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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 35 35, Sano discovered Hua Dian

This is a very small report, and it is obviously the kind of alternative gossip news that is sensationalistic. Naturally, Sano is not interested in this kind of news.

The reason why Sano kept looking at this report was that just as he glanced over it, the system sent a message to trigger the mission.

“Hey, the system task has been triggered.”

[Please go to this art gallery and defeat the knight who transformed into a demon. After completing it, you will get 50 strengthening points. The remaining time of the task is – 4:59:59].

Even though I had stayed up all night for the mission last night, yet another mission came, and the deadline was only five hours. This is really…


I always feel like I have heard this report somewhere…

Sano suddenly remembered that on the way home the day before the Valentine’s Day mission, Suzuki Sonoko seemed to have used this incident to scare Mao Lilan and the haunted house.

Good guy, both things have become tasks. That mouth of Suzuki Sonoko is a crow, isn’t it? Is it Chrysostom?

Sano narrowed his eyes and opened the door to complete the task. Of course, he did not forget to take off two of the large number of documents behind the door: “Boss, lend me these two documents.”

Toru Amuro, who was behind him, was relieved when he saw this and was a little speechless at the same time. How could this guy borrow things from others so confidently?

“Would you like me to drop you off on the way?”

Toru Amuro shouted, and Sano, who was about to close the door, paused, looked back at his boss, and nodded in agreement after thinking for less than two seconds.

Soon, the two left the office, went downstairs and got into the express vehicle.

“Where do you want to go? Go home, or go directly to the Black Dragon Club?”

Toru Amuro asked as he started the car, but Sano’s answer exceeded his expectations again.

“Go to the Medieval Museum.”

Sano’s calm answer caused the courier truck that had just started to stop suddenly and stall on the spot.

“…Where to go?”

Toru Amuro felt that his voice was a little bitter. He really didn’t understand. It would be fine if Sano didn’t ask for information about the Black Dragon Society from him, but now that he had already asked for it, he actually planned to go to the art museum first?

Where does the leisurely elegance come from?

“…Boss, are you deaf?”

Toru Amuro felt his blood pressure soar for a moment, and finally stopped making any noise, silently started the car and drove towards his employee’s target location.

At the Medieval Museum of Art, Sano couldn’t help but murmur in his heart as he watched the courier truck leave quickly after putting him down.

Really, it’s rare that I’m ready to say thank you, why are you running so fast?

After buying a ticket and entering the museum, Sano wandered around the museum while looking at the crowded tourists. From time to time, he glanced at the distance between himself and the mission target on the system map.

The knight who transformed into a devil sounds like a dubious person. Where is he…

However, this mission was triggered just after seeing that report. Maybe the medieval knight armor walking in the art gallery in the middle of the night is that knight?

It must have been worn by someone, most likely someone related to this art museum, a staff member or something like that.

Sano followed the map and turned a corner, and immediately saw the so-called knight.

But it’s not the knight in the system mission, but the dog knight who is hated by humans and ghosts.

“Hahaha, after all, the works here are all my children!”

Sano was speechless as he watched the three members of Mao Lilan’s family talking to a rickety old man with a white beard.

Sure enough, I encountered it again, and it was really troublesome.

Sano did not step forward immediately, but hid around the corner and continued to observe.

Judging from the red dots displayed on the system map, in addition to the dog knight, the other knight in the mission should also be right in front of him. Mao Lilan’s family of three should not be there, so there are only three others.

An old man, a middle-aged man, and a young man.

They all look like the staff of this art museum, so who is my target?

“Excuse me, who are you?”

Mao Lilan’s family didn’t seem to know the old man, and the old man also smiled and patted his head: “Ah, sorry, I’m rude. I’m hiding my last name, Ochiai, and I’m the curator here. Hello, you guys.”

“Ahaha, it turns out to be Mr. Curator, hello.”

Mao Lilan said hello politely.

“Well, then I won’t disturb your appreciation.”

Director Ochiai smiled and waved goodbye. The next second he turned his head, he suddenly opened his eyes and shouted at the middle-aged man on the other side: “Keita, didn’t I tell you that you must wear gloves when touching these works?” Of!?”


That Keita was yelled at by Director Ochiai, and then apologized: “I’m sorry, I forgot…”

But even though Keita was apologizing, his face didn’t seem to care at all.

“That’s enough, don’t do it anymore, I’ll leave this to you, Iijima.”

Director Ochiai said to the square-faced young man on the other side.


“Ha, there are still not many people there as always.”

At this moment, a square-faced middle-aged man in a suit also appeared, with a sneer on his face and said: “Well, they are all going to go bankrupt anyway. Just take good care of these precious scraps in these last few days.” Come on, Mr. Designer, bring me the design drawings.”


The man in suit following the middle-aged man immediately responded.

“Huh? In the last few days, what does this mean? Is this art museum going to close?”

Mao Lilan asked doubtfully.

“Actually, the company that owned the previous owner of this art museum went bankrupt, and they had no choice but to sell the art museum.”

Director Ochiai explained.

Iijima on the side was also dissatisfied: “Actually, it was originally agreed that the owner Manaka would continue to operate the art museum after buying it. Who knew that after buying the art museum, he immediately said that he would convert it into a hotel? This is simply too much. !”


Before Sano, who was eavesdropping, could sort out the information he heard, Keita on the other side made another noise and actually smashed a pair of Western-style armor helmets on the trolley to the ground.


Sano raised his eyebrows, armor?

Judging from the appearance, it seems to be the armor in the newspaper. It can’t be such a coincidence, right?

The noise made by Keita also attracted the attention of Boss Manaka, who immediately showed his sneer look again: “You must be Keita, I have heard the rumors about you, please give Zhang Luo the money quickly.” Hahahaha.”

After saying that, Boss Manaka left with the designer, leaving Keita, who had been ridiculed, smashing the helmet he picked up on the trolley with a dark face, and left angrily.


Sano once again noticed something strange. Previously, Keita was scolded by Director Ochiai just because he didn’t wear gloves. Why did Director Ochiai become silent after accidentally bumping the armor twice in a row?

Is it possible…

Sano narrowed his eyes, biased?

Just paint, not the armor?

There is another thing that worries Sano. From just now, he has always felt an unknown aura.

It seemed like someone was going to die.

If it’s not Keita, it’s probably Manaka.

Sano watched Sanada and Director Ochiai leave his sight one after another, and without caring about anything else, he quickly looked at the system map. In this way, it would be clear at a glance who is the Demon Knight.

Sure enough, Sano saw his mission target and had already begun to move. Looking in this direction, was it still the Ochiai curator?

There was a hint of surprise in Sano’s eyes.

No matter what, this mission also has a reward of fifty strengthening points, and the mission content also uses bluffing words such as devil and knight. Sano takes it for granted that an old man with no power should not be a mission The goal is.

But really speaking, Keida looks like a villain, Iijima looks like a passerby, and Director Ochiai is a demon knight. Although it is unexpected, it is also reasonable, right?

Sano turned around and went around to block Director Ochiai.

You can’t chase from behind, otherwise you will run into Mao Lilan’s family, which will inevitably cause unnecessary trouble.

What Sano didn’t notice when he went to block Director Ochiai was that there was actually a figure following behind him.

Although he was wearing a hat, the exposed blond hair and black skin confirmed his identity as Toru Amuro.

“This boy really has other purposes for coming here.”

Amuro pressed the visor of his visor. On the way after sending Sano away, he wondered what he was thinking. He really didn’t want to believe that a person could still have time to do art when he was facing an important task that related to his life and death. View paintings in the museum.

There must be something hidden in this.

Before leaving, Toru Amuro glanced at the Mori family on the other side and said that these three people looked a bit familiar.

Toru Amuro tilted his head, but decided to put Sano first and quickened his pace.

At this moment, Sano had already arrived near Director Ochiai, staring at him without moving.

Although the mission target has been found now, what should I do next?

The mission requirement is to defeat him, so now you go up and punch this old boy?

Should he just be beaten to death? Will he be arrested for intentional homicide?

Sano was thinking wildly.

Or is it actually necessary to make the old man put on armor first and then knock him out before he is defeated?

No, that armor seems to weigh at least several hundred kilograms. Is this old man sure he can wear it?

Sano suddenly discovered Hana Dian.

The armor looked like what Sano had seen just now. It was standard medieval Western-style heavy armor. Even in that era, it was the elite among the elite soldiers. Only those with the qualifications and ability to wear top-notch equipment.

Not to mention an old man who looks like he is about to die, even a young man who regularly works out may not be able to walk a few steps wearing this thing.

If Sano was allowed to wear it in a normal state, he would probably fall down and not even be able to get up, let alone take a step.

So can this old man really put on that armor?

Just as Sano was deep in thought, Director Ochiai in front of him turned around and entered an exhibition hall called “Between Hells”, where he also placed a “No Entry” sign.

There is a situation.

Sano came back to his senses and was just about to follow Director Ochiai into the Hell. The next second, he saw the Mouri family walking towards the corner at the end of the corridor. He quickly retracted his steps and returned to the hiding place.

“Ale, entry is prohibited?”

Mao Lilan opened the introduction booklet in his hand: “It’s really strange. There should be a room in front of it.”

“Okay, don’t talk so much, just go around in a circle.”

Maori Kogoro said rather impatiently, and then turned around and walked to the other side, leaving Maori Lan helpless to follow.

When Sano saw the trio leaving, he immediately resurfaced and quickly entered the hell.

Toru Amuro, who was following behind, made no sound, and glanced at the direction the trio left.

Is Sano following that Ochiai curator?

Is there any reason?

And why does it feel like Sano is deliberately avoiding these three people? Is it because he owes each other money?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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