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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 36 36, it’s all the organization’s fault

When he came back to his senses, Sano’s figure was almost invisible. Toru Amuro couldn’t care about anything else and could only follow quickly.

Within hell.

As soon as Sano came in, he saw Chang Wei calling, right? He saw the medieval Western-style armor that he had seen before. At this moment, he was getting a long sword and stabbed it into the heart of the boss Manaka. He casually grabbed the opponent’s collar with one hand, lifted and pushed the man, who weighed more than 100 kilograms, and nailed him to the wall like a little chicken.

Sure enough, this guy died. Unlike those who were hung on the street lamps before, Manaka was hung on the wall.

As for the death of Manaka’s boss, Sano was not surprised at all. He just glanced at the system map and determined that the blood-covered armored knight in front of him was his mission target, and he was also the Ochiai director who came in before.

Is this old guy really that strong physically? How high his attributes must be.

Sano shook off irrelevant thoughts and no longer hesitated. Taking action to KO the opponent at this time was definitely a mission accomplished.

Ghost hits the wall!

Sano didn’t intend to engage in exciting melee combat with that old guy covered in iron. He used the strongest single-target control skill at the moment…well, actually it was the only one.

The black coat surged, and the evil spirit roared out and crashed directly into Director Ochiai’s body, causing his movements to freeze instantly.

However, before Sano could do anything specifically, in just two or three seconds, Director Ochiai’s movements returned to smoothness.

Sano, who had just taken two steps, paused, with a bit of surprise on his face.

I’m crazy.

Is this old guy’s willpower so high? ?

Without any time to think, Sano directly took out the last mask of the special attack suit and put it on. While entering the strongest bad state, he also did not forget to take out the styling spray and brushed it with his hair, and even did not forget to shake it off. He took off his black coat,


At this moment, Director Ochiai seemed to have discovered that there were other people in the hell room, and he turned his head slightly.

In the dim hell room, the demon knight and the bad boy stared at each other from about twenty meters away.

Eyes of the Beast!

Sano had no intention of holding back, and even used the Eyes of the Beast.

There was almost no light in the hell room, which made the red light in Sano’s eyes even brighter and more frightening.

The triple effects of Bad, Extremely Evil and Beast, with the momentum attribute bonus, made Director Ochiai, who couldn’t even control the ghost hitting the wall, feel an instinctive sense of fear.

Sano exerted force under his feet, the wind roared in his ears, and he turned into a black shadow and rushed out, aiming directly at Director Ochiai.


Seeing the strange guy who suddenly appeared and rushed towards him, Director Ochiai’s pupils shrank, and he didn’t care about innocence. He raised his sword and slashed at Sano.

Too bulky.

Sano twisted his steps and dodged the slash, then raised his leg in a spin and kicked Director Ochiai in the head, causing the opponent to take a few steps back with a clang.

But that’s about it.

This armor is so hard!

When Sano retracted his leg, his toes felt as if they were about to be broken, and he staggered in pain.

This armor is so heavy that Director Ochiai’s movements become very slow. Of course, it makes no difference to ordinary people, but for Sano, who is wearing a three-piece special attack suit, it is basically impossible to be hit.

But correspondingly, this steel armor, not to mention Sano’s fists and kicks, even swords and bullets may not be able to break through the defense.


Sano looked at Director Ochiai who charged at him again with his sword after stabilizing his body, and his brain began to think crazily about how to solve this iron problem.

Sano and Director Ochiai fought for a while, neither one could hit the other, nor the other could knock the other down. For a while, neither could do anything to the other.

What should we do, fight a protracted war?

Sano’s face brushed against the blood-stained sword, and he broke into a cold sweat.

In terms of risks, it seems that it is more disadvantageous for our side. It is a pity that Director Ochiai is wearing iron skin. Otherwise, if the hammer of justice comes, it will be an instant kill?

After another dodge and useless attack, Sano’s eyes suddenly focused on Director Ochiai’s retreating steps, and he suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

I seemed to be a little too pushy before?

Sano flew forward and kicked Director Ochiai straight in the chest. He immediately lowered his body and tripped with his feet. He immediately made the opponent unstable and fell onto his back with a clang.

Without saying a word, Sano kicked the long sword out of Director Ochiai’s hand, and then pressed it on the opponent, making it impossible for Director Ochiai, who had already had difficulty getting up, to stand up.

This is the tip of the horn that Sano was trying to get into before.

Because in the special attack server state, the only ones Sano had ever fought were those delinquents in Tokyo. They all punched and kicked each other. There was no rules at all. It was just to see who was tougher. So now Sano is When facing a tough opponent like Director Ochiai, he seemed very helpless.

But it doesn’t matter, just pay attention in the future.

Sano stepped on Director Ochiai and reached out to peel off the opponent’s helmet, but after a few seconds he found that no matter how hard he tried, the helmet was as strong as death and could not be pulled off at all.

“What the hell!”

Sano couldn’t help but say something about the quintessence of Chinese culture. He, who was already a little irritable, became even more angry. He simply grabbed Director Ochiai’s head and smashed it to the ground like a walnut, making a clanging sound.

Once, twice…

It wasn’t until after dozens of impacts that Sano could clearly feel that Director Ochiai was no longer moving, that he let go.

At this time, Sano went to pull off Director Ochiai’s helmet, but he failed again and successfully pulled it off, revealing the opponent’s blood-stained head.

Sano reached out and felt Director Ochiai’s pulse to confirm that the other person was not dead, so he didn’t do anything else. He walked towards the ghost coat that he had thrown away before, picked it up again, and took off his mask.

Unlike in the ghost house before, Sano didn’t do anything bad this time, so there was no need to silence him or anything like that.

Even if Director Ochiai told the police later that the person who knocked him unconscious was the “Black Death”, it can only mean that the “Black Death” caught the bad guy. What else can it mean?

You know, Sano’s “Black Death” vest was originally simply put on because he felt embarrassed and to avoid trouble from the bad world.

In other words, there is no guarantee that it will not be torn off. If it is exposed in the future, these unnecessary actions will become a bigger trouble for Sano.

This is like stealing a hundred yuan from home when I was a kid and going out to spend it, and then to avoid being scolded, I told my parents that there was a thief in the house, but my parents called the police. In the end, the police came to investigate and found that the person who stole the money was actually me. .

What was originally just a scolding turned into a mixed doubles due to his own efforts. Sano would never do such a stupid thing.

…This is definitely not Sano’s personal experience, it is just an example.

After Sano returned to his original state, he quietly and quickly left the hell. However, he did not see that in the shadow of the hell, there was a little black man who watched his “masterpiece” throughout.

Toru Amuro was actually shocked.

And his thoughts can be summed up in two parts.

First is number one.

This kid Sano was actually “sneaking” behind his back to “act chivalrously and righteously”. He really did not misjudge the person. He is a good boy!

It’s just a pity that Sano’s movements were slowed down by the appearance of the previous trio. Otherwise, the corpse hanging on the wall should have survived.

And then there’s the second.

This kid is actually so good at fighting? ? ?

If Toru Amuro is surprised now, he is naturally happy about the former, and surprised by the latter.

Toru Amuro knew that Sano was the leader of the berserk organization Black Death, and it could even be said that he collected this information and gave it to Gin.

Naturally, Toru Amuro also knew that the Black Death had defeated all the delinquents in Tokyo and dominated Tokyo in just one night.

However, in the final analysis, these things were just a fight between a group of teenagers. Toru Amuro really never thought about how capable Sano really was.

When he followed Sano in, Toru Amuro happened to see Sano, who had put on special attack uniform, rushing towards Director Ochiai, not to mention how fast his heartbeat was at that time.

I was almost scared to death.

If Sano was too late to dodge Director Ochiai’s slashing attack, Tohru Amuro didn’t doubt that he would draw his gun directly.

Even the last move of hitting someone’s head like a ball has a little flaw… But it doesn’t matter, the flaws don’t cover up the good, how can there be a perfect person in this world, it’s harmless, it’s harmless!

But no matter what, I gained a lot from following Sano for a walk.

He is capable and thoughtful. Even if such a good young man cannot work for the country, he must not continue to work for the organization!

Thinking of the trio of robbers that Sano had killed in the Maple Leaf Gold Coin mission, Toru Amuro’s originally happy mood became a little heavier. Thinking about it, Sano must have been struggling in his heart at that time.

No matter how you think about it, this is all the organization’s fault…

This evil organization will kill you sooner or later!

Toru Amuro calmed down and left the art museum in a different direction.

What needs to be figured out has been figured out, and of course the next step is to continue working. Toru Amuro has not forgotten the goods that were originally supposed to be delivered at nine o’clock in the morning, but until now, none of them have been delivered.

…Don’t you think you have to stay up all night tonight?

Sano originally thought of sneaking out of the Medieval Art Museum while the Mori family was still viewing the exhibition, but he seemed to have forgotten that he had just used the Oni Coat just ten minutes ago, so…

Sano is lost again.

Not to mention that he couldn’t find his home this time, Sano couldn’t even find the entrance to the museum.

Sano went back and forth in the several corridors, back and forth, and went around countless times. Even if there was no wind in the art museum, it was enough to make Sano messy.

Do I have to be trapped in this art museum for another six hours? ?

Sano’s eyes were bloodshot, and for the first time, he had the urge to throw away a strengthening item.


And just as Sano was hesitating whether to risk being remembered and let the staff drag him out, a familiar voice came from behind him.

Sano turned around in silence and saw Mao Lilan as expected.

“Oh, what a coincidence.”

Sano pretended to be calm and greeted the other party.

Mao Lilan also had a smile on her face: “I really didn’t expect to see senior here again.”


Mao Lilan suddenly clapped his hands: “By the way, now is not the time to talk about this. Senior, the owner of this art museum is dead. We have to call the police quickly!”


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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