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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 3 3. Whose general is this?

At night, in a park in Tokyo, nearly two hundred figures gathered together, densely packed like locusts. Each of them had hair dyed in various colors, held a stick, and looked fierce. They were obviously a group of gangsters.

But these hundreds of gangsters formed a circle at this moment, and their target was the figure surrounded in the center of the crowd.

The man had a black slicked back hair and was wearing a black special attack suit. A mask covered half of his face, revealing his outer eyes, which were cold.

“You really made the situation change today.”

A gangster glared at the figure in the special attack suit fiercely, roared angrily, rushed out and threw the bat in his hand at the opponent: “Damn it!!!”

And as the first gangster rushed out, the rest of the gangsters also started to move.

For a moment, there were roars and screams.

Then, ten minutes later…

The ground was already covered with figures. If many people weren’t still rolling in pain, this park would probably be regarded as a mass grave where corpses were dumped randomly.

And Sano was the only one who could continue to stand at the scene, even though he still received a lot of punches, kicks and sticks.

“Black death…”

A blond boy lying in front of Sano with a bruised nose and swollen face twitched and murmured: “I lost… From now on, Tokyo will be your territory, and we, the Black Angels, will be your little brothers from now on…”

Sano wiped the cut at the corner of his eye and waved his hand weakly: “I’m not interested in these, you guys can do whatever you want.”

After saying that, Sano ignored the blond boy who climbed up with difficulty and kept shouting “Take us to dominate the country” and left this tragic battlefield.

Arriving at the gate of the park, Sano dragged out the electric donkey he had hidden from the green belt, stepped on it and turned the accelerator, then “slipping” onto the road.

Sure enough, all sacrifices are valuable.

Sano took off his mask with one hand and lit a cigarette for himself.

Since the early evening, Sano had already put on the special attack suit he had just obtained, changed his hairstyle, and rode a small electric donkey non-stop around Tokyo looking for bad boys to fight with.

The purpose of Sano’s doing this was naturally to experiment with the effect of this most powerful bad special attack suit. Looking at it now, it was obviously far beyond Sano’s expectations.

In just a few hours, Sano relied on this reinforcement to fight dozens of battles, defeat more than a hundred people, and overthrow more than a dozen rampaging organizations.

From the one versus three at the beginning, to the one versus twenty, fifty, one hundred, and now even the overlord of the largest gangster organization in Tokyo, the “Black Angel” with nearly 200 people.

Those gangsters were basically like little chickens who just punched each other, and Sano was like a robot. He didn’t feel tired at all. It could almost be said that he was either fighting or on the way to fight.

If the former should rely on the third effect bonus of the special attack server, then the latter should rely on the first effect bonus.

It seems that the physical attribute is not only about physical strength, that is, the length of battery life, but also includes the strength of Sano’s body. To put it bluntly, it is defense. Even if he is hit on the head by an ordinary person, he will at least have a concussion. Stick, he only fainted briefly.

As for the three attributes of explosiveness, flexibility, and momentum, Sano can only make some superficial speculations based on his inherent impression. Of course, no matter what, at least Sano’s current combat effectiveness is still very guaranteed.

Another interesting thing is that because of Sano’s fighting speed and intensity, his existence spread quickly among the Tokyo Bosozoku gangsters at an extremely terrifying speed. Not everyone knows it, but most people Everyone has heard of it – there is a black special attack man in the bad world tonight.

In order to make it easier for them to call him, those people gave him the nickname “Black Death” because of the black color Sano wore.

Common name – black death.

However, although the bonus of the “Strongest Delinquent Special Attack Server” is terrifying, the third effect bonus alone can almost directly make Sano the “strongest one-on-one” in the entire Tokyo delinquent world, but That’s just limited to one-on-one combat.

In the past few hours, Sano has been “being beaten by a group of people” and has left a lot of scars on his body. Fortunately, with the first effect, they are not too serious and have no real feeling.

“Hey, the system task has been triggered.”

[Please go to the target location to rescue the naughty kid who is trying to die. If you complete it, you will get a random strengthening opportunity. The remaining time of the mission is – 0:59:59. 】

And just when Sano had figured out the effects of the special attack suit and was about to end the experiment and go home, the system’s mission trigger prompt arrived.

But…rescuing the naughty kid?

The last task was to help people hide criminal evidence, and the next task was to be a good person. What exactly does this system want to do, there is no code of conduct at all.

While Sano was muttering to himself, he pulled out the system and turned his attention to the system map.

It just so happens that the distance is not too far.

Sano judged the direction and quickly found the nearest route. With a drift, he changed the direction and aimed directly at the “Futashi Middle School” where the red dot on the map was.

When we arrived at an intersection, the light happened to be red, so Sano obeyed the law and tightened the brakes, waiting patiently for the green light to turn on.

But before the green light came, Sano was greeted by a… strange scenery.

Turning to look at the other side of the road, I saw a little boy in a suit wearing glasses, riding a big yellow dog, flying past like the wind.

…Sano stared.

He originally thought that his little electric donkey was enough to dominate the world, but he didn’t expect that in Tokyo, there was someone whose horse was more popular than his own.

Whose general is this?

Sano just watched the figure of the man and the dog go away, tilted his neck, and the appearance of the dog knight, no matter how he looked at it, he felt familiar…


When the green light came on, Sano didn’t think much, turned on the accelerator again, and headed for his target, Futabashi Middle School.

I just don’t know if it was a coincidence that the dog knight was running in the direction where he collided with Sano again.

So why is there a child riding a dog around in the middle of the night?

Sano followed the dog knight, neither too close nor too far behind.

It wasn’t until about a few kilometers later that Sano saw the dog rider suddenly change direction with the big dog and sneak into a nearby school, which was also his goal this time. Futabashi Middle School, he became even more curious.

ps: Just to mention, the internal investment has passed, but the ID card has expired. It will take a week to sign. You can invest with confidence. In addition, it may look a bit awkward at the beginning because the review has been strict recently. I came back and changed it including the title of the book. Almost ten times, the free period is updated twice a day. Friends who are book readers, please click on the latest chapter on Tuesday, thank you.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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