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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 311 310, after all, the wrong payment was made

Officer Megure glanced at Sano and said tentatively: “In that case, then there is a high probability that this case is a suicide case?”

Sano also glanced at Officer Megure and said, “Look at what I do. I’m just a freeloader. Does it mean that Officer Megure still needs to refer to my opinion when handling the case?”

Officer Memu: “…”

This guy is so stingy!

I just complained a few times and didn’t really care about anything with the other party.

As for being so sinister?

Fortunately, at this time, the three people in Wuyi on the side came up with a new clue, that is, there was something wrong with the deceased on the way he drove the three of them here today, as if he was looking for something.

Upon hearing this, Officer Megure couldn’t care less, and quickly asked Takagi Wataru to take the three of them out of the gym and go to the deceased’s vehicle for further investigation.

“Hey, Kudo, you should have figured out how the murderer poisoned him. The problem now is that there is no evidence…”

Sano noticed Hattori Heiji’s mumbling voice and turned around to see that the black man was squatting and hugging Conan’s shoulders, probably intending to communicate.

It’s a pity that after Conan glanced at the other party, he ruthlessly dropped his hand and walked away.

Hattori Heiji:”……”

What’s going on?

Why is this guy so cold to me today?

After smacking his lips, the somewhat depressed Hattori Heiji turned his gaze to Sano again and narrowed his eyes.

…To be honest, Hattori Heiji didn’t want to easily try to communicate with Sano.

This is not a question of whether the other party will pay attention to you.

Just because in the last meeting between the two parties, Hattori Heiji always felt that he seemed too exhausted.

There were two people who “unlocked” the notice letter released by Kaitou Kidd regarding the Egg of Memory.

One is Sano and the other is Conan.

In terms of chronological order, Sano should be faster, while Conan is slightly behind.

…But even so, with Hattori Heiji who couldn’t unlock the notice letter before the time limit, even if Conan is not as good as Sano, he won’t look too defeated.

Only he, Hattori Heiji, seemed to be left out.

Extremely uncomfortable.

After grinding his teeth, Hattori Heiji still planned to communicate with Sano.

Otherwise, this situation of being unable to make any progress and having to wait obediently would be too uncomfortable.

However, Hattori Heiji, who had finally made up his mind, had just taken a few steps when Sano, who noticed him, turned around and changed his position, as if he didn’t want to talk to him.

…Damn, as for showing that you despise yourself so much! ?

Hattori Heiji silently ran to the corner and squatted down, drawing circles on the ground with his fingers.

Conan doesn’t want to bite him, and Sano doesn’t want to, so is he really ostracizing himself?

At the same time, Sano was shifting his gaze away from the black knight who left the scene.

…It’s really strange that the task has not been triggered again. Does this mean that the only reward I got today is the ten-minute task of watching Mao Lilan’s drama.

Although even if there is no mission, Sano plans to participate in this case.

This is not only because Sano has not been involved in the case much during this period, and his sense of presence is too low, but also because the location of this case is quite special.

Sano glanced at the people in the stadium who were talking and whispering.

A large part of them are students from Didan High School.

…Although it is not accurate to say this, this place can indeed be regarded as Sano’s “home field”.

If Sano didn’t show much performance in this case and let others solve it first, wouldn’t it look like he was depressed?

Although Sano actually doesn’t think he is a detective, what he thinks is one thing and what others say is another matter.

Sano also wants to save face, okay?

Especially this time there was a rather special character present, which made Sano want to be the first to solve the case.

As for how to solve this case.

Sanoye already had a guess in his mind.

Of course, Sano doesn’t know whether this speculation is correct or not, and the evidence only gives a general direction.

But it’s not a big problem.

Sano didn’t really intend to win head-on anyway.

Just letting others think that you have won is enough.

Sano rubbed his fingers a few times. Now he just needs to wait for the right time to take action. It can be said that everything is ready, all he needs is the east wind?

…Soon, Takagi Wataru led the three of them back to the gym.

The small bottle containing potassium cyanate found in the deceased’s car made Officer Megure even more convinced that this case was just a suicide case.

But just when Hattori Heiji’s eyes changed and he was about to speak out to force a stop and delay the situation first, a voice sounded faster than him.

“Wait a minute, Officer Megure, this is not a suicide case, but undoubtedly a homicide case!”


Hearing the familiar voice, Officer Megure immediately turned his head to look. After realizing that the person making the noise was the knight in black who had not yet taken off his hood, he immediately asked in confusion.

“who are you?”

“Heh, I haven’t seen you for a while, so you don’t recognize me anymore, Officer Megure.”

As the face under the hood was revealed, the phenomenon of Hattori Heiji taking off his hat appeared again.

“Kudo Shinichi!?”

Amidst the exclamations, Hattori Heiji looked at Conan in confusion… No, since Kudo Shinichi has appeared, then this guy should not be Conan… Then who the hell is this guy? Or is this? Kudo Shinichi is actually a fake. Is he the real Kudo Shinichi or Conan?

Hattori Heiji’s brain was shut down, and for a moment he doubted whether the matter between him and Conan was actually just his fantasy.

“Oh my God, Kudo Shinichi is back…”

“Okay, detective, we are all waiting for you!”

“Shh, don’t say that, don’t forget there is a famous detective here…”

“Ah, I almost forgot about the duel between two high school detectives. It felt very interesting!”

“…But looking at Sano’s previous performance, it seems that he hasn’t made any effective progress yet. After all, he became famous relatively late, so he should be inferior to Kudo, right?”


Amidst the cheers and gossips, Kudo Shinichi first comforted Mao Lilan, who was shocked after seeing him, and then pretended to signal the crowd to be quiet and planned to start his show time.

…There is really enough to hold a cup, and he is very similar to Kuroba Kaito in this aspect.

These two guys should really be twins, right?

Sano glanced at Conan not far away… It should be said that it was Haibara Ai. As expected, he saw a little dissatisfaction, speechlessness, and disgust in the other person’s eyes.

In fact, Sano already knew from the beginning that Conan would temporarily change back to Kudo Shinichi today.

On the night when Hattori Heiji came to visit Conan, this kid called Sano and complained to him first about Haibara Ai, a fake lolita. In order to prevent him from losing his mind, he took the initiative to confess to Mao Lilan. , actually repeated the previous operation again and used a toy gun to scare him.

Then Conan proposed another method that Haibara Ai had suggested to him to fool Mao Lilan.

That is to use its antidote, which is still in the development stage, to transform Conan back into Kudo Shinichi.

The person who appeared instead of Conan was the disguised Haibara Ai.

…Of course, this cross-dressing cannot be at the level of Kuroba Kaito.

However, relying on the big mask, which is also a small prop developed by Dr. Ali, it should not be a big problem to temporarily fool him.

After all, as Sano said before, good-looking people are always similar.

Although Sano is not willing to admit it, the appearance of these two fake children is indeed not bad. With a little makeup, it is difficult to tell anything wrong just by looking at the eyebrows.

And in this case, Kudo Shinichi and Edogawa Conan can appear in front of Mao Lilan at the same time, and she can’t help but not believe it.

…Although Sano still doesn’t quite understand, since Conan can call himself to explain their plan in order to prevent the secret from being revealed, why can’t he also call Hattori Heiji and explain it?

Look at the way this little black-skinned eyeball is about to pop out.

Tsk tsk tsk.

He obviously put so much putty on his face for the sake of the other party, and even came all the way from Osaka.

In the end, the payment was made in error.

Zuo Ye sighed inwardly, it was another poor licking dog.

But none of this matters.

The important thing is that now that Kudo Shinichi has appeared, Sano will appear next.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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