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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 305 Chapter 304, the operation was successful, Conan has become a little girl…

When Sano finally returned home, what he saw downstairs was Xiao Hei with a helpless face, and the little girl who was holding him in his arms and refused to let him go.

…Is it really this girl?

“Brother, you are finally back!”

Seeing Sano, Xiao Hei, who was still listless, couldn’t help but scream excitedly.

Just thinking of the “popular science education” from before, Xiao Hei’s voice became weaker again.

…In fact, after saving people and completing his mission, Xiao Hei planned to leave directly. Unfortunately, the frightened little girl regarded it as her only support and had to stay next to it… In a strict sense. She said that she probably wanted it to stay next to her, so she refused to let it go.

Thinking that this was the target that his elder brother asked him to protect, Xiao Hei did not dare to use force for fear of hurting the little girl, so he could only hold back his temper and accompany him obediently.

Anyway, now that the eldest brother is back, he should be able to withdraw, right?

“Ah, sorghum, hello!”

The little girl also noticed Sano, hugged the dog head in her arms and bowed to say hello.

Sano glanced at Xiao Hei and nodded to the little girl.


…In fact, it was as early as when it guided Xiao Hei to find the mission target and heard it describe the situation at that time, that is, the appearance of the two people present.

Sano had thought about whether the target of this mission would be this little girl.

Later, it was discovered that Xiao Hei’s position had been moved near his home position, and Zuo Yezhong became even more certain.

Of course, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, the task has been completed now, and the little girl has nothing serious to do.

So what else is there to think about?

Then, Sano ignored Xiao Hei who was full of expectations, turned around and went upstairs, and then returned home to the screams of the other party who couldn’t believe it.

…Looking at Sano mercilessly closing the door upstairs, Xiao Hei burst into tears.

If you don’t use it for fun, how can you just ignore it after using it?

Isn’t this too disdainful?

Xiao Hei called downstairs for a long time without getting a response, and began to hesitate whether to use “spiritual communication” to communicate with his elder brother.

…After commanding the previous rescue operation, Xiao Hei has become very proficient in the use of “spiritual communication”…at least he won’t suddenly get stuck.

On the way back, Sano and Xiao Hei conducted a careful study.

Although the effect of this spiritual communication is indeed dominated by Xiao Hei, as a participant, Sano does not have no “rights” of his own.

To put it simply, in this part that functions as a “remote team channel”, Sano and Xiaohei have a “microphone” and an “earpiece” respectively.

Xiao Hei can control these two entities on his own.

On Sano’s side, he could only control the switch of the “microphone” and could not turn off the “earpiece”.

To put it more bluntly, if Sano wants to talk to Xiao Hei remotely, it depends on whether it is willing.

And if Xiao Hei wants to communicate with Sano, no matter whether he wants to talk or not, at least he has to listen.

…But even if Xiao Hei occupies such a dominant position, he still dare not easily disturb Sano.

Because the previous education really scared Xiao Hei.

Woohoo, I miss my old big brother so much, how kind and amiable he was!

The little girl’s hand tightened around Xiao Hei’s neck.

Xiao Hei, who was standing upright, felt aggrieved.

The next day, Sano got up and teamed up with Suzuki Sonoko to go to the hospital.

Well, that’s right, the two of them are going to the hospital to visit Conan, the god of plague.

According to Suzuki Sonoko, after Conan was rushed to the hospital yesterday, he was immediately arranged for surgery. Fortunately, the problem was not serious and the surgery was successful. He has become a little girl… Ahem, no, he has already separated. A dangerous period.

And after a sleepy night, this plague god woke up completely this morning.

But there is one point worth mentioning, because at the time of Conan’s surgery, the hospital’s blood bank happened to have run out of blood that matched his blood type.

So Mao Lilan donated a lot of blood to this kid.

…Does this count as being fed dog food?

Sano didn’t take this matter to heart at first, just treating it as a piece of gossip for her own amusement. After all, Mao Lilan didn’t know that Conan was actually her… target.

It wasn’t until he came to the Rice Flower General Hospital where Conan was hospitalized that Sano learned from Haibara Ai that there was actually another kind of information behind this little incident.

…Because Mao Lilan insisted at that time that her blood type was the same as Conan.

This probably means that Mao Lilan has actually discovered the truth that the other party is Kudo Shinichi.

Especially earlier, Conan had already suspected that Mao Lilan knew his identity through various signs, and the situation became even more tense.

…Of course, they are the ones who are nervous and have nothing to do with Sano.

After all, after all…this is the first time Mao Lilan has doubted Conan?

The last time I recalled the egg, it seemed like it hadn’t been long ago, right?

Anyway, Conan would easily fool him every time, and Sano didn’t think anything would happen this time.

What a big deal.

And secondly, does Mao Lilan know Conan’s identity, and what does it have to do with Sano?

What’s the difference between knowing or not knowing?

After saying hello to the worried Conan and Haibara Ai, Sano evacuated the hospital.

According to Mao Lilan, with Conan’s current injury condition, he will have to stay in the hospital for at least a few weeks, so during this period, this plague god will probably no longer harm innocent people.

…No, this is not necessarily the case.

When the Plague God’s aura is in effect, it doesn’t take the environment into consideration.

What’s more… Mihua General Hospital seems to be an old map.

If this plague god still triggered one or two plot tasks while he was hospitalized, Sano wouldn’t find anything strange anyway.

Forget it, the soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it with soil.

Why are you thinking so much about the future now?

After shaking his head, Sano was about to go home, but the next second he received another reminder.

[Please ensure that the Armed Detective Agency accepts and completes ten commissions within the mission time limit, and the commission fee is guaranteed to be more than 10 million. Upon completion, you will receive 300 strengthening points. The remaining time of the mission is – 719:59:59].

…What the hell kind of magical mission is this?

Sano frowned. This mission was very similar to previous missions that involved catching as many criminals as possible and clearing out as many tasks as possible.

But this should be considered a mission closer to the Black Death dominating the country.

Because this can’t be solved just by relying on Sano’s personal force.

To sum it up in one sentence, it is probably to improve the performance of the Armed Detective Agency.

…Speaking of the operation of the Armed Detective Agency, it actually entered the formal stage faster than Nadutong.

Just because of the differences in the industry, the performance of the Armed Detective Agency, except for the earliest period, has never been as good as that of Universal Detective Agency.

Now it is even more different.

But after all, this thing is just something that can be easily earned. Let’s not talk about whether the mosquito legs are meat or not. Let’s just say that although its performance is not many, it is not small.

Everyone makes money happily.

But even so, these achievements are only earned from the superficial level of entrustment.

As for the deeper level, where “anything can be done as long as the money is available”, there has been no progress at all.

…After all, if you really want to hire someone to do something dangerous, instead of going directly to the Yakuza organization or even…a killer instead of a bad boy.

Obviously it needs to be more prudent.

As for not relying on force, but the first impression given by the word detective, that is, intellectual entrustment… Even in the entire industry, it is pitiful.

Even if someone really wants to issue this type of commission, they will usually go to a famous detective who has demonstrated his “intelligence” level through countless cases solved.

Who would look for bad boys?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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