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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 289 288, (together) so kind that it’s scary

Soon, the call was connected.

At the same moment, Sano noticed the trigger of the new mission and took a look.

[Please stop Masuo Katsura’s murder plan within the mission time limit. If you complete it, you will get one hundred strengthening points. The remaining time of the mission is – 00:00:59].

Sure enough, the mission came, and there was indeed something wrong with Masuo Katsura, although it was different from what he had originally expected. His wife seemed to be not dead yet, but just about to die… Before Sano could finish his thoughts, he suddenly The ground was stuck there.

Because Sano discovered a very outrageous place.

That’s the time limit for this mission, which is very problematic.

Is this because I saw it wrong or the dog system made an error? One minute? ?

Are you kidding me? I don’t even know where Masuo Katsura’s wife is now. Even if I know, how can I save her within one minute?

Isn’t this a deliberate attempt to embarrass him, Fat Tiger?

When Sano came back to his senses, Masuo Keizou seemed to have completed the communication with his wife, and even gave the phone to Takagi Wataru.

Judging from the two sentences exchanged between Takagi Wataru and the other party in real time, Masuo Katsura’s wife should indeed be alive…

No, now is not the time to think about this. The question should be how can he stop Masuo Keizou’s murder plan in one minute.

But I don’t even know what the hell the murder plan is.

What is known so far is that Masuo Keizou wants to kill his wife. He is probably here to create an alibi. And since his wife is not dead yet, if he wants to kill another person quietly from a distance, he should There is… an agency!

No, the important thing is not how Masao Keizou wants to kill people, but that he wants to kill people.

That’s enough!

If you hesitate, you will lose. Directly disrupting the situation is the best solution.

Sano suddenly stepped forward and grabbed the phone from Takagi Wataru: “I am the famous high school detective Sano Shinichiro. Don’t talk nonsense. Leave your current position immediately and carefully check whether there are any dangerous people or institutions near your position just now. A timing device or a rope or line or something like that.”


Sano spoke quickly and his tone was serious.

Every word he spoke gave Mrs. Masuo on the other end of the phone an invisible sense of superior pressure.

Especially the name of the high school detective has an indescribable impact on ordinary people in this world.

So even though Mrs. Masuo on the other end of the phone was extremely surprised by Sano’s seemingly clueless instructions, she still instinctively followed them.

It was only at this time, among the group of people who were shocked by Sano’s sudden action, that Conan reacted and climbed up on the table and pressed the speaker button on the phone.

Sano glanced at Conan and didn’t say anything. He just stared silently at the mission time limit, which was less than ten seconds and began to count down.

As Sano waited attentively, Conan, Takagi Wataru and others next to him also had solemn faces.

…Although they didn’t understand what was going on, based on what Sano said just now, he clearly discovered something was wrong.

This may even be related to the life safety of Mrs. Masao.

If someone else had brought it up, forget it.

But since it was Sano who brought it up, it can’t be without reason, and there is no reason for people to be careless.

The cold sweat on Masuo Katsura’s head was already like rain.

Because he really planned to kill his wife.

The reason is that the robbery of Toto Bank was actually planned by Masuo Katsura himself, and the two robbers were also arranged by him.

But it happened that the wife of Katsura Masuo was kidnapped at the beginning yesterday. He could feel that his wife seemed to have recognized the true identities of the two robbers.

So just in case, Masuo Keizou planned this murder plan through the police to create an alibi.

What I never expected was that I would be interfered with by a young boy, and this guy seemed to have just claimed to be, high school detective Sano Shinichiro?

It can’t be such a coincidence, right? Stealing the chicken will end up losing the rice. Is this what you want?

The three parties have completely different causes, but the symptoms are the same.

Sano was the first to wait for the completion of the mission.

Then just a few seconds later, Mrs. Masuo’s exclamation came from the phone in amplified mode: “Oh my God, my God, there is a knife on the bookshelf and a piece of wire wrapped around the room.” On top of the gears on the bike!”

“I see, you were riding on it just now, right? As long as you ride a certain amount and straighten the thread, the bookshelf will be pulled and the knife on it will be inserted into your body.”

Sano finally made a perfunctory “reasoning”, and then ignored Mrs. Masuo on the other end of the phone. She was chattering for a while and threw the phone to Sato Miwako, who had not yet reacted.

“Don’t be stunned, lead the team there quickly. As for who the murderer who arranged this evil trap is, I think Mrs. Masuo will tell you. After all, if she hadn’t discovered something and wanted to tell the police, I think he I won’t be in a hurry to silence myself.”

Saying that, Sano glanced at Masuo Keizou, whose face was pale.

“As for me, I won’t join in. Officer Takagi, hurry up and take notes.”


Takagi Wataru originally wanted to sort out the situation and check to see if he was going with Sato Miwako. Unexpectedly, the next second, Sano was grabbing him by the collar to take notes.

Conan originally had the same idea as Takagi Wataru.

Just looking at Masuo Keizou on the other end, whose legs were so weak that he was being dragged away by Sato Miwako, Conan felt as if there was nothing he needed to do at all.

So Conan chose to follow the foursome following Sano.

The records of the five little devils are not many.

It was done within half an hour, with only Conan slightly more.

…But Sano still couldn’t understand. This girl had obviously encountered many more cases than him. Why could they be solved in just one or two hours?

On the other hand, here in Sano, it was not finished until dark.

“It’s finally over…”

After finally finishing all the notes, Sano discovered that several little ghosts hadn’t left yet, as if they were waiting for him to leave with them.

Except for a certain high school detective.

“Where’s that damn brat?”

Facing Sano’s question, Haihara Ai pointed to the corridor at the other end lightly: “Nuo, I just came over.”

Sano turned around and saw that Conan was walking over with Sato Miwako and the policeman who seemed to be named Shiratori Rensaburo.

The three of them were muttering, not knowing what they were talking about.

“Officer Sato, has Mrs. Masao taken care of it?”

Takagi Wataru asked happily when he saw Sato Miwako’s kidney-deficient look when she suddenly lost the record of dealing with Sano.

“Ah, yes, after we went there, we first confirmed the safety of Mrs. Masao, and then, as Sano said, we learned from her that the mastermind behind the Toto Bank robbery was actually Masuo Keizou, probably It is precisely because of this that I want to kill Mrs. Masao to silence her.”

Sato Miwako turned around and explained the situation: “It’s a pity that Masuo Keizou’s murder plan was stopped by Sano, but we have no evidence to prove that he wanted to kill people, but the problem is not big. He is responsible for the robbery. A pot of it.”

“Hey, by the way, are you over now? How about we go have dinner together?”

Hearing Miwako Sato’s words, before the smile appeared on Takagi Wataru’s face, he was interrupted by Rensaburo Shiratori and invited him to eat together.

Sato Miwako also showed a very interested look, which made Takagi Wataru, an honest man, instantly feel extremely disappointed, but he did not dare to say anything.

However, after Shiratori Rensaburo mentioned something about foreign high-end restaurants, Sato Miwako rejected him again.

Then Rensaburo Shiratori left in despair. Miwako Sato turned to Takagi Wataru and asked him if he wanted to go to the recently opened noodle restaurant together.

This almost made little brother Takagi so excited that he couldn’t even speak. He stammered and was about to agree, but he didn’t expect that Officer Megure appeared on the other side.

“Oh, Officer Sato, what are you still doing here? We are planning to hold a celebration party. Everyone has gathered at the door. Why don’t you go?”

“Yes ~ I’ll come right away!”

Watching Sato Miwako immediately abandon herself and happily run towards Officer Megure, Takagi Wataru was petrified on the spot.

…No, it’s okay for this guy to be jealous of Shiratori Rensaburo, but how can he still be jealous of Officer Megure?

Sano and Conan looked at each other and reached a rare agreement.

“Oh, Brother Sano, I didn’t even notice you. Have you finished the transcript?”

Finally, Officer Megure also noticed Sano.

Sano nodded to the other party indifferently. He thought that the next step was to invite him to some celebration banquet, but he didn’t expect that the other party started to talk about him.

“Speaking of which, the Dongdu Bank robbery case was solved so smoothly thanks to Brother Sano. I have already heard what Sato said, but I am really curious. Brother Sano, how did you realize that Zeng There is something wrong with Oguizo, and he even wanted to kill Mrs. Masao at that time. Did he show any flaws?”

Sano stared at Officer Megure with squinted eyes for a while, then gave a perfunctory answer: “Intuition.”

Takagi Wataru on the side was slightly speechless, because in the large number of notes he made for Sano in the afternoon, there were a lot of terms like “intuition” and “coincidence”.

At the same time, there was Conan who was speechless.

…I actually thought that Sano could answer questions seriously, but I was really a fool.

Conan’s mouth twitched as he thought this.

“Hahaha, intuition, you really deserve to be a detective!”

Officer Megure didn’t pay much attention. After giving Sano a thumbs up, he finally got down to business: “By the way, Brother Sano, you have already completed the notes, and the resolution of the Toto Bank case this time is all thanks to you. How about we go to the celebration banquet and have a good meal together?”

Before Sano could speak or nod, Officer Megure suddenly slapped his head again: “Oh, I forgot. Brother Sano, you haven’t finished the transcript of the Toto Bank case yet, right? Then just get rid of it by the way.” , If you want to eat, let’s do it next time. Next time I will take notes, I will definitely arrange a good meal for you!”

“That’s it, Officer Sato, let’s go!”

Officer Megure dragged Miwako Sato away before she could react.

…It sounds nice, but in fact, I just want to make myself write the transcript of the Dongdu Bank case first, and then tell myself that if I want to have a “big meal”, I should be more active, proactive and speedy in writing the transcript next time. ?

This little fat ball is pretty good at playing, right?

If that’s the case, then you can’t blame yourself for being ruthless.

Sano turned his eyes to the five-person team behind him: “Are you hungry?”

…This is pure nonsense, of course you are hungry.

After all, I came here right after lunch and stayed here until dark, and it was time for dinner.

Originally, several people had finished taking notes early. Except for Conan, who was interested in the Dongdu Bank case, everyone else could go home directly.

There is no need to say whether you are hungry or not.

But because Sano didn’t say that he could leave, the trio didn’t dare to leave on their own initiative, while Haibara Ai didn’t care and stayed until now.

When Officer Megure said they wanted to go to dinner together, the threesome were actually very excited… even though the other party immediately changed his tune and ran away.

Of course, the most important issue now is Sano’s problem.

“are you hungry”.

Sano still needs to take notes on another case. If he and the others say they are hungry, they will undoubtedly be slowing down the other party, so they cannot say they are hungry.

I have to say I’m not hungry!

The trio came to a conclusion in their minds.

But before the trio could finish what they said, Sano’s eyes widened again: “I’ll answer after I think about it.”

Although the trio didn’t quite understand the current situation, they quickly changed their words and said they were hungry.

“Well, that’s not bad. So, just say whatever you want to eat.”

Sano nodded with satisfaction and picked up the phone on his desk.


The trio looked at each other, and finally hesitantly said what they wanted to eat.

“…I want to eat eel rice, but, is that okay?”

The fat little Genta asked cautiously, because he was really a little unsure whether Sano really meant “just say it”.

Although Ayumi and Mitsuhiko have already said what they want to eat, both of them are not expensive.

On the other hand, eel rice, although it is indeed Genta’s favorite meal, is so expensive that even at home, it is only a high-end product that can be enjoyed occasionally.

So Genta doesn’t know whether his “truthful answer” will be considered “excessive” in Sano’s eyes.

However, what happened next, to everyone’s surprise, and even to the point of being a little creepy, was that Sano actually agreed to buy eel rice for Genta.

“Yes, of course you can. Eat, eat a big bowl. Eat as much as you want. Is ten bowls enough for you first? If it’s not enough, I’ll give you more. Forget it, just order fifteen bowls. If you can’t finish it, take it away. Just go back and eat.”

Not only did he agree to eat the eel rice, but he also looked like he was going to choke the little fat man to death with the eel rice.

What, what’s the situation? How come this guy is so kind that it makes people feel cold?

Are you being sarcastic?

Not to mention the fat little Genta, even Conan didn’t come back to his senses. Sano had already hung up the phone and asked Nadutong to run errands and buy fifteen bowls of eel rice to deliver.

…Looking at it this way, it doesn’t look like Sano was speaking sarcastically just now.

“This guy Sano, could it be that he wants to…?”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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