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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 33 33, waiting online, urgent


Conan looked at the old woman on the ground, and then at Sano’s back. For a moment, he didn’t know what to do.

After exiting the door of the bungalow, Sano turned his eyes slightly and saw the two members of the dog knight team, one fat and one thin, lying on the grass and sleeping soundly, drooling all over the floor.

It turns out he wasn’t killed, no wonder.

Sano said how could a guy who dared to kill someone be frightened and fainted so easily. It turned out to be just a fake trick.

Sano didn’t pay attention to the two little brats, but glanced at the gradually brightening sky and climbed out of the iron door again.

After finishing work, go home and sleep.

Actually, in Sano’s opinion, the limitation of the second effect of the ghost coat should not exist for him.

Although it is clearly stated above that the user will fall into a “lost” state after each use of Ghost Wall, but don’t forget that Sano has a system map.

That is a supernatural map that can accurately divide the surrounding terrain and standardize Sano’s location in real time!

With this thing here, how could Sano get lost?

This time the restriction on reinforcements can be said to be almost unlimited, so I’m lucky.

“Didi beep -“

Sano walked briskly and followed the system map towards home. Two police cars flashing red and blue lights passed by. It was probably Conan who finally called the police.




Amidst the roar, dozens of bosozokus wearing black special attack uniforms with large backs and riding small electric donkeys rushed straight from the main road. They were undoubtedly Sano’s younger brothers, members of the Black Death.

In order to “imitate” their boss, these guys from Black Death put on special attack suits that were exactly the same as Sano’s and had the same slicked back hair as Sano’s. They also gave up their original motorcycles and replaced them all with Got the little eDonkey.

Moreover, those little e-mules have undergone private modifications. Not only are they much faster, they also buzz like a motorcycle when the accelerator is pulled.

But for them, this can be considered a good thing. After all, charging a small electric donkey is much cheaper than refueling a motorcycle.

“Wait a minute, hey!”

After the little electric donkey flew by, several sweaty policemen on bicycles chased after it, making Sano couldn’t help but shake his head and chuckle.

What a lively morning…

Then, at a certain moment, Sano’s footsteps suddenly stopped, and he looked around in confusion…where is he now?

Sano: “…”

No way, no way, no way! ?

Sano quickly looked at the system map, and was shocked to find that he was now at the third-chome location.

I went back to my home in Fourth-chome from the Haunted House in Fourth-chome, but I ended up in Third-chome…

Sano fell into a deep silence. He suddenly guessed that the “lost state” might not be a status buff, but the power of rules?

“Impossible, absolutely impossible!”

Sano continued to walk towards home according to the map, walking quickly and staring at the map intently.

Then… Sano came from 3-chome to 5-chome.


“Come again!”

From 5-chome to 1-chome.

“Come again!”

From 1st to 2nd.

“Come again!!”

From Mikka Town to Cupido Town.

Sano stood in the wind with bloodshot eyes and looked at the crossroads in front of him. He finally accepted the reality that he was lost and gave up the struggle.

He, Shinichiro Sano, is temporarily lost at the crossroads of life.

It’s not that Sano doesn’t want to try again, it’s just that if he keeps trying like this, he has reason to suspect that he will get lost all the way out of Tokyo…or even out of Neon.


Sano couldn’t help but laugh at himself, but this was actually not a big deal. At least with this experience, in the future, if he knew there was something important to do, he would have to avoid it in advance.

As for now.

Anyway, the “lost state” only lasts for six hours. At worst, you can just find a place to sit, or even catch up on some sleep until you return to normal before going home.

With an optimistic attitude, Sano began to look for convenience stores, coffee shops, and even hotels and other places around him where he could rest.

But more than ten minutes later, Sano discovered again that it seemed that as long as he “searched” with a purpose, he would be “lost”, or it would be impossible to find it at all.

This kind of “purpose” can almost be said to be judged from Sano’s deep conscious needs, and it is difficult to take advantage of it.

For example, if he said he was looking for a place to eat, but actually wanted a place to sleep, it would be impossible for Sano to find a place to rest.

Of course, this “lost state” must have certain limitations, that is, if Sano’s goal is something that can be seen everywhere, then no matter how lost he is, it is impossible to force him to become blind, right? .

Just like now, Sano didn’t choose anymore and just found a shady corner and sat down, curled up in a ball and slept. He didn’t even see him and couldn’t even find the corner.

And if Sano was now in a food street or within a hotel group, it would be equally impossible to find a place to eat and sleep.

In other words, that “lost state” is not actually a rule power, but just a strong status buff, so there is no need to worry too much.

Sano squinted his eyes. This was on the road after all, so he couldn’t really fall asleep, otherwise it would be bad if he lost one of his kidneys when he opened his eyes.

However, just a few minutes later, a figure passed by Sano, and with a crisp “ding” sound, Sano couldn’t help but open his narrowed eyes.

I saw an old lady in her fifties or sixties looking back and sighing, then staggering forward: “It’s so pitiful, she’s obviously not very old.”

Sano: “…?”

Sano slowly lowered his gaze, and his face became darker and darker after seeing the coin on the ground.

Don’t just treat people like beggars!

The nameless fire rose up. Sano picked up the coin and threw it to the side with a “pia”, hitting it on the telephone pole to vent his grievances.

But a few seconds later, Sano felt that the money he spent for free was not in vain. He had already suffered the loss anyway, so how could he throw the money away, so he moved a few steps and picked up the coin.

…After all, Sano is still very short of money.

I don’t know when the share of the Maple Leaf Gold Coin mission will be released. Could it be that Gin was greedy for his own money?

Just that moment just now, it was like turning on some magical switch just like when Sano was at school the day before yesterday. Passers-by would always throw down a few coins or banknotes when passing by Sano.

It can range from a few dozen yen to a few hundred or even a thousand yen.

After those people threw down the money, they either “encouraged” Sano with their eyes, smiled and pumped their fists, or directly told Sano not to give up.

Sano: “…”

Forget it, I have money anyway, so I don’t care about this little thing.

Sano just huddled in the corner, and the money in front of him accumulated more and more, attracting more people to come and throw in coins. In the end, it was piled there like a hill, quite like the chocolate castle that submerged Sano the day before yesterday.

As for why Sano, a good young man with both hands and feet intact, who seems to be able to live a lifetime of food and drink just because of his face, is helped by these passers-by…

Sano seriously suspected that it had something to do with the aura attribute bonus of the ghost coat he was wearing.

Well, as the saying goes, it’s a small matter, as long as you have money.

Sano just put away the money with peace of mind, until at a certain moment, a handsome guy with blond hair and dark skin passed by. After looking at it for a while, Sano’s attention was attracted. He raised his eyes slightly and looked at each other. .

Sano: “…”

Please tell me how to solve the problem when my immediate boss happened to catch me begging on the street. I’m waiting online. It’s urgent.

“Sano, you…”

As for Toru Amuro, he was looking at Sano with a complicated look in his eyes.

I would like to ask the employee who I just “exclusively” came to ask for a piece of pizza yesterday, but today I was found “begging on the street” how to solve the problem. Waiting online, urgent.

Toru Amuro really didn’t expect that Sano’s financial situation would be so difficult that he would need to beg.

But yes, judging from the information I searched, Sano himself is an orphan, a student, in poor health, takes medicine frequently, and lives in a small and shabby place.

With no source of income, how can he survive without begging?

What, can’t bad boys use blackmail and threats to collect protection money?

That’s right, but precisely because of this, doesn’t it just show Sano’s righteous heart that he would rather go to Cupido Town to beg for money than extort protection money!

Remembering that she actually asked Sano for money for a piece of pizza yesterday, Toru Amuro suddenly felt even more guilty.

Before, Sano had been holding off, and Toru Amuro thought that the other party simply wanted him to advance money for free prostitution. Now it seems that he really has no money, right?

Sano watched Toru Amuro’s expression change, and couldn’t help but have a little doubt. What happened to this guy? Could he be trying to steal his money?

Or do you feel that begging is faster and more stable than being a criminal, and you are unbalanced and plan to beg?

Sano wasn’t kidding.

In just two or three hours since he received the first coin, the “salary” in front of him has almost exceeded one hundred thousand.

When he received the offer from Amuro Detective Agency, Sano also learned about the income of daily part-time workers and office workers.

Generally speaking, the monthly salary of an ordinary salaryman is about 200,000 yuan. Sano earned half a month’s salary of others just by squatting for a while. No one would be tempted to see this.


How can a criminal be short of money?

Of course Sano is also curious about why criminals are so short of money. Otherwise, why would he be working everywhere all day long?

He’s a cafe clerk and a pizza delivery boy. He said he opened a detective agency before, and now he’s also delivering couriers.

Besides, it’s to collect intelligence and not for lack of money. Who would believe it?

By the way, can I file a complaint with Gin about Toru Amuro taking on private work during working hours?

Sano’s thoughts surged.


Toru Amuro finally spoke up first: “Have you had breakfast?”

Sano: “…”

What kind of bullshit daily greeting is this.

Sano buried half of his face in his collar. It was still dark, and he left the haunted house around four o’clock. He arrived at Cupido Town at around six o’clock, and squatted down until eight or nine o’clock. How could he have time? go to eat?

Of course, even if he wanted to eat, Sano wouldn’t be able to find a place.

ps: I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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