guy was lying. That woman was probably dead, or even killed by this guy.

So this guy is basically using Takagi Wataru to complete his alibi.

This is also in line with the normal development process.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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