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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 359 358, Horse falls at the speed of light

Then things hit a stalemate.

Sano frowned slightly. Compared with previous cases, the clues in this “case” were actually a bit less, so few that there was something obviously abnormal.

Not to mention Sano himself, even Conan, a scientific detective, would never be able to analyze where Shitara Shigekichi was kidnapped from this.

Unless there are “clues” that can quickly advance development later.

As for now…

Sano rubbed his fingers. Even the plug-ins all over his body didn’t have any effect. If Xiao Hei can use the last lock tracking effect skillfully, he can try to go to Dr. A Li’s house. , borrow that disk that may have an odor on it.

“Ding Lingling.”

Suddenly, Conan’s cell phone rang.

“Hey, Dr. Ali, are you saying that the password on that disk has been cracked?”

Hearing this, Sano and Mao Lilan both approached. Conan also turned on the hands-free button sensibly, and Dr. Agasa’s voice came out immediately.

…There are a lot of jabbers, talking about only one thing.

The disk contains evidence of bribery from Mihua Construction, including one copy of the internal and external accounts.

At this point, the situation suddenly became clear.

Conan hung up the phone and asked Mao Lilan to call the police without saying a word, while he himself said he would go to the place where Le Shi Chongji got off and take another look.

Sano watched Conan leave and took out his mobile phone.

…According to Conan’s idea, the police should go directly to the base camp of Mihua Construction to capture the “culprit” first, and then arrest the relevant people to find the kidnapped Leshe Shigekichi, but this would be too slow.

Sano didn’t have much time, so he couldn’t wait step by step.

The only thing we can do is to check the information database of Qiu Doutong first to see if there is any relevant information that can be used. If it doesn’t work, we can launch a large-scale search through the People’s Search Network.

After contacting Xiaosan, Sano quickly received a reply.

Unfortunately, the information was so numerous and complicated that it was difficult for Sano to sort it out for a while. Instead, he almost got dazzled and could only try to see if he could find the key words.

The music is very lucky, or the man is wearing sunglasses and a windbreaker.


There actually is?

Sano took a closer look.

“The shareholders of Mihua Construction and Longshen Economic Research Institute are involved in py transactions behind the scenes. They have a group of men who specialize in doing dirty work. They all wear white windbreakers, sunglasses, and are suspected of carrying firearms… “

“Longshen Economic Research Institute?”

Could it be that Le She Chongji was imprisoned there?

Maybe not, after all, what idiot would kidnap someone into his own home?

Generally speaking, you should just pick an abandoned place with no one at random.

While Sano was thinking about it, he asked the mistress to send him the location of the Dragon God Economic Research Institute… Anyway, he had no other clue at the moment, so he could only go there and take a look first.

After receiving the reply, Sano closed his phone. Unexpectedly, as soon as he returned to the gate from the corner, he saw an anxious-looking Mao Lilan, followed by a bus driver.

“What’s wrong?”

Mao Lilan was on the phone to Dr. Ali. When she heard Sano’s question, she subconsciously replied in a panic: “Oh no, Sonoko was kidnapped just now. From the description, it seems that it was the sunglasses that kidnapped Mr. Leshe.” male……”

Suzuki Sonoko was also kidnapped?


Sano was stunned for a moment, and his thoughts spread on their own.

Le She Chongji was kidnapped because of the disk containing the accounts, and then the disk was thrown into Mao Lilan’s backpack, and the group seemed to be eyeing her for this reason.

…Could it be that Suzuki Sonoko was kidnapped as Mao Lilan?

Gee, why is it at this time?

Sano smacked his lips speechlessly. If he could catch the kidnapper directly, then the possibility of prying out the location of Rakuchi Shigeki from his mouth would naturally be high, but he didn’t know whether the other party would be right. Mao Lilan would take action and when would he take action? Of course, he couldn’t just sit back and wait.

But who would have thought that just by sending a text message, people would take action?

…And he tied up the wrong person.

By the way, this little girl has been a little unlucky recently. It has only been a few days and she is in danger again?

[Please find and rescue the kidnapped Suzuki Sonoko. Upon completion, you will receive one hundred strengthening points. The remaining time of the mission is – 00:59:59].

Sano raised his eyebrows and actually added vegetables, tsk tsk tsk.

At the same time, Mao Lilan had already contacted Dr. Ali and explained the situation blatantly.

It’s too late to wait, let’s go to Ryujin Economic Research Institute to take a look.

Without any hesitation, Sano drove away a… bus, and after a smooth ride, he arrived at the target location – the facade of a remote alley.


Looking at the name, I thought it would be a big company. Why is it so small?

Sano glanced at the rolling shutter door that had not completely fallen down, and saw the light coming from the gap. He bent down and got in from underneath. Then, relying on his strong hearing, he heard the faint conversation of men coming from the second floor.

“Idiot, don’t you know you tied up the wrong person? This girl is not the same girl she was during the day!”

A crisp slap.

“Ah…but brother, didn’t you say that you want to tie up a girl with a white bag…”

“How dare you talk back!?”

“…Then what should we do now?”

“What else can we do? Get rid of these two guys and then go find the girl!”

Sano quietly walked down the stairs to the second floor and glanced at the two men in trench coats wearing sunglasses in the office. On the sofa next to him, there was Suzuki Sonoko, who was lying unconscious with his hands and feet tied, and Suzuki Sonoko, who was also tied up. The old man had his hands and feet tied, but his consciousness was still awake, with a panicked look on his face.

This guy should be happy to set up heavy luck.

Seeing that the two men in trench coats were already preparing to silence them, Sano knocked on the door casually.

“Good evening, you two.”


Before the two startled men in trench coats took out their guns, Sano was already approaching.

When Conan investigated the companies on the list of accounts involved in bribery in Dr. Agasa’s disk, he targeted the Ryujin Economic Research Institute and rushed there. When he quietly walked up to the second floor, what he saw was There were only two unconscious men in sunglasses and trench coats, and Sano who was untying the ropes of Suzuki Sonoko and Rakuchi Shigeyoshi… Of course, in his eyes, it was Kurosawai.


Um? ?

Um? ? ?

Conan looked at the scene in front of him with a confused face, and his originally tense brain suddenly fell into a shutdown.

what’s the situation.

Why is this guy here?

Why is he here?

Why is he here?

“Wake up, let’s go.”

Sano shook Suzuki Sonoko, who was still a little dazed, and motioned for Shigekichi Roshi to carry her, then he ignored the stunned Conan and took the lead to walk out.

…Strange, why the mission hasn’t been completed yet? Is it because there are still dangerous factors that have not been resolved, or is it because the word “rescue” needs to be mentioned?

Sano, who vaguely sensed something was wrong, immediately knew which guess was correct when he saw the men in sunglasses and trench coats holding submachine guns downstairs.

Mahler Gobi.

Sano flicked his wrist, and the Masked Superman pendant buckled in his sleeve immediately slipped into his hand. At the same time, he pushed back towards Suzuki Sonoko and Rakuchi Shigekichi who had just followed.


“Bang bang bang…”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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