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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 342 341, Kyogoku Makoto, the master of flirting

Soon, the group of people ran into the forest nearby.

Mao Lilan was still questioning whether it was a bit too risky to come to such an environment.

But Masahiko Michowaki deliberately brought Suzuki Sonoko into the topic, thus prevarication.

“We divided our troops into three groups to surround this guy. I went with Yuanzi.”

Michowaki Masahiko forcibly took the initiative into his own hands. After issuing the order, he pulled Suzuki Sonoko and ran towards one end. Maori Ran and the others could only act subconsciously according to the other party’s instructions. Only Kyogoku still wanted to follow Suzuki instinctively. garden.

…Although he was stopped again by Sano the next second.

“You go and follow Mao Lilan, and I’ll follow Yuanzi.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Sano noticed that Kyogoku was really hesitant to speak, and after reacting for a second, he modified: “Forget it, you go follow Sonoko, and I will follow Xiaolan, but remember to give me Be a little more flexible and don’t follow so closely. The most important thing is to grasp the timing of entering the market.”

“What’s the meaning?”

Seeing that Kyogoku Makoto still looked confused, Sano rolled his eyes angrily: “What do you mean, I lost to Heilongjiang. If you want to catch Suzuki Sonoko, you have to put more effort into it. The secret of a hero saving a beautiful woman is still there.” Do you need me to teach you?”

“Don’t waste time, hurry up and follow!”

Under Sano’s urging, Kyogoku responded in a daze and chased in the direction of Suzuki Sonoko and the others.

… Sano originally wanted to follow Suzuki Sonoko by himself, of course it was an instinctive action, but then he thought that Kyogoku seemed to be more powerful than himself, and he recently said that “the task can be left to others.” ” thought, he simply asked the other party to follow him. Anyway, even if there was an accident on the other end of Suzuki Sonoko… “Black Death” didn’t really leave.

As for why they didn’t just follow Suzuki Sonoko, Sano was not 100% sure that it was only Michioki Masahiko who had the problem. If something went wrong on Maorilan’s side, it would never go wrong to take more precautions.

Sano chased in the direction of Mao Lilan and the others.

At the same time, Suzuki Sonoko at the other end had been pinned to the ground by Masahiko Michowaki.

After dragging Suzuki Sonoko away for a distance, Michowaki Masahiko finally revealed his true face, as well as the “fangs” that were radiating with cold light.

… Without Kyogoku’s real threat, Michowaki Masahiko’s mood can only be described as happy.

So what if I can fight?

When you come out to hang out, you rely on your brains!

But fortunately, the bad boy didn’t follow suit, otherwise it’s hard to say whether the idea of ​​”the troops are divided into three groups” could be fooled.

Michowaki Masahiko reluctantly explained the reason why he was targeting Suzuki Sonoko. It was probably because he suspected that the other party had filmed the process of his murder.

Although Suzuki Sonoko didn’t know anything about it.

As for why Masahiko Michowaki has been struggling with the setting of “brown-haired girl”, it is because he has been injured in this area, and thus became psychologically distorted.

…Facing Masahiko Michowaki, who had changed his attitude and had a ferocious expression, Suzuki Sonoko, whose mouth was covered, could only scream, her eyes full of despair and pain.

“So, goodbye!”

Michowaki Masahiko suddenly inserted the short sword, but at the same moment, a black shadow inserted between him and Suzuki Sonoko.

…On the other side, Mao Lilan and others have surrounded the small ball they are chasing.

Mao Lilan, who was angry for her best friend, glared at the other party with a fierce expression as if she was going to kill him if he disagreed with her… but it was a pity that when the other party took out the police officer’s ID card.

Mao Lilan was stunned again.

“……what’s the situation?”

Under Xiao Yuanqiu’s explanation, Mao Lilan finally understood the reason why the other party would always follow her group.

It turns out that Suzuki Sonoko was not targeted, but Michowaki Masahiko!

“There are already four or five girls who are suspected to have been killed by that guy, and all of them have brown hair. I have been following him for a while, but I have not been able to find any key evidence…”

Listening to Xiao Yuanqiu’s explanation, Mao Lilan’s face gradually turned pale. She finally realized that she had mistaken the target, and turned around to chase Suzuki Sonoko… But after turning around, she saw Sano again.

“Senior, why are you here?”

That doubt didn’t make Mao Lilan hesitate for too long. Her confused brain made her just want to find Suzuki Sonoko quickly.

“Sorry, senior, Sonoko…”

Mao Lilan instinctively wanted to seek help from her “reliable senior”, even her eyes were red, and her heart was full of helplessness, anxiety, and panic.

However, in this regard, Sano calmly pressed his palms, indicating that the other party did not have to worry.

“Kyogoku is following Sonoko, everything will be fine.”

Upon hearing this, Mao Lilan was stunned but also relieved… She had the same confidence in Kyogoku as Sano.

“Anyway, let’s get there quickly.”

After all, Mao Lilan did not dare to joke with Suzuki Sonoko’s life, urged.

So the group immediately transferred to Suzuki Garden.

…Then what caught the eyes of several people was Suzuki Sonoko, who was safe and sound, and Michowaki Masahiko, who had been hammered into a human shape and was foaming at the mouth.

Another surprising point is that Kyogoku was actually injured.

There was a short knife stuck in the upper arm that had been bitten by a guest some time ago.

…What happened? Kyogoku was actually stabbed?

Mao Lilan and others paused in their steps and looked startled.

Unlike the surprise of several people around him, Sano, who had witnessed the whole process through the black cat clone following Suzuki Sonoko, was relatively calm because he had already known about it… even though he saw this scene at the time. At that time, he was even more surprised than these people.

Because with Kyogoku’s true strength, he shouldn’t be hurt by someone like Masahiko Michowaki.

Even now, Sano doesn’t particularly understand the reason.

Could it be that the fight with Heidi just now affected his condition?

Sano’s eyes quietly turned to Kyogoku’s arms… The fight caused patches of blue and purple to appear on his arms. There were probably some on the other parts of his torso, but they were covered by clothes. ,can not tell.

This degree of “injury” should not affect Kyogoku Makoto… It can’t be because he is too worried about Suzuki Sonoko and panics, right?

Sano recalled the critical moment when Suzuki Sonoko was almost stabbed. Since Kyogoku never showed up, he could hardly help himself.

As a result, at the last second, Kyogoku rushed out and blocked the knife for Suzuki Sonoko, and then kicked Michioki Masahiko away.

If you don’t want the girl you love to have even a ten thousandth chance of being stabbed by a knife, then it would be quite reasonable to take the initiative to get stabbed by a knife.


Suzuki Sonoko stared blankly, and Masahiko Michowaki, who got up after his glasses were kicked off, beat Kyogoku Makoto away with a wooden stick, and he still hadn’t recovered yet.

“Have you been following me?”

“Well, because I once saw that this guy had struck up a conversation with two or three girls before he met you. He doesn’t look like a good person at all.”

Kyogoku really kept a straight face and maintained a cold appearance.

“But why do you want to protect me?”

Suzuki Sonoko’s eyes especially fell on the place where Kyogoku Mana was struck by the sword.

“Maybe you don’t know me, but we have met at a karate competition before. At that time, you were cheering for your friend.”

Kyogoku replied.

…This “friend” can only be Mao Lilan.

But what Sano didn’t expect was that Kyogoku had actually met Suzuki Sonoko before. He thought he fell in love at first sight when she came to the hotel.

It turned out that it had been planned for a long time.

Kyogoku seemed to be unable to hold on any longer. He turned around and was about to leave. However, after taking a few steps, he suddenly stopped and said, “By the way, I advise you not to wear anything like underwear in the future.” Wear it or don’t wear it again.”

Saying that, Kyogoku turned to look at Suzuki Sonoko: “Of course, if you take my words as a joke made by one of the many men who express their affection for you, then it doesn’t matter.”

…This should be considered a confession, right? ?

For a moment, the air seemed to freeze, and Suzuki Sonoko instantly transformed into Steam Princess. The eyes of Mao Lilan and others who were watching also widened, and Conan even murmured.

“Impossible, impossible, how could anyone really fall in love with Yuanzi? This guy must have an ulterior motive… And among the many men who have shown affection, there are only two of them so far…”

Sano raised his eyebrows and turned his head slightly to look at Conan.

This kid doesn’t want to see Suzuki Sonoko at all, right?

But then again.

I didn’t expect that Kyogoku Makoto would be surprisingly powerful during “actual combat”.

Compared with the one in front of him, he is completely different.

…Wait a minute, if that’s the case, it should mean that this guy is actually not that stupid.

Could it be that the “hero saves the beauty” scene just now was deliberately manipulated by Kyogoku Makoto?

Not only did he understand his reminder to “seize the opportunity”, but he took action at the last critical moment, he even took the initiative to block the knife, so that he could get injured and use a “painful trick”?

Good boy.

What an honest man, he is a master of seducing girls!

Sano secretly gave Kyogoku a thumbs-up gesture, finally not wasting all his efforts in creating such conditions for the other party.

Well, although it may not be right, Sano does feel a sense of accomplishment now, seeing the pigs he worked so hard to raise finally take over the cabbages raised by others.


In fact, according to the original plan, Sano and his party were supposed to go back on the third day and arrive in Tokyo at night at most. However, because of what that guy Masahiko Michowaki did, they were unable to set off until dark.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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