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Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story — Chapter 37 37, deceiving acting teacher Mao Lilan

Has it been discovered?

Zuo Ye murmured silently, no wonder he seemed to vaguely hear a female scream a moment ago.

“Then go ahead, I’m ready to go home.”

After Sano waved his hand, he turned around and left. If he didn’t leave, did he still plan to stay for a casual meal?

But Sano obviously didn’t expect that the reunion would come so soon.

Because just a moment after separating from Mao Lilan, Sano bumped into Officer Megure and his team who had just arrived after receiving the alarm.

In fact, if we bump into him, we bump into him, and it’s no big deal. After all, Sano is not a major suspect this time. Even the police can’t take him away by force.

But the problem is, Sato Miwako is also here.

“Hey, your kid is here too. You haven’t been following pretty girls lately, right? If I find out, I won’t be able to forgive you, right?”

As Sato Miwako said this, she strangled Sano’s neck and dragged her to the hell, which was the scene of the crime.

I don’t know if Neon’s girls are particularly strong, but no matter how hard Sano tried, he couldn’t pry Sato Miwako’s hand off, so he could only follow her.

in addition……

Sano glanced at the other police officers who were all staring at him with strange eyes for some reason, and a cold sweat broke out on his head unconsciously.

I always feel like I have murderous intent…

“Brother Maori, you are a fool again…”

When Officer Megure saw Kogoro Mouri, he couldn’t help showing his dead eyes, while the other party licked his face and laughed: “There is nothing we can do about it. Who makes cases always call my detective?” , where is Mouri Kogoro!”

“Okay, let’s talk about it. What’s the situation? Do you have any clues?”

Officer Megure obviously didn’t want to listen to Kogoro Mouri’s nonsense, so he chose to get straight to the point.

“Haha, let alone a clue, the murderer this time was so stupid that he wore a very heavy suit of armor and fell to the ground with a bloody head. He even fainted at the scene. …”

Mouri Kogoro still laughed.

“Ah, Sano-senpai.”

And just when Mouri Kogoro was explaining the situation to Officer Megure, Maori Ran saw Sano again and immediately smiled and said hello: “We meet again.”

“haha, yes.”

Sano couldn’t stop laughing.

Seeing this scene, Sato Miwako felt a little strange.

“Xiaolan, what’s going on? The relationship between you two seems to be a lot closer. I remember last time when this guy was taken for questioning because of following him, you also looked very biased towards him and even spoke for him. You are talking to beg for mercy, you can’t be…”

Mao Lilan blushed, shook her head and waved her hands in panic: “Officer Sato, please don’t talk nonsense!”


Sato Miwako didn’t speak anymore, just showed a teasing smile and looked at Mao Lilan sideways.

This doesn’t seem to be true at all…

Mao Lilan glanced at Sano, gritted his teeth, and suddenly grabbed Sato Miwako, squeezed him into the corner and bit his ears.

Sano, who was left behind for the moment, glanced at the two muttering people and felt strange in his heart as to what they were talking about.

“…What, depression?”

Miwako Sato raised her eyebrows in surprise, and Mao Lilan quickly raised a finger to indicate to the other party to keep his voice down.

“Well, in fact, senior has been absent from school before. Poor health is only a secondary factor, and I’m afraid his physical problems are also closely related to his psychology.”

“Also, it wasn’t until a few days ago that we discovered that senior seems to have been bullied by bad boys. No, to that extent, it can no longer be considered bullying. It is completely intentional harm!”


An angry look appeared on Sato Miwako’s face, but the next second she remembered that she was still at the scene of the crime, so she could only suppress it again: “This guy actually encountered such a thing?”


Mao Lilan whispered softly and said seductively: “So when he followed Miss Yoko before, he actually didn’t have any other malicious intentions at all. Don’t keep holding on to this.”

“What kind of logic is this?”

Miwako Sato frowned and said: “No matter what happened to him and whether he had any malicious intent, the matter of following him is a fact after all. If you don’t be nervous now, what will you do if you make bigger mistakes in the future? I can tell you, many poor people The most vicious criminals have gone astray just because they have been treated unfairly before, so we should…”

“Yes, it is precisely because we suffered unfair treatment and were unable to find comfort elsewhere that we eventually went astray. Therefore, we should understand our seniors more.”

Mao Lilan interrupted Sato Miwako’s words and continued to deceive, no, it was…continue to enlighten, just like after the previous Valentine’s Day party, she enlightened Suzuki Sonoko who knew that Sano had been followed.

But in comparison, the latter is easy to fool, no, it is… much easier to enlighten.

But it doesn’t matter. This is not the first time Mao Lilan has deceived people. With experience, it is nothing more than a misfortune. As long as the person being deceived has a kind-hearted personality, the success rate is very high.

For specific examples, please refer to Okino Yoko and Suzuki Sonoko.

“Senior did something wrong, but after all, it was only the first time, not the second time or even multiple times. Moreover, he has already admitted his mistake and received forgiveness from Ms. Okino Yoko herself, right?”

“If you treat your senior as an unforgivable evil person because of the previous stalking incident, it will probably only make things fall into a vicious cycle…”

“Officer Sato, after all, you haven’t spent much time with your senior. You don’t know him as well as I do. He is really a very good person. We should guide him now, but this kind of guidance is by no means forcing him to do something. It’s about us doing something for him so that he doesn’t go astray again, right?”

After listening to Mao Lilan’s words, Miwako Sato fell into deep thought, trying to figure out the logic, and then gave up thinking after three seconds.

Well, it sounds reasonable anyway, so let’s just do it for now.

“I see!”

Miwako Sato nodded solemnly, and Mao Lilan also breathed a sigh of relief. The deception was finally successful.

In fact, Mao Lilan is not very clear about why she defends Sano so much, including interceding for Sano, who has clearly followed women in the Okino Yoko incident when they only met for the third time.

Maybe you really feel that it’s not okay to label the other person because of a small mistake.

From Mao Lilan’s point of view, although what she just said to deceive Sato Miwako was highly instructive, at least it was not completely unreasonable.

After all, let alone following, even those criminals who have committed more serious crimes have changed their ways after gentle persuasion and embarked on the path of helping others.

Mao Lilan thought so, a slight smile appeared on her face. Miwako Sato looked at the other party. For some reason, she always felt like there was a halo emerging behind her.

At this time, Sano still didn’t know that in the short period of time when he was in a daze, Mao Lilan had already helped him solve Miwako Sato, a character who would give him a headache whenever he saw it.

At the same time, Mouri Kogoro had already thoroughly introduced the situation and determined the identity of Director Ochiai’s murderer, but the next second a clear child’s voice sounded.

“Alele, it’s so strange.”

Everyone looked at the sound and found Conan squatting next to the unconscious Director Ochiai, with a puzzled look on his face: “This armor looks like it weighs several hundred kilograms. Uncle Maori, if you put it on, you can still do it.” Lift people up and nail them to the wall?”

This troublesome guy, could you please be more careful and not be so biased?

Sano sighed helplessly, what if this was really just a conspiracy, but Director Ochiai was the real culprit.

Even if I check to death now, it will just take a detour and come back in the end. It always feels like a waste of time.

Do nothing unnecessary.

Under Sano’s resentful gaze, Mouri Kogoro said without hesitation, “Are you kidding? It’s like wearing something that weighs hundreds of kilograms…”

Mouri Kogoro’s voice stopped suddenly. At this moment, even the police officers realized something was wrong.

“Yes, how can Director Ochiai wear armor that weighs hundreds of kilograms and still move freely!?”

“Framed, framed!?”

Officer Megure guessed.

“Officer Megure!”

At this moment, a policeman shouted excitedly: “We found a piece of paper at the scene, and it seemed that a person’s name was written on it!”


A group of people quickly gathered around, and then saw the note with the word “Guitian” written on it.

“Hahaha, this must be the message left by the deceased before his death. The real murderer must not have thought that he would miss such a thing!”

Mouri Kogoro laughed loudly and looked at Keita who had already been brought over: “You think so, Mr. Murderer!?”


Keita’s face was full of panic: “It’s not me. I didn’t kill anyone, let alone frame him!”

“Cut the nonsense!”

Ran Kogoro Maori grabbed Keita’s collar: “If the murderer is not you, why is your name on this!?”

“It’s really not me…”

Sano watched Kogoro Mouri and Keita talking, and couldn’t help but look at Conan standing aside: “Do nothing unnecessary.”


Conan, who was still thinking about the doubtful point, didn’t hear clearly and subconsciously raised his head and asked.

“The murderer is Ochiai. What you just did was superfluous.”

Sano put his hands in his pockets and suddenly lost interest. He turned and walked towards the corner, leaving Conan confused.

Is Director Ochiai the real murderer?

Why does Sano think so? Is there any evidence? Why didn’t he find it?

Wait a moment!

Conan suddenly looked tense, why did Sano come to tell him this? He was just an “ordinary kid”!

Speaking of which, when he was at Okino Yoko’s house before, this guy also saw him “helping” Mouri Kogoro solve the case. He also suddenly appeared in the “haunted house” last night where no one would come, and now he appeared in the art scene again. Pavilion……

Conan thought of the two men in black he met during the Shinkansen bombing a few days ago, who were the culprits who gave Kudo Shinichi medicine to make him smaller.

Although he failed to catch the two people due to various factors, with the help of wiretaps, Conan still dug out a little bit of useful information, such as the operation codenames of the two people.

Gin, vodka.

Conan looked at Sano, who was wearing a black coat, and couldn’t help but twitching at the corner of his eyes. Could it be that this guy is also a member of the black organization and is now following and investigating him! ?


And just when Mouri Kogoro was holding on to Keita, Iijima finally recovered from the current situation, weakly raised his hand and pointed at the camera in the corner of hell: “I think, that We should have filmed everything that happened.”


Everyone present at the scene, including Mouri Kogoro, Officer Megure, Conan and Sano, were stunned.


Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Status: Completed Author:


I, Sano Shinichiro, a time traveler, have a system.
Although the system's tasks are very strange, the rewarded equipment is even more... fresh and refined.
For example, a hammer that cannot cause damage, a small electric donkey that can fly quickly, a coat that turns into a roadie when used, sunglasses that cannot distinguish between humans and animals within 500 meters after wearing them, etc...
What, you ask me how to live better in this world?
Sano Shinichiro smiled faintly and put on his vest: "How can you not get stabbed when you are floating in the world? If you want to avoid getting stabbed, you have to open a trumpet. The more vests I have, the more slutty I will be. I will wave the flag of the winery."
When Akai Shuichi asked Conan what he thought of the black organization, Conan responded like this: The black organization? Although they act a little rough, they are all good people... Wait, which black organization are you asking about?


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