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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 329 328, can’t you just chop off your hands?

Sano plucked his ears and leaned against the door frame. Although he verbally agreed, his face still had the same amused and joking expression.

……This guy!

Looking at Sano, whose face seemed to have “I believe it or not, it’s up to you to tell me what you say”, Sato Miwako gritted her teeth, changed the subject and got down to business: “So, did Takagi and the others ask you to come here, or did they say They encountered some trouble and asked you for help. How is the case?”



Sano narrowed his eyes and probably had a guess in his mind.

“What a pity. I don’t know what happened, and Takagi didn’t contact me.”

Sano knelt down and hooked the iron chain in the middle of the handcuffs: “But I don’t mind listening to you and giving you a chance to quibble.”

Sophistry? ?

Sato Miwako twitched the corner of her mouth, sighed again, and explained the situation to Sano.

It turns out that the middle-aged man handcuffed with Miwako Sato is an almost confirmed “murderer.”

However, during the escorting process, because of a car accident, Takagi Wataru was negligent and allowed this man to run away.

Takagi Wataru and Sato Miwako chased all the way and ran into the building next door, where they also met Conan and other five members of the team who didn’t know what they were doing.

The man immediately grabbed Ayumi as a hostage. Miwako Sato was unable to catch him due to pressure, so he escaped to the rooftop. She climbed along the wooden board to the next door, which is the rooftop of this art museum, and threw it away. board.

Then Miwako Sato jumped directly from the rooftop, grabbed the pipe and used a pistol to break the joints on the pipe. She landed in front of the side door of the museum, broke the chain tied to it, and made her way to the bathroom. , threw him into the cubicle, knocked off the door panel, and finally handcuffed the other person and himself together.

In the end, Miwako Sato didn’t notice that because the door panel was knocked down, the hand she cuffed the man protruded from behind the flush pipe in the bathroom, so the situation became…

Now like this.

Sato Miwako and the man seemed to be locked here, unable to move at all.

As for the matter between Conan and Takagi, it was because this man said that he was not the murderer and was framed… although he had no evidence.

But this is not important. What is important is that the man’s daughter is getting married today, so he wants to catch the noon flight to attend the wedding abroad.

The man’s true feelings, coupled with the fact that he kidnapped Ayumi before, but put him down midway, and even apologized to her and comforted her, made the group make an immediate decision.

Help the man clear his suspicions so that he can catch up with his daughter’s wedding.

…Why is this getting more and more outrageous?

After listening to Sato Miwako’s explanation of the situation, Sano said that he was deeply shocked.

This was the first time Sano had seen such an outrageous police officer and such an outrageous thing.

“So, why don’t you two go together and stay here? If you are worried that he is lying and want to watch him, there is no need to do this, right?”

Facing Sano’s doubts, Sato Miwako rolled her eyes: “Do you think I don’t want to unlock it? Didn’t I just say that the key was lost?”

“Then let Takagi go back to the police station and get it.”

“Please, his suspicion has been confirmed. This is our private investigation. If we let Takagi go back, wouldn’t he be committing suicide?”

“What about your gun?”

“All the bullets are gone.”

“Hey…are you carrying a revolver? You don’t even have an extra bullet?”

“Well, well, let me ask you whether you want to help or not. If you want to help, just get down to business. If you don’t want to help, why don’t you ask this or that?”

Sato Miwako was already a little impatient with Sano’s questions.

“I say I want to help, but I can’t help you much.”

Sano shrugged and said: “After all, they have been checking for so long. If there is no harvest, the time is only so long. It will be useless for me to go.”

Sato Miwako: “…”

That’s right. In terms of time, even if Sano wants to do anything now, it’s too late.

“Then why are you asking so many questions?”

“Just curious.”

Sano held up his chin and asked, “Then you and him have been handcuffed like this since last night, without eating, drinking, sleeping, or even going to the toilet?”

“Aren’t you even in a hurry to pee?”

Listening to Sano’s questions, which seemed to be curious about a baby, Miwako Sato’s lips twitched.

Isn’t this nonsense? Of course she is cold, hungry, sleepy and… urgent to urinate.

But Miwako Sato was embarrassed to say this kind of thing… and it was useless to say it.

Seeing Miwako Sato’s silence, Sano stopped teasing her and stood up and said, “Anyway, let’s get rid of these handcuffs first.”

For Sano, the important thing is to “ensure the survival of Miwako Sato and the prisoner.”

The only problem is that even if Sano appears as his own identity and learns the entire situation from Miwako Sato, he still doesn’t know what the “danger factors” are.

Perhaps it was the one who framed the man as the murderer.

But Sano didn’t know where the real murderer was.

No matter what, it is impossible to go wrong by allowing Sato Miwako and Sato Miwako to get rid of their current shackles and regain their “freedom”.

“But how do you open the handcuffs?”

Miwako Sato’s eyes suddenly became suspicious: “It’s much more difficult to open handcuffs without a key than opening an ordinary lock. When did you master this level of unlocking technology, huh?”

…Why does this guy have such a strange focus?

Sano rolled his eyes: “I didn’t say I wanted to remove the handcuffs.”

Yes, although Sano was indeed able to pick locks in a few moments, he could only do so in a few moments.

The slightly more complicated Lock Sano may not be able to be opened, let alone something like handcuffs.

“Then what are you going to do?”

Facing Miwako Sato’s doubts, Sano smiled slightly, showing his extremely white teeth and said.

“Can’t we just cut off his hand?”

Sato Miwako: “…”

The old father who had never made a sound and just watched silently said: “…”

“What a joke!”

Before the frightened old father could say anything, Sato Miwako had already spoken: “This is an important moment, don’t follow me…”

Sato Miwako originally thought that Sano was joking, but the next second she remembered that the other party’s brain circuit was indeed unable to judge based on common sense.

What if Sano was serious just now?

Considering his current situation, if Sano really wants to do something, then I’m afraid…

For a moment, Sato Miwako fell into silence, sweat dripping from her back, and stared at Sano cautiously.

In response, Sano shrugged and said, “Okay, then I won’t chop off his hand.”

Before the two of them could relax, Sano turned his attention to Sato Miwako’s wrist again.

“Anyway, it’s the same as those who cut you.”

“You can’t cut mine either!!”

Miwako Sato roared angrily.

“Hahaha, just kidding, don’t be so serious.”

After teasing the other party again, Sano stopped talking nonsense and took out the hammer from his sleeve.

“Stay away, otherwise, don’t blame me if it gets smashed.”

Sato Miwako instinctively ducked aside, still muttering: “Can this thing really break open handcuffs?”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was only a crisp sound. Sano turned to look at Sato Miwako: “What did you say?”


Looking at the circle of handcuffs on her hands and the remaining chain on the side, Miwako Sato shook her head like a rattle, then got up and ran outside.

“Why are you going?”

Sano didn’t expect this girl to slip away, and was thinking about running up and catching her back.

As a result, the response came back the next second: “Go to the toilet!!”


When Miwako Sato finished using the toilet, came back to join Sano and the others, and left the art museum, the rescue mission was suddenly prompted to be completed.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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