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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 32 32. Please, you are weak~


Sano and Conan had suspicions at the same time.

After the sound passed by the door of the room, Sano let go of Conan’s mouth.

“Follow up and take a look.”

Before Conan could say anything, Sano opened the door first and walked out, leaving Conan blinking in place.

Wait, according to convention, isn’t he the one who should propose and take the lead?

This guy looked like he was unwilling to move even if he died before. He even mocked him twice and said he was looking for death. Why did his demeanor change now and he was so proactive?

“Wait, wait for me…”

Conan shouted in a low voice and hurriedly followed Sano in small steps. Although Ayumi hadn’t reacted yet, she followed subconsciously.

In the gloomy corridor of the bungalow, Sano Sano stopped at a T-shaped corner and looked left and right, but could not find anything related to the source of the sound outside the room just now.


Conan and Ayumi came running from behind: “Be careful, don’t get discovered!”

“Why am I scared now?”

Sano glanced at Conan and turned back the way he came.

Of course, Sano doesn’t need to be afraid. After all, he still has a special attack uniform under his black coat.

If something really happens, just transform directly, even though that will be a bit troublesome.

The reason why Sano kept shrinking before was simply because he was afraid of trouble.

But now that we have taken action, there is nothing to hesitate about.

“Where are you going again?”

Conan followed Sano with some confusion: “Are you really preparing for a round-the-clock search?”

“I’ve lost track of my target, and I can’t act separately from you. Of course, I have to follow the path the target came from to look for anything else.”

Sano said matter-of-factly.

Conan was stunned for a moment and nodded thoughtfully. Yes, why didn’t he think of it? This guy reacted very quickly.

Of course, the more important reason is that I didn’t have time to realize that the target had been lost, so naturally it was impossible to think of a solution.

Conan confidently gave himself a reason and did not want to admit defeat to Sano easily.

Sano returned all the way to the door of the room where he was hiding before, and walked towards the other side of the corridor. He pushed open the rooms on the side from time to time, but he didn’t find anything special.


Sano suddenly stopped, causing Conan who was following behind to become nervous and look around.

Is there something wrong? Why didn’t I notice it?

Looking ahead, Sano had already knelt down and knocked on the floor below.

“Hollow, with basement.”

Sano quickly stretched out his hands, groped for an obviously inconsistent gap on the floor, and lifted a square wooden board, revealing the passageway and steps that could accommodate one person.


Conan opened his mouth and stretched out his hand to grab Sano, but he missed it.

We haven’t figured out what’s going on yet, so why go down there in such a hurry? What if there’s a group of ruthless gangsters sitting inside, aren’t we just looking for death?

“You haven’t come down yet, are you planning to stay on top to look out?”

Sano stretched out his head faintly from the entrance of the passage, staring at the hesitant Conan.

How to make a reckless man not reckless?

It’s very simple, just be more reckless than the other person.

It’s just that Sano obviously underestimated Conan’s recklessness. Shi Jing’s lips twitched. Are you kidding? How could he let go of the clues he finally found?


Ayumi was actually a little scared of the basement entrance that looked like the beast’s open mouth.

But now that the leading convict brother has gone down, and Conan has followed him down, Ayumi feels that it would be more terrifying to stay up there alone.

So, a trio of one, one and two children entered the basement, and then they saw the man who was locked in the iron fence, with messy long hair, and even a faint stench on his body.

“This is……”

Sano subconsciously covered Ayumi’s eyes: “This is a bad habit, children shouldn’t watch it.”


Conan cast a confused look at Sano.

“Back to business.”

Sano was too lazy to pay attention to Conan: “This person has been imprisoned for a long time. He is probably not a dangerous factor. If he was kidnapped, it would be too long. Is it because of feelings? The perpetrator is a woman?”


However, as soon as Sano’s words came out, Conan directly denied it, and said excitedly with a confident tone that had seen through everything: “No, no, yes, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I can’t tell. In short, the perpetrator is indeed a woman. , but it’s not the personal relationship between a man and a woman as you imagine, but the love between a mother and her son!”

Sano’s tiger body trembled and he took a breath of cold air, making an outstanding contribution to global warming.

Is your circle in such a mess? Wait, how did Conan know this? How could he understand such a thing and still sound so excited?

Could it be said that Conan is also a part of your circle…

Just when Sanoye was confused, Conan quickly explained the whole story, which also effectively restored his image in Sanoye.

Well, at least, he has risen from being a pervert to a naughty child.

As mentioned before, this bungalow is now known as a haunted house.

Conan and his three friends came here in the middle of the night just to solve the mystery of the haunted house. Unfortunately, two of them had already “died heroically.”

However, Conan has now figured out the haunted house and the truth about five years ago.

Because the imprisoned man was actually the son of the deceased. He should have killed his father, but his mother imprisoned him here in order to cover up the truth and prevent her son from going to jail.

Although Conan also said a lot of nonsense, the general meaning was this.


Sano Sano looked at Conan, a question slowly rising in his heart.

Aren’t you very worried about your companion? Why did you suddenly start the explanation time and kill him for more than half an hour?

If we had this time, the police would have been here long ago, okay?

“Who are you!?”

Just when Sano was about to complain, another frightened and angry female voice suddenly came from behind the three of them.

Sano Sano turned around and saw a woman with gray hair who looked to be in her fifties.

She was probably the wife of the deceased and the mother of the imprisoned murderer.

Sano was not in any panic, she was just an old woman, how could he, a young and strong young man, not be able to deal with her?

He doesn’t even need to turn bad!

Conan and Ayumi obviously thought so too, and were hiding behind Sano confidently at this moment.

But when the woman pulled out a short knife that shone with cold light, the one, two, and three people suddenly fell into silence again.

However, this silence only lasted for a short second.

At least for Sano, it was only a second.

Will this expose his identity as the strongest delinquent in Tokyo?

of course not.

Sano would not turn on the Eyes of the Beast in an attempt to scare the opponent, because doing so would make Conan suspicious, which would be tantamount to being exposed.

Sano would not rely on the Hammer of Justice to have a hammer-and-knife duel with that woman, because it would be too risky, and he would be stabbed if he was not careful.

Sano’s final trump card is the new enhancement item he obtained after completing yesterday’s Valentine’s Day mission and reaching 100 enhancement points!

Reinforcement item name: Ghost Coat.


1. Haunted by evil spirits (aura attribute +10).

2. Ghost against the wall (used on a single person, summons a phantom evil spirit that does not exist, and possesses the target, causing it to fall into the illusion of ghost against the wall. According to the will attribute of the target, This illusion lasts from 1 to 60 seconds).


After each use of the ghost wall effect, the user will fall into a “lost” state for six hours. This state can be superimposed infinitely, and the haunting effect may have other effects.

Note: What, do you want to ask for directions?

That’s right, the enhancement Sano received this time was the black coat he bought specially to cover up his special attack uniform.

Although the name of the ghost coat is a bit… strange, in terms of effects, it is still very good. Whether it is the superimposed momentum attribute or the active effect that can make people fall into illusions, they are all very useful.

Sano originally wanted to do the experiment and test it first today, no, yesterday, but Toru Amuro suddenly came to disrupt the plan. It was useless in order not to affect the evening’s mission.

But now we can take this opportunity to experiment.

“go to hell!!!”

The old woman jumped out and aimed directly at Sano, who in her eyes was the biggest threat.

“Get out of the way!!”

Conan screamed loudly and quickly opened the watch on his wrist, but Sano in front still stood motionless.

From the perspective of the old woman, she only saw waves of black energy suddenly emerging from Sano’s body. The black coat was fluttering in the wind, as if it was conscious, and it started to show its teeth and claws, making the light in the basement dim a lot.

Ghost hits the wall!

The original black color of Sano’s ghost coat became as dark as ink at this moment, as if just looking at it could make people dizzy.

And such a change only occurs in an instant.

The evil spirit steamed up, as if lying on Sano’s back, looking at the old woman with scarlet eyes.

The old woman was already stunned by this shocking scene. This was not due to the effect of the ghost coat, but she was simply frightened.

Of course, strictly speaking, maybe the reason why the old woman was frightened was because of the aura bonus of the evil spirit haunting effect?

Who knows.

The evil spirit had rushed out quickly and penetrated into the old woman’s body amidst her screams.

Then, there is no more.

The old woman rolled her eyes and fell to the ground. She was so frightened that she fainted.


Sano was stunned for a moment and showed his dead fish eyes. This is… the battle is over before the ghost wall can even start to take effect?

Please, you are weak~

Sano looked at the unconscious old woman with a speechless face, feeling a little depressed. He also wanted to see what the real state of a person trapped in a ghost wall would be like.

As for Conan and Ayumi, who couldn’t see the “evil spirit” behind Sano, they still haven’t realized what happened.

Of course, even if they react, they still won’t know what happened.

“It seems that this old man’s heart is not very good. Before he could take action, he fainted from excitement.”

Sano calmly glanced at the system task completion prompt, then walked out of the basement with his hands in his pockets: “You can just find a rope and tie her up, or just leave her here and go out and call the police. Go home first, bye.”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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