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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 29 29, Toru Amuro chose to ignore

But delivery food is different from being a cafe waiter. You can’t stay in one place for a long time…

At this moment, Toru Amuro’s smile was equally stiff, because he did not expect to meet Sano here.

Especially, looking at the police all around, could there be a murder happening here?

Could it be that he has something to do with Sano?

Sano and Toru Amuro froze in place, staring at each other, and this obvious abnormality also attracted the attention of others.

“What’s wrong?”

Conan’s kid didn’t think much of it, and without hesitation he asked, “Is this someone Sano-san knows?”


Before Sano could speak, Toru Amuro nodded and said with a smile, “I’m Sano’s friend. I didn’t expect to meet him here. Did something happen?”

This guy……

Sano grimaced, trying to make his face not look so dark, and then forced a smile and said: “Well, since my takeaway has arrived, I won’t stay with you anymore, bye.”

“Wait a moment!”

Just as Sano was about to leave this troubled place as soon as possible, Mouri Kogoro suddenly stopped him, and then said righteously: “I’m sorry, until the truth is found out, everyone in this room is suspected. I’m afraid you You can’t just leave.”


Sano looked at Kogoro Mouri with an expression that he had seen a ghost, and then looked in the direction of Watanabe Haomi: “But didn’t you just say that she was the murderer?”

“That’s just my reasoning. The truth depends on the test results. Before that, we can’t let any possible murderer go.”

There was a rare seriousness on Mouri Kogoro’s face, which also made Sano’s perception of him change a little. This man didn’t seem to be as easy to fool as he appeared.

“Okay, okay.”

Sano had no choice but to stay and wait for the result. Then he glanced at Toru Amuro next to him expressionlessly: “Why are you still here?”

Toru Amuro’s face still had the same smile that seemed unchanged for a century: “Anyway, all the meals in hand have been delivered, so I have nothing to do, so I can spend some time with you.”

Is there something wrong with this person?

Sano looked sideways at Toru Amuro.

At the same time, Conan on one side suddenly noticed the straight road lighting a cigarette at the other end. He immediately had an idea and said in a sweet voice: “By the way, uncle, I just saw that Brother Minagawa still had a cigarette in his hand. .”


Officer Mumu was shocked: “Yes, this is very possible. Hey, you guys, go get that cigarette for testing immediately!”


Sano, who was watching, stared in disbelief. Are these people serious? They actually need a child to remind them of this kind of thing?

Sano thought that when the police arrived, all relevant items would be tested, but a chocolate was tested?

Isn’t this a forced dismantling of straights to place orders?

Forget it, luckily there is still a dog knight here, so it won’t take too long.

No, if the dog knight hadn’t been there, the case might have been closed long ago.

Well, regardless of whether the person caught is the real culprit, the only question is whether you can close the case quickly enough, right?

Tsk, that’s even worse. If it hadn’t been for the dog knight, no, if it hadn’t been for this matter, whether people would have died today is another matter.

Sano turned his attention to Conan again, but when the cigarette was brought, he found that the little devil was lost in thought again.

Is there anything wrong?

Sano glanced at the cigarettes in the evidence bag, but couldn’t find anything wrong, but he was certain that even if poison was detected in the cigarettes, Conan would probably continue to delay.

Alas, it’s not enough to rely on outsiders. If we keep putting it off, this pizza can be eaten as dinner. If we make it ourselves, we will have enough food and clothing.

Sano quietly touched the two most suspect people present, namely Watanabe Yomi, who sent chocolates to the deceased, and Naomi, who sent cigarettes.

The Hammer of Justice slid down quietly, revealing half of his head outside Sano’s cuff.

Toru Amuro, who was secretly observing the overall situation, also noticed Sano’s little movements and immediately squinted his eyes in confusion.

What does Sano want to do?

Damn it, are you planning to destroy the evidence out of fear that the truth will be revealed?

Just when Toru Amuro was a little uneasy and hesitant to stop Sano, Sano had already passed by the two suspects.

Watanabe Haomi had no reaction at all.

Naomichi, on the other hand, looked at Sano with a little fright and confusion, as if he had been punched.

There was something wrong with this guy, but the level of his reaction was not even as good as when Sano hit himself.

Are these two suspects not the murderers?

Sano frowned slightly and looked at the other two guys with motives.

Kaoru Sekiya and Toshihide Wakamatsu.

The former was probably a confession that was rejected, while the latter, needless to say, was openly ridiculed.

However, when these two people “touched” her, they still had no reaction at all, just like Watanabe Haomei.

how so?

There’s no way it could have been done by Sonoko Suzuki, right?


Sano was just about to try Suzuki Sonoko, but then he heard… the sound of water flowing from the kitchen.


Sano poked his head slightly and saw Minagawa’s mother carefully wiping the cup in front of the kitchen sink.

Sano looked back at the police and then at Minagawa’s mother. After looking back and forth several times, he couldn’t help but take a breath.

Good guy, the current murderer? Is it so fair to destroy evidence?

The police were right outside, so she dared to do this?

And the same goes for these police officers. They didn’t find anything wrong with this?

The moment he saw Minagawa’s mother scrubbing the cup, the first reaction in Sano’s mind was to destroy the evidence. The cup was the cup that had previously contained coffee. If nothing else, the poison should have been contained in it.

At the same moment, all the details of the whole thing fell into place.

Why did Minagawa’s mother, who had not allowed him to eat sweets, immediately stuff cake into his mouth after his brother drank coffee? Is it because the poison was in the coffee?

As for why the other people who drank coffee were fine, it was probably because the cake was filled with antidotes and the like, and Minagawa Katsuhiko didn’t eat sweets, which became Minagawa’s mother’s murderous method.

But hasn’t this guy ever considered that there might be other people who don’t eat sweets?

Sano tilted his neck, walked into the kitchen, and tapped Minagawa’s mother on the shoulder with the hammer of justice. As expected, she made the other party groan and almost fell to the ground.

A pain reaction of this level is definitely a murderer.

Minagawa’s mother looked back in horror, but only saw a smiling face.

“Hey, the game is over.”

And just when Sano discovered Minagawa’s mother in the kitchen, the poison test results finally came out. The cigarette butt in Minagawa Katsuhiko’s hand was determined to be poisonous. Naomichi no longer held on and admitted that he had poisoned Minagawa Katsuhiko.

As for the reason, it’s probably that Naomichi likes Sekiyaka, but Minagawa Katsuhiko likes Minagawa Katsuhiko, but Minagawa Katsuhiko likes Watanabe Komi, which makes Naomichi feel that Minagawa Katsuhiko is playing with the feelings of his goddess.

Therefore, the licking dog decided to avenge the goddess.

No, no!

Conan bit his thumb. Long before he suggested that cigarette butts might be poisonous, he had already discovered that Minagawa Katsuhiko’s cigarette did not reach the cigarette butt, so it was impossible to kill people directly.

But where exactly and which step can the poison be accurately administered so that only Minagawa Katsuhiko can die?

Seeing that Nao Dao was about to be cuffed away after pleading guilty, Conan finally couldn’t hold it any longer and touched the watch on his wrist.

No matter, let’s hold off for now.

On the other side, Toru Amuro is also thinking about this case, but he is a latecomer after all, and he has no clues at all and can’t tell anything.

Forget it, now that the “murderer” has been found and has nothing to do with Sano, it doesn’t matter who is the murderer. By the way, where is Sano?

Toru Amuro, who was shocked to realize that he had lost sight of someone, looked around, looking for Sano’s figure.

“Mr. Police Officer~”

And at this critical moment, Sano poked his head out of the kitchen: “I found the real culprit. She poisoned the coffee and put the antidote in the cake. She was destroying evidence just now and I caught her on the spot. , you should hurry up and take a look.”


Officer Megure and Mouri Kogoro, who originally thought the case was over, widened their eyes at the same time and said in disbelief: “How is this possible? He has already confessed!”

Sano shrugged: “There will always be fools who will be fooled by the real murderer. You think you are the real murderer, right? Besides, the evidence is here, and the murderer has given up the struggle. Why don’t we come and take a look?”

With that said, Sano stepped aside, revealing the ashen-faced Minagawa’s mother. While crying, she admitted that she was the murderer and stated her motive.

It turns out that Minagawa’s mother is not Minagawa Katsuhiko’s biological mother, but a stepmother, so the age gap seems to be so small.

It’s just that Minagawa’s father is dead, and Minagawa’s mother is worried that Minagawa Katsuhiko doesn’t want to support them, mother and son, so she has the wrong idea and plans to take over the other party’s inheritance.

This is really a thousand-layer cake, with three “murderers” layered one on top of the other. Well, it looks like those scripted murders in Sano’s previous life.

Zuo Ye couldn’t help but sigh.

But even though Minagawa’s mother had confessed, Sano knew that the police would continue to stay to collect evidence, and he probably wouldn’t be able to leave for a while, so he simply found a place to sit down and ate pizza in peace.

On the side, Conan and Toru Amuro secretly turned their attention to Sano.

This guy is indeed not simple. Same as last time. He pointed out suicide at a glance and discovered who he was hiding behind. This time, he was one step ahead of himself and caught the murderer directly. Who is he?

Conan’s eyes were dark and unclear, paying particular attention to the black coat on Sano.

As for Toru Amuro, his thoughts were much simpler. He was a little surprised that Sano actually had the talent for detectives, but that was not important. What was important was——

Sano discovered the truth behind the case. In order to prevent the deceased from dying in peace, in order to prevent the innocent people from being wrongly imprisoned, and in order to prevent the real murderer from going unpunished, he took the initiative to stand up!

What does this mean?

This shows that this child can still be saved!

This shows that this child still has justice in his heart!

Toru Amuro was a little cheery in his heart. As for what happened before when Kogoro Mouri thought Watanabe Komi was the murderer, Sano wanted to leave directly.

Toru Amuro chose to ignore it.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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