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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 350 349, The Great Magician of the Wind Sayama Akiko


Suddenly, Sano’s cell phone vibrated in his pocket. He took it out and took a look. It was a message from Toru Amuro, or to be more precise, it was a message from Bourbon.

…Actually, Sano had two mobile phones in his pocket.

And each mobile phone is equipped with two cards, each corresponding to Sano’s identity and each vest, so that those who “know” can contact him.

After opening the text message, there were only a few pictures in it. Except for the first one, which was a large text summary summarized in the intelligence library, the rest were probably taken when “collecting intelligence” and used as “evidence” “Photo.

Sano calmly read through the information and determined that the true identity of the Duke of Dark Night was Akiko Sayama, and she was the only one with no other teammates.

In other words, Maeda Satoshi knew about this, so he wanted to take the blame for his fiancée.

No wonder he showed up so unexpectedly.

Sano did not speak rashly, but allowed the direction of the case to become more and more “clear” – after all, Maeda Satoshi had confessed.

He killed Jiang Yuan, went to the place where the body was stored, knocked out the guarding policeman, stole the clothes of the Duke of Dark Night, and planned to commit a second crime. Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened the elevator, he bumped into Sano and his group.

And then got caught red-handed or something.

… Conan actually didn’t believe this statement.

There are still many doubts about this case, but Maeda Satoshi has already confessed. Conan can’t stop the police from closing the case unless he can come up with sufficient reasons to prove that the other party is not the murderer, but… a helper to take the blame?

Conan was startled, and various clues began to combine themselves.

But there is still a crucial step missing, as well as more crucial evidence. Damn it, the case is progressing too fast, and it is already too late…

And just when Yokomori was planning to escort Maeda Satoshi away, and Conan was so anxious that his brain was about to overheat and smoke, Sano, who had been paying attention to Sayama Akiko with his peripheral vision, finally spoke out: “He is not the Duke of the Night. “


Everyone present was stunned and looked at Sano: “What does this mean?”

“Means nothing.”

Sano looked at Akiko Sayama: “So, are you still going to remain silent and let your fiancé take the blame for you and ruin your life?”


After Sano asked, everyone present immediately looked at Akiko Sayama with wide eyes, and her scarred face instantly became bloodless.

“Wait, wait a minute, what are you talking about? I am the Duke of the Night, right? I have been caught on the spot. What does it have to do with Akiko?”

Maeda Satoshi started to yell… This karate master’s acting skills were really not very good. Sano didn’t even bother to talk to him, and still looked at Akiko Sayama: “If you take the initiative to confess, maybe you can get a surrender plot. .”


Akiko Sayama laughed: “This idiot, if he hadn’t acted on his own initiative, how could my perfect crime be so shattered.”

The words have been spoken here, so naturally there is no need to say more.

Akiko Sayama readily admitted her crime. As for the motive, it was because Ehara, as a “hacker”, had always relied on unfair means to make money, so by chance, her brother committed suicide.

So Akiko Sayama relied on the bait “Duke of the Night” to fish out the fish Ehara, and then implemented her murder plan. As for the technique…

It’s just a little too outrageous.

Jiang Yuan was indeed thrown from her room by Sayama Akiko, and the reason why she landed at that point that shouldn’t have been was the “wind” here.

That’s right, wind.

It is said that every summer here, there will be extremely strong winds.

Especially the wind gets stronger the further up you go.

So Akiko Sayama deliberately booked the tour group’s room on a high floor, so that even if something weighing a human body was dropped from her room, it would successfully deviate from the trajectory of the fall, thus creating an alibi.

Yeah, it’s a very clever technique.

Sano tried to make himself accept this logic, but in the end he couldn’t help but complain in his heart.

Is this the great magician of wind? ?

When Sasaki was speechless, Sayama Akiko, who had done a lot of talking, turned back to Maeda Satoshi and sneered at her… probably hoping to make him give up and stop wasting time on her.

Although Maeda Satoru still said very seriously that he would wait for the other party – based on his behavior, he is not an accomplice, at most it is a cover-up, and some other additional crimes, and there is a high probability that he will not be imprisoned for many years.

Therefore, it is not wrong to say wait for Sayama Akiko.

Since then, this case has come to a successful conclusion…much faster than Sano imagined.

After all, it was three days and two nights, and the previous case didn’t end until the end of the last day, and the shadows didn’t even start to appear until halfway through.

It’s like this case, it arrives in the afternoon, dies in the evening, and ends at night.

No comparison, no comparison at all.

…I didn’t expect that the Duke of Dark Night was just a gimmick.

After learning the truth behind it through Sayama Akiko’s confession, Conan’s mood was a little complicated, because in this way, the shadow of the organization would be impossible to touch, but at the same time, the possibility of danger was eliminated.

There are good and bad.

Just saying that.

Conan couldn’t help but tugged on Sano: “You guys, have you already discovered that the Duke of Dark Night is a fake, or even discovered the true identity of the Duke of Dark Night?”

The two Dukes of the Night, one refers to the virus and the other refers to Akiko Sayama.

If the latter is true, then the former is very likely.

That’s why Sano was so unhurried, and even “lied” again, telling himself that he didn’t find it.

Of course, it is also possible that Sano only discovered the former, and the latter was discovered after catching Maeda Satoshi, but this still means that the other party concealed “intelligence” from him.

It’s simply too much!

Conan narrowed his eyes: “But why didn’t you just bring out the evidence and confess to Sayama Akiko so rashly? If this guy doesn’t want to admit it and he becomes more vigilant later, wouldn’t it be difficult to deal with it?”

“…Perhaps there is no evidence at all.”

Haibara Ai finally took off the disguise that she had wrapped her head tightly in after approaching the hotel, including the mask, scarf, hat, glasses, etc.

This made Sano couldn’t help but want to complain: “I said, if you are so scared, why do you insist on coming here to make yourself unhappy?”

“You think I want to follow you.”

After confirming that the organization most likely had nothing to do with this matter, Haiyuan Ai suddenly regained a lot of energy, rolled his eyes and said: “If you want me to say, of course the farther away from the organization, the better. I know that there may be people here. It’s dangerous, and he takes the initiative to come over, only this guy can do it.”

“But if he is exposed, I will be fine, so why don’t I come over and watch him? If something unexpected happens, having one more person might give me more hope.”

Sano didn’t pay attention to Haibara Ai’s seemingly reasonable explanation, but in fact the logic behind it was completely contradictory and the opposite explanation… Human beings themselves are contradictory, so what if they said something contradictory intentionally or unintentionally.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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