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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 317 316, New Rye is an undercover agent?

In this case, it should be considered okay, right?

The man didn’t dare to think too much. After getting up, he ran away crazily, leaving the confused little girl in confusion.

At the corner of the alley next to the convenience store, Sano, who was wearing a passerby’s hat, confirmed that the guy had indeed followed his request, then nodded with satisfaction and turned around to leave.

And further away, Akai Shuichi looked at Sano’s back and narrowed his eyes.

…It was very surprising that after a few days, Akai Shuichi unexpectedly met the new cadre of the organization who inherited his code name.

What was even more surprising was that Akai Shuichi also discovered that the other party had committed behavior that should never be performed by a core member of a criminal organization.

Akai Shuichi began to recall the information he had collected in the past few days related to this new rye.

…As someone who has been in the organization for several years, Akai Shuichi certainly understands how much trouble it will cause if the other party inherits his Rye code name.

Because of this, no matter from any aspect, this new rye will never be a simple character.

Whether it is public or private, it is natural for Akai Shuichi to collect information about the other party.

… Even though Akai Shuichi exposed his undercover identity and had to defect from the organization, this does not mean that there are no other undercovers from his side in the organization.

Although he is limited by these people, he will not be able to climb as high in the organization as Shuichi Akai did before, so some top-secret information cannot be revealed.

But information that is not so top-secret is still very easy.

It is said that the new Rye Whiskey has only been a member of Codename for a short period of time, and even the total number of years he has been in the organization is less than one year.

How long it will take is hard to say.

But at least these are enough to prove that New Rye is very capable and highly trusted by the organization.

Especially the speed at which the other party’s reputation in the organization has risen is even more shocking, with all kinds of outrageous rumors going on.

In addition, what Akai Shuichi himself collected seems to be several tasks performed by this new rye. In the case reports, the other party’s performance was equally astonishing.

Cold-blooded and ruthless, good at hiding and sneaking, long-distance sniping, likes to carry and use small-power bombs, can also… dodge bullets, and even rush towards bullets, has absolute confidence in himself, no, to that level, I should say He is arrogant, domineering and extremely arrogant.

Judging from the last time the two parties met, which was also the first time, this is even more true.

Mad dog, bomb maniac, faceless man.

As the saying goes, there is only the wrong name, not the wrong nickname.

A lot of information can be seen from the nicknames of these three new ryes.

Of course none of this is important…at least not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that this guy would secretly take action for a little girl.

This is obviously not quite right.

Shuichi Akai watched Sano’s back disappear, and did not make a rash move. Instead, he turned to look for the little girl who was about to leave at the door of the convenience store.

“Little girl, can I ask you something?”

Seeing the tall Akai Shuichi in front of her, the little girl immediately became alert: “What are you talking about first? You can’t lead the way, even if you give me candy.”

Akai Shuichi: “…”

Is this to remind myself that when asking something, do you need to give me candy first?

Akai Shuichi, who felt a little funny in his heart, touched the little girl’s head and asked her to wait here for a while, then turned around and went into the convenience store to buy a few candies.

“No, little girl, I don’t want you to lead the way, I just want to ask you if you know someone.”

Akai Shuichi didn’t mean to get entangled with the little girl, and asked directly: “The characteristics of that person are very obvious, a man, pure white hair, do you know such a person?”

“White hair?”

The little girl who was interrupted from the program did not have time to ask if the lollipop could be obtained by answering the question. She touched the back of her head in confusion and shook her head.

“It seems not…”


After getting the answer, Akai Shuichi stood up and touched the little girl’s head again: “I understand. Thank you for answering my question. It’s getting late. Go home quickly.”

After saying that, Akai Shuichi left straight away.

…Since Xin Rye and this little girl don’t actually know each other, that excludes the possibility that the other party acted secretly because of personal feelings.

In the end, there is only one possibility left.

That is, the reason why the other party takes action is entirely out of “moral sense.”

Logically speaking, criminals and organized killers should not have anything to do with the term “moral sense.”

But in fact, as a former member of the organization, Akai Shuichi has not seen members who stayed in the organization voluntarily to serve.

…Although those who can climb to this position should basically not be “working” involuntarily, and judging from the other party’s known performance, it really doesn’t look like “involuntary”, but they are very happy in it. look.

But if the situation is really that one in 10,000 possibility, it would be interesting if New Rye helped the little girl because of her sense of morality.

When the red light came on, Akai Shuichi stopped. He had encountered a similar situation to tonight.

While Akai Shuichi was undercover, a certain codename member of the organization also did such a thing stemming from “moral sense” in front of him.

But that person was an undercover agent inserted into the organization by the Neon Police.

… Could it be that New Rye is also an undercover agent?

Akai Shuichi once again remembered a key point in the information about New Rye.

“Team Killer”.

It is said that the death probability of teaming up with New Rye is unusually high. The peripheral members are not bad. Perhaps because of the base number, the death probability is not too high, especially since there is a comparison of “codename member teammates” later.

“All the code members who teamed up with Rye are basically dead. What I heard is that there is only one person who has survived and is still teaming up with him stably. The code name seems to be Vodka, right?”

…The nearly 100% probability of death is undoubtedly abnormal.

It would make sense if New Rye was bent on destroying the organization and deliberately killing his teammates.

Of course, this is just a rumor. How true and credible it is is hard to say.

However, the fact that “vodka and rye often team up” needs to be studied.

Although the rumor that the information is so “accurate” cannot be said to be absolutely correct, Shuichi Akai does not agree with it if it is groundless.

Ginjiu actually assigned Ma Zai, who had been with him all year round, to a new cadre as a regular teammate.

It’s a bit incomprehensible.

What is the deep meaning in it?

The green light came on and Akai Shuichi continued to move forward.

Forget it, with the current information, it is impossible to analyze anything deeper.

Such things as intelligence can never be acquired overnight.

Moreover, New Rye is only a member of the organization after all. Compared with him, the larger organization should be the core point that needs more attention.

If there is an opportunity in the future, I will contact him by the way and see if I can make any other discoveries.

At the zebra crossing, Akai Shuichi raised his lips. After all, they are both rye, so the fate between the two seems not to be shallow.

The next day, Sano triggered the school mission and came to school for class.

Then at the school gate, Sano happened to bump into Mao Lilan and Kudo Shinichi who were coming to school as a team.


This kid hasn’t changed back yet. The effect of the medicine lasts so long. It’s impossible for him to maintain his enlarged appearance forever, right?

Is the Death God going to be gone?

“Good morning, senior.”

“Yo, Sano!”

When Zuo Ye felt strange, Maori Ran and Kudo Shinichi, who noticed him, both said hello to him.

But then Mao Lilan secretly stepped on Kudo Shinichi: “Shinichi, talk to your senior!”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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