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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 367 366, Do you know what art is? (Additional updates with monthly pass)

But if it is placed on New Rye.

That couldn’t be more reasonable.

At the same time, Shuichi Akai also understood from this why James paid so much attention to New Rye and where he knew the code name.

…found that the FBI neither ran nor fought, but chose to issue a “challenge”.

Well, this style.

Very new rye.

Shuichi Akai’s upper limit of impression of the term “New Rye” was once again refreshed, but there was another point that made him a little confused.

Does Gin know about the “challenge”?

If you knew, would you just let the other party act like this?

There is no answer to this question, and no answer is needed.

Next, Shuichi Akai gave James some tactical guidance from his own perspective, although there was a high probability that it would not be of much use.

After all, the battle situation is changing rapidly, and what is more important is the commander’s adaptability.

If the “template” is useful, then everyone will just forget about it.

Finally, at the end, Akai Shuichi also revealed his guess about “undercover” and told James that if possible, try not to hurt the other party’s life… Of course, he just tried his best.

Because even if the new rye is really an undercover, it does not mean that Shuichi Akai is willing to sacrifice his teammates for the other party. To put it bluntly, whoever embarks on the road of undercover will be innocent and innocent. Harmful?

In order to achieve the goal, even his teammates may be “sacrificial”, let alone undercover agents of other organizations. And the undercover agents may be real undercover agents, but they are not undercover agents of the official organization, which is another matter.

Regarding Akai Shuichi’s proposal, James said “hmm”.

…Don’t mention that Akai Shuichi said that Shin Rye might be an undercover agent. Even if he wasn’t, then he was still a cadre member of that organization, especially since he didn’t look like an ordinary cadre member, so he was very valuable.

If he could be captured alive, James would of course want to capture him alive.

“No, the guy with the crow drove out of the hotel!”

At this moment, the voice of the FBI agent responsible for tracking suddenly came over the intercom.


James didn’t even have time to hang up the phone, so he hurriedly asked into the intercom: “What’s the situation? Where did he drive to? Is he alone!?”

“He’s the only one. It’s not clear where he is going, but the direction is southeast!”


James was stunned for a moment. Could this direction be… to the location on the challenge book?

Looking at the watch again, it was already three o’clock.

If we set out now, we should be able to arrive at the place around four o’clock.

“Damn, I forgot about this!”

James stuck his head out of the car, looked at the direction in which New Rye drove away, and then looked at the nearby hotel, feeling extremely conflicted.

It was only then that James discovered the biggest problem caused by this “challenge letter”.

That is the target is divided into two parts.

James can only choose one.

Of course, it’s not impossible for James to try to select them all.

But the final result may be that none of them fall.

One side is an “unfathomable” super criminal, and the other side is a few criminals who are at the very top of the list even though they may not be able to figure out the details.

No matter which one it is, James must use all his strength to ensure that he has a certain chance of succeeding. If he is divided into two sides to deal with it.

It’s easy for both sides to get no favors.

Is this the real reason why Rye issued the challenge?

Tune the tiger away from the mountain?

There is no way this guy is an undercover agent.

“Go over to Rye.”

And just when James was struggling, Akai Shuichi’s voice came from the phone.


James turned around in surprise, as if he couldn’t believe hearing this “suggestion”.

“It’s better value to go over to Rye.”

Akai Shuichi repeated.

“But Rye is just a newcomer who has just been promoted to a cadre. No matter how potential he is, he can’t be compared to Gin Bar. What’s more, besides Gin, there are other cadres in the hotel, so the value is simply incomparable. “

James’ eyes suddenly lit up: “And this Rye left on his own, which also reduced the pressure on our side. The probability of success is higher, isn’t it?”

During the “discussion”, James became more and more excited as he talked, almost trying to convince himself.

Although in the next second, Akai Shuichi poured cold water on James again and said: “Then why do you think Gin would let Rye leave on his own?”

“I’m telling you, he thinks that even if he doesn’t have rye, he won’t be caught by you.”

“If Gin was really that easy to catch, he would have been caught long ago, and there is no way he would be alive until now. On the contrary, if we go to Rye, we will at least have a chance to contact him. If you think about it more deeply, could this challenge be an opportunity that Rye gives you?”

“The purpose is to contact you, or I know Gin’s plan, and I know that you will definitely not succeed, and there will only be unnecessary casualties, so I gave the challenge to distract you and avoid meaningless things. sacrifice?”

Following Akai Shuichi’s analysis, the flame in James’s eyes extinguished little by little. Finally, he took a deep breath, put the gear into gear and stepped on the accelerator. At the same time, he pressed the intercom: “Everyone, evacuate the hotel and follow me!”

In just a minute or two, dozens of cars drove towards the direction Sano left without any cover.

On the upper floors of the hotel, Gin and the five people watched silently as the cars gradually drove out of sight.

Except for Gin, Vodka and others all had a little hesitation in their eyes.

Remembering the way Sano said before when he came up, “I won’t withdraw with you, I sent a challenge letter to the FBI agents and will play with them later”, the facial muscles of several people became a little stiff again.

…To be honest, several people recognized Rye’s strength.

No matter who they are comparing with, they will give the other person a thumbs up without hesitation.

Even if it were to challenge an organization alone, it would not be impossible.

Especially last night’s example, that guy’s six barrels were completely destroyed, and he didn’t even get a single shot in his body.

I have never seen such a monster.

…But even for such a monster, in America, the headquarters of the FBI, is it a little outrageous to confront the FBI head-on?

Of course, this matter has little to do with a few people.

Anyway, they were not the ones facing this situation. If someone else wanted to die, how could they stop him? Besides, whether it was a suicide attempt or something else, at least judging from the fact that Gin didn’t stop him.

Does Gin still have confidence in rye?


After Gin looked away, he called a few people to leave.

…The FBI was all attracted to Sano, and the arrangements Gin had originally made were of no use, although he still planned to do that.

Just be cautious.

Who knows if these FBI agents deliberately pretended to be lured away.

The purpose is to make Gin relax his vigilance.

As for Sano.

Although Gin felt that Sano was exaggerating, he remembered the phone call he had just received.

Gin still chose to let it go.

After Sano drove to the meeting place in the challenge – an abandoned factory in the suburbs that was still familiar yet unfamiliar, he immediately got out of the car with two large bags.

Then he didn’t hide or do anything else. Instead, he put the bag on the ground and stood there quietly, waiting for the FBI agents to follow.

Soon, cars arrived one after another, and hundreds of FBI agents got out of the cars. Without hesitation, they took out their pistols and pointed them in Sano’s direction, with blazing eyes.

“…rye whiskey.”

James looked at Sano standing swaggeringly under countless gunpoints, and frowned slightly: “We have arrived as promised. Now maybe you can try to figure out how to escape from this dragnet.”

Although his words were full of confidence, James was still 100% vigilant in his heart.

…After all, judging from the “battle situation” last night, this is a monster that can carry Gatling and a box of bullets through the battlefield without any damage under hundreds of gunshots.

Even judging from the current situation, the other party does not carry any weapons of mass destruction, but if the other party wants to escape, it will be quite troublesome.

Regarding James’s speech, Sano was thinking about whether he should fight or run.

With the arrival of James and his party, the task of initiating the challenge has been prompted to be completed, which means that Sano does not need to consider the content of the challenge at all, he only needs to decide the subsequent actions based on his own thoughts.

Of course you can’t beat him… This is no joke.

Sano was not in the best condition to begin with. He was extremely exhausted both mentally and physically. Last night, he tried his best to dodge bullets 100%.

Not only was my body tired, but my muscles were still sore, and I couldn’t exercise strenuously…especially since Sano had set the time of the “challenge” at this time.

The cooldown for 100% bullet avoidance has not even passed yet.

And if you rely on other plug-ins that Rye Vest can use, it is estimated that it will be difficult to defeat these hundreds of professionally trained agents under head-on conditions.

But that’s okay.

Anyway, Sano had already planned to “lose” from the very beginning.

Otherwise, Sano wouldn’t have directly raised the difficulty level to the full level after the first bug was successfully solved, hoping to ensure that he could succeed in one go.

Of course, it’s not impossible to win if you want to “win”.

The worst that can happen is that after opening Wushuang, all traces within a few kilometers will be wiped out.

But that would be too troublesome… Although when the matter came to a head, Sano still had the idea of ​​​​trying with the FBI.

“I remember Akai Shuichi seems to be one of your people. Didn’t he come?”

Sano suddenly asked James, while his eyes were circling around, trying to find the previous owner of his code name.

However, James directly said “He didn’t come”, which made Sano instantly lose interest.

…Sure enough, it’s better to withdraw quickly.

Sano couldn’t help but yawn, and in the distance, a crow landed on the roof of the building.

Sano’s figure was reflected in his black eyes.

“What do you think I am doing with these two heavy bags?”

Sano didn’t have the slightest idea of ​​setting up the foreplay. He kicked the travel bag beside his feet and asked James, the undoubted leader.

Before James could think, Sano gave the answer.

“It’s a gift for you… two ultimate works of art.”


James looked stunned.

What does it mean?

At the same time as he was doubtful, a strong sense of uneasiness also emerged from James’s heart.

“Hmm, why, don’t you know what art is?”

“That’s really regrettable. Well…even though you will witness it with your own eyes later, considering that there may be no reaction time, I’d better tell you in advance.”

Sano raised his head, and his face clearly visible under the visor of his visor grinned, revealing his thick white teeth, which made the surrounding air seem to become much colder.

It makes people unconsciously creepy and shudder.

“…The so-called art is explosion.”

As he spoke, Sano also raised his palm, and the tips of his five fingers were brought together and spread out, making an “explosion” look.

“Just like this, boom!”

Sano’s eyeballs were bloodshot due to fatigue, and the curve of his mouth became more and more terrifying. Although he was full of cheerful “popular science explanations”, James’s pupils continued to shrink and his face became paler.

And Sano’s last “bang” made James tremble in shock.

“be careful of bombs!!!”

There was no time to think about it, and James, whose mind went blank, roared angrily.

The FBI agents gathered together were like frightened birds.

Quickly scatter in all directions.

It’s a pity.

It’s too late.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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