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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 290 289, Tool Man Takagi [Junyou rewards 1/5 more]

Chapter 290 289, Toolman Takagi [Junyou rewarded and added 15 more]

Conan and Haihara Ai suddenly looked at each other, and then joined the ordering queue tacitly, without hesitation ordering the things they wanted to eat most but were reluctant to eat.

…So when Officer Memu, who was drunk at the celebration banquet the next day and was still dizzy when he woke up in the morning, slowly came to his post, what caught his eyes was just a series of words that made people’s jaws jump. Dropped bill details.

“…What the hell is this!?”

Officer Megure sobered up completely in an instant. After reading the bill from beginning to end twice with trembling pupils, he looked carefully at the name at the end of the bill.

Only then did I discover that the applicant for reimbursement was actually – “Takagi Wataru”.


Amidst the loud roar, Takagi Wataru, who was lying on the desk and pretending to be a turtle, trembled and said “yes” without tears.

That’s right, most of the bills in the hands of Officer Megure were eaten by Sano and those little devils. As for why it was said that most of them were eaten, and why was Takagi Wataru applying now? to reimburse……

Takagi Wataru’s thoughts gradually drifted back to last night.

…After Sano called for everyone’s needs, including his own, from an errand service available everywhere, he looked at Takagi Wataru, tilted his head with a smile, and handed out the phone.

“It’s your turn, Officer Takagi.”

Takagi Wataru blinked his eyes and said hesitantly: “This… is not good. Sano, I think it’s good for me to eat instant noodles or bento, so I won’t let you spend money…”

“It’s not Sano who’s spending the money.”

Conan poked at Takagi Wataru’s leg: “He is planning to make Officer Megure pay.”


Takagi Wataru, who thought it was Sano planning to treat him, immediately widened his eyes: “How is this possible!?”

“Why isn’t this possible?”

Sano approached Takagi Wataru and said in a tone of dissatisfaction: “Don’t forget that those guys all ran to have a celebration banquet, but left you here alone. If you have to make some broken records, you won’t Do you feel sad?”

“Think about it again. Miwako Sato, who finally rejected Rensaburo Shiratori and took the initiative to invite you to a noodle shop, was dragged to the celebration banquet because of a fat guy. Oh, the chance is gone.”

“They are barbeque, beer, steak and wine over there, but you are eating instant noodles here?”

“Is this fair?”

“Now there is one, which not only allows you to take revenge on Officer Megure, but also gives you a rare opportunity to taste high-end delicacies that you may not have the chance to taste once a year.”

“I don’t need to say more about what to choose, right?”

Takagi Wataru was obviously hit by Sano’s pain point. His expression was tangled for a while, but he still took the phone that seemed to represent the rope ladder to get on the pirate ship together.

“…I want high-end luxury sushi!”

At this moment, the honest man Takagi Wataru has disappeared.

This is why it is said that “most of the bills in the hands of Officer Megure were eaten by Sano and a few little devils” instead of “all of them were eaten by them.”

Because Takagi Wataru is also involved.

Of course, things are not over yet, this is just the foreshadowing.

…After everyone had ordered their meals, two or three riders who knew everything arrived one after another carrying large and small bags.

Although the seven people present ordered different foods, and one person even ordered from two or three stores, the delivery address was still the same. Although Youtong was limited by technology and did not automatically dispatch orders, There is still a dispatch center, so two or three people are enough.

A group of people looked at the food spread across two desks and couldn’t help but feel a little emotional.

“It feels like a party.”

“It was delivered so quickly. I thought I would have to be hungry for a while.”

“Speaking of which, that one works everywhere. It seems to be very famous now. I often see their advertisements.”


Takagi Wataru’s mood improved a lot when he saw the various delicacies on the table, but he also had a doubt and poked Conan next to him: “Hey, Conan, you just said that Sano planned to let Megure The police officer pays the bill, but what should he do to make Officer Megure pay the bill?”

“You don’t have to worry about this. You just need to know that Sano will definitely let Officer Megure suffer this loss.”

Conan said so.

Yes, in Conan’s view, with Sano’s petty character, he would definitely want to retaliate against him after being tricked by Officer Megure just now.

And Sano was uncharacteristically “generous” just now, and thinking about it, this will only be the case.

As for what Sano would do to get Officer Megure to pay the bill, Conan didn’t know.

But Conan just believed that the other party could do it!

And then.

Takagi Wataru was dragged over by Sano to pay the full price.

“…Hey, this isn’t right. Why do I have to pay?”

Looking at his empty wallet, Takagi Wataru finally realized something was wrong.

“Hey, it’s too small. The layout is too small. Only after you pay can you ask Officer Memu for reimbursement.”

Sano put his arm around Takagi Wataru’s neck, patted his chest with the other, and said in a persuasive manner: “Look, we came here to take notes. We have been taking notes until now, so we must have dinner, right?”

“But if we personally spend money on food, it won’t be counted as additional expenses caused by taking notes. But if you cover everyone’s expenses alone, then it can be regarded as a public expense, and only then can it be reasonably reimbursed.”

Takagi Wataru frowned and rubbed the back of his head for a while but couldn’t straighten it out.


“But you big-headed devil, you’ve already paid everything, so why are you talking so much?”

Sano tugged at Takagi Wataru’s wallet and smiled disdainfully: “Anyway, if you don’t ask Officer Megure for reimbursement, you will definitely have no money until the next salary is paid. Whether you should reimburse or not depends on everything.” You made your own choice, or you can choose not to retaliate and suffer the loss of being dumb, and those at the celebration banquet probably won’t care anyway.”

As soon as these words came out, Takagi Wataru instantly fell into a daze and began to doubt his life.

“Haha, this guy actually used Officer Megure’s subordinates as knives. It’s really bad.”

Haiyuan Ai picked up a fried shrimp and made a mocking laugh, which made Conan on the side twitch unconsciously.

“Indeed, if this is done, Officer Megure will probably have to reimburse Officer Takagi no matter what. After all, it was Officer Megure who asked us to write the transcript, and it was Officer Megure who asked Officer Takagi to write the transcript for us.”

“Now that Officer Takagi has suffered such a big loss because of…taking notes, it is impossible for Officer Megure to ignore it…although Officer Takagi may be miserable in the future.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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