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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 314 313, Kudo Kudo Kudo Kudo Kudo Kudo Kudo…

A cold hard object was pressed against the back of Hattori Heiji’s head, and its cold voice was extremely familiar to him.

…Sano! ! ?

Hattori Heiji’s breathing had stopped instinctively. With his eyes widened, he turned around blankly and saw that familiar face as expected.

Although it was different from before, Sano’s face now had an unfamiliar cold expression, and the dark muzzle of the gun in his hand made Hattori Heiji’s scalp tingle.

“…Sano, are you also…from that organization?”

In fact, Hattori Heiji already had the answer in his mind, but because of his personal feelings and the suddenness of the matter, he chose to confirm verbally.

“Actually, my name is not Haibara Ai, but Miyano Shiho, and my codename is Shirley.”

Haihara Ai walked next to Sano and turned his head slightly.

“And although his name is indeed Sano, his code name is… Vodka.”

…Vodka? ? ?

The corners of Sano’s eyes twitched imperceptibly. Did this fake loli have no choice? Why did she choose such a code name for herself?

Even if you just make it up, it’s okay. Are you bullying yourself because you don’t know who Vodka is?

Looking at Haibara Ai who continued to threaten with a cold face, Sano couldn’t say anything on the spot and could only continue to act.

After hearing the two code names given by Haibara Ai, Hattori Heiji became even more convinced that he was going to be trapped.

Because Conan did tell Hattori Heiji that the members of that organization would all have code names for their drinks.

…This is really scary. It turns out that there are two guys staring at Kudo all the time, especially Sano, a famous high school detective. Who would have thought that he would be a member of a criminal organization? ?

I was careless and took this matter too lightly.

Hattori Heiji looked at Sano and smiled bitterly: “For the sake of the past, can you please help me bring a message to Kazuha?”

“I think this shouldn’t be necessary.”

Sano refused coldly: “Anyway, she will go down to accompany you soon.”

Upon hearing this, Hattori Heiji’s expression suddenly changed: “What do you mean? What do you want to do to Kazuha? I know about Kudo, but I am the only one. Kazuha is innocent, what is she?” Do not know at all!”

“Whether she knows or not is not up to you.”

Sano finally showed a mocking expression: “Unlike Kudo Shinichi, you have no value to us, so you don’t have any bargaining chips. Just in case, we will give away everyone related to you. Silence, including your parents, after all, I would rather kill three thousand people by mistake than let one go.”

Unlike when Hattori Heiji was filled with horror and panic when he accepted the ridicule from Haibara Ai, what he was aroused by Sano’s voice was only anger.


Hattori Heiji couldn’t bear it anymore and attempted to make a final resistance.

However, in just a moment, Hattori Heiji was thrown to the ground before he could even react.

Sano firmly pressed Hattori Heiji, put the muzzle of the gun against Hattori Heiji’s temple, and said jokingly: “Don’t be so angry, you should be glad that you will be the first to die, so that you won’t see How wonderful it is to see the people you love dying one after another.”

It’s a pity that Hattori Heiji obviously didn’t want to accept Sano’s “comfort”.

“You fart!”

“Sano, you bastard!”

“Remember me, if you dare to hurt my Heye, I will never let you go even if you are a ghost!!”


In the roar of Hattori Heiji, Sano finally said his final farewell to him.

“Go ahead and scold me, but you are so weak and incompetent that you can’t change any facts at all.”

“Well, goodbye, Kansai… famous detective.”

As Sano pulled the trigger, Hattori Heiji’s roar also stopped, and he closed his eyes unconsciously. A cold shock came from his temple, and then the cold liquid flowed down from the “shot site”, passed through his eyes, and then to On the ground…

…Wait a minute, Bingliang?

Isn’t blood supposed to be hot?

Why is he still conscious? If he was shot in the temple, wouldn’t he die instantly?

Sano stood up, and the power that suppressed Hattori Heiji and made him unable to move disappeared instantly, causing him to open his eyes in confusion.

…Looking at Hattori Heiji with a dull face over there, raising his hand to touch the water on his face, Haibara Ai suddenly twitched the corners of his eyes unconsciously and turned away.

This familiar image and feeling reminds people of something unpleasant.

Sano is the same guy. He never gets tired of playing with it. It’s that water gun every time. It’s really…

“You haven’t reacted yet.”

After getting rid of the messy thoughts in his mind, Haibara Ai stepped forward and talked about the business with Hattori Heiji who sat up: “If what you just said is true and the two of us are really members of that organization, what are you going to do? What to do…oh, the answer has already come out, after all, you are dead.”

“The next person to die is your childhood sweetheart, but if your parents don’t take the initiative to find him, he might survive. After all, your father’s identity is indeed a bit troublesome.”

“So, if you don’t want things to develop like this, please pay more attention to me in the future and never expose Kudo’s affairs, understand?”

Under Haibara Ai’s “warning”, Hattori Heiji finally gradually realized that he was not actually dead, and his Toyama Kazuha would not die either.

“…So, you two are not from that organization. What you just said were all lies to me, just to tell me that Kudo’s affairs cannot be exposed?”

“I’m not entirely lying to you.”

Hui Yuan Ai shrugged and said: “At least I used to be a member of that organization, and my codename was indeed Shirley. This medicine was developed by me, and I took it on my own initiative.”


After Hattori Heiji nodded, he gritted his teeth: “What the hell is the difference between this and this whole lie to me!?”

“Are you two so sick that you would do something like this just for such a trivial matter? Don’t you know that scaring people can scare them to death!?”

Faced with Hattori Heiji’s outrage, Haibara Ai said calmly: “If I don’t do this, how can I let you know the seriousness of the matter and take it seriously.”

“Why didn’t I pay attention to this matter!?”

Hattori Heiji said angrily: “Didn’t I come all the way from Osaka to help him in order to prevent Kudo’s affairs from being exposed to his girlfriend!?”

“But we don’t feel that you take it seriously.”

Hearing Sano interrupt the topic, Hattori Heiji immediately changed the target of his glare: “Why didn’t I pay attention to it? Why don’t you tell me about it!?”

Regarding the fact that he was deceived, Hattori Heiji felt that he had every legitimate reason to be angry, but the target of his anger was more resentful towards Sano than Ai Haihara.

…Because Sano was the one who had been the most intimidated just now, and secondly, Hattori Heiji was more familiar with him than Haibara Ai.

Although he is reluctant to admit it, it can be said that this is for business, so Hattori Heiji is actually not good at acting too narrow-minded.

So the target that Hattori Heiji can vent to should be the more familiar Sano.

…In addition, this guy is obviously so familiar with me, and he has some feelings for me at least, but he still does this kind of thing, which is really hurtful!

However, just when Hattori Heiji was about to vent, Sano actually took out his mobile phone with his backhand: “Then I’ll show you the evidence.”


Before Hattori Heiji could react, Sano pressed the recording play button on his phone.

And then……

“Hey Kudo.”

“How about Kudo.”

“As expected of Kudo.”

“I understand Kudo.”

“Watch carefully, Kudo.”

“How are you, Kudo.”

“What nonsense are you talking about, Kudo.”

“What happened, Kudo.”

“When you come to Osaka, I’ll take you shopping, Kudo.”

“I already know the truth Kudo.”

“This is going to be a big deal, Kudo.”

“Where have you been, Kudo.”

“Where are you going, Kudo.”

“Hurry in, Kudo.”

“You go first Kudo.”

“Go Kudo.”

“Hey Kudo.”


Listening to the series of “Kudo Kudo”s ringing on Sano’s cell phone, the warehouse fell into silence.

Not to mention Hattori Heiji, even Haibara Ai raised his eyebrows in disbelief and surprise.

…This guy actually has something like this in his hand? ?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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