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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 369 368, Dr. Ali, I want that too!

Although Sano still recognized him.

…Why is this guy here?

Sano’s frown deepened.

Sano has basically only met the three people here twice or three times.

One of the times and the last time, three people appeared at the same time.

The two in front are slightly better, but the guy in the back is a bit hard for Sano to understand… As a passerby who has never had a sense of presence in front of the God of Plague, is there too much “drama”?

Isn’t he just an ordinary minor character?

After Sano was puzzled, he retracted his thoughts.

Regardless of whether he plays a big role or a small role, it has nothing to do with him.

Sano just needs to finish his work and go home to catch up on his sleep.

…But then again, what’s this guy’s name?

Sano’s thoughts unconsciously drifted back to that day at the Rice Blossom Central Building.

After Sano temporarily borrowed Vodka’s name, the other party must have told him his name before, so why can’t he remember it?

Tsk, forget it if you didn’t notice it.

I can’t think of it right now, but it’s really confusing.

In Sano’s memory, the bus arrived soon.

The doors on both sides are open.

When the passengers on the bus got off the bus, the passengers under the stop sign also began to get on the bus in an orderly manner.

This time, Sano finally saw Conan, the plague god, and a group of old and young plague gods following him – the four-person team, and Dr. Agasa.

The group recognized Tomaki Aride almost immediately, and only Conan recognized Judy… and Sano, or to be more precise, Kurosawa.

Well, after all, strictly speaking, Sano is still in America.

Of course, Neon can’t act with his true identity.

As for whether there would be any problem with Kurosawa appearing in front of Conan even though his vest has been torn off, Sano thought it was not a big problem.

Again, this vest couldn’t be cleaner.

Even if it is torn, nothing will happen.

Even if I say it more arrogantly, even if it is dirty, what can Conan do?

You say I am Black Mask, I am Black Mask?

When handling a case, you need evidence!

…Since the aisle in the middle of the bus is relatively narrow, it would be very crowded for two people passing by, so when Tomoaki Shinde was recognized and stopped, the line of passengers getting on the bus naturally stopped as well.

Originally, the three members of the team were just greeting Tomaki Shinde, but Judy jumped out from behind and greeted Conan, saying “cool kid” while introducing herself excitedly.

Sano, who was behind, couldn’t help but curl his lips: “I said, if you don’t leave, can you give way? It’s very annoying to block the front, you two?”

“Oh, sorry.”

As Sano spoke, Conan’s eyes suddenly lit up when he noticed him, and he almost stood up: “Kuro…Uncle Kurosawa!”

“I really didn’t expect to meet you here.”

Black, Kurosawa?

Tomoaki Shinde, who was already preparing to find a place to sit down to make way for Sano… To be precise, Belmod made a move and couldn’t help but look over.

He actually has the same surname as Gin. It’s really uncomfortable.

Sano nodded to Conan as a greeting, turned around and found a seat to sit down.

When Conan saw this, he didn’t want to bother him anymore… The main reason was that something was not quite right about the current situation.

Because before arriving at Mihua Park Station, Conan was still chatting with Haibara Ai.

After teasing Conan about whether he wanted to run into someone from the organization, Haibara Ai also explained to him that he could sense the aura of the organization…

Radar mechanism?

Conan was still a little skeptical about this, wondering if the other party was fooling him, but unexpectedly, Haibara Ai’s radar mechanism was triggered the next second.

Motivated by fear, Haihara Ai put on her hat and begged Conan to switch places with her.

Then she shrank to the side and turned into Sizi Ji.

…Although I don’t really want to believe it, if we consider the worst-case scenario, it is very likely that there are organized people on the bus now.

Among the people who got on the bus just now, excluding the black mask Kurosawa, Tomaki Arata, who just had a medical examination at Tedan Elementary School yesterday… and Haibara Ai, the high school doctor who happened to be on leave yesterday, and after school last night , who happened to meet in the game arcade and participated in a murder case together with the high school English teacher Judy, a total of three people.

Only the guy with the hat was left.

Conan couldn’t help but look back at Akai Shuichi.

Then he suddenly found Dr. Ali sitting next to him across a passage.

Something’s not quite right.

That guy, like a perverted voyeur, kept turning back and looking at Kurosawa with a cautious but extremely fiery gaze.

…I almost forgot that Dr. Agasa also knew Kurosawai’s hidden identity.

On that day, just like a summer thunderstorm, Kurosawa suddenly transformed into a black mask. After getting rid of the men in trench coats, he suddenly disappeared.

This made Conan, who had just made a huge “gain”, feel inexplicably disappointed.

So Conan quickly found Dr. Ali.

Since I want to satisfy my inflated desire to share.

I also want to discuss with the other party about the “equipment” of Black Mask.

In the eyes of Conan and Dr. Agasa, Kurosawa himself, or rather behind him, must have a very high-level scientific and technological inventor.

This is where Kurosawa’s “Black Mask” suit comes from.

That’s why the other party was able to carry out “unreasonable dress changes” so quickly.

In addition, there are also the three most powerful attacks that Black Mask has shown so far – all using its legs and feet, using strength far beyond normal.

This is very similar to Conan’s foot strength-enhancing shoes!

Even the cry the other party made and the unknown “transformation” were analyzed as – it was probably the switch of some password program.

After all, Black Mask has been confronting dangerous criminals head-on. Sometimes it may be too late to take action, so it is more convenient to rely on passwords.

…The above is the entire analysis of Dr. Ali.

After listening to Dr. Ali’s “popular science”, Conan couldn’t help shouting.

“Dr. Agasa, I want that too!!”

As a result, Dr. A Li naturally expressed with embarrassment that at his level, he was still unable to make something of this level and there was nothing he could do.

Conan was greatly disappointed… He really wanted to ask for a transformation, ahem.

The topic is twisted.

all in all.

Dr. Agasa knows that Kurosawai is Black Mask, and because the other person has a super-technological creation that is completely incomparable with his current level of scientific research, this led to the existence of “Kurosawai”.

It has a great attraction for Dr. Ali.

…Although Dr. Agasa had never seen Kurosawa, Conan’s “Kuro, Kurosawa” just now was enough for him to realize the identity of this person.

Normally, this would be no problem.

But now there are people suspected of being from that organization in the car.

If Dr. Agasa accidentally exposes Kurosawai’s true identity, let’s not talk about whether the other party will be angry. The key is that it will drag the other party into danger.

Conan has not forgotten that when Haibara Ai was almost killed by Gin at the Abedo Hotel earlier, it was Kurosawa who rescued him. Although judging from the description, the other party was not related to that organization, or to Gin. The room seems to be…

Grudges have been brewing for a long time.

But strictly speaking, it was Black Mask who held the grudge, not Kurosawa.

From Conan’s point of view, Kurosawa’s situation is similar to his.

The true identity hidden under another identity must never be exposed.

Otherwise, you will be in a desperate situation.

Thinking of this, Conan immediately winked at Dr. Ali.

Try to warn the other person not to act recklessly.

Dr. A Li looked confused about this.

…What’s wrong with this kid? Is his face cramped?


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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