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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 348 347, Two Dukes of the Night

Well, people are dead.

It was so sudden.

No one is prepared at all.

And it was the “Duke of the Night” who died.

Strictly speaking, Jiang Yuan, who was wearing the clothes of the Duke of the Night, seemed to have fallen from a very high floor, and happened to hit the statue downstairs, stabbing him to the heart… This worldly reward is quite good. quick.

Sano was a little surprised that the Duke of Dark Night was the guy from Jiangyuan. Of course, whether it was another matter was another matter. But what surprised him even more was that he had just been beaten by him in the afternoon and it was cold at night.

…So while he was gloating about his misfortune, Sano naturally became the most suspicious suspect.

“Sano Shinichiro…right.”

Looking at the coral-headed policeman in front of him who he had just met yesterday, Sano nodded calmly.

And Henggou Sengo looked at Sano, and after knowing the other person’s full name, he finally recalled the other person’s identity.

“It turns out it’s you, a famous high school detective. I was wondering why your name sounds so familiar.”

Sano was too lazy to talk nonsense with Henggou Zengo and directly asked about the situation.

…Originally, Henggou Sengo wanted to classify this case as an accidental death or suicide, but after Conan’s “accidental” discovery, it was changed to murder.

Therefore, the members of the Izu Detective Team who were most suspected of murder in the hotel were called in to take notes, with Sano as the first suspect.

After some questioning, it was discovered that no one had an alibi, and the scene fell into a brief stalemate again, which made Henggou Zhenwu worried for a while.

“Anyway, everyone should go back to their rooms and stay there.”

Under the command of Henggou Zhenwu, everyone immediately went back to their homes to find their mothers.

Sano, Maori Ran and Sayama Akiko were crowded in an elevator.

“…What does that police officer mean? He keeps grabbing the senior and questioning him.”

Suzuki Sonoko grumbled: “Although senior did have a conflict with that guy in the afternoon, it is precisely because of this that he should be the person least likely to take action, otherwise he would be causing trouble for himself.”

“That’s not necessarily true. Maybe the murderer took advantage of people’s avoidance mentality and deliberately committed the crime so that he would not be suspected.”

Just as Conan subconsciously retorted, Suzuki Sonoko grabbed his ear the next second: “Whose side are you on, you brat? Why are you talking so closely?”

“It hurts, it hurts!”

Conan was forced to stand on tiptoes and bared his teeth.

…Of course Conan would not really think that Sano was not satisfied with the person’s hand being crippled, so he secretly went out at night and killed the person directly.

That was just a purely instinctive analysis.

Sayama Akiko glanced at Conan and the two, snorted coldly, and began to complain about her being listed as a suspect. As a result, during the exchange, she found out that someone had called the hotel at the time of the crime, that is, at ten o’clock. Room service naturally provided her alibi.

Because Jiang Yuan was speculated to have fallen from his own room and landed on the spear of the bronze statue. Therefore, if it can be proven that Sayama Akiko was in her room at that time, she will be basically cleared. suspicion.

“…Hey, Sano, do you have any ideas?”

Conan quietly approached Sano again, trying to see his friend’s answer sheet.

In fact, logically speaking, Conan should not ask Sano’s opinion.

After all, since arriving at this hotel today, Sano has only appeared for about ten minutes during dinner time, and has stayed in the room the rest of the time. He has not even had much contact with the other members of the Izu Detective Team. How could there be any discovery after contact… Well, it was exactly the same as the case of Suzuki Sonoko when I was at Kyogoku Makoto’s side two days ago.

But in that case, although Conan asked Sano if he had discovered anything, he got a negative answer, but judging from the result… this girl had clearly seen the truth a long time ago, but because there was no evidence, he didn’t say anything come out.

Instead, they chose fishing law enforcement and caught them on the spot.

…Although later, Haibara Ai complained that Sano probably didn’t say anything on purpose because he wanted to give Kyogoku Makoto a chance to show off.

Making Conan a little suspicious.

Of course, no matter what, what Conan can be sure of is that Sano is really becoming more and more powerful and becoming more and more unpredictable.

Therefore, even under these conditions, Conan still chose to ask Sano, and kept saying that the Duke of the Night’s case was too unstable. If you really saw something, please do not hide it.

Don’t be arrogant or think that you can control everything in your own hands.

Otherwise, if there is an accident, not only one person will die.

…It’s a pity that even so, Sano still shook his head.

This made Conan feel extremely disappointed, and he even had the idea of ​​evacuating first so that Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko could be brought to a safe environment.


Suddenly, the elevator stopped, and at the same moment, Sano finally received the mission.

[Please catch the Duke of Darkness who appears. If you complete it, you will get one hundred strengthening points. The remaining time of the mission is – 00:02:59].

[Please find the real Duke of the Night and ensure that he is imprisoned. If you complete it, you will get one hundred strengthening points. The remaining time of the task is – 00:59:59].

One double yolk egg.

Just like the previous case, this Izu is really worth the money.

Just… two Dukes of the Night?

The elevator door opened, and the mask of the Duke of Dark Night came into view, causing several people in the elevator to freeze at the same time.

Good guy, did you deliver it to your door yourself?

After Sano’s eyes swept over, he paused for a moment on the three-minute time limit, and then without hesitation pulled away Akiko Sayama who was blocking the front, and swung the hammer of justice towards the Duke of Darkness outside the door.

Damn it!

Maeda originally wanted to pretend a little to give the people in the elevator time to react, but he didn’t expect that Sano would hit him with a hammer without saying anything, so he could only block and dodge in a hurry while retreating to distance himself.

Was he actually avoided?

Sano raised his eyebrows, feeling a little surprised.

Even though Sayama Akiko’s position was in the way, which delayed Sano for a little while, it could be considered a sneak attack, but the Duke of the Night was able to easily dodge, and his reaction speed was a bit faster than ordinary people.

In just the first round of the fight, it wasn’t even a round. It was just a face-to-face encounter. Sano understood that it was almost impossible to defeat the opponent with the Hammer of Justice alone, so he did not hesitate. Throw the hammer.

This forced Maeda Satoshi to dodge hastily again.

When he turned around again, Sano was already approaching him, launching a series of fast breaks like crazy, causing Maeda to keep retreating and passively defending.

In just four or five seconds, the two of them had already reached the corner of the corridor behind from the elevator entrance.

Maeda Satoshi has also gradually emerged from his passive state, slowly regaining his huge disadvantage.

However, taking this opportunity, Sano has also determined that the Duke of the Night in front of him is the guy named Satoshi Maeda… There is no way, the signs of karate moves between the opponent’s fists and feet are too heavy.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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