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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 31 31. Conan: Plan? √ (smile)

Chapter 31 31, Conan: Plan √ (smile)

Sano glanced at the rust and cobwebs on the big iron door of the bungalow, then looked around. After making sure no one was watching, he immediately moved in.

As for whether this would be an illegal intrusion into someone else’s house or something…

Ahem, no one saw it anyway, so it’s not a crime.

Just like potato chips will not become dirty if they are dropped on the ground for less than three seconds, this is a law of the world.

Just like the previous tailing, if the person was not discovered, then it would not be considered tailing.

Sano originally thought about entering the bungalow through the window, but no one thought. After tentatively twisting the door handle, the door to the bungalow opened directly.

The chain is not locked?

Sano tilted his neck and didn’t bother to care about the gossip. He went directly into the bungalow, found a random room and huddled in a cabinet.

The timing of the system task has started. Sano only needs to stay in this house for eight hours, and everything will be fine.

Don’t touch unnecessary things to avoid triggering any side quests.

The most important thing is.

Sano always had an intuition that this mission, probably, maybe, should, maybe, he would encounter the dog knight.

Although Sano is actually quite interested in Dog Rider, actively getting involved in trouble and being involved in trouble are two completely different experiences.

Especially the latter, which doesn’t care whether people have the ability to solve it perfectly, is even more disgusting.

Sano leaned against the cabinet, pulled the collar of his coat, covered half of his head, and closed his eyes.

Of course, Sano couldn’t be ready to go to sleep directly. He was just a little bored, so he simply closed his eyes and rested, while thinking randomly… thinking about the future.

Time passes slowly.

According to the system’s timing, Sano estimated that it was already past three o’clock in the middle of the night.

But I don’t know if it was an illusion. Not long ago, Sano seemed to have been vaguely hearing something moving outside.

Forget it, just treat it as an illusion.

Sano shrank and leaned his head inside, not wanting to pay attention to what was happening outside.

It’s just that things went counterproductive. Sano didn’t want to get involved in outside affairs, but it didn’t mean that people outside would let him go so easily.

“Genta, Mitsuhiko, are you there…”

This is the voice of a little girl.

This voice felt very familiar to Sano, and coupled with the two names in front of it, the figure of the Dog Knight Team had already appeared in front of Sano’s eyes.


Ayumi seemed a little scared and deliberately lowered her voice, but she still couldn’t hide the trembling in her voice.

Annoying little brat.

Sano calmly stretched out his hand and pulled the two inner buttons of the cabinet door to prevent it from being opened from the outside.

And the facts proved that Sano’s approach was right.

Because soon Sano felt that someone was pulling on the cabinet door outside, obviously trying to open the cabinet.

“Hey, is it locked?”

Ayumi outside hesitated for a moment and seemed to be planning to leave just like that.

“Ayumi, did you find anything?”

However, just when Sano breathed a sigh of relief, another little boy’s voice came from outside.

“Conan, this cabinet is locked and I can’t open it.”

Ayumi explained.


Conan approached with the sound of footsteps: “There might be some clues in there. In this way, we’ll be on one side and I’ll call out one, two, three, and open the cabinet door.”


Sano in the cabinet straightened up, cursing secretly in his heart.

If you think it’s locked, then leave quickly. What kind of naughty child is this? Haven’t your parents taught you not to rummage through other people’s things? ?

Sano hooked his fingers on the cabinet door, and veins popped up on his arms. He huddled inside the cabinet, and the only thing he could grab was the protruding part behind the cabinet door, which was not easy to use at all.

It didn’t matter if Ayumi was just a little girl before, but now there is a little boy like Dog Rider, and Sano can’t guarantee that he can definitely hold it.

At the same moment, the two naughty children outside the cabinet each held the cabinet door handle with both hands. After one, two, three, they pulled back with all their strength.


The cabinet door was briefly opened for a moment, and then quickly closed with a soft sound.

Conan and Ayumi were stunned at the same time. After blinking twice, they looked at each other.

“No, this cabinet door is unlocked, there is someone inside!”

Conan’s eyes shone, and he tapped the cabinet door twice with excitement: “Can you come out for a moment? We have something to ask you!”

Sano in the closet curled his lips and ignored the naughty kid outside.

Go as far as you can, please ignore his existence!

Conan filmed for a long time but couldn’t get a response, so he could only roll up his sleeves.

He, Edogawa Conan, decided to open this cabinet today, and Sherlock Holmes couldn’t stop it, he said so!

“Ayumi, let’s do it again. There’s no place to exert force inside. He won’t be able to hold on for long!”


Ayumi nodded in agreement like a chicken pecking at rice.

After regrouping, the two shouted one, two, three again, and then used all their strength to pull hard.

But this time, the two of them didn’t feel any resistance and easily opened the cabinet door. They even stumbled and fell to the ground due to excessive force.

“Ah, my butt hurts.”

Ayumi raised her head with tears in her eyes and looked at Conan on the other side with some grievance.

We had promised a long-lasting confrontation, but why did we suddenly surrender…

Conan obviously did not expect that the person in the cabinet would not hinder him at all this time. He could only get up with some resentment, walked to the front of the cabinet, and looked at the group of young people huddled in the cabinet.

“Sano…brother? Why are you here?”

After seeing Sano, Conan was obviously a little surprised and asked.

Sano narrowed his eyes and was too lazy to argue with the other party. He just asked coldly: “Is something wrong?”

Conan blinked his eyes, too lazy to care about trivial matters anymore, and said hurriedly: “Brother Sano, two of our companions suddenly disappeared. We heard their screams before. If possible, I hope you can…”

“I reject.”

Before Conan could finish speaking, Sano bluntly refused, and then reached out to close the cabinet door.

“Hey hey hey!”

Conan quickly grabbed the cabinet door and stared: “You should listen to what I have to say. If you don’t, I will stay here forever!”

However, Sano refused to listen and continued to exert force on his hand. Conan also tried his best to hold the door, preventing Sano from closing it.

After the two sides were in a stalemate for a while, Sano finally sighed, let go of his hand, and looked at Conan, who staggered to the ground due to excessive force again.

“You tell me.”

Conan covered his nose and got up with tears in his eyes. He was cursing secretly in his heart. If you let go, you should say something like this. Really, the bridge of his nose was almost broken.

But despite the slander in his heart, Conan looked at Sano Sano sincerely on the surface. After all, he was the one asking for help now, and it was okay to feel a little wronged!

“Our companions are missing. I suspect they may have encountered some danger. Can you help us?”

“I don’t want to help.”

Sano said expressionlessly: “Let’s finish talking. Just close the cabinet door after you finish talking.”

“Hey, you are an adult after all, how can you be so unwilling to save a child!?”

“I am an adult, not your father, so why should I help you?”

Conan’s face darkened and he became a little anxious: “But there are unknown dangerous elements in this house now. If you hide here, aren’t you worried about being found by them?”

“Then let’s wait until we meet.”

Sano reached out and closed the cabinet door. Conan was about to pull it open again, but there was an extra gap in the cabinet door.

Sano stretched out his white hand and pointed a single index finger straight at Conan’s head, obviously with the meaning of “warning”. Then the next second, the fingers of his palm became loose again, and he slapped the two little brats. fan.

It was like the feeling that Sano Sano felt when he was going to the toilet on a field ridge when he was a child. He encountered an annoying local dog and kept rubbing it on his butt, so he just drove it away.

Conan: “…”

As for showing that you dislike them so much?


Ayumi, who was hiding behind Conan, said weakly: “Then what should we do next.”

Conan let out a breath, took a step forward, raised his hand and knocked on the cabinet door, but as he expected, Sano didn’t give him any response.

“If you don’t want to help us, then we have no choice but to go out and call the police. The police should arrive within half an hour. By then, can’t you stay in there anymore?”

Sano in the cabinet froze, and a vein popped out on his forehead. This brat…

The system task time limit is nearly an hour away. If the police really come, then Sano will naturally not be able to stay in this house anymore. The result is this.

mission failed.


Sano finally opened the cabinet door and looked at Conan with a “planned” smile.

“If you really want to call the police, then why are you coming to me?”

After climbing out of the closet, the first thing Sano did was deny Conan’s statement.

“Are you worried that your parents will know about running to someone else’s house in the middle of the night?”

Sano shook his head: “No, you should be worried that the police will arrive too slowly, and your little friend may be killed in the meantime, but you are thoughtful.”

Conan raised his eyebrows, a little surprised that his thoughts would be seen through, but since the other party has come out, it means that he agreed to help, and the rest does not matter.

“It’s better to search this house first. I’m really worried about them.”

Sano put his hands in his pockets and said casually: “Is it because I got separated from the team and was too scared, so I went home early.”

“Genta and Mitsuhiko are not like that!”

Ayumi rarely raised her voice and shouted angrily to Sano Sano.

“It’s unclear whether there is any danger in the house, what kind of danger it is, and even less clear how much danger there is.”

Sano was too lazy to argue with the child, and just looked at Conan: “I can search everywhere carelessly by myself. If one person is not good enough, he may die.”

Speaking of this, Sano suddenly paused and chuckled: “Ha, that’s right. After all, you didn’t even know who was in the cabinet and opened it randomly. I didn’t pay attention. You are so brave to seek death.”

Is this guy mocking himself…

Conan’s mouth twitched, and just when he was about to reply, a hand suddenly covered his mouth.


While Sano covered Conan’s mouth, he also raised his index finger between his lips towards Ayumi on the other side.

Conan’s mouth was suddenly covered, and he was also shocked. He almost instinctively touched the watch on his wrist.

But in the next second, Conan heard the movement outside the room again, understood immediately, and made no other moves.

Listening carefully, there was a slight sound of footsteps coming from outside the room, as well as a strange “creaking” sound. I didn’t know what it was.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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