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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 362 361, Vodka: Accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger

Considering that Sano seemed to be quite interested in the crow, Gin did not react immediately, but endured it for a while until the inspection work was over, but he could still hear the noisy “quacking” After the sound.

Finally chose to speak.

As the saying goes——

Take a step back, the sky is brighter.

I can’t bear it for a moment… The more I think about it, the more angry I get!

This girl didn’t help with the inspection and just went to play with the birds. She didn’t care about the existence of her roommate at all and made a lot of noise.

If you don’t show off, will you really think that you are mute?

“It seems like you’re quite popular with this thing, Rye.”

Hearing Gin’s sneer, Sano raised his eyebrows and looked back at him.

… Generally speaking, crows are an ominous thing in the eyes of most people. It is naturally not a good thing to say that they are popular with this thing, but Gin is a Westerner after all… At least that’s how it looks. Is there something like this here? Sano wasn’t sure what he meant, but judging from the sarcasm in his tone.

Anyway, Sano would definitely not think that Gin was praising him.

To go even deeper, even if crows do not represent ominous things in the West, as omnivores, they especially like to rummage through garbage. Where they appear, they often highlight a messy mess, which is definitely not flattering. biology.

Therefore, Sano felt that he could definitely think that Gin was saying that he exuded a dirty smell, which was why he attracted Dahei’s “love”.

Oh, by the way, Sano even forgot about Gin’s real name, which is also in neon style, so we should still consider this guy as a neon person… I just don’t know if Chianti is an authentic neon person. Rainbow people.

Can these two people be considered from the same perspective?

…In short, no matter from which aspect, Sano felt that he had been “scolded”, and he was scolded inexplicably.

Who did you provoke?

Feeling a little confused and confused, Sano looked back. Although he didn’t understand the situation a little bit, it didn’t stop him from opening his mouth to fight back.

“It’s okay. After all, I’ve always been approachable and friendly to others, so I probably have some kind of smell on my body, which makes me more popular with small animals. But Lord Gin, it’s hard to understand such trouble, right?”

Gin: “?”

Good guy, does this girl have a good idea of ​​secret exchange?

He shamelessly turned a disparagement into a compliment, and in turn belittled himself.



Before Gin could speak again, Daikoku followed Sano’s sarcasm and clucked twice. Coupled with the fact that he spread his wings and fluttered twice, Gin always felt inexplicably——

It seemed that he had been mocked by a bird.

…Forget it, Sano is still a human being after all.

Isn’t it a bit too much to even dare to mock a bird?

Veins popped out on Gin’s forehead again.

But just at this moment, someone knocked on the door.

“Brother, Brother Mai, are you two sleeping?”

It’s the sound of vodka.

“If you have something to say, just say it!”

Gin responded coldly.

“…Cohen and the others said they were going to check out the free buffet restaurant downstairs for hotel guests. Brother, do you want to go with us?”

Vodka outside the door shrank his neck… With the tone of Gin’s response just now, he always felt as if he had done something he shouldn’t have done.

Gut says vodka.

Sano and Gin may not be very… peaceful.

If you get involved at this time, you are completely asking for trouble.

Vodka felt a little regretful in his heart. He had nothing to do but had enough to eat. Why did he ask these two evil stars that he couldn’t afford to offend?

But don’t ask, in case it comes up later and the two of them use it to vent their anger.

It’s even worse…

Vodka’s face is full of depression, and it’s hard to be a horse boy. Accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger!

Have a meal?

Gin frowned. The atmosphere in the room had already been interrupted and muddied. If he continued… “messing around”, it would probably be meaningless.

It’s just whether Sano is willing to “put things to rest” or something else…

“Eat, eat.”

Sano half “raised” the big black steps to pass in front of Gin, then opened the door, ignored the tense vodka outside the door, and took the elevator downstairs.

Gin: “…”

Gee, this kind of lack of “attention” seems to make people even more uncomfortable.

“Gone vodka!”

“Huh? Yes, brother!”

After arriving at the cafeteria on the first floor, Chianticorn and Calvados had already begun to eat… It seems that there is no official tradition in the organization that others cannot use chopsticks until the boss arrives.

“Hey, this way!”

Chianti seemed to be worried that Sano would not be able to find anyone, so he raised his hand and shouted, causing the other guests nearby to frown.

… As the saying goes, every day is free. For the open-minded America, Chianti’s behavior should not be a problem.

But the problem is that this is a high-end hotel.

It cannot be said that all the people dining here are upper class people, at least they are not people who like to bluff. Because of this, Sano has not been able to enter the venue.

I was stopped by a waiter.

“Sorry guest, pets are not allowed here.”

…Although Sano couldn’t understand what the other party was saying, he could probably guess what the other party meant just by looking at Dahei.

I don’t know if Dahei understood the waiter’s words and started to “quack”… Wait a minute, this crow is America’s crow. Will it grow up in the future, in addition to its own spiritual communication? You can only understand “English”, but you can’t understand other languages, right?

Sano, who suddenly discovered his blind spot, couldn’t talk to the waiter for a while.

Calvados on the other end saw this and immediately came over.

“What’s wrong?”

Calvados spoke in English, so his target was naturally the waiter… Although to Sano, it always felt like this guy spoke the quintessence of Chinese culture.

After the exchange, Calvados looked at Sano helplessly and whispered: “This person is too stubborn and won’t let your… pet enter. What should I say?”

In fact, Calvados was not too “helpless”. On the contrary, he still had an attitude of watching a show, because according to the description of the sniper duo, “Rye” was a complete madman. Faced with this situation , they might pull out their guns if they disagree… No, they don’t have guns on them now.

That means using bombs?

That seems even more inappropriate.

However, Chianti seems to have said that the rye bomb disappeared without a trace, and maybe it actually escaped the security check… In short, Calvados does not think that the other party will not “make trouble” next, but this is undoubtedly related to It went against the “low profile” that Gin wanted, especially now during the mission.

If Rye does cause trouble, things will undoubtedly get interesting.

Say gin and gin are here.

Calvados turned his attention to the Gin duo who finally followed.

So, make your choice Rye.

He fought back wildly, testing the limits of Gin’s tolerance.

Or should I endure this tone of frustration and act like a coward?

Under the expectant and curious gaze of Calvados, and the doubts of the Gin duo who arrived at the side, Sano calmly put his hand in…

Gin Pocket.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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