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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 30 30. The evolution of resentment against workers – ordinary office workers

After all, Sano is now a member of the organization, and he has a “core member” watching next to him. In order not to be in the spotlight, he chooses to keep a low profile and bide his time. What’s wrong with this?

The more Toru Amuro thought about it, the more excited he became, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but become a little wider. Then he patted Sano’s shoulder happily: “Eat slowly.”

Sano: “?”

Sano, who was full of surprise, turned around and muttered in his heart, why hasn’t this guy left yet? Could it be that he was taking revenge for being expelled from the cafe and planned to take him to the woods for revenge later?

“I still have work to do, so I’ll leave first.”

Although Sano seemed unwilling to talk to him, Toru Amuro was not disappointed at all and left the yard with brisk steps.

Doesn’t his unwillingness to have too much contact with core members further prove Sano’s dislike of the organization?

Yes, this is a good boy, the flower of the neon future!

Sano watched Toru Amuro leave, turned around and was stunned for a while, then picked up the phone with his backhand: “Hey, is this a pizza shop? I want to complain. Yes, it’s the delivery boy who just delivered my food. That black guy has a very bad attitude. …”

The day after the Valentine’s Day party incident.

“Another high school student detective? The famous detective Mouri Kogoro misunderstood the truth, and the high school boy directly found the murderer!”

Sano looked at the newspaper title in his hand and couldn’t help but chuckle.

Sure enough, even in this era, entertainment news is still so good at making stunts.

Although the previous case was indeed solved by Sano, where did he say that he was a detective? Furthermore, when did Kogoro Mouri become the famous detective of Naraoshiko again?

He is just a wretched uncle who repeatedly jumps between confusion and sobriety.

Although according to the information collected by Sano, Mouri Kogoro had become famous several times after Conan stayed at Mourilan’s house, but it was only those few times. Can he be regarded as a famous detective?

So can Sano be considered a high school detective now?

After Sano chuckled, he put down the newspaper in his hand and looked up at Toru Amuro in front of him: “So, what do you want from me?”

Toru Amuro tried his best to keep a smile on his face, but he could still hear the sound of gritted teeth in his voice: “Don’t you know what I want from you?”

Remembering that she was scolded by the store manager as soon as she returned to the store yesterday, Toru Amuro’s mouth suddenly couldn’t help but twitch.

This is the second time, this is already the second time!

Does this kid really think that his bourbon has lost his temper? ?

“Your new mission.”

Toru Amuro pushed a document to Sano casually.

Is this guy trying to take the opportunity to wear some shoes for himself?

Sano squinted his eyes and took out the file seemingly casually and looked at it.

“Amuro…detective agency?”

Sano raised his eyebrows in surprise, because the offer before him was indeed from the “Amuro Detective Agency”. As for his profession, of course he was a detective.

“You want me to work for you?”

“It’s not a part-time job, it’s a job with a basic salary. Even if you do nothing, you can still earn a lot of money every month.”

Sano blinked twice and temporarily ignored the question of whether the basic salary of 200,000 a month was a big or small thing: “But aren’t I your subordinate to begin with, so why bother… to do this?”

Amuro smiled and said: “Is there any difference? What’s more, as you just said, you are my subordinate. You have to do whatever I ask you to do, right?”

“Ding Lingling~”

Before Sano could speak, the phone at his door suddenly rang, and Sano could only answer the phone first.


“Do you want to die Sano?”

As soon as the call was connected, Gin’s cold and biting voice came from the other end, with murderous intent clearly revealed.


Sano glanced at Toru Amuro behind him with confusion, then turned to the other end of the phone and said, “What’s wrong, Gin, sir, if possible, I still want to stay alive as much as possible.”

“Since you want to live, can you explain why you want to die like this?”

Sano scratched his head, really confused. What on earth did he do?

But Gin’s next words answered Sano’s doubts.

“I have told you a long time ago that the standard of conduct of our organization is to be low-key and low-key. If you want to be famous so much, are you just seeking death?”

Aha, it turned out to be because of this incident.

Just as Sano was about to open his mouth to explain, Toru Amuro came behind him without knowing it and reached out to take the phone.

“Hey, Gin, it’s me, Bourbon.”

After hearing Toru Amuro’s voice, Gin was obviously silent for a moment, and then continued to sneer: “You two are close now, or do you think this kid is too dangerous and have already planned to deal with him?”

Toru Amuro chuckled: “No, actually I was with him yesterday, and I asked him to solve this case.”

“Bourbon, can I understand that you intend to leak the existence of the organization?”

“Of course not. I am doing this entirely for the development of the organization.”


“Sano has a talent for detectives, which I don’t have. As you know, in order to collect intelligence, I opened a detective agency, but unfortunately it never made any progress, so now I want to He enters the detective agency and develops well on this road.”

The implication is that Sano now has a detective identity, so don’t let him do dirty things easily, lest he steal the chicken but lose the rice.

This is the biggest reason why Toru Amuro came to Sano today and insisted on dragging him into his detective agency.

Furthermore, as long as Sano joins his firm, even if Gin wants Sano to do something later, he can refuse by saying “there is a commission”.

Very convenient.

As for whether Gin will pay attention to it, Toru Amuro thinks there is no need to worry, because for the intelligence personnel of the organization, especially those with higher status, having a second identity with a higher status outside the organization is a good thing. Big advantage.

Anyway, to put it bluntly, it is good for the organization, so for Gin who is loyal to the organization, there is no need to object to this kind of thing.

As expected, Gin on the other end of the phone responded directly after thinking briefly: “…I know, but tell that kid that before accepting your mission, don’t forget the mission I gave him before.”


The call was immediately hung up.

Toru Amuro turned to look at Sano, who had been listening, and said with a smile: “I’ve helped you out now. Saying thank you shouldn’t be too much, right?”

Sano just looked at Toru Amuro and said in a very gentle tone: “Isn’t this your purpose, to make Gin dissatisfied with me, and then help me, to create a situation where compared to Gin, you want to The feeling of being easier to get along with, more humane, and more trustworthy?”

“Dig a hole, wait for me to jump in, and then throw down the rope to pull me up. Is this despicable method worthy of my thanks? Besides, you are my immediate boss, before and in the future. Isn’t it your duty to help your subordinates solve their difficulties?”

Amuro Toru twitched the corner of her mouth, but she didn’t expect that Sano would see through it.

But there is a misunderstanding. What do you mean by the hole he dug? He clearly just happened to see the other party step into the hole, so he took advantage of the trick and walked down the road smoothly, okay?

Don’t describe him like he’s some big evil guy!

Ah, although as far as the vest is concerned, the image of myself as Bourbon is indeed a villain.

Finally, it is the duty of the immediate superior to solve the problems for his subordinates. Are you sure this is not the opposite? ?

Toru Amuro took a deep breath, fearing that he would be embarrassed by the employee who had finally managed to get his hands on him.

“Anyway, tomorrow, no, you still have to go to school. If you have time, come here to work and take commissions. If there are any good commissions, I will also take the initiative to call you and ask if you have time.”

Sano took the business card from Toru Amuro. In addition to the address of the detective agency, it seemed to have the other party’s private number on it.

At this point, there was nothing left to refuse. Sano nodded and was successfully promoted from a grudge worker to an ordinary office worker.

“Okay boss, I got it boss.”

Seeing that Sano finally used a “special name” for himself, Toru Amuro suddenly smiled with satisfaction.

He had long been jealous of the guy who was clearly not Sano’s real boss, but was always called “Sir”. After all, his real boss never seemed to gain the respect of Sano, but was always cheated…

Now it seems that this trip was not in vain!

Sano bid farewell to Toru Amuro politely, but when the other party had already gone out, he suddenly reached out and grabbed the door that was almost closed.

“By the way, I remembered something.”

Toru Amuro stuck his head in through the crack in the door, the smile on his face still perfect: “Did you forget to give me the pizza money yesterday?”

Sano: “…”

It seems that there is such a thing.

“A gift to welcome a new employee, a pizza from the boss, it shouldn’t be a big deal.”

Sano attempts to have sex for free.


Toru Amuro still smiled: “First, joining gifts are never obligatory. Second, you are not a new employee. You have been my direct subordinate before.”

Sano: “…”

It’s just a piece of pizza, why do you care about it so much?

Sano expressionlessly pushed Amuro Toru’s head out and slammed the door.

“It will be deducted from future wages!”

After standing outside the door for a long time, Toru Amuro took out his notebook and started to keep accounts: “This is how much it is after including interest…”

Sano, who was still behind the door, clearly heard the muttering, and the black lines on his forehead couldn’t help but become more numerous.

Forget it, after all, when the Maple Leaf gold coins are divided, I won’t be short of this little money.

In the evening, after having dinner, Sano came to the door of a bungalow in 4-chome not far from his home.

If nothing else, this should be the haunted house that Suzuki Sonoko mentioned when she scared Mao Lilan the day before yesterday.

The location of Yoneka Town 4-chome is within the scope of Tokyo after all. Even if it is not a golden area, it is more or less a silver area. The land price is obviously not cheap, but such a big house is left here to dry.

What a waste.

Sano couldn’t help but feel a little sad when he thought of his home, which was only a dozen square feet and was cold in winter and warm in summer.

And if you want to ask why Sano ran to the door of a haunted house when it was getting dark, you have to mention the new mission triggered by the system after solving Minagawa Katsuhiko’s case yesterday.

[Please go to the mission target location and stay for eight hours after dark tomorrow. If you complete it, you will get 30 strengthening points. The remaining time of the mission – 39:59:59]

Looking at the mini map of the system, the target location specified by the mission is indeed the inside of this bungalow.

Is it a haunted house? It can be related to the system of time travellers. Maybe there is actually Ah Piao in it…

I am considering whether to publish the chapters together or separately in the future. If you have any ideas, please share them.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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